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     Chinese-American filmmaker Ang Lee won the 八cademy Awards for Best Director for his Life of Pi in March,2013. It?s the second Oscar for Lee,the first in 2005 for Brokeback Mountain. In a case of history repeating itself,Ang Lee won the best director Oscar at this Academy Awards,beating Steven Spielberg as he did in 2005 when the two were last nominated. Back then,Lee's work on Brokeback Mountain bested Spielberg s Munich.

     Lee is the first and only Asian director who has won the best director Oscar twice. It is inseparable from his hard work.

     Before he started shooting Life of Pi,many famous directors said the film was too complex to shoot and thought it was impossible to finish it. However,Lee was not afraid of taking the challenge. He tried his best to make the film,and it took him four years before it hit the big screen.

     “I never make movies because I'm doing a job. I make them because I'm doing something I like ,” he said.“I read Life of Pi when it first came out and I was interested in it very much.”

     Because of his hard work and passion for filmmaking,Lee has become so successful!

() 1. Ang Lee won the Academy Awards for Best Director in 2013 for his .

   A. Life of Pi

   B. Brokeback Mountain

   C. Munich

   D. Crouching Tiger,Hidden Dragon

() 2. What's the meaning of the underlined word “inseparable” in Chinese?

   A. 专心致志的   B. 不可分割的

   C. 漫不经心的   D. 开心快乐的

() 3. Why can Ang Lee win best director Oscar twice?

a. Because he beat Spielberg.

b. Because he works very hard.

c. Because he has passion for film-making.

d. Because he is very successful.

   A. a;b   B. a;c   C. c;d   D. b; c

() 4. Which of the following is NOT true?

   A. Ang Lee is a Chinese-American filmmaker.

   B. Lee was not afraid of taking the challenge.

   C. Steven Spielberg won the Academy Awards in 2005.

   D. Life of Pi is very popular around the world.

() 5. Which of the following is the best title of the passage?

   A. Ang Lee Won the Academy Awards

   B. Life of Pi

   C. A Famous Film

   D. How to Make Films


1. A 细节理解题。由第一段的第一句话“ Chinese-American filmmaker Ang Lee won the Academy Awards for Best Director for his Life of Pi,2013”可知,李安获得 2013 年奥斯卡最佳导演奖是因为他的《少年派的奇幻漂流》。

2. B词义猜测题。由常理可知,李安的成功与他的努力工作是分不开的,由此推出画线单词“inseparable”意为“不可分割的”。

3. D细节理解题。由短文的最后一句话“Because of hard work and passion for film-making,Lee has become so successful”可知, 李安之所以两次获得奥斯卡最佳导演奖是因为他不但努力而且 还对拍摄电影有热情。

4. C细节理解题。由第一段的句子“It's the second Oscar for Lee,the Hrst in 2005 for Mom劝zm”可知 2005 年获得奥斯卡奖的是李安,不是Steven Spielberg,故C项表述错误。

5. A主旨大意题。本文主要讲的是李安获得了 2013年的奥斯卡大奖,故A项为最佳答案。

题目来源:2016年启东中学作业本英语阅读理解与完形填空5 > Week 8 Great people 名人介绍


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


The cheerful girl was almost five. Waiting with her mother at the shop,she saw them a circle of shining white pearls (珍珠) .“Mommy,can I have them?”

The mother checked the price and then said ,“A dollar ninety-five. That's almost $2.  00. If you really want them, Pll think of some extra housework for you and soon you can save enough money to buy them for yourself. ”

As soon as Jenny got home,she emptied her packet and counted out 17 cents. After dinner,she did more than her share of housework and she went to the neighbour and asked Mrs. Smith if she could pull grass for ten cents. On her birthday,Grandma gave her a dollar and at last she had a dollar ninety-five!

Jenny loved her pearls. She wore them everywhere. The only time she took them off was when she went swimming or had a bath. Mother said if they got wet,they might turn her neck green.

Jenny had a very loving daddy and every night he would stop whatever he was doing and come upstairs to read her a story. One night when he finished the story,he asked Jenny, 44Could you give me your pearls?”

“ Oh,not my pearls!But you can have my favourite Teddy bear. ”

A few nights later when her daddy came in,he noticed one silent tear ran down her face. Jenny didn't say anything but lifted her little pearl necklace to her daddy.

With tears gathering in his eyes,Jenney^ kind daddy reached into his pocket and pulled out a circle of real pearls and gave them to Jenny. He had had them all the time. He was just waiting for hers so he could give her the real treasure.

31. How much money did the girl make by herself to buy the pearls?

   A.$0.78   B. $1.78

   C.1.95    D .$ 2.00

32. In which order did Jenny do the following things?

a. Give the necklace to the father. b. Find a necklace. c. Pull the grass for the neighbour. d. Get a dollar on her birthday. e. Count the penny. f. Buy the necklace.

   A. b,e, d,c, f,a.

   B. b,d, c,e, f,a.

   C. becdfa.

   D. b,c, d,a, f, e.

33. What can you infer (推断) from the passage?

   A. Father thought it was not suitable for a girl.

   B. Father wanted to give a real one to the girl.

   C. Father loved it a lot and wanted to have it.

   D. Father wanted to know if the girl loved him.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


      Nowadays,more and more families start to realize the importance of children's independence. Many parents love their children so much that they don't let them do anything,not even wash their clothes. It is not enough to look after children well. It is the parentsjob to foster their independence. You can try the following things.

      Teach children to dress themselves. Put the clothes near them and help them to make it easier.

      Make them clean their own room. Maybe it is hard for them to clean their room at first,but as long as they try,that will be a good beginning.

      Encourage them to help with the housework. By doing this,they will think they are important to the family and should do something for the family.

      Ask them to think about things by themselves. This will widen their imagination and develop their independent thought.

      Praise children. Give children praise when they work or play independently. It is necessary for parents to know what your children don't want to do.

      Make your children happy when they are bored. Let their boredom lead them to discover new ways of playing and help them foster their independence.

() 1. From the first paragraph,we know that .

   A. parents shouldn’t look after their children

   B. no children can do any housework

   C. few parents have realized the need to foster children's independence

   D. it is parents’ duty to foster their children's independence

() 2. When children dress themselves,   .

   A. parents only need to look at them

   B. parents should put the clothes near them

   C. parents shouldn’t help them

   D. parents should let them wear what they like

() 3. It is necessary for parents to .

   A. clean their children's room

   B. dress their children every day

   C. praise their children

   D. tell their children to do what they don't like

() 4. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

   A. Parents should find ways to make their children happy when they are bored.

   B. We must not encourage children to do the housework.

   C. Children should do proper housework.

   D. Praising children is good for them.

() 5. What is the passage about?

   A. Why parents love their children so much.

   B. How to look after children.

   C. The importance of independence.

   D. How to foster children's independence.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


    I think that British comedy is the best comedy in the world and that there are more excellent comedy actors in Britain than in any other country. I am sure that many people have the same opinion as me. In this article,I will introduce some great British comedy actors.

     David Jason 

     David Jason has to be my number one? mainly because of the excellent part he played in Only Fools and Horses. But it should be remembered that he also starred in other excellent comedy shows. It is hard to believe he was also one of the main characters in Open All Hours !    

     Peter Sellers 

     Peter Sellers starred in many films which are now regarded as classics. However,most people agree that Inspector Clouseau is probably his greatest role. He played that role in The Pink Panther.

     Rowan Atkinson 

     It would be fair to say that Rowan Atkinsort  most famous character,Mr. Bean,is a success. The character Mr. Bean is popular with everyone from a five year-old child to an eighty-year-old granny. He doesn’t talk much in any of the Mn shows or films — it just shows what a talented comedy actor Rowan Atkinson is.

     There are many other great actors who could be included here,but these are the ones I think to be among the best. I hope that the actors can bring us more happiness with their humor than ever.

() 1. Who acted in Open All Hours'!

   A. David Jason.

   B. Peter Sellers.

   C. David Jason and Rowan Atkinson.

   D. Peter Sellers and Rowan Atkinson.

() 2. From the passage,Peter Sellers .

   A. starred in many classics

   B. likes The Pink Panther best

   C. is the writer's favorite comedy actor

   D. is the most popular comedy actor in Britain

() 3. What do we know about the Mr. Bean shows or films?

   A. Rowan Atkinson speaks a lot in them.

   B. Rowan Atkinson acts well in them.

   C. They are especially popular with children.

   D. They helped Rowan Atkinson become world-famous.

() 4. We can learn from the passage that .

   A. old people don't like Mr. Bean

   B. few people like British comedy

   C. Inspector Clouseau is a character of Only Fools and Horses

   D. the writer thinks David Jason is one of the best comedy actors in Britain

() 5. What is the passage mainly about?

   A. The best films in Britain.

   B. The best British comedy.

   C. The best British comedy actors.

   D. Favorite roles in British comedy.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


     Today,roller skating is easy and fun. But,before 1750,the idea of skating didn’t exist. That changed because of a man named Joseph Merlin. Merlin's work was making musical instruments.

     One day Merlin received an invitation to attend a music party. He was very pleased and a little excited.

As the day of the party came near,Merlin began to think how to make a grand entrance at the party. He had an idea. He thought he would get a lot of attention if he could skate into the room.

      Merlin tried different ways to make himself roll. Finally,he decided to put two wheels under each shoe. These were the first roller skates in the world. Merlin was very proud of his invention and dreamed of arriving at the party on wheels while playing the violin.

      On the night of the party Merlin rolled into the room playing his violin. Everyone was surprised to see him. There was just one problem. Merlin had no way to stop his roller skates. He rolled on and on,and suddenly,he ran into a huge mirror that was hanging on the wall. Down fell the mirror,breaking into pieces. Nobody forgot Merlin's entrance!


1. The idea of roller skating didn't exist .

2. The job of Joseph Merlin was .

3. Merlin had no way at the party.

4. Merlin stopped rolling when he .

5.The best title of the passage is .


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


     Camilla Chomp was a strange little girl. She liked to spend her time alone eating chocolate. Her parents were worried,so they took away all the chocolate in the house and hid it.

     Camilla left home to look for some chocolate. She found a small house full of glass bottles. Among all the glass bottles,a blue glass bottle caught Camilla's attention. It was full of chocolate. There was also a card in it'saying “Change tears into chocolate”.

     Camilla was very excited. She ran out of the house to look for someone crying. First,she met a little boy crying hard,and collected his tears. The tears were quickly changed into chocolate. While Camilla was collecting the tears,she comforted the boy. Finally,the boy stopped crying and they had a fun time together.

     Later,Camilla met a woman who had broken some plates and an old man who couldn’t find his dog. Camilla collected their tears and made them happy again.

     Soon,Camilla realized that making people happy was even more important than finding chocolate. So she stopped collecting tears and began to help sad people. As a result,she made friends with them and had a much happier life than before.

() 1. What did Camilla's parents do when Camilla spent her time alone eating chocolate?

   A. They took away all the chocolate.

   B. They bought more chocolate.

   C. They threw away all the chocolate.

   D. They asked Camilla to leave home.

() 2. Why did Camilla pay attention to the blue glass bottle?

   A. Because it was beautiful.

   B. Because it was in the small house.

   C. Because it was full of chocolate.

   D. Because she didn't know whose it was.

() 3. Who broken plates according to the passage?

   A. A little boy. B. A woman.

   C. An old man. D. Camilla.

() 4. What did Camilla do while she was collecting tears?

   A. She helped people.

   B. She enjoyed herself alone.

   C. She ate some chocolate.

   D. She looked for chocolate.

() 5. What is the best title for the passage?

   A. A Strange Girl.

   B. Chocolate Tears.

   C. A Terrible Experience.

   D. How to Be Happy.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


     Several weeks after I entered my new school,I made friends with Amity. We got on well and did almost everything together.

     One day,we talked about a girl named Susan. Susan was big for her age,and her clothes were out of style. She just looked like she really needed a friend. So we thought of a plan that would help Susan to feel better. Amity and I decided to be her secret friends.

     We began with a greeting card on her desk. Another day,we left her some cookies. For about two weeks we secretly left things for her,like a note or a candy.

     One day,Susan told us about what she found in her desk. She asked us if we knew anything about the gifts. We shook our heads,saying that we thought it was really cool,though.

     At the end of the term,we planned the final surprise for our secret friend. We went to the headmaster s office,and asked him to call Susan to his office over the loudspeaker (喇叭) . We waited for her. On the headmaster's desk we put some flowers and a card.

     Susan was nervous as she came into the headmaster s office,but she smiled when she saw us standing there next to the card and the flowers.

     “You were the ones all along!” she said,with tears in her eyes.

      We not only had a new friend,Susan,but also made her life a little brighter. How wonderful!

() 1. When did Amity and the writer become friends?

   A. When they were very young.

   B. When they made a plan.

   C. When they began to go to school.

   D. Several weeks after the writer got into a new school.

() 2. Amity and the writer made a plan to .

   A. play a joke on Susan

   B. make Susan angry

   C. laugh at Susan

   D. help Susan

() 3. At first,Amity and the writer put on Susan's desk.

   A. a greeting card   B. a note

   C. some cookies   D. a candy

() 4. Susan was when she came into the headmaster's office.

   A. happy   B. nervous

   C. excited   D. angry

() 5. What do you think of Amity?

   A. She is clever.

   B. She is serious.

   C. She is friendly.

   D. She is silly.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


    Although I was never a thin girl,I was always fit because I played basketball from the 5th grade right through college. But after graduation,I got married and gave up playing basketball. Then I started eating too much. In 10 years,my weight increased from 175 to 245 pounds. What was even worse,my son picked up a bad eating habit.As a four-year-old boy,he liked having French fries because he often saw me put those things into my mouth.

     I read an article in my husband’s health magazine. It said that being too fat can shorten a person's life by five to ten years. That was scary. I didn't want to leave my son because of my poor eating habits. After that,every time I wanted to have French fries,I would think that I could be here a little bit longer if I just ate better.

     One of my friends told me that an organization was offering a free course to help people lose weight,so I decided to join it. The teacher gave each type of food a certain number of calories? and how many calories we needed to eat a day. After I came home from the first class,I calculated the calories of food in my meal. If I wanted,I could have pizza every night. But when I learned that one piece had a lot of calories,I decided not to eat as many pieces as I wanted.

     Finally,I succeeded in losing 50 pounds. In February,2012,I was on the cover of a health magazine. And my husband always told other people that I looked better than ever.

() 1. How many pounds in weight did the writer increase in 10 years?

   A. 50 pounds. B. 70 pounds.

   C. 120 pounds. D. 175 pounds.

() 2. The underlined phrase ^picked up" is similar to “ ” in meaning.

   A. formed   B. won

   C. chose   D. collected

() 3. According to her husband's health magazine,being too fat can

   A. help women give birth to babies

   B. shorten a person's life by years

   C. help people live a little bit longer

   D. be fit for playing some sports

() 4. The teacher of the free course told the students .

   A. to do sports every day

   B. to give up eating pizza

   C. how many calories of food they needed a day

   D. the types of food they could eat to lose weight

() 5. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

   A. The writer's son used to eat French fries every night.

   B. The writer's husband was not happy before she lost weight.

   C. The writer was on the cover of a magazine in January,2012.

   D. The writer gave up playing basketball after she got married.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


     I return to my hometown of Wilson Creek after I have been away for 10 years.

     So many things have changed around here. When I left Wilson Creek,there was a small pond on the right as you left town. They have filled in this pond and they have built a large shopping mall there. A new post office has also been built just across from my old school.

     There is a baseball court on the outskirts of Wilson Creek which has been changed completely. We used to drive for several hours from the city center to get there. Now,a new stand has been added so that more people could sit. It looks really great.

     The biggest changes have taken place in the center of the city. It has been changed into a walking area and you can't drive there any more. A European-style fountain has been built and some benches have also been added along with a grassy area and a new street cafe.

      My street looks just the same as it always does but a public library has been built in the next street along. There used to be a great park there but they have cut down all the trees,which is a pity. The library now has a large green area in front of it but it's not the same as when the park was there.

      Another improvement is the number of new restaurants. A Chinese and an Italian restaurant have opened in the town center and a Mexican restaurant has opened near my home,which is where I am going tonight!

() 1. The place where there was a small pond has become .

   A. a fountain   B. a shopping mall

   C. a park   D. a school

() 2. What does the underlined word “outskirts” mean in the passage?

   A. 中心   B. 地下   C. 郊区   D. 城区

() 3. What changes have taken place to the park?

   A. The trees in it have gone.

   B. It's got bigger.

   C. It has become a library.

   D. It has become a zoo.

() 4. What can we infer from the passage?

   A. The writer misses the food of an old restaurant.

   B. The writer hasn’t been away from home for long.

   C. The writer prefers the new city to the old one.

   D. The writer isn’t happy with all the changes.

() 5. What is the passage mainly about?

   A. Changes of me.

   B. Changes of my school.

   C. The layout of my city.

   D. Changes of my hometown.

