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How about forgetting bad memories?

Can we forget bad memories? Someone might tell you that time is the only “cure”. But this might be not true.

Researchers at Canada's McGill University have tested a pill that can help you forget bad memories. They tested it on 60 people and found it to be useful.

All 60 people had experienced painful romantic relationships and wanted to forget them. In the study, they were asked to write about these bad memories. Then, they took a pill that is usually used to treat high blood pressure (血压). They then recalled their bad memories by reading what they wrote earlier. In the end, they talked about their feelings, saying that they were finally able to forget their bad experiences.

Dr. Alain Brunet, who led the study, believes that the pill can ease(缓解)the pain that bad memories bring. People can take it after bad things happen to them.

How did the pill do this? In fact, your memories change all the time. They’re like papers on your computer. Every time you recall and "open” the papers, you might happen to make some changes and "save" them. Researchers believe that the pill can stop something in the brain from "re-saving" these memories. This means some details of the memory are lost.

However, there are some ethical (伦理的)worries about this treatment. Some people might use it to forget things that they should be learning from, such as when they did a crime.

A11 of us can think of bad events in our lives that were terrible at the time but make us who we are. They also help us all avoid the mistakes of the past. I'm not sure we want to erase those memories, said Rebecca Dresser, a medical ethicist.

How do we form memories?

The part of our brain known as the hippocampus (海马体)is important for forming new memories. Scientists found it after studying a patient named Henry Molaison in the 1950s. After Molaison's hippocampus got hurt during an operation, he couldn't store new memories. But he could remember memories from before the operation. This means long-term memories are stored outside the hippocampus. Scientists believe they are stored in the neocortex(新皮质),which controls attention and planning.

1.The writing purpose of this passage is ________.

A.to introduce a new medical invention B.to describe the bad influence of the pill

C.to tell stories about a patient named Henry D.to discover the fun secrets of hippocampus

2.The pill tested on people can ________.

A.cause the brain to fix memories B.recall what they wrote down before

C.help people remember things easily D.help people forget painful memories

3.Which of the following does Rebecca Dresser agree with in Paragraph Six?

A.Some memories are harmful to people's lives.

B.The pill can help avoid the mistakes of the past.

C.Experiencing bad events makes us different from others.

D.The pill should be used to reduce people's sufferings from bad memories.

4.We can infer from the passage that________.

A.the pill can certainly stop criminals from doing crimes

B.taking the pill will be harmful to people's physical health

C.the pill has been produced and used by the public America

D.medical workers are still unsure about the influence of the pill


科目:初中英语 来源:2020年江苏省苏州市姑苏区中考一模英语试卷 题型:根据句意填空

— What is a ________?

— It's a page or series of pages showing the days, weeks and months of a particular year, especially one that you hang on a wall.


科目:初中英语 来源:2020年江苏省扬州市江都区中考一模英语试卷 题型:完型填空

"Look at the moon," my son shouts excitedly. Our son's best friend joins in the celebration, and soon the whole room is looking out of the window, enjoying this simple sight.

It's not the first time we've _______ our love of the moon as a family. Last time we celebrated as we sat in a taxi after a meaningful day trip. Both our son and little daughter were jumping around with _______ in the back of the cab at the sight of the big golden October harvest moon. The driver couldn't help but join in the simple joy.

In order not to _______ the moon whenever it appears, we even _______ our bedroom to the back of the house. So our son has a _______ from Bath in the East to the Forest in the West. It has paid off as he often now shouts down to us about sunrises, sunsets, rainbows or a storm.

I'm not sure if he knows just _______ this pleases me. At seven, it feels like he is starting to understand more about the rhythm of life, the passing of time, and how it _______ us humans. He knows that the sun doesn't _______ rise in one place, that it travels _______ the sky. He knows that clouds will gather near hills or mountains and a rainbow often ________ rain. It feels like he is developing a ________ connection with the earth through the ________ he spends sitting on his windowsill.

He then understands what he is enjoying is temporary (短暂的). The ________ doesn't stay full for long and rainbows disappear quickly. ________, he's catching those moments with both ________ and holding them in his arms. And what I love about this the most is that his first thoughts are always to share this joy with those whom he loves.

1.A.shared B.developed C.wanted D.accepted

2.A.hope B.joy C.courage D.peace

3.A.see B.welcome C.lose D.miss

4.A.decorated B.changed C.prepared D.bought

5.A.view B.trip C.dream D.memory

6.A.how long B.how often C.how much D.how

7.A.influences B.tells C.worries D.warns

8.A.really B.even C.just D.ever

9.A.through B.above C.across D.under

10.A.appears B.follows C.invites D.brings

11.A.softer B.harder C.lighter D.deeper

12.A.thoughts B.moments C.efforts D.money

13.A.clouds B.rainbows C.sun D.moon

14.A.Moreover B.Otherwise C.Suddenly D.However

15.A.hands B.eyes C.ears D.feet


科目:初中英语 来源:2020年江苏省无锡市宜兴市中考适应性测试英语试卷 题型:汉译英:整句


Who can tell me ___________________________________________his work?


科目:初中英语 来源:2020年江苏省无锡市宜兴市中考适应性测试英语试卷 题型:完成句子

It's said that the Internet speed ________(be)100 times as high as 4G when the 5G age comes.


科目:初中英语 来源:2020年江苏省无锡市宜兴市中考适应性测试英语试卷 题型:单选题

—Hi, Sam. We'll have a camping in the Forest Park this weekend. Would you like to join us?

—________ That's the last thing in the world I ever want to do.

A.It depends. B.With pleasure. C.It's up to you. D.No, thanks.


科目:初中英语 来源:2020年江苏省无锡市宜兴市中考适应性测试英语试卷 题型:单选题

All the guests at this hotel________use the business center and the exercise rooms at no extra cost.

A.can B.should C.must D.need


科目:初中英语 来源:2020年江苏省苏州市昆山市中考一模英语试卷 题型:根据中/英文提示填空

Though Jack had failed twice, he wanted to try a________(第三) time.


科目:初中英语 来源:2020年四川省绵阳地区中考二模英语试卷 题型:听短对话回答问题

What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A.Teacher and student. B.Customer and waitress. C.Husband and wife.

