精英家教网 > 初中地理 > 题目详情


A:Hi, Zhou Weilun! It’s a nice day, isn’t it?

B:Yes, it is. 【1】

A: I’m going to stay with my grandparents for a month in the countryside.

B:Really? 2

A:Because there is too much noise in the city. 3 What’s more, there are many green

plants in the countryside. I like plants.

B:I also like plants, but I like animals better.

A:Why do you think so?

B: 4 They are our friends.

A:I think I should also make an animal friend this time.

B: 5

A:Thank you.

A. I like living in a quiet place.

B. What are you going to do in the summer holiday?

C. Why do you want to live in the countryside?

D. Have a good time in the countryside!

E. Because animals give us joy and can help us do some useful things.









【1】B根据I’m going to stay with my grandparents for a month in the countryside.“我要和我的祖父母在乡村待一个月”可知此处询问他要做的事,故选B。

【2】C根据Because there is too much noise in the city.“因为在城里有太多噪音”,故此处询问原因,故用疑问词why来问,故选C。

【3】A根据Because there is too much noise in the city.“因为在城里有太多噪音”,可知我不喜欢噪音,喜欢安静,故选A。

【4】E根据Why do you think so?“你为什么这么认为?”可知此处介绍原因,故用because来回答,


【5】D根据Thank you.“谢谢你”可知此处对别人的祝愿表示感谢,故选D。


科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:





Feel stressed

Too much homework. Don’t have enough time for their hobbies.

Make a plan for study and hobbies. Find time to relax.

Get short sighted (近视)

Too much homework. Bad study habits.

Do homework or read in a correct way.

Fight with each other

Don’t know how to get on well with classmates.

Make more friends and understand each other.

Don’t like to study

Play computer games too much.

Play computer games just for a short time.

Get fat

Have more pocket money to buy snacks. Don’t like to do exercise.

Use your pocket money to do something meaningful. Do exercise every day.

【1】 How many main problems are there in the survey?

A. Six. B. Five. C. Four. D. Three.

【2】 Whatspan> problems are caused by too much homework?

A. Get fat.

B. Fight with each other.

C. Feel stressed and get short sighted.

D. Don’t like to study.

【3】If Simon is feeling stressed, he should _____.

A. do much more homework

B. make a plan for study and hobbies

C. buy some snacks

D. ask for more pocket money

【4】Peter doesn’t like to study. Maybe he _____.

A. plays too many computer games

B. has no pocket money

C. gets fatter and fatter

D. has lots of pocket money

【5】 _____ is a good way for students to stop fights.

A. Doing less homework

B. Playing computer games

C. Buying more books

D. Learning how to make friends


科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】_______ your coat.It's cold outside.

A.Put on B.Dress C.Wear D.To put on


科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:


【1】Look!The boys _______ (swim)in the poll.
【2】Lily ________ (put)on her coat now.
【3】Sometimes I go ______ (shop)with my friends.
【4】Listen!The birds________ (sing)in the tree.
【5】Those ______ (woman) are playing tennis.

【6】Are there two _______ (man) talking under the tree?
【7】Mr. Brown has two _______ (child),and both are sons.
【8】Bill is an ________ (America) boy.
【9】My family are watching TV in the ________ (live) room.
【10】David wishes ________ (have) a new computer for his birthday present.


科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:


A:Hi, Bill.

B:Hi, Lisa. What are you doing now?

A:I am watchingTV. But it is kind of b____【1】____.

B:Do you want to go to the movies?

A:That s____【2】____ good.

B:What k____【3】____ of movies do you like?

A:I like action movies and thrillers. They are i____【4】____.

B:Great! There is an action movie today. When doyou want to see the movies?

A:How a____【5】____ 4:00?

B:OK. Let’s go at 4:00. See you then.

A:See you later.


科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】He is a very unfriendly man, so few people ________ at his party last Sunday.

A.showed up B.showed off C.showed in D.on show


科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:





增强动力(strengthen motivation)


优化习惯(make habits better)


讲究方法(pay attention to methods)





Hello,everyone!I’m glad to be here to share my ideas of” Learn how to learn”.

I hope everyone will enjoy learning.Thanks for listening.


科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:


A. Do small things well

B. I love


1. 请从所给的A、B两个题目中任选其一作答,分支相同。如选B 题,请把题目补充完整再作答,例如:你可以写I love my mother,I love KunmingI love travelling等。

2. 注意紧扣主题,意思连贯,语言通顺,书写规范。

3. 文中不得使用真实姓名和校名,如需使用名字,请用Mike, Gina等英文名字,校名统一用Guangming Middle School.

4. 词数不少于60.


科目:初中地理 来源: 题型:


【1】I am not about _________ (get) married.

【2】He is an ___________ (expected) visitor.

【3】I don’t want to miss _______ (watch) that film tonight.

【4】We _________(learn) 2000 English words by the end of this term.

【5】She forgot ________ (ask)him for his telephone number.

