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The flight was tiring,but here I am at last,in Sydney!look!Here we are at last!The Sydney Opera House!It looks like shells!It’s wonderful and amazing!And I’m taking the plane to New Zealand on Tuesday.I’ll post again from there.

Paris is beautiful!We went on a great city tour.We also took a boat ride on the River Seine.And it’s nicer to just sit at a street cafe and watch the world go by.But to tell you a secret.Frank’s disappointed because no one can understand his French!

We’re staying at a farm in Utah.There is nearly nothing!It’s too quiet.Every morning,we get up really early,and we ride the horses.Then it’s breakfast and more riding—not my idea of fun!So,today I walked to a little town near the farm where they actually have Internet!Next week,we’re shopping in New York.I can’t wait!

1.Where is Jessy writing from?

A. Sydney. B. New Zealand. C. Paris. D. Utah.

2.What did Donna and Frank do during their travelling?

A. They visited museums.

B. They took a boat ride.

C. They sat at a street park.

D. They watched movies in the cinema.

3.Which of the following is TRUE according to Anna's Moments(朋友圈)?

A. It is too noisy around the farm.

B. Her idea of fun is horse riding.

C. She is going to London next week.

D. She cannot use Internet at the farm.


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏盐城市八年级上期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

—_______have you known each other? —Since we were in our childhood.

A.How far B.How often

C.How long D.How soon


科目:初中英语 来源:2015年初中毕业升学考试(重庆A卷)英语(解析版) 题型:单项填空

It’s surprising that Mr. Ma’s little daughter _____ speak English so well.

A. must B. can C. mustn’t D. can’t


科目:初中英语 来源:2015年初中毕业升学考试(浙江台州卷)英语(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

“Am I my brother’s keeper?” The question comes from the Bible(圣经). In the Bible, Cain kills his brother Abel. When God asks Cain where Abel is, he replies, “I don’t know. Am I my brother’s keeper?” by which he means, “Am I responsible (有责任心的) for my brother—his safety and health?” The answer, of course, is “Yes, you are.”

This sense of responsibility for others is basic to all good societies. And also it is basic to what we call “civil(文明的) society”. China is now working on building a civil society and the high schools in Shanghai want students to take part in that through volunteering. They are supposed to do sixty class hours of volunteer work before graduation. This is something new in China, but it is not new in other countries.

In the Canadian province of Ontario, high school students are required to do forty hours of volunteering. In some American states, the volunteering requirement is one hundred hours. These students spend about an hour a week during the school year and summer vacations, helping the poor, the sick and the old. They also teach young children to read and help to clean up the environment. And studies have shown that this volunteering experience influences students a lot after graduation.

Some of you may be thinking, “Gee, sixty class hours is a lot. How can I find the time?” In fact, if you finish it in three years, you only need to do the work about three class hours a month. And the time is well spent if it helps you realize that “being your brother’s keeper” makes you a better person and makes society a better place for everyone.

1. A Shanghai high school student should finish class hours of volunteer work before graduation.

A. thirty B. forty C. sixty D. one hundred

2.The underlined word “that” in Paragraph 2 refers to “ ”.

A. building a civil society B. reading the Bible

C. doing the volunteer work D. playing more sports

3.According to the writer, “being your brother’s keeper” means “ ”.

A. being a good school student

B. being responsible for others

C. taking good care of your brother

D. doing volunteer work with your brother

4.The main purpose of the writing is to .

A. tell students where to do volunteer work

B. give advice on how to be a good volunteer

C. encourage students to do more volunteer work

D. introduce volunteer work in different countries


科目:初中英语 来源:2015年初中毕业升学考试(浙江宁波卷)英语(解析版) 题型:选词填空


cost different drive public fork

Marie:Roy and Carla,what are your ideas for solving these pollution problems?

Roy:To cut down air pollution,we should take the bus or subway instead of 1. .

Carla:Yeah,or ride a bike. There are other advantages of bike riding. It's good for health and it doesn't 2. much!

Marie:Great ideas!What about waste pollution?

Carla:Mmm,I think simple things like bringing a bag to go shopping can help. I started doing that a year ago.

Roy:Me,too. Also,I never take wooden chopsticks or plastic 3. when I buy takeaway food. I use the ones at home.

Carla:And remember to throw rubbish in the bins and keep 4. places clean and beautiful for Everyone

Marie:So together,our actions can make a 5. and lead to a better future!


科目:初中英语 来源:2015年初中毕业升学考试(上海卷)英语(解析版) 题型:完形填空

Sometimes, the choices you have made prove to be wrong. Don’t worry – it’s not the end of the world! In traffic, what you do in this situation is just turn around and find a way. That’s exactly what you should also do in real life. In your life you will find many dead ends but you will always find your way out of them.

Life is not always a walk in the park. There will be uphill as well as downhill, bumps(凸块) and smooth rides. If you are not careful, a bump can make you . However, riding your life along just straight roads with no bumps can become . So, a bump can be a nice experience as well.

Right or left? In your life there will be times when you have to make a . You may want to focus on your studies, so you choose to stop a hobby that you’ve had for years. ! Before putting away the guitar or stopping your dance lessons, you should think how you could divide your time between studying and hobbies. Basically, it’s just a question of how to manage your time.

Whatever you do in life, remember to take it easy. You don’t have to run everywhere. Sometimes running make life less enjoyable. It’s often better to think before taking action. So, think first and then act! There’s really no rush! You don’t have to experience everything before you’re 20!

1. A.better B.shorter C.faster D. wider

2. A. grow B.cry C.change D.fall

3. A. helpful B.boring C. lucky D. dangerous


5. A.living B.decision C. mistake D.wish

6. A.Drive careful B. Act immediately C.Think again D. Speak aloud


科目:初中英语 来源:2015年初中毕业升学考试(上海卷)英语(解析版) 题型:单项填空

– Don’t throw plastic bags towards the animals in the zoo.

-- _____

A. All right B.My pleasure

C.Not at all D.Don’t mention.


科目:初中英语 来源:2015年初中毕业升学考试(上海卷)英语(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Nowadays I can choose online courses and study by_____ ?

A. I B. me C.my D.myself


科目:初中英语 来源:2015年初中毕业升学考试(湖北孝感卷)英语(解析版) 题型:单项填空

— How often do I need to feed the dog?

— It ________ food every day, or it will be hungry.

A. must give B. must be give

C. must gave D. must be given

