too-to- Teaching difficult points: the usage of “too-to- Preparation: Prepare some pictures of Beijing. Teaching aids: Pictures and tape recorder. Type of lesson: Dialogue. Teaching Procedures: 查看更多



     We've come a long way from blackboards and chalk. Modern technology (技术) has provided us
with lots of ways we can make learning more interesting. Perhaps most importantly of all, it's also
more interactive (互动).
     Some kinds of tools (工具) have been developed. They make the 21st century learning experience
much more interactive and interesting. Attracting the attention of students is always difficult, but these
tools have made a big difference in how pupils learn.
     For example, an interactive whiteboard is different from a traditional chalkboard. It allows the teachers
to show images and provide sound as well. If you imagine a large computer screen with colorful images
and sound added in, you can see why so many pupils are drawn in by what they see and hear in a modern
     Various audio (声音的) tools also help to make sure that everyone can hear what the teacher has to
say. In the past, if a teacher said something that a child missed, perhaps the child was too timid (胆小的)
or nervous to ask them to repeat it. Now they are less likely to miss out simply because they're sitting too
far away from the teacher to hear them.
     The 21st century classroom is able to teach pupils more than one thing. For example, imagine a history
lesson is given in a modern classroom. How is it different from a classroom setting in the past? The answer
is simple. The students will not only learn about history itself, they will also learn how to use the modern
equipment (设备) that helps the teacher get their message across.
     Modern technology can make teaching and learning easier. Student response (应答) system makes
everyone able to express their opinions or answers without having to speak up. Since everyone can do it,
the teacher can see who needs more help in other ways.
     It's clear that this kind of classroom technology is making a great difference in modern classrooms.
Topic Modern technology helps us make teaching and learning more interesting and
of using
in the
1. Make it much easier to attract pupils' 2______ by using different tools.
●Whiteboards allow teachers to show colorful images and provide sound.
●Audio tools make students hear the teacher's 3______ even if they sit too
   far away from the teacher.
2. Make students learn more than one thing.
●Help students learn the knowledge of a 4______ and the use of modern
   equipment as well.
3. Make teaching and learning easier. 
●Student response system makes students give their opinions or answers without
  5______ up and allows teachers to help students when necessary.
Conclusion Modern classroom technology makes a great difference to teaching and learning.


     Coffee has been a part of people's lives for thousands of years, and it is still one of the world's favorite
   1    . Here is a story of coffee and     2    it was discovered.
     The story    3    us coffee was    4    in Africa long, long ago. One day a farmer was    5    his goats,
and he saw them    6    some berries (咖啡豆) from a plant. The goats became very    7    after they ate
the berries. The man often felt tired,    8    he decided to try the berries, too. To his great     9   , he didn't
feel tired any more. Coffee plants were thus (因此) discovered. The coffee was taken from Africa to other 
   10    in Europe and America. After that farmers started to grow coffee plants especially in South America.
(     )1. A. plant        
(     )2. A. how         
(     )3. A. says      
(     )4. A. discovered    
(     )5. A. eating       
(     )6. A. eat          
(     )7. A. tired        
(     )8. A. but          
(     )9. A. disappointment
(     )10. A. countries   
B. fruit       
B. why       
B. speaks      
B. made        
B. teaching    
B. pick        
B. active     
B. or         
B. joy        
B. continents
C. drinks    
C. what      
C. talks     
C. bought    
C. watching  
C. breathe   
C. ill       
C. because   
C. surprise 
C. parts  
D. food       
D. who      
D. tells     
D. tasted      
D. watering   
D. cook       
D. sleepy     
D. so        
D. effort     
D. species


     Your teacher hates you? Maybe she does, but maybe she doesn't. Teachers are people. They may like 
  some kids more than others.  You may have personalities (性格).  But what would you do if you teacher
  hated you?
     Miss Brown, a teacher, thinks most teachers are always too busy teaching to waste time and enery
 hating you. Ifl fact, your teacher is acting that way to get you to change the behavior they don't like. Your
 teacher may have the opinion that you are lazy, proud or hard to deal with.
      If I were you, I would ask myself these questions before going any further.
      Do I join a really, really big part of class time all the time?
      Do I tell jokes all the time?
     Do I often look out of the window?
     Do I talk or pass notes in class?
     Am I late a lot?
     Do I leave early?
     Do I forget to do my homework?
     If your answer is "yes" to any of these questions, then your teacher is probably trying to tell you
 something. Change your act. Don't do anything to give the teacher trouble and they won't give you
 troubback. If your answer is "no", read on.
     You need to go to your teacher's office and have a talk. Ask for their honest opinion. Be ready to listen
  to it. If they laugh and say, Of course I like you", there is a possibility that you misread the
 actions. lf they tell you that you're a bad boy in their class, listen to why.
(   ) 1. Miss Brown thinks teachers have no time to hate students.
(   ) 2. Your teacher hates you because you get along badly with your chassmates.
(   ) 3. These seven questions are all about schoolrules.
(   ) 4. If your answer is "yes" to any of these questions, you should change your act.
(   ) 5. If your teacher says"I really like you" with a laugh, it shows he plays a joke with you.


--- The two old friends were ______ busy ______ with each other ______ the time.

--- Yes. They hadn’t met for long.

A.too; to talk; to forget                     B.too; talking; to forget; to talk; that they forgot      ; talking; that they forgot



His actions made me _________angry _________say a word.

A. so; that B. enough; to   C. too; to


