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When I was seven years old my mom was diagnosed(诊断) with cancer. For this type of cancer the survival rate was low. My family was extremely upset and shocked. I was too young to understand. I had no idea that everyday with my mom had to be the absolute best because we didn’t know if it would be our last. I didn’t understand why everyone was suddenly taking time out of their busy lives to come over and sit on our couch.
The doctors told us my mom might survive with surgery(外科手术). But it could also kill her. She agreed to have it. The surgery was scheduled for the day after the Columbus Day. The day before the surgery I had off from school, and my mom planned the best day of my life. The day began with her waking me up saying, “Kate, I have a surprise for you. Come see.” The surprise was a doll I had wanted for the longest time. Throughout the day, she told me everything that she thought I would need to know to grow up and be a good person; she told me to be the best I could be and that I would always make her proud. The day was filled with laughter. For the first time in a long time I could see she was happy. Really happy.
The day passed and the next day, it was time for the surgery. There were no tears; I think I understood that I could lose my mom, because they did tell me she could die. We waited all day for news from the doctor. Everyone jumped when a door opened or anyone walked into the waiting room. Finally the doctor came in, and the news was what we had prayed (祈祷) for.
The experience that my family went through was truly a roller coaster. I will never forget that day together, and how her illness pulled our family closer. I understand now how lucky we were. I truly appreciate life and honor my mom for being so strong.
小题1:After the author’s mother fell ill, people _____.
A.took turns to look after the author
B.tried to spend more time on their work
C.spared more time to stay with the mother
D.asked the doctors to operate on the mother at once
小题2:It can be inferred that the author’s mother ______.
A.tried to show her love to her daughter before the operation
B.didn’t agree to have the operation
C.had always been happy before the operation
D.was very nervous the day before the operation
小题3:What is the third paragraph mainly about?
A.How the doctors operated on the mother.
B.How the family prayed for the mother.
C.How the mother struggled against cancer.
D.How the family waited for the operation result.
小题4:What does the author mean by the underlined sentence in the text?
A.Life is always full of hardships.
B.Life is full of both pain and happiness.
C.Life is always filled with pleasure.
D.Life is fair for everyone all the time.


小题1:细节题:从第一段的句子:I didn’t understand why everyone was suddenly taking time out of their busy lives to come over and sit on our couch.可知大家都多花时间陪妈妈。选C
小题2:推理题:从第二段的句子:my mom planned the best day of my life.可知妈妈是想在手术前,表示她是多么爱女儿。选A
小题3:细节题:从第三段的句子:We waited all day for news from the doctor.可知大家都在等手术的消息,选D

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

When Mary Moore began her high school in 1951, her mother told her, "Be sure and take a typing course so when this show business thing doesn't work out, you'll have something to rely on." Mary responded in typical teenage fashion. From that moment on, "the very last thing I ever thought about doing was taking a typing course," she recalls.
The show business thing worked out, of course. In her career, Mary won many awards. Only recently, when she began to write Growing Up Again, did she regret ignoring her mom," I don't know how to use a computer," she admits.
Unlike her 1995 autobiography, After All, her second book is less about life as an award-winning actress and more about living with diabetes (糖尿病). All the money from the book is intended for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF), an organization she serves as international chairman. "I felt there was a need for a book like this," she says." I didn't want to lecture, but I wanted other diabetics to know that things get better when we're self-controlled and do our part in managing the disease."
But she hasn't always practiced what she teaches. In her book, she describes that awful day, almost 40 years ago, when she received two pieces of life-changing news. First, she had lost the baby she was carrying, and second, tests showed that she had diabetes. In a childlike act, she left the hospital and treated herself to a box of doughnuts (甜甜圈). Years would pass before she realized she had to grow up ---again---and take control of her diabetes, not let it control her. Only then did she kick her three-pack-a-day cigarette habit, overcome her addiction to alcohol, and begin to follow a balanced diet.
Although her disease has affected her eyesight and forced her to the sidelines of the dance floor, she refuses to fall into self-pity. "Everybody on earth can ask, 'why me?' about something or other," she insists. "It doesn't do any good. No one is immune (免疫的) to heartache, pain, and disappointments. Sometimes we can make things better by helping others. I've come to realize the importance of that as I've grown up this second time. I want to speak out and be as helpful as I can be."
小题1:We can know that before 1995 Mary ___________.
A.had two books published
B.received many career awards
C.knew how to use a computer
D.supported the JDRF by writing
小题2:Mary's second book Growing Up Again is mainly about her _________.
A.living with diabetes
B.successful show business
C.service for an organization
D.remembrance of her mother
小题3:When Mary received the life-changing news, she __________ .
A.lost control of herself B.began a balanced diet
C.meant to get a treatment D.behaved in an adult way
小题4:What can we know from the last paragraph?
A.Mary feels pity for herself.
B.Mary has recovered from her disease.
C.Mary wants to help others as much as possible.
D.Mary determines to go back to the dance floor.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

It happened towards evening, when I was resting in a cafe. I   36 a pair of newly bought white leather shoes, which were rather expensive. Then  37 came to me.
He was in an unfit shirt,  38 pale and weak. He looked about eleven or twelve. No sooner39  begun to speak than he opened the box in his hand and took out the tools of shoe-polishing. He bent down, 40 my leather shoes, and began to shine them.
He was concentrating on his job when heavy rain began to pour 41 . People rushed into the cafe for protection from the  42 . More and more people crowded in and gradually 43  the boy from me.
Hours passed, and 44 turned dark. I had no shoes on my feet and wondered 45  the boy had been. I thought he would not  46  my leather shoes, and I would have to walk back home on  47  in the night.
When it was near midnight the rain  48 , people started to go out. The cafe  49 
Closed. I had to move to the door, I was surprised to see the boy sleeping on the floor with his head leaning  50  a box. He held a package made of his shirt tightly in his arms.
I  51  him slightly and woke him up. He jumped up and rubbed his eyes for a while before he 52 me. Then he opened the   53  hurriedly, gave me my leather shoes, and apologized to me shyly.
I paid him and wrapped around him his unfit shirt, which  54 my leather shoes.
After saying goodbye to the boy, I was  55 home, with the image of the boy staying in my mind.
A.put onB.dressedC.woreD.wore out
A.a boyB.a womanC.a girlD.an old man
A.lookedB.lookC.to lookD.looking
A.had IB.I hadC.I didD.did I
A.taking upB.took offC.taking offD.took on
A.separatedB.connected C.joinedD.divided
A.feetB.my footC.my bare feetD.my own foot
A.wasB.was to beC.had beenD.has been
A.thankedB.made outC.recognizedD.passed
A.was wrappingB.was wrappedC.had wrappedD.wrapped
A.on the way toB.on a wayC.on my wayD.in my way


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Whenever we do something wrong, Jesus Christ sees it. He loves us and doesn’t say it. Perhaps he’s wondering how long we’ll keep our mind suffering. A little boy named Johnny was visiting his grandparents on their farm and he was given a slingshot(弹弓) to play with out in the woods. He  36  for some time but he could never hit the target he had set for himself. Getting a little  37 , he walked back to the farmhouse for dinner. As he was _   38 back, he saw Grandpa’s pet duck. Just out of   39 , he let the slingshot fly , hitting it in the head ,and killed it. In a panic, he    40 the dead duck in the woodpile, only to see his sister Sally   41  be watching him. Sally had seen all this, but she said _42 . After lunch that day Grandma said, “Sally, it’s your turn to wash the dishes.” But Sally said, “Grandma, Johnny told me he wanted to help in the kitchen.” And then she spoke _43 to him, “Remember the duck?” So Johnny did the dishes. Later that day, Grandpa asked if  44  wanted to go fishing, but Grandma said, “I’m sorry but I need Sally to help me make supper.” But Sally just smiled and said, “Well, that’s all right because Johnny told me he was too   45 to help you. And she whispered again, “Remember the duck?” So Sally went fishing and Johnny  46 to help make supper. After several days of doing both his 47 and Sally’s, Johnny finally couldn’t 48 it any longer. He came to his Grandma and told her that he had killed the duck .Grandma smiled and gave him a big 49 . “Sweetheart, I know. You see, I was watering the flowers at the window   50  I saw you shoot my duck with the slingshot, and I saw the whole thing. But because I love you, I  51 you. I was just wondering how long you would let Sally  52_ of you.”
In reality, no matter how  53__or how uncomfortable it is to admit our wrongdoing, we should always choose to  54 it and work it through instead of running away from it. Hard as it is, it  55  us and makes us who we are.
A.SallyB.JohnnyC.the children D.Grandma
A.kept upB.held backC.left behindD.stayed behind
A.acceptB.stand C.withdrawD.allow
A.put the blameB.make friendsC.put pressureD.make a slave
A.reject B.controlC.faceD.witness


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

It was New Year’s Night. An aged man was standing at a window. He raised his mournful eyes towards the deep blue sky, where the stars were floating like white lilies on the surface of a clear calm lake. Then he cast them on the earth, where few more hopeless people than himself now moved towards their certain goal --- the tomb. He had already passed sixty of the stages leading to it, and he had brought from his journey nothing but errors and remorse. Now his health was poor, his mind vacant, his heart sorrowful, and his old age short of comforts.
The days of his youth appeared like dreams before him, and he recalled the serious moment when his father placed him at the entrance of the two roads --- one leading to a peaceful, sunny place, covered with flowers, fruits and filled with soft, sweet songs; the other leading to a deep, dark cave, which was endless, where poison flowed instead of water and where devils and poisonous snakes hissed and crawled.
He looked towards the sky and cried painfully, “O youth, return! O my father, place me once more at the entrance to life, and I’ll choose the better way!” But both his father and the days of his youth had passed away.
He saw the lights flowing away in the darkness. These were the days of his wasted life; he saw a star fall down from the sky and disappeared, and this was the symbol of himself. His regret, which was like a sharp arrow, struck deeply into his heart. Then he remembered his friends in his childhood, who entered on life together with him. But they had made their way to success and were now honored and happy on this New Year’s Night.
The clock in the high church tower struck and the sound made him remember his parents’ early love for him. They had taught him and prayed to God for his good. But he chose the wrong way. With shame and grief he dared no longer look towards that heaven where his father lived. His darkened eyes were full of tears, and with a despairing effort, he burst out a cry: “Come back, my early days! Come back!”
And his youth did return, for all this was only a dream which he had on New Year’s Night. He was still young though his faults were real; he had not yet entered the deep, dark cave, and he was still free to walk on the road which leads to the peaceful and sunny land.
Those who still wander on the entrance of life, hesitating to choose the bright road, remember that when years are passed and your feet stumble on the dark mountains, you will cry bitterly, but in vain: “O youth, return! Oh give me back my early days!”
小题1:We can learn from the passage that ____.
A.the man returned from a long journey and regretted what he had done
B.the man didn’t enter the deep, dark cave when he was young
C.the man was deserted by his parents when he was only a child
D.the man found it no use crying over the spilt milk
小题2:Why does the author set his story on New Year’s Night?
A.He wants to tell people it’s time to recall the past
B.he suggests the aged man will have a bright future
C.He tries to stress the man’s sad feeling
D.He expects people to share the man’s emotion
小题3:The aged man in the passage can be described as ________.
A.sorrowful, fearful and regretfulB.hopeful, cheerful and peaceful
C.regretful, painful and disappointedD.disappointed, regretful and hopeful
小题4:The author writes the passage mainly to ________.
A.encourage young people to take the right roadB.help the old man to pick up his confidence
C.describe the old man’s unsuccessful experienceD.show his compassion for the aged man


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

13-year-old Frank had received many presents he wanted. But Frank was not __36__ because this was his first Christmas without his brother. Frank said to his parents that he would __37__ to see a friend. __38__ it was cold outside, Frank put on his new jacket and took presents on his new sled(雪橇).
As Frank walked, he saw a house with the __39__ hanging over a fireplace. A woman was seated near them __40__. The stockings reminded Frank of the ones beside him and his brother. A sudden thought __41__ Frank.
So he knocked on the door. “__42__?” the sad voice of the woman answered. “May I come in?” “Please” she said, seeing his __43__ full of gifts, and thinking he was making a collection, “but I have no food or gifts for you. I even have __44__ for my own children.”
“That’s not why I am here,” Frank replied. “Please __45__ any present you like for your children from this sled.”
“Why, God bless you!” the __46__ woman answered. She chose until the stockings were full. “Won’t you tell me your __47__?” she asked. “Just call me the Christmas Scout,” Frank replied.
The visit __48__ the boy touched, with an unexpected __49__ in his heart. He understood that his sorrow(悲伤) was not the only sorrow. He __50__ all the gifts, including the new jacket.
“Where are your presents, Frank?” asked his father as he __51__ the house. “ I handed them out to other children.”
“Frank, how could you do so?” his mother asked in anger. The next morning, he came downstairs and __52__ his parents listening to Christmas news on the radio. Then the announcer spoke: “Merry Christmas! Several families __53__ their children were made happy by the gifts from a boy. No one could __54__ him.” Frank felt his father’s arms go around his shoulders, and he saw his mother smiling __55__ her tears.
A.took awayB.gave upC.gave awayD.picked up


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

“Good morning!” said a woman as she walked up to an old man sitting on the ground. The man slowly looked up. He was Jack, who had been begging around here for a couple of years.
“See that cafeteria(自助餐厅)over there?” she asked. “I’m going to get you something to eat and get you out of the cold for a while.”
She sat down at the table across from her amazed dinner guest. She stared at him intently. “Jack, do you remember me?” Old Jack thought hard and said, “I think so--I mean you do look familiar.”
“I was thin and hungry,” she said. “Maybe I’ve filled out now more than when you worked here. That was when I was just out of college. I had come to the city looking for a job, but I couldn’t find anything. Finally I was down to my last few cents and had been kicked out of my apartment. I walked in the streets for days, cold and hungry. I saw this place and walked in hoping that I could satisfy my hunger.”
Jack lit up with a smile. “Now I remember,” he said. “I was behind the serving counter. You came up and asked me if you could work for something to eat. I said it was against company’s policy.”
The woman continued, “Then you made me the biggest roast beef sandwich, gave me a cup of coffee, and told me to go over to a corner table and enjoy it. I was afraid that you would get into trouble. Then, I saw you put the price of my food in the cash register.”
“So you started your own business?” old Jack said. “I got a job that very afternoon. I worked my way up. Eventually I started my own business that, with the help of God, prospered.” She opened her purse and pulled out a business card. “When you are finished here, I want you to pay a visit to a Mr. Lyons, the personnel director of my company. He’ll find something for you to do around the office.” She smiled, “If you ever need anything, my door is always open to you.”
There were tears in the old man’s eyes, “How can I ever thank you?” he said. “Don’t thank me;” the woman answered, “thank yourself. It was your kindness that let me know you.”
小题1:Why did the woman invite the beggar to dinner?
A.The beggar was once her friend.
B.She felt very pity for the beggar.
C.The beggar once offered her a free meal.
D.She once worked with the beggar.
小题2:What does the underlined phrase “fill out” in Paragraph 4 probably mean?
A.wear a beautiful dress.B.change one’s features.
C.have a very high position.D.become larger or fatter.
小题3:Years ago the woman walked into the place she caught sight of to __________.
A.find a job thereB.get herself out of cold
C.get something to eatD.meet with the man
小题4:What conclusion can you draw from this passage?
A.Kindness is an investment that never fails.
B.Nothing is difficult for the man who will try.
C.Don’t judge a person from his/her appearance.
D.God helps those who help themselves.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Ever since I was little, my favorite season was winter. I loved to play in the snow and enjoy the hot chocolate.
____36_____, winter never gave me the special gift of snow on my birthday. I would ask my grandmother ____37____ it didn’t snow on my birthday. She would laugh and tell me I asked too many questions. ___38____one day, she promised that she would make it snow on my next birthday.
That year, ____39____ my birthday, my grandmother died.  I was sad but angry because she had promised to make it snow. The day of my sixth birthday, I woke up and ran to the window, hoping to see just one snowflake. But there was no snow. I felt mad at my grandmother. She had broken a promise.
But my sixteenth birthday, I had lost all hope of getting my snow, even though I still wished for ___40____. During my party, I stayed with my friends and family and was truly happy. I ___41___ the best time ever! Then I saw the white snow ____42___down all around. I was so excited that I ran around screaming and laughing. My friends all laughed ____43___me, but I didn’t care.
When I ___44____home, my grandpa said he had a gift for me. I was ___45___ because he had given me a gift. It was a small white box, which looked old. I opened it. There was a crystal snowflake(水晶雪花) with a card that said, “Happy Birthday.”
How could this be? My grandpa said it was my grandmother’s final ___46____ on my “sweet sixteenth”. I cried.
I was ___47_____ that my smiling grandmother angel was and had been watching over me.
A.fellB.to fallC.fallenD.falling
A.arrived atB.remainedC.gotD.entered


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

I believe listening is powerful medicine. Studies have shown it takes a ___36___ about 18 seconds to interrupt a patient after he begins talking.
It was a Sunday. I had one last patient to see. I ___37___ her room in a hurry and stood at the doorway. She was an old woman, sitting at the edge of the bed, ___38___ to put socks on her swollen(肿胀)feet. I crossed the threshold(门槛), spoke quickly to the nurse, and scanned her chart noting she was in stable condition. I was almost in the clear.
I ___39___ on the bedrail(床的栏杆)looking down at her. She asked if I could help put on her socks. Instead, I launched into a monologue(独白) that went ___40___ like this, “How are you feeling? Your sugars and blood pressure were high ___41___ they’re better today. The nurse mentioned you’re ___42___ to see your son who’s visiting you today. It’s nice to have family visit from far away. I bet you really look forward to seeing him.”
She ___43___ me with a serious, authoritative voice. “Sit down, doctor. This is my story, not your story.”
I was surprised and embarrassed. I sat down. I helped her with the socks. She began to tell me that her only son lived ___44___ from her, but she had not seen him in five years. She believed that the stress of this ___45___ greatly to her health problems. After hearing her story and putting on her socks, I asked if there was anything else I could do for her. She ___46___ her head no and smiled. All she wanted me to do was to listen.
Each story is different. Some are detailed; others are vague. Some have a beginning, middle and end; others wander ___47___ a clear conclusion. Some are true; others not. Yet all those things do not really matter. What matters to the storyteller is that the story is heard without ___48___, assumption or judgment.
Listening to someone’s story costs ___49___ expensive diagnostic testing but is key to healing and diagnosis.
I often thought of ___50___ that woman taught me, and I ___51___ myself of the importance of stopping, sitting down and truly listening. And, not long after, in a(n) ___52___ twist, I became the patient, with a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis(多发性硬化症) at age 31. Now, 20 years later, I sit all the time in a wheelchair.
For ___53___ I could, I continued to see patients from my chair, but I had to resign when my hands were affected. I still teach medical students and other health care professionals, but now from the perspective(角度) of physician and patient.
I tell them I ___54___ the power of listening. I tell them I know firsthand that immeasurable healing ___55___ within me when someone stops, sits down and listens to my story.
A.approachedB.examined C.passedD.observed
A.nothing B.anything C.somethingD.everything
A.far awayB.around the cornerC.next doorD.in the distance
A.referredB.attachedC.stuck D.contributed
A.loweredB.hungC.shook D.waved
A.distinctionB.interruption C.InstructionD.attention
A.rather thanB.other thanC.more thanD.less than
A.as soon as B.as fast asC.as far asD.as long as
A.admit to B.appreciateC.believe inD.realize
A.turns outB.takes place C.comes upD.takes charge

