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  How do you like to go to school like one in Oxford(牛津大学), England ? There are no r________(1)classes.The students go from one group to a ________(2)when they want to.You may find students of fourteen, sixteen or twenty-five years old all in the s________(3)group.They work at their o________(4)studies.Nobody tells them what they should or shouldn't be doing.

  The day I visited, school b________(5)at nine.Some students were working at a tape recorder and listening to their lessons.Others were watching TV on maths.A group was reading in the school l________(6).I didn't see anybody just sit doing n________(7).Everybody was studying.

  At lunch time I could see students w________(8), too.They were talking about their lessons while they were e________(9).When you think of these students you can be sure it is one of the best s ________(10)in the world.













科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省姜堰市第四中学2012届九年级三模英语试题 题型:051


  Do you want to live a happier, less stressful life? Try l  1   for no reason at all.That's how thousands of people start their day at Laughter Clubs around the world-and many doctors now think that having a good laugh might be one of the best ways to k  2   healthy.The first Laughter Club was s  3   in Mumbai, India, in 1995 by Dr Madan Kataria.There are now o  4   500 Laughter Clubs in India and more than 1, 300 worldwide.Many doctors are also i  5   in the effects of laughter on our health.

  According to a 5-year study in the body, laughter improves our health against illness by about 40%.So, w  6   happens at a Laughter Club? I went along to my nearest club to find out.I was quite n  7   at the beginning of the class, to be honest, I was worried about looking foolish.Our laughter teacher told us to clap our hands and say "ho ho ho, ha ha ha, " while looking at each other.However, our bodies can't tell the difference between fake laughter and real laughter.S  8   they still produce the same healthy effects.

  Surprisingly, it works! After ten minutes, e  9   in the room was laughing for real-and some people just couldn't stop! At the end of the class I was surprised by how relaxed and comfortable I felt.So if you're u  10   stress, then start laughing.You might be very pleased with the results!


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省南菁中学初中部2011-2012学年八年级9月月考英语试题 题型:053


  The room goes dark.The audience becomes quiet.The music begins.The movie starts.In the US, it is g  1   to see parents watching cartoons with their children, or a group of male friends watching an action film together.

  People often eat popcorn in the c  2  .They drink soda.Theaters also sell candy and chocolate.S  3   people bring their own food in to save m  4  .

  But how do you know which films you can w  5  ? The US has a rating(分级)system.If a movie is rated G, it means General Audience, and a  6   can see it.PG means Parental Guidance(家长指导).That means you need your p  7   to go with you, if you’re really young.A PG-13 movie means you h  8   to watch it with your parents if you’re y  9   than 13 years old.And a  10   R rated movie means unless you’re o  11   than 17, you need your parents to be w  12   you.


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省扬州市宝应2011届九年级中考模拟英语试题 题型:053


  One Sunday, Mark decided to go sailing(航海)in his boat with his friend Dan, but Dan happened to be away.Dan's brother John offered to go i   1   though he did not know anything about sailing.Mark a   2   and they set out to sea.

  Soon they found themselves in a thick fog.Mark was afraid they would be h   3   by a big ship.Just at that time he saw a large buoy(浮标)through the fog, so he decided to tie the boat to it for s   4   .As he was getting onto the buoy, however, he d   5   the wet rope(绳).The boat moved away in the fog, carrying John w   6   didn't know how to use the radio.He drifted about(漂泊)and was not seen u   7   twelve hours later.

  Mark s   8   the night on the buoy.In the early morning he fell asleep.He was having a bad dream when a shout woke him up.A ship, Californian, came up and he c   9   onto it and thanked the captain.The captain told him that John had been s   10   by another ship and the ship's captain had sent out a message." Without the message, I wouldn't have found you on the buoy, " he said.


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省江阴市暨阳中学2011-2012学年八年级下学期期中检测英语试题 题型:053


  Here is a part of an e-mail answer from Joe giving some advice to his son in college.

  When I was young, I often met t  1   about what to do and what not to do.My grandmother told me not to worry about those things that I only did once a year or once a lifetime.I  2  , I should try to do well those things I do every day.For example, I need to e  3   every day, so I should learn how to cook, I need to talk to o  4   every day, so I should learn how to work with d  5   people and know how to s  6   well, I walk every day, so my s  7   should be all right and comfortable.Every night I sleep, so my bed should let me have a rest.Taking care of the e  8   things m  9   that you do a better job of the one –in-a-lifetime things as w  10  


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省江阴市长泾片2011-2012学年八年级下学期期中检测英语试题 题型:053


  When Ann was watching cartoons on television, she s  1   an advertisement for a competition(竞赛).The advertisement said, “A  2   this question and you can win $50, 000.Just p  3   this number if you know the answer.” The question was e  4  , so Ann knew the answer.She was very e  5   and hoped that she was going to win a lot of money.She asked her mother if she could u  6   the phone and try to win the prize.

  Mrs.King said, “Don't waste money.Look at the advertisement a  7  .It says that each call will c  8   you $10.That's how the advertisers g  9   money from thousands of people.If you’re l  10   , they may send you a voucher(优惠券)to take $50 off the price of a holiday in South Africa-but we don't want to go there, and the price will be very h  11   anyway.Take n  12   notice(注意)of that kind of advertisement.”

