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科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

10、Encourage your children to try new things, but try not to        them too hard.

A.draw                            B.strike

C.rush                           D.push


科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

9、One of the most important questions they had to consider was         of public health.

A.what                      B.this

C.that                       D.which


科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

8、Everybody was touched          words after they heard her moving story.

A.beyond                     B.without

C.of                         D.in


科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

7、Now that we've discussed our problem, are people happy with the decisions        

A.taking                         B.take

C.taken                          D.to take


科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

6、The True Story of Treasure Island

It was always thought that Treasure Island was the product of Robert Louis Stevenson's imagination.  1 , recent research has found the true story of this exciting work.

    Stevenson, a Scotsman, had lived for many years. In 1881 he returned to Scotland

for a  3  . With him were his American wife Fanny and his son  4.

    Each morning Stevenson would take them out for a long   5  over the hills. They had been   6  this for several days before the weather suddenly took a turn for the worse. Kept indoors by the heavy rain, Lloyd felt the days  7 . To keep the boy happy, Robert asked the boy to do some   8   

    One morning, the boy came to Robert with a beautiful map of an island. Robert   9 that the boy had drawn a large cross in the middle of   10 "What's that?" he asked. "That's the 11   treasure'" said the boy. Robert suddenly   12   something of an adventure story in the boy's   13 . While the rain was pouring, Robert sat down by the fire to write a story. He would make the   14  a twelve-year-old boy, just like Lloyd. But who would be the pirate(海盗)?

    Robert had a good friend named Henley, who walked around with the   15   of a women leg. Robert had always wanted to   16  such a man in a story.   17   Long John Silver, the pirate with a wooden leg, was   18  .

    So, thanks to a  19  September in Scotland, a friend with a wooden leg, and the imagination of a twelve-year-old boy, we have one of the greatest   20  stories in the English language.

1.A.However             B.Therefore          C.Besides            D.Finally

2.A.alone                B.next door          C.at home           D.abroad

3.A.meeting              B.story              C.holiday            D.job

4.A.Lloyd                B.Robert           C.Henley             D.John

5.A.talk                  B.rest               C.walk              D.game

6.A.attempting            B.missing          C.planning           D.enjoying

7.A.quiet                 B.dull               C.busy             D.cold

8.A.cleaning              B.writing            C.drawing          D.exercising

9.A.doubted              B.noticed             C.decided            D.recognized

10.A.the sea             B.the house           C.Scotland           D.the island

11.A.forgotten           B.buried              C.discovered          D.unexpected

12.A.saw               B.drew                C.made            D.learned

13.A.book               B.reply                C.picture                  D.mind

14.A.star                B.hero               C.writer             D.child

15.A.help                B.problem             C.use               D.bottom

16.A.praise              B.produce            C.include            D.accept

17.A.Yet                B.Also                C.But                D.Thus

18.A.read               B.born               C.hired              D.written

19.A.rainy               B.sunny              C.cool               D.windy

20.A.news              B.love               C.real-life             D.adventure







(每空? 分,共? 分)




科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

5、I suddenly heard an elephant crying as though frightened. Looking down, I immediately recognized that something was wrong, and ran down to the edge of the near bank. There I saw Ma Shwe with her three-month-old calf struggling in the fast-rising water, and it was a life-and-death struggle. Her calf was floating and screaming with fear. Ma Shwe was as near to the far bank as she could get, holding her whole body against the rushing water, and keeping the calf pressed against her huge body. Every now and then the rushing water would sweep the calf away. There was a sudden rise in the water and the calf was washed clean over the mother's body and was gone. Ma Shwe turned quickly to reach it and pressed the calf with her head and trunk(象鼻)against the rocky bank. Then with a huge effort, she picked it up in her trunk and tried until she was able to place it on a narrow shelf of rock.

    Just at this moment, she felt back into the river. If she were carried down, it would be certain death. I knew, as well as she did, that there was one spot (地点) where she could get up the bank, but it was on the other side from where she had put her calf.

While I was wondering what I could do next,I heard the sound of a mother’s love. Ma Shwe had crossed the river and got up the bank and was making her way back as fast as she could,roaring(吼叫)all the time, but to her calf it was music.

1.The moment the author got down to the river bank he saw       

A.the calf was about to fall into the river

    B.Ma Shwe was placing the calf on the rock

    C.the calf was washed away by the rising water

    D.Ma Shwe was holding the calf against the rushing water

2.How did Ma Shwe manage to save her calf from the fast-flowing water?

A.By putting it on a safe spot.

B.By pressing it against her body.

C.By taking it away with her.

    D.By carrying it on her back

3.How did the calf feel about the mother elephant’s roaring?

    A.It was a great comfort.            B.It was a sign of danger.

C.It was a call for help.               D.It Was a musical note.

4.What can be the best title for the text?

A.A Mother’s Love                  B.A Brave Act

C.A Deadly River                     D.A Matter of Life and Death


科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

4、Computer programmer David Jones earns£35,000 a year designing new computer games, yet he cannot find a bank ready to let him have a credit card(信用卡).Instead,he has been told to wait another two years,until he is 18.The 16-year-old works for a small firm in Liverpool, where the problem of most young people of his age is finding a job.David’s firm releases(推出) two new games for the fast growing computer market each month.

    But David’s biggest headache is what to do with his money.Even though he earns a lot, he cannot drive a car, take out a mortgage(抵押贷款),or get credit cards.David got his job with the Liverpool-based company four months ago,a year after leaving school with six O-levels and working for a time in a computer shop.“I got the job because the people who run the firm knew

I had already written some programs,” he said.David spends some of his money on records and clothes,and gives his mother 50 pounds a week.But most of his spare time is spent working.

    “Unfortunately, computing was not part of our studies at school,” he said.“But I had been studying it in books and magazines for four years in my spare time.I knew what I wanted to do and never considered staying on at school.Most people in this business are fairly young, anyway.” David added:“l would like to earn a million and I suppose early retirement(退休)is a possibility.You never know when the market might disappear.”

1.In what way is David different from people of his age?

    A.He often goes out with friends.

B.He lives with his mother.

    C.He has a handsome income.

    D.He graduated:with six O-levels.

2.What is one of the problems that David is facing now?

A.He is too young to get a credit card.

B.He has no time to learn driving.

C.He has very little spare time.

D.He will soon lose his job.

3.Why was David able to get the job in the company?

    A.He had done well in all his exams.

    B.He had written some computer programs.

C.He was good at playing computer games.

D.He had learnt to use computers at schoo1.

4.Why did David decide to leave school and start working?

A.He received lots of job offers.

B.He was eager to help his mother.

C.He lost interest in school studies.

D.He wanted to earn his own living.


科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

3、We have met the enemy,and he is ours.We bought him at a pet shop.When monkey-pox,a disease usually found in the African rain forest,suddenly turns up in children in the American Midwest,it's hard not to wonder if the disease that comes from foreign animals is homing in on human beings.“Most of the infections(感染)we think of as human infections stared in other animals,” says Stephen Morse,director of the Center for Public Health Preparedness at Columbia University.

   It’s not just that we’re going to where the animals are;we’re also bringing them closer to us.Popular foreign pets have brought a whole new disease to this country.A strange illness killed

Isaksen’s pets,and she now thinks that keeping foreign pets is a bad idea.“I don’t think it’s fair to have them as pets when we have such a limited knowledge of them,” says Isaksen.

   ‘‘Laws allowing these animals to be brought in from deep forest areas without stricter control need changing,” says Peter Schantz.Monkey-pox may be the wake-up call.Researchers believe infected animals may infect their owners.We know very little about these new diseases.A new bug(病毒)may be kind at first.But it may develop into something harmful,(有害的).Monkey-pox doesn’t look a major infectious disease.But it is not.impossible to pass the disease from person to person.

1.We learn from Paragraph l that the pet sold at the shop may        

A.come from Columbia

B.prevent us from being infected

C.enjoy being with children

D.suffer from monkey-pox

2.Why did Isaksen advise people not to have foreign pets?

    A.They attack human beings.

    B.We need to study native animals.

    C.They can’t live out of the rain forest.

    D.We do not know much about them yet.

3.What does the phrase “the wake-up call’’ in Paragraph 3 most probably mean?

    A.a new disease                        B.a clear warning

    C.a dangerous animal                    D.a morning call

4.The text suggests that in the future we         . 

A.may have to fight against more new diseases 

B.may easily get infected by diseases from dogs 

C.should not be allowed to have pets

    D.should stop buying pets from Africa


科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

2、It’s not easy being a teenager(13至19岁青少年)-nor is it easy being the parent of a teenager.You can make your child feel angry, hurt or misunderstood by what you say without realizing it yourself.It is important to give your child the space he needs to grow while gently letting him know that you’11 still be there for him when he needs you.

   Expect a lot from your child,just not everything.Except for health and safety problems,such as drug use or careless driving,consider everything else open to discussion.If your child is unwilling to discuss something,don’t insist he tell you what’s on his mind.The more you insist, the more likely that he’l1 clam up.Instead,let him attempt to solve(解决)things by himself. At the same time,remind him that you’re always there for him should he seek advice or help.Show

respect for your teenager’s privacy(隐私).Never read his mail or listen in on personal conversations.

   Teach your teenager that the family phone is for the whole family. If your child talks on the family’s telephone for too long,tell him he can talk for l5 minutes,but then he must stay off the phone for at least all equal period of time.This not only frees up the line so that other family members can make and receive calls,but teaches your teenager moderation(节制).Or if you are open to the idea,allow your teenager his own phone that he pays for with his own pocket money or a part-time job.

1.The main purpose of the text is to tell parents       

    A.how to get along with a teenager 

B.how to respect a teenager

    C.how to understand a teenager

    D.how to help a teenager grow up

2.What does the phrase "clam up" in Paragraph 2 probably mean?

     A.become excited                 B.show respect

C.refuse to talk                   D.seek help

3.The last paragraph is about how to teach a teenager            

     A.to use the phone in a sensible way    B.to pay for his own telephone

     C.to share the phone with friends       D.to answer the phone quickly

4.What should parents do in raising a teenager according to the text?

     A.Not allow him to learn driving or take drugs.

     B.Give him advice only when necessary.

C.Let him have his own telephone.

     D.Not talk about personal things with him.


科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:


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