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12.An old woman lost her only son.The sad woman went to a clever man and asked,"Is there any way I can throw away my(39)C?"
    The clever man said to her,"Go and bring(40)Ba seed(种子)from a home that has never known sadness.I will(41)Bit to drive the sadness out of your life."The woman went off at once to look(42)Cthat magical seed.
    First,she came to a beautiful house,knocked at the door,and asked(43)A,"Excuse me,I am looking for a home that has never known sadness.Is this such a place?It is very important to me."
    They told her,"You've certainly come to the(44)Bplace,"and began to describe all the sad things that had recently happened to them.
    The woman said to herself,"Who is able to(45)Dthese people that have had such sadness like me?"She stayed to cheer them up(46)Ashe went on looking for a home that had never known sadness.
    But wherever she went,whether in the homes of the poor or the rich,she found one sad (47)Cafter another.She became so busy helping other people that she(48)Dabout looking for a seed that would magically end her own sadness.She even never relied to that her helping others tell of driving the phone is out of her life.


分析 文章大意:本文讲述了一个老年妇女失去了独子,问智者去哪里可以将悲伤都扔掉,智者让她挨家挨户地去寻找从来不知道悲伤为何物的种子,在她寻找的过程中,她发现无论有钱或是贫穷的家庭都有悲伤的事情,每去一家她都要安慰这些家里的人,久而久之,在她寻找的过程中帮助他人,在帮助他的人过程中她渐渐地忘记了去寻找带走她悲伤的种子了.

解答 39.C 考查名词辨析.A表示幸福;B表示善良;C表示悲伤;D表示疾病.由The sad woman went to a clever man and asked可推测此处表示有方法让我可以将我的悲伤扔掉吗,选C.
40.A 考查代词辨析.A表示我;B表示你;C表示她;D表示他.由The clever man said to her,"Go and bring(40)a seed(种子)from a home that has never known sadness.I will(41)it to drive the sadness out of your life."可知,智者让妇人给他带来一颗种子.智者是对着妇人说这句话的,因此用bring me a seed.故选A.
41.B 考查动词辨析.A表示推;B表示使用;C表示借;D表示失去.use sth to do sth表示用某物来做某事,此处表示我会用它来将你生命中悲伤驱走,选B.
42.C 考查固定搭配.look at表示看;look up表示查阅;look for表示寻找;look after表示照顾.由Go and bring(40)B a seed(种子)from a home a home that has never known sadness可推测此处表示这个妇女马上就出发去寻找那神奇的种子了,选C.
43.A 考查副词辨析.A表示礼貌地;B表示开心地;C表示自豪地;D表示生气地.由Excuse me可知她是礼貌地问的,选A.
44.B 考查形容词辨析.A表示正确的;B表示错的;C表示干净的;D表示脏的.由began to describle all the sad things that had recently happened to them可知此处表示的是你来错地方了,选B.
45.D 考查动词辨析.A表示抓住;B表示命令;C表示藏;D表示帮助.由She stayed to cheer them up可知此处表示帮助和我一样有着如此悲伤的人,选D
46.A 考查连词辨析.A表示之前;B表示之后;C表示当…时;D表示当…时.结合语境可知此处表示在她继续寻找一个不知道悲伤的家之前她留下来安慰他们,选A.
47.C 考查名词辨析.A表示男性;B表示妇女;C表示故事;D表示旅行.由上文的began to describe all the sad things that had recently happened to them与She stayed to cheer them up可知这个妇女是听了许多别人伤心的故事,所以此处表示她发现了一个又一个伤心的故事,选C.
48.D 考查动词辨析.A表示知道;B表示担心;C表示想;D表示忘记.由She became so busy helping other people可知此处表示她忘记了寻找能神奇的终止她的悲伤的种子,选D.

点评 解答完形填空题需要快速阅读全文,了解文章大意,再带着选项去读,边读边做,注意联系上下文.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

2.Thursday(星期四) is my favorite day.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

3.I′m never late _____ school.(  )


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

20.He ________ when the UFO arrived.He didn't wake until the UFO disappeared.(  )
A.sleptB.was sleeping
C.was doing homework   


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

7.-Why don't you like lions?
-Because they are kind of ________.(  )


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

17.In Australia there is a famous island called Fraser Island.A great many visitors come here for holidays every year.Why?The reason is that it is special.(56)C.In fact,it is the largest sand island in the world.It's about 200 kilometers long and 240 kilometers wide.
     Though the island is a popular place of  interest,there is no airport on the island.The long beach along the east coast works as the airport.(57)A.
     On the island there are sand hills without any plants,but there are forests with old trees,beautiful flowers and over a hundred lakes,too.(58)E.
     Every year,visitors come to enjoy the island's natural beauty.People like camping and hiking there.(59)D.Animals were killed for food and this made them in danger of extinction (灭绝).They threw rubbish everywhere,and the lakes were seriously polluted.
    (60)F.Rules have been set up.For example,visitors are not allowed to use motorboats (摩托艇) or go fishing in the lakes,and they mustn't leave any rubbish.
A.Planes arrive and leave from here
B.Anyone who breaks the rules w il be pun i shed
C.The island is completely made of sand
D.Unluckily,visitors have caused many problems
E.Many kinds of birds and animals live in the forest
F.So it is time to protect the environment of the island.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

4.Nora opened the box.To her surprise,______ it was a gold watch.(  )


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

10.Big schoolbags have been a big problem for students for a long time.Maybe your schoolbag is too (31)Bto carry,and it troubles you a lot(32)C  you want to find out a book to read.Now e-textbooks will (33)B you.
It is said that many Chinese middle schools are going to use e-textbooks.An e-textbook,in fact,is a small (34)C for students.It is much lighter than a usual schoolbag and (35)A to carry.Though it is as (36)Bas a book,it can hold (容纳) everything for study.The students can read the text page by page on the(37)C,take notes (38)A the pointer (屏写笔),or even"hand in"their (39)B to their teachers by sending e-mails.All they have to do is to press a button ( 按开关).
Some people say e-textbooks are good,but some say they may be(40)A  for the students'eyes.What do you think of it?



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

11.Almost all animals need to sleep to stay healthy.But sleeping can also be dangerous because other animals may hurt those who are sleeping.This leads to many different ways of sleeping that help them stay safe.Some of these ways may surprise you!
     Almost all bats sleep upside down.They hang from a branch of a tree or the ceiling of a cave.Up high,bats are safe from most other animals.If they are in danger,they just fly away.
     A dolphin sleeps with just half its brain at a time.It must stay awake to breathe and to watch for danger.Dolphin mothers and babies can go without sleep for as long as two months to stay safe.
     Some ducks sleep with just half their brains,too.These ducks often sleep in a line.The ducks at both ends help to keep the group safe.They keep one eye open to watch for danger.The ducks in the middle sleep deeply with both eyes closed.
     Seals breathe air,but that doesn't stop some of them from sleeping underwater.They hold their breath and dive deep to sleep for up to twenty minutes at a time.Sleeping deep underwater helps these seals stay safe from animals that hurt them near the surface.
     Horses often sleep standing up.Their legs lock in please so they don't fall over.If a horse is lying down,it needs a long time to get up.A horse can run from danger more quickly if it is already standing.
      A flamingo can sleep while standing on one leg.The standing leg locks so it stays straight.The other leg remains close to the flamingo's body.Its head rests on its back.A flamingo lives (and sleeps)near many other birds to stay safe.
     Some seabirds can sleep while they fly.These large birds spend most of their lives over the ocean.They are in danger on the water,but they are safe in the air.They fly for many hours without flapping(拍打)their wings.Sometimes they sleep while they are flying.
 38.The animals that sleep with half their brains areB
A.ducks and seals           
B.dolphins and ducks
C.bats and dolphins          
D.flamingos and seabirds
39.Horses often stand up when they sleep becauseA
A.they can run from danger quickly    
B.they are afraid of falling over
C.this helps them to sleep deeply      
D.it takes them a long time to go to sleep
40.The underlined word"hunt"in Paragraph 5 probably meansD
A.offer to help  
B.come to teach  
C.refuse to protect   
D.want to kill
41.Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?A
A.How animals sleep         
B.Sleep to stay healthy
C.Sleep an animals do        
D.What sleeping animals are like.

