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      On Thanksgiving Day,about 88  percent Americans eat turkey. But one lucky turkey not only will not be eaten but also will become famous. Every year,turkey farmers present turkeys to the US president. But instead of eating this turkey,the president gives it a “pardon”. The turkey is flown to Florida for a Thanksgiving Parade. Then it lives on the farm for the rest of its life.

     Turkeys come from America and have been part of American culture for centuries. Benjamin Franklin even wanted the turkey to be America's national bird.

      Turkeys that are kept on farms are large,awkward birds that can not fly. But wild turkeys are quite fast. They can fly at the speed of up to 88 kilometers per hour. They can also run at 40 kilometers per hour.

     Turkeys don't have ears. They hear by using the growth of beaks. But their hearing is about five times better than human’s  hearing.

     Turkeys are such interesting birds. No wonder Benjamin Franklin wanted them to be America's national bird.

() 1. people eat turkey on Thanksgiving Day.

   A. A few   B. Some

   C. Most   D. All

() 2. The underlined word “pardon” means “ ”.

   A. 赦免   B. 死

   C. 礼物   D. 原谅

() 3. A wild turkey can fly at the speed of .

   A. 88 kilometers per hour

   B. 40 kilometers per hour

   C. as fast as a kept one

   D. five times faster than a man

() 4. The turkey doesn’t have .

   A. eyes   B. ears

   C. a mouth   D. wings

() 5. What's the best title of this passage?

   A. The turkey on the farm.

   B. The history of the turkey.

   C. How to keep the turkey.

    D.The star of Thanksgiving.

A 阅读提示:我们都知道大多数美国人在感恩节吃火鸡,然而一只幸运火鸡被总统救免成为感恩节大游行的明星也是美国的风俗。饲养的火鸡大而笨拙,但是它们也与其他的鸟类有不同的方面。因此本杰明.富兰克林曾提议把火鸡作为美国的国鸟。

1. C细节理解题。由文章的第一句的句意“在感恩节,88%的美国人吃火鸡”可知在感恩节大多数美国人吃火鸡。

2. A词义猜测题。由该段的第二句话可知“一只幸运火鸡不但不被吃掉,而且还会变得非常有名”;又下文也提到这只火鸡飞往佛 罗里达参加感恩节大游行,因此画线单词所在句的句意为:但是总统不是吃掉这只火鸡,而是赦免它。故选A项。

3. A 细节理解题。由第三段的“But wild turkeys are quite fast. They can fly at speeds up to 88 kilometers per hour. ”可知 A 项正确。

4. B细节理解题。由第四段的“Turkeys don't have ears. ”可知火鸡没有耳朵。

5. D综合分析题。本文重点叙述了幸运火鸡不会被吃掉,而是参加感恩节大游行,一举成名。故选D项。

题目来源:2016年启东中学作业本英语阅读理解与完形填空5 > Week 19 Festival 节日习俗


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


     Do you want to fly into space? Well,NASA makes your dream come true by putting a picture of you on one of its two space shuttles and sending it into space. To send your face into space,just follow these steps:

     First,visit faceinspace. nasa. gov and upload your photo of your face? which will have a flight travel by space shuttle. Next,print and save the page with your flight information. Later,return to this site after printing your Flight Certificate,which was signed by the Mission Leader.

     You may want to know how they will get it into space. Well,later this year,during one of the two space shuttle missions,STS-133 or STS-134,your photo will go into the international space station while traveling in one of the two space shuttles. Well,when the mission is over,the person who has joined this activity can get a souvenir for the flight. If you are older than 15 ,you can join it freely. If you’re a teen under 14 ,you must ask your parents agreement. Do you want to take part in it right now?

() 1. NASA is an organization for .

   A. space research

   B. medical service

   C. skills training

   D. news report

() 2. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

   A. You can take STS-133 or STS^134 to space.

   B. Anyone can travel in one of the two space shuttles.

   C. Your photo can get into the space station early this year.

   D. You can get a souvenir for the flight if you join the activity.

() 3. A 13-year-old girl should first if she wants to take part in the activity.

   A. visit faceinspace. nasa. gov

   B. take some photos

   C. ask for her parents’ agreement

   D. pay for NASA

() 4. We can know from the passage.

   A. what is space shuttle missions

   B. how to fly our face in space

   C. where you should upload a photo

   D. how to be an astronaut

() 5. We can read the passage mostly in .

   A. a science magazine

   B. an entertainment site

   C. an advertisement

   D. a movie magazine


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:



I've wanted to go to India for years. I am crazy about the Taj Mahal. My family is going there in October,so Fm finally getting the chance to visit my dream place.


Td like to go to Greece in summer to enjoy white beaches,white houses,tasty food and delicious wine. For years Greece has been popular with people who look for a cheap holiday.


I want to go to China because it has a long and rich history. I would like to visit the world's longest wall,the Great Wall,and the world's largest palace,the Forbidden City. I'm going to the Museum of Terracotta Warriors and Horses. There I can see thousands of life-size statues with different faces and uniforms.


I've visited it a few times. In 2014 Td like to travel the countryside there. The people in Scotland are always so much fun.

The Maldives

As a lover of scuba-diving and fresh seafood,I hope 2014 will be my year to visit the Maldives. White beaches and wooden houses,I'm coming.

() 1. The writer would like to go to India because .

   A. it is a country with a long history

   B. the Indian people are interesting

   C. he wants to go to the Taj Mahal "   D. he likes its beaches and food

() 2. What do we know about Greece according to the passage?

   A. Wine tastes terrible in Greece.

   B. It costs one less to travel in Greece.

   C. Winter is the best time to visit Greece.

   D. People in Greece don't like the white color.

() 3. How many places would the writer like to visit in China?

   A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five.

() 4. Which place has the writer been to several times?

   A. China. B. Greece.

   C. Scotland. D. The Maldives.

() 5. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

   A. The writer became interested in India 2 years ago.

   B. The writer will visit the central part of Scotland.

   C. The writer wants to dive in the Maldives.

   D. The world's largest palace is in Greece.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


      These days,seven cleaners who work in Yantai University's dining hall are well known to people around China. They are eating the leftovers that students leave behind on their plates.

      Wu Minghua,a 62-year-old retired teacher,now works as a cleaner at the school. Every day he carries plastic bags with him when clearing out the food in the dining hall. After the students had returned to class,he sat down with another six cleaners to their meal - the uneaten food collected from the students’ tables.

      Wu said that it’s not humiliating to eat the leftover food because he looks on the students as his children—and he always eats his children's leftovers. “People at my age ever lived a hard life,not like the young today”,he said. “I know the feeling of hunger,and I think it's a pity to waste food. So we came up with the ‘clean plate’ idea after noticing a lot of food left in plates. ”

     In fact,it’s  common that college students waste food. Is there anyone who never wastes food? Especially those who dine at public expense even do worse. Moreover,itJs the duty of parents or schools to help the children or students understand the importance of saving.

() 1. What did Wu Minghua use to be?

   A. He was a cleaner. B. He was a teacher.

   C. He was a cook. D. He was a volunteer.

() 2. What jobs do the seven cleaners do every day?

   A. They sweep the roads in the university.

   B. They take charge of (看管) the bikes in the university.

   C. They clean out the dining hall.

   D. They sell food in the dining hall.

() 3. What does the underlined word “humiliating” mean in Chinese?

   A. 幸运的   B. 开心的

   C. 自愿的   D. 可耻的

() 4. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

   A. Every day Wu Minghua carries plastic bags of food back home.

   B. Wu Minghua with another six cleaners eat the leftovers not because they are poor.

   C. At home,Wu Minghua eats his children's leftovers as well.

   D. After the students had returned to class,the seven cleaners began their meal.

() 5. From what the seven cleaners have done,we learn that .

   A. seven cleaners work very hard in the university

   B. people around them don't understand them

   C. everyone should have the duty of saving

   D. it's common that college students waste food 


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

     The police in Tokyo,Japan,are looking for an animal. But don't worry. It is not dangerous. The Tokyo Sea Life Park announced that a one-year-old penguin had got out of its home at the zoo. The penguin's escape was a success at first,until a director of a zoo near the Park noticed it swimming in the Old Edogawa River. The director sent a photo to the penguin's keepers (饲养员) at the Tokyo Sea Life Park by e-mail. Then they quickly realized that one of their 135 penguins was missing.

     The park officials said the two-foot-tall bird didn't fly out of the zoo,because penguins can't fly,but the details about how it escaped are not clear. It was possible that the penguin climbed to the top of a stone wall which was higher than itself. “Sometimes an animal has‘ explosive’ power when it is scared by something. Maybe it ran up the wall after being surprised”’ the zoo official,Takashi Sugino,told reporters. “Or maybe it simply thought the fish would be tastier on the other side of the wall.

     The park is now asking the public to help look for the penguin. But the park officials ask the public not to catch it. “We are sorry that we have caused trouble to the local people ,” a notice posted in the park says. Although the penguin will not hurt humans,please call us if you see it. Don’t try to catch it. ”

    Up till now,eight people have reported that they have seen the penguin. But the search continues. “We believe we can catch it ,” Sugino says. uWe believe it is still in our neighborhood and that it has found a place to sleep in. ”

() 1. There are penguins left in the Tokyo Sea Life Park.

   A. 133   B. 134   C. 135   D. 136

() 2. saw the penguin swimming in a river first.

   A. A keeper   B. A policeman

   C. A director   D. A reporter

() 3. The underlined part “has ‘explosive’ power” can be replaced (替换) by “ ”.

   A. can fly

   B. can cry

   C. can eat humans

   D. can do something it doesn’t normally do

() 4. What did the park officials do after they knew the penguin was missing?

?They asked the public to catch it.

② They said sorry to the public.

③ They put up a notice in the park.

?They explained how the penguin had escaped in detail.

   A. ①④   B. ①②   C. ③④   D. ②③

() 5. From the passage,we can learn that .

   A. there is a stone wall around the penguin's home

   B. the penguin didn't have any tasty food to eat when it was in the Park

   C. someone sent a photo of the penguin to eight people

   D. the penguin escaped from the park with a bird


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


     Chrismas is coming.Its one of the most important holidays in the 1countries,such as America,England and Australia. But have you heard any 2  about Christmas? Here is one. 

     It is said that there was a farmer who 3 a poor boy on a cold windy Christmas Eve and gave him a big Christmas meal. The boy was very 4 . He cut a branch of a fir tree and inserted it into the earth. He said,

     “At this time of every year,there will be many presents on this branch. I hope I can 5 your favor by this beautiful fir tree. w After the boy left,the farmer discovered that the branch had grown up as a big tree. Then he 6 that the boy was someone from God.

     This is the origin of Christmas. In western countries,every family will prepare a Christmas tree to 7  the happiness of Christmas. Christmas trees are 8  trees like fir trees because green trees mean long lives. People put Christmas presents on the tree 9  under the tree. At Christmas people sing and dance happily,and enjoy 10  around the tree.

() 1. A. southern   B. northern   C. eastern   D. western

() 2. A. news   B. information   C. stories   D. surveys

() 3. A. refused   B. served   C. asked   D. thanked

() 4. A. helpful   B. thankful   C. forgetful   D. useful

() 5. A. care about   B. look for   C. pick up   D. pay back

() 6. A. realized   B. wondered   C. remembered   D. reminded

() 7. A. increase   B. reduce   C. stop   D. cut

() 8. A. red   B. green   C. yellow   D. brown

() 9. A. if   B. so   C. or   D. but

() 10. A. they   B. them   C. their   D. themselves


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


     Shirley Allen loved to sing and play the piano. She studied music in college. Her 1 was to become a concert pianist or singer. Everything 2 when she was 20 years old. She became very sick. Shirley was in a coma (昏迷) for five weeks and she 3 died. Doctors gave her medicine to help her get 4 ,but the medicine caused her to become totally deaf. She could no longer 5 the music which she had always loved. Shirley would never 6 playing the piano,but she did decide to change careers. She went to Gallaudet University and studied English. In 1966 Shirley 7 from Gallaudet and looked for a job. She wanted to be 8 and work full-time. For three years,Shirley worked 9 a bank clerk in Washington   D. C. Then,in 1967 she was asked to work at Gallaudet University. She also 10 English. Somehow she found time to attend graduate school at Howard University in Washington   D. C. In 1972,Shirley 11 her M. A. degree (硕士学位) .Always 12 for a new challenge,Shirley became a professor at National Technical Institute for the Deaf (NTID) in 1973. NTID is located in Rochester,New York. This college 13 deaf students professional training. When Shirley started teaching at NTI   D. she was the 14 black and deaf teacher there. This amazing woman became the first black deaf woman in the world to receive her Ph. D (博士学位) . She made history in 1992,when she received the 15 degree in education from the University of Rochester in New York.

() 1. A. life   B. hobby   C. dream   D. study

() 2. A. changed   B. came   C. happened   D. did

() 3. A. totally   B. almost   C. finally   D. truly

() 4. A. good   B. well   C. fat   D. happy

() 5. A. write   B. sing   C. hear   D. perform

() 6. A. look on   B. keep up   C. go on   D. give up

() 7. A. graduated   B. left   C. studied   D. got

() 8. A. patient   B. independent   C. clever   D. strong

() 9. A. at   B. for   C. as   D. on

() 10. A. taught   B. learned   C. forgot   D. hated

() 11. A. remembered   B. received   C. found   D. lost

() 12. A. ready   B. afraid   C. worried   D. good

() 13. A. offers   B. trains   C. teaches   D. allows

() 14. A. many   B. one   C. very   D. only

() 15. A. largest   B. highest   C. longest   D. best


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

四、 短文填词

      Scientists say that the total number of species (物种) Most each year may reach 40 ,000. Many animals are in d 1 The Malayan sun bear is among the animals that need our h 2 Malayan sun bears live in f 3 which are being destroyed by people who are cutting down the trees and using the land for farming. The roads they build w 4 they are cutting down the trees also make it easier for hunters to find the bears. W 5 the trees,the bears can't find enough food,so they have to go to look for food on f 6 . That makes the farmers angry and they sometimes try to shoot or trap the bears.

      People hunt the Malayan sun bears because they want to eat the m 7 and use parts of the bear's body to make traditional medicine. Perhaps the main reason why people try to k 8 the bears is that they want to make money. Some of the medicine made from the bears is worth more than gold!

      There are also people who like to k 9 Malayan sun bears as pets. When people want the bears as pets,they steal the young bears and kill the mother bear. We can help the Malayan sun bears by telling our friends about them and asking them not to b 10 any products made from the bears.

1.  2.  3.  4.  5.

6.  7.  8.  9.  10.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


Gail began to train her dogs to do tricks (技巧) when she was a child. And her hobby turned into a job. When she was 10 years old,she did her first dog show. Then she realized she wanted to play with dogs. When she was 14 ,she got her first dog for her birthday. She has been training dogs professionally for about 12 years.

Gail has thirteen dogs. She makes friends with them. She lets them all play together. She also does a lot of work with each dog. They know her well because she does all the feeding.

It's crazy. Life here is great because I get to be with the dogs. They eat with me and sleep with me. We have to travel every week,and I have to take care of these dogs all the time. Although there is always a lot of work,I feel happy,” she said proudly.


Something about Gail as a dog trainer

At the age of ten

She did her 1. .

At the age of 2.

She got her first dog.

How many dogs she has

3. .

How she gets along with dogs

She makes 4. them.

She eats and sleeps with them.

She 5. with them every week.

