精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情

I live in an apartment building where there are several elderly people. There is an old neighbour of mine who is always willing to    and go out of his way to help anyone in need.

A few weeks ago, I was taking a large amount of    out. This neighbour saw me and stopped to help me as he was taking out his own rubbish. However, after he dumped his rubbish out of the bag, he   his rubbish bag.

“Why don’t you throw it away?” I asked him.

He replied that he had been using the    rubbish bag for a few months because he really didn’t have extra money to buy new ones. This immediately made me tear up. I thought that having rubbish bags was really   .

So I started working out a(n) . I went to every apartment in the building and told them what was going on. I asked each household if they could   at least one rubbish bag. I got almost 100 bags. I then put them into a gift basket and left an anonymous (匿名的)    saying that they were from his grateful neighbours.

A few days later, he told me about the rubbish bags that he   . I, of course, did not tell him     they came from. Then, later that afternoon, I came home and found this very neighbour using all those rubbish bags to help another neighbour move out!

1.A. come outB. help outC. give out D. work out

2.A. rubbishB. money C. food D. medicine

3.A. threw B. openedC. kept D. sold

4.A. magic B. beautiful C. new D. same

5.A. difficultB. different C. expensiveD. simple

6.A. problemB. answer C. planD. lesson

7.A. donateB. collectC. buyD. make

8.A. phoneB. noteC. bookD. ticket

9.A. receivedB. missedC. gave D. picked

10.A. when B. what C. why D. where














1.A. come out出版B. help out帮助解决困难C. give out分发D. work out 算出。我的一个老邻居总是乐意帮助其他人解决困难,特意的帮助那些需要帮助的人,根据句意,故选B。

2.动词及语境的理解。A. rubbish垃圾B. money金钱C. food 食物D. medicine药品。根据后文as he was taking out his own rubbish.可知我扔的是垃圾,故选A。

3.A. threw扔B. opened打开C. kept保持D. sold卖。根据后文作者的询问“Why don’t you throw it away?”可知老人保留了袋子,故选C。

4.形容词及语境的理解。A. magic魔术的B. beautiful美丽的C. new 新的D. same相同的。他回答,他一直使用相同的垃圾袋有几个月了,因为他真的没有额外的钱买新的袋子。根据句意,故选D。

5.形容词及语境的理解。A. difficult困难的B. different 不同的C. expensive昂贵故填D. simple简单的。我认为有垃圾袋是很简单的,根据句意,故选D。

6.词及语境的理解。A. problem问题B. answer答案C. plan计划D. lesson课程。所以我开始产生一个计划,根据上下文,故选C。

7.动词及语境的理解。A. donate捐赠B. collect收集C. buy买D. make制作。我询问每个户主是否能捐献一个垃圾袋,根据句意,故选A.

8.A. phone电话B. note便条C. book书D. ticket票。然后我把垃圾袋放进一个礼品篮里,留下一张匿名的便条,说他们来自感激的邻居,根据句意,故选B。

9.A. received受到B. missed错过C. gave给予D. picked捡起几天后他告诉我关于他收到的垃圾袋的事情。根据句意,故选A。

10.特殊疑问词及语境的理解。A. when何时B. what什么C. why为什么D. where在哪里。当然我没有告诉他,他们来自哪里,根据句意,故选D。



科目:初中英语 来源:2014河南省中考模拟(四)英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


Mom hates. Dad forgets. Brothers and sisters never care.

Friends lie. People laugh. Even your dog turns away.

You feel lost. Nobody helps.

You talk. Nobody listens.

On Helpline: You talk. We listen.

We listen to all you would like to share.

It costs nothing to ask for help.

Call 911911 anytime, from Monday to Sunday.

Carefree Helpline cares for you, day and night.

To talk face to face, please call 122133.


1.What can we learn about Carefree Helpline?

A. They listen to people in trouble.

B. They help homeless dogs.

C. They collect money for people in need.

D. They mainly give advice to parents.

2. What does “your dog turns away” mean in the reading?

A. Your dog runs away from home.

B. Your dog does not care about you.

C. Your dog bites other people.

D. Your dog cannot find its way home.

3. When can people call Carefree Helpline?

A. Only on Monday.B. Only on Sunday.

C. Only on weekends.D. Anytime, any day.

4.If you want to talk face to face with them, you can call .

A. 999999B. 911911

C. 122133D. 122122

5.In which page of a newspaper can you most probably find the reading?

A. News.B. Advertisement.

C. Business.D. Science & Health.



科目:初中英语 来源:2014河南省中考模拟(五)英语试卷(解析版) 题型:补充句子

A: Good morning. I’d like to buy a train ticket.

B: Good morning. 1. ?

A: I’m going downtown, to the theatre.

B: Alright, you’re going to take the orange line.

A: Great! 2. ?

B: The next train will leave in about 20 minutes.

A: Okay. 3. ?

B: It’s $30.

A: I’ll take one. 4. ?

B: Yes, you can take the box as long as it weighs less than 50 pounds.

A: That’s fine. There’re only several books in it.

B: You can just wait on those benches. Someone will call your train in 20 minutes.

A: 5. ! You’re so kind.

B: You’re welcome!



科目:初中英语 来源:2014河南省中考模拟(五)英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

You must be very to hear such news,boys.

A.surprised; surprised. B. surprised; surprising.

C. surprising; surprising. C. surprising, surprised.



科目:初中英语 来源:2014河南省中考模拟(二)英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


before, worry, easy, Europe, cross, special, way, health, start, out, off, buy

People in Europe love bikes a lot. They are now 1. more bikes than cars. Why do they love bikes so much? What are some bike-friendly facilities (设施) around the world? Let’s find2. together.

If you want to find a clean and3. type of transportation for the road, riding a bike is a good idea. Thanks to some bike-friendly facilities, riding a bike is easy in some4. countries.

In Denmark, there are some 5. routes for cyclists (骑行者). Along these routes, bikes and cars always go on different ways. There are pre-green lights (优先绿灯) for cyclists. These traffic lights turn green a few seconds 6. car traffic lights do. They give the cyclists time to avoid traffic while 7. .

For people living far from the city, riding a bike alone may take a long time. Don’t be 8. . They can bring their bikes on the subway.

In Holland, people can hire a bike 9. . Bike rental (租赁的) companies are always near main centers. Short-term rentals 10. from three hours. The average price for a full day is ?8.

In fact, in Beijing, people can also hire a bike. Do you want to have a try?



科目:初中英语 来源:2014河南省中考模拟(二)英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

My friend’s plane had taken off    I got to the airport to see him off.

A. until B. while

C. afterD. before



科目:初中英语 来源:2014河南省中考模拟(二)英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

— A number of volunteers willing to work in poor areas in the western part of China.

— Yes, the number is getting .

A. is; more and more B. are; larger and larger

C. is; larger and larger D. are; more and more



科目:初中英语 来源:2014河南省中考模拟(三)英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

— Mom, I want some pocket money.

— Well, I won’t give it to you     you wash your clothes.

A. ifB. unless

C. whileD. though



科目:初中英语 来源:2014河南师大附中6月考前模拟英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Do you believe everything _______ is in his book?

No, not really. I only believe something ______ he says.

A. which; whichB. that; that

C. /; / D. that; who


