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17.Yoga(瑜伽)is a kind of sport.It is very popular around the world now.Everyone,young and old can do yoga.It's good for both men and women.
  Why do people like yoga?There's a short answer and a long answer to that question.The short answer is that yoga makes you feel better and make you healthier in body,mind and spirit.There's more about the answer if you are interested.
  Yoga began in India about 5,000 years ago.At that time,people wanted to be free,healthy and live a long life,so this kind of exercise was born.The early yoga was part of a religion (宗教).It was usually taught one to one-one teacher with one student.Yoga is an Indian word that means"to join together".There are three parts of yoga altogether:exercise,breathing and meditation (沉思).In the past,people paid more attention to the spirit.The idea behind the exercise was to join the mind,body and spirit as one.Yoga can give you peace,help you feel relaxed,and have fewer worries and illnesses.

66.What is yoga?A
A.An old Indian sport
B.A European game
C.A popular idea.
67.Which of the following is true?B
A.Yoga is good only for women.
B.Anyone can practice yoga.
C.Yoga can bring the world peace.
68.Why do people like yoga?C
A.Because it helps you work more quickly.
B.Because it is part of the real religion.
C.Because it is good for one's health.
69.In the past one yoga teacher taughtA.
A.only one student  
B.a class of many students 
C.men and women together
70.The three parts of yoga areB.
A.mind,body,and spirit   
B.exercise,breathing and thinking
C.having peace,feeling relaxed,and being healthy.

分析 文章大意:这篇短文介绍的是关于瑜伽,人们为什么喜欢练习瑜伽,练习瑜伽可以使身体和精神更健康.文章中还为我们介绍了瑜伽的起源以及瑜伽的深层含义.

解答 66-70:ABCAB
66题答案:A 细节理解题.根据文章开头第一句话Yoga is a kind of sport.可知,瑜伽是一种运动;再根据文章的最后一段Yoga began in India about 5,000 years ago可知,瑜伽起源于印度,故选A.
67题答案:B 推理判断题.根据第一段Everyone,young and old can do yoga.可知,每个人无论年轻或年老,都可以练习瑜伽,故B是正确的,A错误.根据最后一段Yoga can give you peace,可知,瑜伽可以使人平静,并不会给世界带来和平,故C不对.故选B.
68题答案:C 细节理解题.根据文章的第一段Why do people like yoga?There's a short answer and a long answer to that question.The short answer is that yoga makes you feel better.可知,人们喜欢练习瑜伽是因为它对人体健康有好处.故选C.
69题答案:A 细节理解题.根据第三段The early yoga was part of a religion (宗教).It was usually taught one to one-one teacher with one student.可知,在过去是一对一的教学故选A.
70题答案:B 细节理解题.根据第三段There are three parts of yoga altogether:exercise,breathing and meditation (沉思).可知瑜伽一共有三个部分:锻炼、呼吸和冥想,故选B.

点评 本文是一篇日常生活类阅读,题目涉及多道细节理解题,做题时结合原文和题目有针对 性找出相关语句进行仔细分析,结合选项选出正确答案.推理判断也是要在抓住关键句子的基础上合理的分析才能得出正确的答案.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

7.Besides calling 120,here is what you should do when no one is around to help.
If you get lost,you may stay where you can be seen clearly and try your best to have a rest.In a wide open area,make a colorful cross out of rocks to show where you stay.
When you choke at home,make a sudden hit against the back of the chair.If you can't breathe after six tries,call 120.Leave the telephone open until help arrives.
Use your hand or a scarf,or any dry cloth you can find,and push down on the wound until the blood stops running.Don't put the cloth around your leg tightly(过紧),or you may lose your foot.
When a fire breaks out,you must move close to the floor.Cover your mouth and nose with a wet towel,make you wet from head to foot if possible and find a safe place outside.
47.If you get lost in a wide open area,you shouldB.
A.call out for help
B.make a cross
C.phone the police
D.draw a map.
48.You move close to the floor in a fire to keep away fromA.
49.Bcan help to deal with a wound.
A.A wet towel
B.A scarf
C.A chair
D.Some rocks.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

8.I mustfind (find) my schoolbag.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.A man made a nice talking machine(机器).It could weigh people's weight.The man wanted to try the machine before he could make a lot of machines.He put the machine into the waiting room of a station.There were always lots of people in and out.
The first one who used the machine was an Indian woman.She stood on the machine,the machine thought for a few seconds to decide which language to speak."Good morning,Madam."it said in Indian."Your weight is 72kilograms.That's three kilograms more.If you eat more fruit and vegetables,you will be soon all right.Please have a nice day."
The second one to use the machine was a Chinese girl.She stood on the machine and waited to hear her weight."Good morning,Miss."the machine said in Chinese."Your weight is 45kilograms.It's all right for your age.Keep eating what you eat every day.Please have a nice day."
The third one to use the machine was a very fat American woman.She thought for a long time to stand on the machine.The machine spoke quickly in English,"Good morning.Will one of you get off?"

62.The machine in this passage couldD.
A.make people laugh          
B.tell people what they should eat
C.speak all kinds of languages         
D.weigh and talk to people
63.The man put his first machineA.
A.in the station                                   
B.in a train
C.in the doctor's waiting room          
D.in the women's room
64.The machine told the Indian womanA.
A.she was a little heavier                    
B.she was a little lighter
C.it couldn't speak Indian                   
D.to eat what she wanted to eat
65.How was the American woman?B
A.She was healthy.
B.She was too heavy
C..She liked thinking.
D.The machine didn't like her.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

12.In British,a famous website did an interesting survey.The survey showed that British kids were very ignorant about food.The reporters from the website asked about 1,000 children aged 8 to 15 and did a survey about food.They were surprised at the result of the survey.Five percent of the children thought chips(薯条)grew on farms.And six percent of them didn't know where milk came from.Some even thought pizza came from farmland.
The study by Dairy Farmers of Britain also showed that two percent of city kids thought cows had eggs and one-in-three children thought eating grass could turn cow's milk green.
The study also found country kids learned more about the food than the city kids did.
Phi Gibson,from Dairy Farmers of Britain,said,"It is ne cessary to teach children to know where their food comes from.We must think about children's education from a young age".
The Dairy Farmers of Britain has a plan.They will help teach children some knowledge(知识) about food.For example,they will teach children where their food comes from and how it is processed.

68.Who did a survey about food.?D
A.An American school                         
B.An American website    
C.A British School                                 
D.A British website
69.What does the underlined word"They"mean?D
A.The children                  
B.The city kids                  
C.The farmers                  
D.The reporters
70.There are some results of the survey in the passage.Which one is NOT TRUE?D
A.Five percent of the children thought chips grew on farms.
B.Some children thought pizza came from farmland.
C.Two percent of city kids thought cows had eggs.
D.Nobody thought eating grass would turn cows'milk green.
71.After reading the passage,what can we learn from the passage?B
A.it's unnecessary for children to know the knowledge about food
B.children should be taught to know something about food
C.it's interesting to know how the food is processed
D.children should visit the farm as soon as possible.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.Two friends were walking through the desert.During the journey they had an argument(争吵),and the taller boy slapped (打)the shorter one in the face.The short boy was hurt,but without saying anything,he wrote in the sand:"Today my best friend slapped me in the face."
They kept on walking until they found a pond,and they decided to take a bath there.But the short boy got stuck in the mud(泥) and started to sink(下沉).He cried,"Help!Help!"Luckily,he was pulled to safety by his friend.After that,he carved on a stone:"Today my best friend saved my life."
The taller boy asked him,"After I hurt you,you wrote it in the sand and now you carve it on a stone.Why?"
The shorter boy replied:"When someone hurts you,you should write it in the sand where winds can erase(擦掉) it easily.But when someone does something good for you,you must carve it in the stone where no wind can ever erase it."
You have to learn to write your hurts in the sand and to carve your benefits in the stone.
53.Where did the two friends walk?A
A.in the desert     
B.on the stone     
C.in the forest    
D.in a pond
54.The taller boy slapped the shorter one in the face becauseB.
A.the shorter boy took him to the desert by mistake.
B.they had an argument
C.the shorter boy kept wasting time writing and carving.
D.he had to save his friend,and this almost took his own life.
55.What did the shorter boy do after he was saved?C
A.He kept walking without saying anything.
B.He wrote it in the sand.
C.He carved it on a stone.
D.He said thanks to him.
56.What can we learn from the last sentence of the passage?D
A.We should write and carve to record different kinds of feelings.
B.We should record different kinds of things in different ways.
C.We should remember both good things and bad things.
D.We should remember only good things others have done to us and let go bad things.
57.What is the best title for the text?C
A.Two Friends.
B.A Friend in Need Is a Friend Indeed.
C.Sand and Stone.
D.How to Be Good Friends.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

9.What might the future be like?Here are some predictions:things to come,things to go.
The last few days of every year in big cities in China,when everyone returns home,have been the worst headaches for millions of Chinese.More than 2billion people travel at the same time,making getting travel tickets and the journey difficult.But in 28years,Spring Festival travel may not be a problem at all.China plans to build more than 120,000kilometers of railway and a fast transportation network that will serve 90% of the population by 2020.And because most of China will be cities,people will not have to go to other places to find a job,so it will no longer be a problem.
Newspaper will come to an end in 2043.There will be less and less people reading news on paper and the cost of making and buying newspaper will be reduced.In the future,digital (数字的) newspapers will be sent to personal web tools through Internet.Readers can discuss topics with journalists and editors.Information will move faster.
Oil is running out faster than expected.But scientists have found something else for oil as fuel (燃料).Coal,natural gas,solar power,nuclear power and even water can take the place of oil as sources of energy (能源).And the alternative ways of energy will help reduce the cost and pollution,too.
Schools will go electronic (电子化).Computers will be important and popular among the students.Everything will be in the computer and students will not need to bring books to school.They will find information on the Internet.A computer will be the students'library,schoolbag and connection to the outside world.There will be robot teachers,they will check homework on computers and communicate with the students'parents through e-mail.Students will find their personal teachers to ask for special help for those the robot teachers cannot do.And school buses will be like spaceships,comfortable and safe.

28.The newspapers will disappearA.
A.in 28years            
B.by 2020         
C.by 2053         
D.in 38years
29.The underlined the alternative ways in the 4th paragraph meansB.
A.modern ideas  
B.other choices  
C.wise methods 
D.natural means
30.From the passage we can knowC  in the future.
A.the Spring Festival travel may still be a problem
B.90percent of the population will live in the city
C.robot teachers will check homework on computers
D.readers can discuss with each other through Internet
31.The passage mainly tells usA.
A.future changes in many ways             
B.computers will be important
C.new things will be coming                 
D.old things will be gone.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

6.My aunt and uncle are bothpostmen  (邮递员).


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

7.Jack got to the bus station very early.The bus for Beijing was leaving (出发) at twelve.He saw many people at the station.Some were waiting,and others were walking around.Jack looked around but there was no room  for him to sit in.He walked into a restaurant.He looked at the clock there.It's only 11:30.Then he found a seat and sat down.At that time,Tom,one of his friends,came in and sat in front of him.They talked and drank.After a while,Jack looked at the clock again."Oh,my God.It's still  11:30.The clock didn't work at all."Jack became very sad because he missed  the bus.

51.Jack was going toB by bus.
D.New York
52.Jack went into the restaurant becauseD.
A.it was quite early               
B.he couldn't find a seat at the station
C.he missed the bus for Beijing     
D.A and B
53.Tom wasD.
A.a policeman   
B.a businessman  
C.Jack's brother  
D.Jack's friend
54.The clock wasC.
C.broken (坏的)    
55.Jack became sad becauseA.
A.he missed the bus             
B.he couldn't find a seat
C.he met Tom at the station       
D.the clock was broken.

