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科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】(2013辽宁鞍山)It only ________ him 20 minutes ________ to his office every day

A. takesto drive

B. tookdrive

C. takesdrive

D. tookto drive


科目: 来源: 题型:













科目: 来源: 题型:



B: I think most people treat animals well, but we are often cruel to animals.

A:Perhaps people should stop eating animals. ___【2】____

B:What would you do with all the animals? You couldn’t just let them go. ___【3】___

A:We could provide them with better conditions anyway. ____【4】_____

B: That’s true. I think zoo is a good idea, because they allow people to get close to animals. I think it’s good for kids to see wild animals.


We could grow more crops.

B. Besides, some people would still hunt them.

C. What do you think of the way people use and treat animals?

D. I agree.

E. We should certainly try to improve the conditions at zoos.


科目: 来源: 题型:


The Great Wall of China is the l___【1】__ wall in the world. It goes from w__【2】__ to east, over m___【3】___, through valleys(山谷) and finally reaches the sea.

The Great Wall is more than 8,000 kilometers l 【4】 , six to seven meters high and four to five meters wide. In most places it is wide e___【5】__ for five horses or ten men to walk side by side a___【6】___ the top.

I t was very d___【7】___ to build such a great wall in the old times. T___【8】___ of men died when they built it. The Great Wall was made not only of stones, but millions of lives.

Today, the Great Wall becomes the place of i___【9】___ not only to theC 【10】 people, but also to people all over the world.


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】—What do you do after you get up

—I have breakfast and then ________ school

A. take a bus

B. think of

C. leave for

D. get to


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】There is a river between his school and homeso he takes a ________ to school every day

A. bus

B. taxi

C. boat

D. train


科目: 来源: 题型:


【1】One of________(beautiful)cities in China is Xinjiang.

【2】Yesterday he________(succeed)in finishing making a model car.

【3】Those ________like living _______.(Japan)

【4】Five people were killed in the accident,_______ (include)two children.

【5】My father asks me to give up________(smoke).


科目: 来源: 题型:


deep, wide, strong, little, country

【1】The USA is one of the youngest_______in the world.

【2】Changjiang River is________than the Yellow River.

【3】Mike says physics is_______difficult than history.

【4】I hope our country will be much_______in the future.

【5】How________is that river?


科目: 来源: 题型:


【1】He needs a lot of coffee to keep himself________(wake).

【2】The old woman was too weak because of her serious_______(ill).

【3】The good news caused great________(excite).

【4】The elephant is the________(huge)of the three animals.

【5】What are your rules on lion_______(protect)?


科目: 来源: 题型:


【1】Mrs.Green drew two big________(正方形)on the blackboard.

【2】In the________(沙漠),water is very important.

【3】This river is _______(深的)than any others in my town.

【4】We dont know why the ______(古代的)emperor built this temple.

【5】Welcome to our short________(旅游)of London.

