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8、I was just eighteen years old when I entered nursing school, easily the   1  member of my class. Consequently, I was the   2  of a great deal of teasing from my classmates, many of whom were single mothers and older women  3  back to school for second career.

  4  , I became ill one week and   5  a very important test on the subject of mental health. This was   6  important to me since I planned to enter the mental-health field   7  I became a full-developed nurse. Being a serious student and after getting well, I   8  scheduled a time to retest and began  9  for it. My fellow classmates knew how important this exam was to me and   10  me as much as possible.

On the day of the test, I came to the classroom an hour  11  where one of my teachers   12  the test. It was indeed a difficult exam, with more than one hundred questions   13  to brain development and the latest trends in mental health. My good preparations   14  me well, and in less than forty minutes, I passed the test with flying colours.

Anxious to  15  my test results with my fellow students, I ran to the hospital coffee shop where we students spent our free time with members of the hospital support staff. As soon as I entered the coffee shop, I cried out in a loud   16  , “I passed my test!”

As I   17  the busy coffee shop, I couldn’t find any of my classmates.  18  , a group of maintenance men, with  19  looks on their faces, rose to give me a standing   20  .

1.A.youngest               B.poorest                C.shortest               D.ugliest

2.A.title                       B.centre                 C.subject                D.question

3.A.attending               B.starting                C.returning             D.going

4.A.Surprisingly           B.Actually               C.Unfortunately       D.Presently

5.A.lost                       B.missed                C.forgot                 D.failed

6.A.seriously               B.particularly          C.badly                  D.naturally

7.A.until                      B.while                   C.once                   D.though

8.A.immediately           B.eventually            C.firstly                  D.hopefully

9.A.waiting                 B.reviewing            C.preparing             D.working

10.A.encouraged          B.persuaded            C.convinced           D.praised

11.A.later                    B.before                 C.ago                     D.earlier

12.A.took                    B.graded                 C.managed             D.checked

13.A.added                  B.joined                  C.attached              D.related

14.A.suited                  B.served                 C.tested                  D.challenged

15.A.report                 B.compare              C.exchange             D.share

16.A.voice                  B.noise                   C.sound                 D.mood

17.A.looked into          B.broke into            C.wandered about   D.looked round

18.A.However             B.Instead                C.Thus                   D.Therefore

19.A.confused             B.excited                C.disappointed        D.funny

20.A.smile                   B.hand                   C.applause              D.congratulation







(每空? 分,共? 分)



8、1—5 ACDCB  6—10 BCACA  11—15 DCDBD  16—20 ADBAC




科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

I was just eighteen years old when I entered nursing school, easily the   1  member of my class. Consequently, I was the   2  of a great deal of teasing from my classmates, many of whom were single mothers and older women  3  back to school for second career.

  4  , I became ill one week and   5  a very important test on the subject of mental health. This was   6  important to me since I planned to enter the mental-health field   7  I became a full-developed nurse. Being a serious student and after getting well, I   8  scheduled a time to retest and began  9  for it. My fellow classmates knew how important this exam was to me and   10  me as much as possible.

On the day of the test, I came to the classroom an hour  11  where one of my teachers   12  the test. It was indeed a difficult exam, with more than one hundred questions   13  to brain development and the latest trends in mental health. My good preparations   14  me well, and in less than forty minutes, I passed the test with flying colours.

Anxious to  15  my test results with my fellow students, I ran to the hospital coffee shop where we students spent our free time with members of the hospital support staff. As soon as I entered the coffee shop, I cried out in a loud   16  , “I passed my test!”

As I   17  the busy coffee shop, I couldn’t find any of my classmates.  18  , a group of maintenance men, with  19  looks on their faces, rose to give me a standing   20  .

1.A.youngest               B.poorest                C.shortest               D.ugliest

2.A.title                       B.centre                 C.subject                D.question

3.A.attending               B.starting                C.returning             D.going

4.A.Surprisingly           B.Actually               C.Unfortunately       D.Presently

5.A.lost                       B.missed                C.forgot                 D.failed

6.A.seriously               B.particularly          C.badly                  D.naturally

7.A.until                      B.while                   C.once                   D.though

8.A.immediately           B.eventually            C.firstly                  D.hopefully

9.A.waiting                 B.reviewing            C.preparing             D.working

10.A.encouraged          B.persuaded            C.convinced           D.praised

11.A.later                    B.before                 C.ago                     D.earlier

12.A.took                    B.graded                 C.managed             D.checked

13.A.added                  B.joined                  C.attached              D.related

14.A.suited                  B.served                 C.tested                  D.challenged

15.A.report                 B.compare              C.exchange             D.share

16.A.voice                  B.noise                   C.sound                 D.mood

17.A.looked into          B.broke into            C.wandered about   D.looked round

18.A.However             B.Instead                C.Thus                   D.Therefore

19.A.confused             B.excited                C.disappointed        D.funny

20.A.smile                   B.hand                   C.applause              D.congratulation

