精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情

Ann has his own room at home,so she can do what she w 1       to do in it. Her f 2       pop group is F4,and she has lots of their posters on the wall. Her mum doesn't like them. She doesn't like t 3       hair style (发型) .She often plays their music as she like,but s 4       her mum comes and c 5       the door. She has a TV in her room. Before she w 6       TV,she must finish her homework. "Work comes first," Mum always says. From Monday to Friday,she can watch TV in the evening for o 7       half an hour. At the weekend she can watch TV till 11 o'clock at night. She has to clean her room o 8       a week. It only t 9       her about half an hour,so it is not so bad. When her mum cleans the other r 10       she has to help her. If there is a lot to do,she has to do the shopping,too.

1.         2. f          3. t         4. s         5. c         

6. w       7. o       8. o       9. t       10. r      

I. wants   2. favorite

3. their   4. sometimes

5. closes   6. watches

7. only   8. once

9. takes   10. rooms

题目来源:中学英语组合训练(阅读理解+短文填词)八年级 > 组合训练11


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

When I moved to live with my mother,she was very happy. She said, "Louis,tonight I'm m 1       a wonderful meal for you as I used to when you were a boy. " I went with her to buy something in the market. When we walked in,I was s 2       to find the people there all saw my mother and said , " Good morning,Mama. " She spoke to each one and they all c 3       her "Mama".

After the supper was ready,my mother said, "I will not be e 4       with you. I have to go somewhere else. " I said, "Mama,wherever you go,I'm going with you. " What she did n 5       surprised me once again. My mother took part of the food she had cooked for our dinner,and we walked a 6       the street to the market. She gave some of it to everyone who w 7       there. That's why they all knew her and loved her. I said, "Mama,you don't have e 8       money to take care of yourself. You shouldn't be doing this. " She looked at me and said, "My son,although I can't read or write,I know love. I know love m 9       we must share. What I do is for love."

When my mother was ill in hospital,all the people in the market came to see her. On the n 10       of the flowers wrote only two words: " For love."

1. m        2. s          3. c       4. e          5. n         

6. a       7. w          8. e         9. m       10. n         


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Now many middle school students have a mobile phone. Because a lot of parents think if their children have mobile phones,it is e 1       for them to keep in touch with (联系) their children at any time. If a child is in t 2       or lost,they can help him or her in time. But some teachers don't think it is a good idea for students to c 3       mobile phones to schools. They say students depend (依赖) too much on them. For e 4       ,if they forget something,they may phone home and tell their parents to b 5       it to school. Some other teachers say students should not have mobile phones at school because some students send short m 6       or play games and don't listen to the teachers c 7       in class. These make teachers feel a 8       and they are bad for studying. So mobile phones have b 9       a damage for middle schools. Many teachers think it should not be allowed to bring mobile phones to school. Some middle schools have stopped students from u 10       mobile phones during school hours.

1. e          2. t        3. c          4. e        5. b      

6. m         7. c          8. a          9. b         10. u      


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 10. ―Today is my birthday.


   A. How old are you?

   B. Really?

   C. Happy birthday to you!

   D. I see.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

During all this time I never stopped thinking about escape. When I traveled across to the other side of the island (島屿) ,I could see the other islands,and I said to myself, "Perhaps I can get there with a boat. Perhaps I can get back to England one day."

So I decided to make myself a boat. I cut down a big tree,and then began to make a long hole (洞) in it. It was hard work,but about six months later,I had a very fine canoe (独木舟) .Next,I had to get it down to the sea. How silly I was!Why didn't I think before I began work? Of course,the canoe was too heavy. I couldn't move it!I pulled and pushed and tried everything,but it didn't move. I was very unhappy for a long time after that.

That happened in my fourth year on the island. In my sixth year I did make myself a smaller canoe,but I did not try to escape in it. The boat was too small for a long journey,and I did not want to die at sea. The island was my home now,not my prison,and I was just happy to be alive. A year or two later,I made myself a second canoe on the other side of the island. I also built myself a second house there,and so I had two homes.

My life was still busy from morning to night. There were always things to do or to make. I learnt to make new clothes for myself from the skins of dead animals. They looked very strange,it is true,but they kept me dry in the rain.

I kept food and tools (工具) at both my houses,and also wild goats (山羊) .There were many goats on the island,and I made fields with high fences to keep them in. They learnt to take food from me,and soon I had goats' milk to drink every day. I also worked hard in my corn (玉米) fields. And so many years went by.

(   ) ]1. From the passage we know that the writer might be a/an         .

   A. Australian   B. Englishman   C. Russian   D. Japanese

(   ) 12. The purpose of making a canoe on the island was to         .

   A. escape in it

   B. get to the other side of the island

   C. use it for food

   D. go around the island

(   ) 13. To survive (存活) ,the writer did the following EXCEPT         .

   A. keeping goats for milk

   B. making clothes from animal skins

   C. working in the cornfields

   D. going fishing in the sea

(   ) 14. Why didn't the writer use his first canoe?

   A. Because it was too small for a long journey.

   B. Because it was too heavy to get down to the sea.

   C. Because there was something wrong with it.

   D. Because the writer was busy building a second house.

(   ) 15. From the story,we can learn that         .

   A. the writer tried to make his stay comfortable on the island

   B. the writer had nothing to do on the wild island

   C. the writer tried to escape in the second canoe,but failed

   D. the writer was in prison on the island,losing his freedom


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

When I was twelve years old,my family were the first black people to move into an all white part of Grand Rapids,Michigan. Many of our new neighbors weren't very welcoming. Some of them said angrily that we should return to where we came from. The children sometimes threw stones at me or drove me home from school.

Most of my teachers simply took no notice of me,but not Dorothy Bean,my history teacher. Miss Bean was angry at how badly I was being treated,but she didn't say this to me. Miss Bean showed her respect for me by teaching me just like anyone else. Instead of being unnoticed,I was given a chance to show that I was clever. Miss Bean was the first teacher who ever made me think for myself. She always wanted to know what I thought about difficult questions. Was Thomas Jefferson right to buy Louisiana from France? Why v She expected me to have my own idea. Miss Bean was teaching me that thinking for oneself was the real key to education.

One day,when I was not paying attention in class,Miss Bean suddenly threw an eraser at me. The eraser hit me right on the hand and sent my pencil flying. The whole class were very surprised at first,then started laughing. This event became famous in the school and,because it happened to me,the students wanted to get to know me. So that's the story of how Dorothy Bean made me her target (耙子) ,and how I became just another kid in school.

(   ) 11. The author and his family were not welcomed by the local people because      

   A. they returned from another country

   B. they had different skin color

   C. they spoke a different language

   D. they moved to a wrong place

(   ) 12. From the end of the first paragraph we know that         .

   A. children are more friendly to strangers

   B. American schools are not safe for kids

   C. children often follow their parents' behavior

   D. fighting with each other is part of children's nature

(   ) 13. At        school most of his teachers the author.

   A. were cold to   B. didn't notice

   C. threw things at   D. got angry with

(   ) 14. Miss Bean respected the author by         .

   A. giving him chances to answer questions

   B. hitting him with an eraser

   C. giving him extra lessons

   D. treating him as one of her students

(   ) 15. To Miss Bean the most important thing for a student is to         .

   A. pay close attention to what the teacher says

   B. learn to think and have one's own idea

   C. keep silent and unnoticed in class

   D. get special attention from the teacher


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Once there was a piano player in a bar (酒吧) .People came just to hear him play. But one night,a lady asked him to sing a song. "I don't sing," said the man.

But the lady told the waiter, " Fm tired of listening to the piano. I want the player to sing!”

The waiter shouted across the room , " Hey,friend!If you want to get paid,sing a song!”

So the pianist did. He had never sung in public before. Now he was singing for the very first time!Nobody had ever heard the song Mona Lisa sung so beautifully!

He had talent (天赋) he was sitting on!He may have lived the rest of his life as a noname piano player in a noname bar. But once he found,by accident,that he could sing well,he went on working hard and became one of the bestknown singers in the US. His name was Nat King Cole.

You,too,have skills and abilities (能力) .You may not feel that your talent is great,but it may be better than you think. With hard work,most skills can be improved (提高) . Besides,you may have no success at all if you just sit on your talent.

(   ) 1. The lady asked the player to sing a song because         .

   A. she had paid him for this   B. she knew him very well

   C. she wanted to have a change   D. she enjoyed his singing

(   ) 2. Nat King Cole succeeded because       .

   A. the lady helped him a lot   B. he caught the chance

   C. he continued to play in the bar   D. he stopped playing the piano

(   ) 3. The words "sit on" in the passage probably mean         .

   A. fail to realize   B. forget to use

   C. try to develop   D. manage to show

(   ) 4. From the story we know if you have some talent,you should         .

   A. hide it and wait   B. ask others for help

   C. pay no attention to it   D. work hard to improve yourself

(   ) 5. Which could be the best title (标题) for the passage?

   A. Sing in the Bar   B. Achieve Success in Life

   C. Never Lose Heart   D. Find Your Hidden Talent


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

The weather is getting hotter. You are thirsty playing basketball or riding home from school. A cold drink may be just the thing. But be careful what you are drinking. Something that looks cool may not be good for your health. There are plenty of "energy drinks" on the market. Most of them have beautiful colors and cool names. The lists on them tell you they are helpful to your health. Sounds great !

But after a careful check you may find that most energy drinks have lots of caffeine (咖啡因) in them. These drinks are especially aimed at young people,students,busy people and sports players. Makers sometimes say their drinks make you better at sports and can keep you awake. But be careful not to drink too much.

Caffeine makes your heart beat fast. Because of this,the International Olympic Committee has limited (限制) its use. Caffeine in most energy drinks is at least as strong as that in a cup of coffee or tea. Possible health dangers have something to do with energy drinks. Just one box of energy drink can make you nervous,have difficulty sleeping and can even cause heart problems. Scientists say that teenagers should be discouraged from taking drinks with a lot of caffeine in them.

(   ) 1. Many people like drinking energy drinks because of the following EXCEPT that      

   A. they have beautiful colors and cool names

   B. they have lots of caffeine

   C. they can keep them awake and better at sports

   D. they are said to be helpful to health

(   ) 2. The main reason for people not to drink too much energy drinks is that they may cause         .

   A. heart problems   B. nervousness

   C. sleeping difficulty   D. possible health dangers

(   ) 3. The underlined word "discouraged" can be replaced (替换) with "       ”.

   A. encouraged   B. stopped

   C. helped   D. disliked

(   ) 4. From the passage we can know that         .

   A. advertisements are important in getting people to buy energy drinks


   B. energy drinks are helpful to teenagers' study

   C. sports players need to drink a lot of energy drinks

   D. energy drinks are especially aimed at teenagers

(   ) 5. Which of the following can be the best title (标题) of the passage?

   A. What's the Use of Energy Drinks?

   B. Who Can Drink Energy Drinks?

   C. What's That in Energy Drinks?

   D. Why Can't We Buy Energy Drinks?


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

New Play:

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〔 )6. What's the ticket for?

A. It's for a concert. B. It's for a meeting.   C. It's for a play. D. It's for a speech.

(    ) 7. When can you use this ticket?

   A. On Saturday morning of June 29th.

   B. On Sunday afternoon of June 29th.

   C. On Saturday afternoon of June 29th.

   D. On Sunday morning of June 29th.

(    ) 8. If you use this ticket,what's your seat number?

 A. 2009.   B. 6. 50.

   C. 11.   D. 29.

(   ) 9. If your parents and you will go there,how much will you pay for the tickets? 

  A. £ 6. 5.   B. £ 19. 5.

   C. £13.   D. £ 26.

(    ) 10. What can you get from www. wyp. org. uk?

   A. More information. B. More money.

   C. More gifts. D. More friends.

