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Michael Jackson has been on the road of performing since he was five years old. For anyone who wants to know,the road to fame and fortune is long and hard to travel.

Michael remembers clearly those early years when he was young. His parents were both workers. But they were both musicians. Mr Jackson realized that his sons had a lot of talent,and he knew he could train them to become fine musicians. In those days there were plenty of music groups,and some of them were very good. He knew if his sons were to stand out,they would have to be the best.

Practice makes perfect. And the Jackson boys practiced!Gradually the group took shape. When the Jacksons took their first professional job,their total pay was only five dollars!But they kept on. They played at parties. They entered bigger and bigger contests. They worked at clubs. Then word of this group began to get around. All of a sudden,the Jackson Five became popular in the country and their first album sold a million copies!And Michael,11 years old then,was the star. It just didn't seem possible that so much talent could come from such a young performer.

Then Michael got a chance to do some solo (独唱) songs. For the following years,Michael has always been on the top. When Michael was eighteen,he entered another field of his career (生涯) 一acting. "I plan to star in movies," he told his friends, "but of course,my first love is music."

Michael wrote a lot of his own songs.

Still,with all his success,Michael manages to keep his head calm. "I just do a different job from other people," he said, "but it doesn't make me think Fm better than other people."

To be quite honest,his fans just love to hear and watch him.

(   ) 11. Michael Jackson began to perform with一         .

   A. his father   B. his mother

   C. his parents   D. his brothers

(   ) 12. According to the passage,the underlined phrase "stand out" means         .

   A. stand up in the stage

   B. go out of their hometown

   C. be famous

   D. be welcome

(   ) 13. Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage?

   A. The group began to go round the world.

   B. The songs sung by this group were very popular.

   C. The Jacksons shocked the country.

   D. People could hardly believe that young Michael was so talented.

(   ) 14. Michael Jackson wants to be         .

   E. a solo singer and musician rather than a film star and actor

   F. not only a film star and an actor but also a solo singer and musician

   G. a solo singer as well as a musician

   H. a film star as well as an actor

(   ) 15. The best title of the passage should be         .

   A. Famous the Jackson Five

   B. Success Ways to Be a Musician

   C. Talented Michael Jackson

   D. A Clever Father


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  Think about the last time you dropped a stone into water. Do you remember how the waves started? They began where the stone met the water and then moved outward.

Just as waves in water take time to move,so sound takes time to move in air. Sound takes time to travel.

  Perhaps you have noticed the time that passes between a flash of lightning and the thunder. You may have heard the sound of a baseball bat hitting a ball an instant after you saw it happen.

  Both light and sound take time to travel. However,there is a great deal of difference in their speed. In one second,sound can travel about1,000 feet through air. During this same time,light can travel more than186,000 miles!

  When something makes a sound some distance away,you can often see the action before you hear the sound. As sound travels,vibrations are passed on from one molecule to another. The farther the sound has to travel,the longer it takes.

(   ) 1. Which of these is WRONG?

   A. " Sound and wave" means"水花和水波".

   B. "Lightning and thunder" means"闪电和雷声".

   C. "Instant and second" means"瞬息和秒钟”.

   D. " Action and vibration" means"动作和振动".

(   ) 2. Sound takes time to move in air just as         .

   A. waves   B. trains   C. buses   D. cars

(   ) 3. When we drop a stone into water,we can see         .

   A. nothing

   B. the waves start where the stone meets the water and then move outward

   C. the waves start far from the stone

   D. both A and C

(   ) 4. Which of these is RIGHT?

   A. You may hear the sound of a baseball bat hitting a ball,then see the action.

   B. You may hear the thunder before you see a flash of lightning.

   C. Light takes no time to travel.

   D. The farther the light has to travel,the longer it takes.

(   ) 5. Which of these is NOT right?

   A. In one second,sound can travel about340 meters through air.

   B. In one second,light can travel about300,000,000 meters.

   C. One foot is longer than one meter.

   D. One meter is shorter than one mile.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

In general,it's hard to spend enough time in both concentrating on lessons and enjoying yourself. But I wanted to succeed in b 1 I knew this would be a c 2 ,but I didn't realize how difficult it was until my classes in high school began.

I got on well with other girls. After school,I often had ice cream with them first instead of d 3 my homework. I always finished it the next day between classes. I knew it wasn't very good and the g 4 I got showed I was not hardworking enough. I realized that I n 5 to find some kind of balance.

So I made a timetable (时间表) that would divide my time between studying and relaxing. It was a good idea,but I was only able to f 6 it for a few days because it made me under too much p 7 Later,I tried another plan. Each week I listed e 8 that I had to finish during the week and the time by which I had to get it done. Then I made another list of things that I could do if I still had time.

It w 9 really well. From then on,I have never missed any important things. At the same time,I enjoyed my spare time a lot.

Planning my time has been challenging,but I continue to do it. Fm glad that I've learned how to balance different things,and it will be h 10 in my future life.

1. b          2. c       3. d       4. g        5. n         

6. f       7.        8. e       9. w          10. h       


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Once upon a time there was a princess who was very proud:if a man came to ask her to marry him,she would give him a riddle,and if he couldn't guess it,he would be 1 1       at.

Three tailors knew that and they wanted to have a try. The two older tailors thought that as they had already successfully sewn (缝) many b 2       clothes,they would be successful this time as well. The third was much y 3       . The two others said to him, " You'd better just stay at home. You can't win."But the young tailor wouldn't be put off.

So all three of them came to the princess and asked her to tell her riddle to them. The princess said, "I have two k 4       of hair on my head. What colors are they?"

"That's easy," said the first. "I think they're black and white like my clothes."

The princess said, "You are wrong. Let the second of you answer."

So the second said, "If they are not black o 5       white,then they are brown and red like my father's coat."

"Wrong again”,said the princess. "Let the third of you answer."

So the young tailor looked at the princess' skirt. It was silver and gold. So he said, "The princess has silver and gold hair on her head,and those are the two colors."

When the princess h 6       that,she turned pale,for the young tailor was right. But she said, "This still doesn't give you the right to m 7       me. There's something e 8       you must do first. There's a bear in this castle,and you must s 9       this night with him. If you're still alive when I get up tomorrow morning,then you can marry me."She thought that the young tailor would be k 10       by the bear,and then she wouldn't marry him. But the young tailor said, "OK,I will do that."

1. 1       2. b      3. i          4. k        5. o      

6. h       7. m       8. e       9. s        10. k       


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

A:Dreams are images (形象) or thoughts (想法) that pass through our minds during sleep. Nightmares (噩梦) are dreams that frighten us.

B:We all dream. Adults (成年人) probably dream about four times each night,but they do not usually remember their dreams.

Almost all children have nightmares and they often wake up feeling very frightened. Adults don't have nightmares as often as children.

C:No one knows!Some people say that our dreams organize (组织) the events of the day. Others say that we use our dreams to help us solve (解决) problems. Some people believe that dreams predict (预言) the future.

D:Everyone wants to understand his or her dream,but do dreams have meanings? Here are some common dreams and their meanings:

Flying: You want to escape (逃离) from daily life. ( People often feel happy after a dream about flying.) Grass:Green grass means that your life is going well,but brown grass means that you're not happy:are you depressed (抑4卩的) or worried about something?

Losing teeth:You're scared of losing someone close to you. (Or perhaps you should go to the dentist!) Long hair: You want more freedom!

Fire: You're very angry with someone. You should try to control 空制) your feelings.

E; Dreams are good for us,but we should try to avoid nightmares. You should try to relax before you go to bed and you shouldn't eat cheese or spicy (辣的) food. You certainly shouldn't watch horror (恐怖) films!

(   ) 1. What does A think about dreams?

   A. Dreams are our minds.

   B. Dreams are harmful to us.

   C. You want to escape from daily life.

   D. Dreams are helpful.

(   ) 2. C thinks         .

   A. dreams organize the events of the day

   B. we want to solve some problems

   C. nobody knows dreams exactly

   D. dreams tell us something about the future

(   ) 3. If D says you are afraid of losing your friend,that's to say that you dreamt

   A. you were flying

   B. some green grass

   C. that your hair was very long

   D. you lost your teeth

(   ) 4. Which way does E think can avoid nightmares?        before going to bed.

   A. Trying to relax

   B. Eating no spicy food

   C. Watching no horror films

   D. All of the above

(   ) 5. How many people say something about dreams according to the passage?

   A. Six. B. Five. C. Four. D. Three.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

A successful businessman named John told the experience of his childhood.

When he was 12 ,he lost both of his parents. He was alone and didn't get on well with others. People always laughed at him and no one showed kindness to him.

His only friend was a dog named Jack,which he gave enough to eat and drink,but sometimes he was not polite to it. He didn't know that an unkind word sometimes could cut one's heart like a knife.

One day as he walked down the street,a young lady was walking in front of him. Suddenly one of her bags dropped from her arms. As she stopped to pick it up,she dropped other bags. He came to help her. "Thank you,dear!You are a nice little boy!" she said kindly,smiling.

A special feeling came to him. These were the first kind words he had ever heard. He watched her until she went far away,and then he whistled (吹口哨) to his dog and went directly to the river nearby.

"Thank you,dear!You are a nice little boy!" he repeated the woman's words. Then in a low voice he said to his dog!Jack raised its ears as if it understood.

"Um!Even a dog likes it!" he said, "Well,Jack,I won't say unkind words to you any more."Jack waved its tail happily.

The boy thought and thought. Finally he looked at himself in the river. He saw a clean nice boy. He was amazed. From then on,he had a new life.

After telling this,the businessman stopped for a while,and then he said ," Ladies and gentlemen,this is the very place where that kind woman planted the first seed (种子) of kindness in my heart. All of us should learn about kindness. What a great power it has!"

(   ) 6. It's clear that the boy repeated the words "Thank you,dear!You are a nice little boy!” ,because .

   A. he was thinking about the words   B. he didn't understand the words

   C. he wanted to talk to his dog   D. he liked talking to himself

(   ) 7. What was it that made the boy start his new life?

   A. The people laughing at him.

   B. The kind words spoken to him.

   C. The hard life.

   D. His lovely dog.

(   ) 8. He was feeling        when he whistled to his dog. .

   A. funny   B. sad   C. lonely   D. excited

(   ) 9. From the reading we know that John.

   A. never took good care of his friend,Jack

   B. usually had many friends around him

   C. helped a young lady when her bag dropped

   D. often washed his dirty face in the lake

(   ) 10. What's the best title of this passage?

   A. A Dog and a Boy   B. A Poor Boy's Childhood

   C. A Businessman and a Boy   D. The Power of Kindness


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

A famous study was done in a school by a professor from a university. At the start of the school year,the teachers were given the names of five children. They were told that these five were the most excellent students in the class. But the fact was that these students were only average (中等) ,and they were not the best students at all. Well,guess what? At the end of the year,all the five average students scored among the highest in the class.

What made these average students change so much to become the top students? The only difference was the change in their teachers' attitude (态度) .Because the teachers believed that these five kids were the top students,they expected more from them. And so these five average students began to believe and expect more from themselves. So they worked harder to do as well as they could.

Do you know? If you expect the best from people,they'll usually give you their best. A great leader said, "Treat a person just how he appears to be on the outside,and you'll make him even worse. But treat a person like he's already a success,and you'll help make him the best he can be."

The true story of 7-year-old Johnny has proved the words above. Johnny was a very naughty boy. His teacher got so angry with him that one day she said, "Johnny,you're the naughtiest boy in this class. I'm sure you'll never change. " The next year Johnny had a new teacher. And on the first day of her class,she met Johnny after school and said, "Johnny,I've heard a lot about you!But do you know that I don't believe a word of it?" And every day after that,this new teacher treated Johnny as if he was one of the smartest students in the class even when Johnny did naughty things. Later on,Johnny became a school leader. That's the power of the belief ('ft'fD and attitude toward children.

(   ) 11. The professor started his research by .

   A. telling the five students to work harder than ever before

   B. teaching the five children himself

   C. telling the teacher the five students were the best in the class

   D. asking the five children to find a new teacher

(   ) 12. The five average students became top students mainly because of .

   A. the professor's study

   B. the change in the professor's attitude

   C. the teachers' hard work

   D. the change in the teachers' attitude

(   ) 13. Why did the writer tell us the story of 7-year-old Johnny?

   A. To show the importance of encouragement.

   B. To show that the boy was clever enough.

   C. To let us know the famous boy.

   D. To let us know how good his new teacher was.

(   ) 14. According to the story,we can learn that         .

   A. the research began at the end of the school year

   B. the students scored highest only because they worked hard

   C. if you expect the most from people,you'll get the least

   D. little Johnny liked his new teacher very much

(   ) 15. What does the passage mainly tell us?

   A. If you want to get more,you should have new teachers.

   B. Attitude and belief can change a person.

   C. A professor's study can help you score highest.

   D. Only teachers can make you a top student.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

I will always remember my mother's last few days in this world.

On February 14th,2000,my class went on a field trip to the beach. We had so much fun. When we returned to school,my teacher told me to go to the headmaster's office. When I got into the office,I saw a police officer. Suddenly I realized something was wrong. The police officer told me what had happened and we went to pick my sister up. After that,we went to the hospital and waited. Time went slowly. Finally we saw our mother. It was terrible.

On the next day,the headmaster came and told my two teachers what had happened. I was taking a rest that day. I knew it had something to do with my mother. I kept thinking that she either died or was getting better. How I wished that she had been better!When my teacher took me outside,my sister ran up to me. She started crying, " She's gone. Teresa,mommy's gone. She's dead. " I couldn't believe it. We jumped into the car and drove straight to the hospital. Most of my family were there. The silence was terrible. I knew I lost my dear mother forever.

Even today,I still miss my mother very much,but I know that life will go on. My mother was a beautiful,kind,intelligent woman,who was also strong in mind. She was an angel on the earth. I will always remember her. When people are asked who their hero is,they usually say someone famous,like Michael Jordan or Britney Spears. When someone asks me who my hero is,I tell them it's my mother. My mother was just an ordinary woman. That is what makes her a true hero.

(   ) 6. Where was the writer when she learned the bad news about her mother?

   A. On the beach. B. At the hospital.

   C. At school. D. At home.

(   ) 7. Who brought the writer the bad news about her mother?

   A. Her sister. B. The headmaster.

   C. Her teacher. D. The police officer.

(   ) 8. What did the headmaster tell the two teachers on the next day?

   A. Her mother had been very ill.

   B. Her mother had been dead.

   C. Her mother had gotten better.

   D. Her sister came to see her.

(   ) 9. From the last paragraph of the passage we know that .

   A. the writer is afraid of her mother

   B. the writer is proud of her mother

   C. the writer feels sad about her mother

   D. the writer feels sorry for her mother

(   ) 10. From the reading we know that the writer thinks her mother is a        woman.

   A. great   B. free   C. rich   D. famous


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Fighting CD Copiers

How much do you want to pay for a CD by your favourite singer Jay Chou? Five yuan for a pirated one,or more for a real one?

Wang Ye,14. said she would like the real one although the pirated one is cheaper. "A real one is worth keeping for years," said the girl from No. 1Middle School in Wuhu,Anhui. "Real CDs always sound better to me."

What Can We Do?

People want to do more to help those like Wang to get real CDs.

This week the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI,国际唱片业协会) asked many countries to act against piracy.

In many places in China,the government is checking audio and video products (产品) . Pirated ones are broken into pieces.

Piracy is in your daily life. Don't believe it? A study by 21st Century Teens found that more than 75 percent of juniors had listened to pirated music. They say this is because pirated products are usually much cheaper than the real ones.

Why are real CDs so expensive? When a music company makes music,it needs to pay the song writers and singers. It costs a lot of money!This makes the prices of the CDs go up. Piracy is like stealing. People who make pirated copies of CDs take away the writers1 and singers' work without paying them. They don't even ask them if they can.

So next time you'd better keep your eyes widened when you see cheap CDs,remember you're helping someone to do something wrong if you buy them.

How Do I Know What's Real? Already made up your mind to buy real ones? Well,you should get to know what real CDs look like.

A real CD has the name and trademark of the music company on the cover. The company's address,telephone number and fax number are also on it.

If you open the CD box,you'll see the singer's name and the album title. Most important of all,a real CD has a number from the IFPI on it.

But people who make pirated CDs need the real CD and disks to copy them. That's why some CDs are only five yuan,but some may sell for 150.       

(   ) 11. A real CD has        on it.

   A. the name of the company

   B. the number from the IFPI

   C. the name of the singer

   D. all above

(   ) 12. Real CDs are more expensive because         .

   A. it takes longer to make them

   B. more people are needed to make them

   C. a lot of money is paid to singers and writers

   D. better ways are used to make them

(   ) 13. Buying pirated CDs is just like         .

   A. stealing

   B. robbing

   C. helping someone do something wrong

   D. helping someone

(   ) 14. From the passage we get to know that some pirated audio and video products are

   A. moved away   B. destroyed

   C. broken   D. made smaller

(   ) 15. Which of the following is NOT true?

   A. A real CD has the album title.

   B. Piracy is like stealing.

   C. Piracy is in our daily life.

   D. We should learn to save money and buy pirated CDs.

