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All the housewives who went to the new supermarket had one great wish:to be the 1 1       customer who did not have to pay for her shopping. This was w 2       the notice just inside the entrance promised (承诺) . It said, "Remember,o 3       a week,one of the customers gets free goods. It may be your lucky day."

For several weeks Mrs Edwards had h 4       ,like many of her friends,to be the lucky customer. Unlike her friends,she n 5       gave up hope. The cupboards in her kitchen were f 6       of things which she didn't need. Her husband tried to stop her,but he failed. She dreamed of the day w 7       the manager of the supermarket would come to her and say , "Madam,this is your lucky day. Everything in your basket is free."

One Friday morning,after she had finished her shopping and had taken the goods to her car,she found that she had f 8       to buy some tea. She rushed back to the supermarket,got the tea and went towards the cash desk (收4艮台) .As she did so,she saw the manager w 9      towards her. "Madam,"he said,holding out his h 10      ,"I want to congratulate you...”

1. 1       2. w        3,o        4. h       5. n         

6. f       7. w        8. f        9. w       10. h       

 1. lucky   2. what   3. once   4. hoped   5. never   6. full   7. when   8. forgotten   9. walking   10. hand

题目来源:中考英语组合训练(阅读理解+短文填词) > 组合训练31-32


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Western country music is very old. It came from the United States,Canada,Ireland,and Great Britain. It is a mixture (混合) of music f 1       all of these places.

In the west of America,cowboys had to take c 2       of the cattle (cows) . They had to watch them all day and all night because the cattle were nervous and sometimes ran a 3       A cowboy's life was lonely (孤独) and d 4       . When he was alone in the desert with the cattle,he drank strong coffee to stay awake at night. He also sang music to the cattle to make them q 5       . Of course,the cowboys also sang music when they t 6       to town to relax and have a good time.

In the south America,many people came from Ireland,Scotland,and England. Other people came from France,Canada. They e 7       their own kind of music. When they visited their friends and families on h 8       like Thanksgiving and Christmas,they usually sang and played country music.

Western country music describes life. It talks about love,j 9      ,home and money. It talks about friends and enemies,farms and crops. People in many parts of the world like western country music b 10       it's close to our daily life.

1. f       2. c       3. a      4. d       5. q         

6. t         7. e       8. h       9. j       10. b       


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

A:Dreams are images (形象) or thoughts (想法) that pass through our minds during sleep. Nightmares (噩梦) are dreams that frighten us.

B:We all dream. Adults (成年人) probably dream about four times each night,but they do not usually remember their dreams.

Almost all children have nightmares and they often wake up feeling very frightened. Adults don't have nightmares as often as children.

C:No one knows!Some people say that our dreams organize (组织) the events of the day. Others say that we use our dreams to help us solve (解决) problems. Some people believe that dreams predict (预言) the future.

D:Everyone wants to understand his or her dream,but do dreams have meanings? Here are some common dreams and their meanings:

Flying: You want to escape (逃离) from daily life. ( People often feel happy after a dream about flying.) Grass:Green grass means that your life is going well,but brown grass means that you're not happy:are you depressed (抑4卩的) or worried about something?

Losing teeth:You're scared of losing someone close to you. (Or perhaps you should go to the dentist!) Long hair: You want more freedom!

Fire: You're very angry with someone. You should try to control 空制) your feelings.

E; Dreams are good for us,but we should try to avoid nightmares. You should try to relax before you go to bed and you shouldn't eat cheese or spicy (辣的) food. You certainly shouldn't watch horror (恐怖) films!

(   ) 1. What does A think about dreams?

   A. Dreams are our minds.

   B. Dreams are harmful to us.

   C. You want to escape from daily life.

   D. Dreams are helpful.

(   ) 2. C thinks         .

   A. dreams organize the events of the day

   B. we want to solve some problems

   C. nobody knows dreams exactly

   D. dreams tell us something about the future

(   ) 3. If D says you are afraid of losing your friend,that's to say that you dreamt

   A. you were flying

   B. some green grass

   C. that your hair was very long

   D. you lost your teeth

(   ) 4. Which way does E think can avoid nightmares?        before going to bed.

   A. Trying to relax

   B. Eating no spicy food

   C. Watching no horror films

   D. All of the above

(   ) 5. How many people say something about dreams according to the passage?

   A. Six. B. Five. C. Four. D. Three.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Jerry and Carl a were asked to choose a person for class president. As they looked through the list of k 1       in the room,they stopped at Tina's name. Tina had lots of ideas,and she never said unkind things about other people.

"I really like Tina,and most of the classmates will accept her,I i 2       , ”said Carla. "But she looks t 3       !She puts on too much makeup (化妆品) ,and she wears strange and u 4       clothes. Sometimes she wears things that don't even f 5       her."

"Do you think we could get her to use 1 6       makeup and never wear decent (讲究的) clothes?"Carla asked.

"We couldn't. It would make us and her not feel c 7       ," replied Jerry. "She goes around with high school girls,and she must know by now how she looks. My mother says it is wrong for eighth graders to look like those m 8       stars."

"Yes”,Carla a 9      ,"and what will the teachers think if we s 10       Tina?"

1. k        2. i        3. t       4. u        5. f      

6. 1        7. c       8. m        9. a       10. s       


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Chuck Wall teaches management and human relations at Bakersfield College. He walked into class one day and told his students that their homework was to perform one act of random (任意的) kindness. His students did not understand the homework and didn't know what to do,but the professor would not answer their questions. He encouraged his students to work it out for themselves.

One week later,the students entered the classroom excited to share their stories. One student told of giving away blankets to the homeless. Another reported on helping a dog to find its owner,and another student had been trying to find a long,lost friend. Students were energized (给予;舌力) by the homework assignment and wanted other people to be kind too. With the support of local businesses,the students made stickers to put on cars that invited people to do something kind for others. They sold the stickers and decided to donate the money to a center for the blind―not surprising as Professor Wall is blind.

Since then,similar kindness activities have been started in schools around the world. Many schools organize a Random Acts of Kindness Week,around November 13th,to celebrate World Kindness Day. Some schools use each day of Random Acts of Kindness Week to perform a different kind act,such as making a new friend,helping someone,doing community service,or raising money for a charity. Students learn to consider other people and think about how small actions can make the world a better place.

(   ) 1. The professor's homework was to ask his students         .

   A. to write about kindness. B. to be kind to strangers

   C. to spend time helping other   D. to go out to raise money

(   ) 2. We learn from the passage that         .

   A. Chuk's students are not clever enough

   B. the students didn't do Chuck's homework

   C. Chuk Wall is an unusual teacher

   D. no students enjoyed Chuck's homework

(   ) 3. It is certain that         .

   A. the students got good grades in Chuck's class

   B. kindness activities are not widely accepted

   C. Chuck Wall was not good at designing homework

   D. the students only helped people they knew

(   ) 4. In kindness activities students learn         .

   A. to deal with difficult things

   B. to do great things every day

   C. to know about the world

   D. to consider other people

(   ) 5. Which is the best title of the passage?

   A. Learning Kind Things

   B. Teaching Kindness

   C. World Kindness Day

   D. Bakersfield College


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

10. 这条购物街是个闲逛的好地方。

The shopping street is                    .


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

I will always remember my mother's last few days in this world.

On February 14th,2000,my class went on a field trip to the beach. We had so much fun. When we returned to school,my teacher told me to go to the headmaster's office. When I got into the office,I saw a police officer. Suddenly I realized something was wrong. The police officer told me what had happened and we went to pick my sister up. After that,we went to the hospital and waited. Time went slowly. Finally we saw our mother. It was terrible.

On the next day,the headmaster came and told my two teachers what had happened. I was taking a rest that day. I knew it had something to do with my mother. I kept thinking that she either died or was getting better. How I wished that she had been better!When my teacher took me outside,my sister ran up to me. She started crying, " She's gone. Teresa,mommy's gone. She's dead. " I couldn't believe it. We jumped into the car and drove straight to the hospital. Most of my family were there. The silence was terrible. I knew I lost my dear mother forever.

Even today,I still miss my mother very much,but I know that life will go on. My mother was a beautiful,kind,intelligent woman,who was also strong in mind. She was an angel on the earth. I will always remember her. When people are asked who their hero is,they usually say someone famous,like Michael Jordan or Britney Spears. When someone asks me who my hero is,I tell them it's my mother. My mother was just an ordinary woman. That is what makes her a true hero.

(   ) 6. Where was the writer when she learned the bad news about her mother?

   A. On the beach. B. At the hospital.

   C. At school. D. At home.

(   ) 7. Who brought the writer the bad news about her mother?

   A. Her sister. B. The headmaster.

   C. Her teacher. D. The police officer.

(   ) 8. What did the headmaster tell the two teachers on the next day?

   A. Her mother had been very ill.

   B. Her mother had been dead.

   C. Her mother had gotten better.

   D. Her sister came to see her.

(   ) 9. From the last paragraph of the passage we know that .

   A. the writer is afraid of her mother

   B. the writer is proud of her mother

   C. the writer feels sad about her mother

   D. the writer feels sorry for her mother

(   ) 10. From the reading we know that the writer thinks her mother is a        woman.

   A. great   B. free   C. rich   D. famous


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

There was once a professor of medicine who was very strict with the students. Whenever he took the chair on the exam committee (委员会) ,the students would be in fear,for he was seldom pleased with the answers they gave. A student would be lucky enough if he or she could receive a good mark from him. At the end of the term,the students of medicine would take their exam again. Now a student entered the room and got seated before the committee. This student was a little nervous as he knew it would not be easy to get through the exam at all.

The professor began to ask. The student was required to describe a certain illness. His description turned out to be OK.

Then the professor asked about the cure (治疗) for the illness,and the student also answered just as right.

"Good," said the professor, uand how much will you give the patient?"

"A full spoon," answered the student.

"Now you may go out and wait for what you can get," said the professor. At the same time the committee discussed carefully the answers the student had given. Suddenly the student noticed that there was something wrong with his last answer. " A full spoon is too much ," he thought to himself. Anxiously,he opened the door of the room and cried, "Mr. Professor,I've made a mistake!A full spoon is too much for the patient. He can take only five drops."

"I'm sorry,sir," said the professor coldly, "but it's too late. Your patient has died."

(   ) 11. The students were afraid of the professor because         .

   A. they often disappointed him or made him angry

   B. their answers often surprised him

   C. their answers seldom satisfied him

   D. he often misunderstood them and gave them bad marks

(   ) 12. The student's description of the illness was         .

   A. not correct   B. not satisfying

   C. accepted   D. completely discouraging

(   ) 13. What does the underlined phrase "take the chair" mean?

   A. Seat himself in a chair.

   B. Become the head of the committee.

   C. Become a member.

   D. Become a professor.

(   ) 14. Which of the following is NOT true?

   A. The professor was very strict in his work.

   B. The student would probably not pass the exam.

   C. The committee agreed to give the student another chance after their discussion.

   D. The patient will be in danger if he's taken as much as a full spoon.

(   ) 15. Which of the following would be the best title for the reading?

   A. An Interview.

   B. It's Too Late.

   C. A Strict Professor and His Exam.

   D. A Terrible Mistake.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

A wishing tree in Fong Ma Po village is covered with so many red papers that it looks red not green!For many people in Hong Kong,there is a custom of writing one's wish on a piece of red paper and hanging it on a wishing tree. This custom,as people say,goes back to the year 960. The custom came to village about 40 years ago. A very sick fisherman hung a wish on the tree. When his wish came true and he got better,he told all the other fishermen that this was a magical wishing tree.

In 1998,the first tree caught fire because there were so many flames under the tree. The next year a second tree was planted. However,so many wishes were hung on it that it fell over. In the year 2000,a third tree was planted.

One story has made the tree even more popular. A father made a wish for his son,the boy was very slow at learning and was having problems at school. Soon after the father had made the wish,the boy began to get much better at all his school subject. Since that time,more and more people have come to the tree to make their wishes.

Mrs. Fung,one of the village people,has a stall next to the tree where she sells red paper. "I don't make money," she says. "I do it to help people make their wishes."She says that all kinds of people come to the tree,rich and poor,young and old,married (结婚) and single (单身) people. One of the people was Lee Chunyu,aged 41. "I came here a year ago. There were so many people here that I could hardly reach the tree!I had started a new job and hoped that the boss would not tell me to leave. In fact,my work there has gone very well,so I've come here today to redeem a vow (还愿) .”

(   ) 11. When did the custom in Fong Ma Po village start?

   A. After the fisherman got better.

   B. The passage does not say.

   C. When people started writing wishes on red paper.

   D. In the year 960.

(   ) 12. How many of the wishing trees have been destroyed by the wishes?

   A. Only the second.

   B. Only the first.

   C. Two.

   D. One.

(   ) 13. What happened after the father made a wish?

   A. The father made more wishes for his son.

   B. People started coming to the tree to make wishes.

   C. The boy had no more problems.

   D. The boy had more success with his studies.

(   ) 14. What kind of people visit the tree?

   A. Only the village people.

   B. All kinds of people.

   C. Only people with new jobs.

   D. Only people with work problems.

(   ) 15. What is the best title for the passage?

   A. The Best Wishes

   B. Planting Trees

   C. Making Wishes on the Red Paper

   D. Making Wishes at the Magical Tree

