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—Where’s Mike?

—He is working _____ physics _____ in the classroom.

A. in; problem B. for;problem C. in; problems D. on; problems


科目:初中英语 来源:吉林省长春市2019届九年级中考模拟英语试卷 题型:单选题

—You really _________ your father!

—Yes, but I think I am more outgoing than him!

A. look after B. feel like C. take after D. care for


科目:初中英语 来源:浙江省温州市六校2019届九年级3月联合模拟英语试卷 题型:阅读单选

Beijing’s two sessions are being widely discussed across China. During the sessions, many proposals and suggestions were put forward. Here are three proposals that were discussed during the sessions that might interest you.

Smartphone ban

According to a survey made last year, 68.1 percent of Chinese primary and junior high school students have their own smartphones.Lei Yanqin, a deputy, suggested that smartphones should be banned at schools nationwide. She said that listening to music and playing games in class not only influence teachers, but also make it difficult for students to pay more attention to lessons. She added that students also like to show off their phones too much.

New uniform designs

Most junior high schools in China require students to wear a uniform. However, only three in ten students are satisfied with their uniforms. Some deputies suggested that the uniforms in schools could be redesigned. They said the new design could add more features of traditional Chinese culture. They required that better quality cloth should be used to make the uniforms so that they will be more comfortable to wear.

Video game rating system

Over 200 million teenagers across China play online games like King of Glory. With the computers, teenagers are able to play most online games produced in China and abroad. However, some games might not be suitable for young people. Many deputies suggested that all games would be divided into age groups according to their content. Players would have to provide their ID numbers before playing certain games.

1.Lei Yanqin thinks that smartphones _______.

A. are necessary in schools B. should be banned in schools worldwide

C. can help students take notes quickly D. are causing lots of trouble in schools

2.Some deputies advised to ________.

A. let students design their own uniforms

B. make online games more competitive

C. improve the quality of school uniforms

D. stop teenagers from playing online games

3.According to the passage, we know deputies cared about_______.

A. the old B. the young C. the poor D. the rich


科目:初中英语 来源:贵州省2018-2019学年七年级下学期第一次月考英语试卷 题型:阅读判断

Jim wants to borrow a book from a new library. He comes to the library with Jack. They can’t see any librarians(图书管理员) there, but only some robots(机器人) standing there. Then Jim says to one of the robots, “Hey, give me the book.” But the robot doesn’t work.

“What’s wrong with the robot? ” he asks Jack. Then Jack tells him, “When you want to borrow something from someone, you must say ‘please’ first.” When the robot hears this, it begins to laugh. Jim’s face turns red.


1.There aren’t any librarians in the library.

2.There are some robots in the library.

3.There is something wrong with the robot.

4.The robot gives Jim the book.

5.Jim’s face turns red because he knows that he isn’t polite (有礼貌的).


科目:初中英语 来源:贵州省2018-2019学年七年级下学期第一次月考英语试卷 题型:单选题

—_____the girls_____in the library?

—Yes,they are

A. Are read. B. Are reading. C. Do read. D. Do reading


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省江阴市2019届九年级3月月考英语试卷 题型:完成句子



The meeting affair group _________________________ that all the players were quite satisfied.


.It’s not so simple. You’d better ________________________________ it yourself.


During their trip to Wuxi,they_____________________________ across the Taihu Lake.


In the end, The news _______________________________ a big lie, which made all very angry.


State Statistical Bureau of the UK hasn’t announced_____________________________ last year.


According to the sound, maybe,_____________the machine. Let’s stop to check it


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省江阴市2019届九年级3月月考英语试卷 题型:单选题

---Excuse me, would you mind helping me with the math problem?

---I’m sorry. _______, I’m in a hurry.

A. In general B. In fact C. In all D. In detail


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏淮安开明中学2017-2018学年七年级下学期期中英语试卷 题型:句型转换


1.The young man and his brother live in the same room.

The young man _______ a room _______ his brother.

2.Cross the street when the light is green.

_______ _______ the street when the light is green.

3.Shall we go to work by underground?

_______ _______ taking the underground to work?

4.My uncle’s bike is broken.

There’s _______ _______ with my uncle’s bike.

5.She spends ten minutes walking to the bookshop.

It _______ her ten minutes _______ go to the bookshop on foot.

6.Most students have their own watches.

Most students have watches _______ _______ _______.


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省2018-2019学年七年级下学期第一次月考英语试卷 题型:单选题

There is _______ wrong with your mobile phone. You’d better ask Uncle Wang to __________ it.

A. anything; buy B. something; check C. nothing; fix D. something; borrow

