精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
Mr. Brown is a very old man. Every morning he goes for a walk in the park. And he comes home at 12:30 for his lunch. But today a police car stops at his house at twelve o’clock. Two policemen help him out. One of them says to Mr Brown’s daughter,“ The old man can’t find his way in the park. He asks us to take him home in the car.” The daughter thanks the policemen. After they leave, she asks her father, “ Dad, you go to that park every day. But today, you can’t find the way. What’s wrong with you?” The old man smiles like a child and says, “ I can find my way home. I don’t want to walk home today, you know?”
小题1:Every day Mr Brown comes home at        .
A.twelve B.eleven
C.twelve thirty D.twelve ten
小题2:Today Mr Brown comes home by        .
A.busB.carC.bike D.taxi
小题3: The policeman says Mr Brown        .
A.doesn’t want to walk homeB.can’t find his way home
C.finds his way D.knows the way
小题4:Mr Brown’s daughter thinks        .
A.he wants to go home
B.he wants to have lunch early
C.he doesn’t want to go to the park
D.something is wrong with him
小题5:Mr Brown says       .
A.he can’t find the way home B.he wants to go home on foot
C.he knows the policemenD.he doesn’t want to walk home today


小题1:细节理解题。根据短文中这句话“And he comes home at 12:30 for his lunch.”可知他是12:30回家吃午饭。故选C。
小题2:细节理解题。根据短文中这句话“He asks us to take him home in the car.”可知他是做小汽车回家的。故选B。
小题3:细节理解题。根据短文中这句话“The old man can’t find his way in the park.”可知警察说布朗先生找不到回家的路了。故选B。
小题4:细节理解题。根据短文中这句话“What’s wrong with you?”可知她的女儿以为他有病了。故选D。
小题5:细节理解题。根据短文中这句话“I can find my way home. I don’t want to walk home today, you know?”可知他不是找不到路,而是不想步行回家。故选D。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Once upon a time, a man punished his 5-year-old daughter for using up the family' s expensive gold wrapping (包装 ) paper. Money was always not enough, and he became even more upset when on Christmas Eve, he saw that the child had pasted ( 贴) the gold paper to decorate a shoebox to put under the Christmas tree.
The next morning the little girl, filled with excitement, brought the gift box to her father and said, "This is for you, Daddy!"
As he opened the box, the father was sorry for his earlier behavior.
But after he opened it, he found it was empty and again he was angry."Don' t you know, young lady, " he said, "when you give someone a present there's  supposed to be something inside the package!"
The little girl looked up at him with tears running from her eyes and said, "Daddy, it's not empty. I blew kisses into it until it was all full."
When the father heard this,  he fell on his knees and put his arm around his dear little girl. He begged her to forgive him for his unnecessary anger.
An accident took the life of the child only a short time later. It is told that the father kept that little gold box by his bed for all the year of his life. Whenever he was sad or faced difficult problems he would open the box, take out an imaginary kiss, and remember the love of this beautiful child who had put it there.
In a very real sense, each of us as human beings have been given an invisible golden box filled with love and kisses from our children, family, friends and God. This is the most expensive possession (财产) anyone could hold.
小题1:Why did the man punish his little daughter?
A.Because his daughter made some mistakes.
B.Because his daughter asked he for Christmas present.
C.Because his daughter used up their only gold wapping paper.
D.Because his daughter decorated the Christmas tree with gold wrapping paper.
小题2:Why was the man sorry for his behavior as he opened the box?
A.Because his daughter bought him a Christmas gift..
B.Because he misunderstood his daughter for wasting paper.
C.Because he saw his daughter was so excited.
D.Because the box was covered with the kisses.
小题3:What's the meaning of the underlined word "invisible"?
小题4:What did the man do when he had problem in his life after his daughter died?
A.He missed his daughter so much. "
B.He took out the box and kissed it.
C.He thought of his daughter's love.
D.He put the box by his bed.
小题5:What's the best title for the passage?
A.The KissB.The Gift
C.The FatherD.The Daughter


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

The Vietnam (越南) War broke out. The young husband        the army and died in the war. His wife and son began to have a        life after that. Even though their life was very hard and sometimes they didn’t have enough food to eat, the        still decided to raise her son by herself.
Several years later her son immigrated (移民) to America        finally became an engineer. He often sent letters to his mother with much money. However, with many excuses,  the son        to come back home to visit his mother.
   his mother died, the son returned. But he didn’t cry. His mother left a box behind. During the funeral (葬礼), the son opened the box and        cried and shouted, “Mom! Mom!”        looked at each other and then looked at the box. It was full of $100 bills and a piece of paper.
It read, “Son, I don’t spend too much money. I miss you a lot. Every time I heard a motorcycle       , I ran out of the door but it wasn’t you. I saved money        you in case (以防) you get sick.”
A.joined B.movedC.foundD.sent
A.comfortableB.easy C.hardD.happy
A.but B.andC.soD.or
A.refusedB.agreed C.askedD.offered
A.BeforeB.When C.WhileD.As
A.slowlyB.hardly C.quicklyD.suddenly
A.NobodyB.Anyone C.Everyone D.Somebody
A.passing byB.going awayC.showing up D.running off


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

In the city of Chicago I met a man I will never forget. He drove a bus that ran from downtown to the edge of the city. Each night I watched him. As the passengers got on the bus, he smiled at each one. It was fun to see how many passengers forgot their troubles and smiled back.
There was one passenger, I noticed, that had never smiled back. He usually coughed roughly through his mustache (胡子) as he got on the bus. And he never covered his mouth. But that wasn’t enough to stop the bus driver’s smile. He gave the man with the mustache and the rough cough his biggest smile.
The man with the mustache never seemed to see that smile. He would sit on the edge of his seat and complained about the way that the bus driver was driving. He only complained for a short time, but he spoke loudly enough so everybody could hear. It was enough to make me sick. But the driver never said a word. He just went on smiling at passengers as they got on the bus.
I wanted to get to know this bus driver better. One night I stayed on the bus to the end of the line. I asked the driver, “Why don’t you throw that man with the mustache out of the bus?” The bus driver looked at me and gave me one of his famous smiles. “I don’t care about that,” he said. “Let me tell you about my friend’s dog. The man next door to me has a dog. Every time the moon shines, the dog barks (狗叫) and barks all night.” “Well, what about the dog and the moon?” I asked. “Oh, the moon keeps on shining,” he said.
小题1:The first paragraph mainly tells us           .
A.the writer was interested in the bus driver
B.there was a bus from downtown to Chicago
C.each night the writer watched the driver driving
D.it was fun for the driver to see passengers smiling
小题2:What did the man with a mustache usually do on the bus?
A.He never said a word.
B.He talked loudly to others.
C.He complained about the way to the city.
D.He complained that the driver didn’t drive well.
小题3:The writer stayed on the bus to the end of the line because he wanted             .
A.to listen to an interesting story
B.to know more about the driver
C.to ask about the dog and the moon
D.to ask the driver to throw the man out
小题4:What does the passage imply (暗示)?
A.Bus drivers should smile at passengers.
B.It’s no good to be rough to others.
C.We should learn to be polite.
D.We should learn to be generous(宽宏大量的).


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

I was telling my boy Sonny the story of the hare and the tortoise. At the end I said, “Son, remember: Be slow and steady, and that will win the race. Don’t you think there’s something to learn from the tortoise?”
Sonny opened his eyes wide, “Do you mean next time when I’m entering for the 60-metre race I should wish that Billy, Tony and Sandy would all fall asleep halfway?”
I was shocked, “But the tortoise didn’t wish that the hare would fall asleep!”
“He must wish that already,” Sonny said, “Otherwise how could he be so foolish as to race with the hare? He knew very well the hare ran a hundred times faster than he himself did.”
“He didn’t have such a wish,” I insisted. “He won the race by pushing on steadily.”
Sonny thought a while. “That’s a lie,” he said. “He won it because he was lucky. If the hare didn’t happen to fall asleep, the tortoise would never win the race. He could be as steady as you like, or a hundred times steadier, but he’d never win the race. That’s for sure.”
I gave up. Today’s children are not like what we used to be. They’re just hopeless.
小题1:The writer argued with his son because ______________.
A.he liked tortoises while his son liked hares
B.they disagreed about whether the tortoise was foolish
C.he tried to teach his son a lesson but the son had totally different opinion
D.he liked the story of the hare and the tortoise while his son didn’t.
小题2:Sonny believed that the tortoise ______________.
A.won the race by his own hard working
B.took a risk by agreeing to run a race
C.was not given a fair chance in the race
D.in fact did win the race luckily
小题3:Billy, Tony and Sandy must be_______________.
A.boys who were unknown to Sonny’s father
B.boys who Sonny has run races with before
C.boys who Sonny has never raced with before
D.boys who Sonny did not hope to race with again
小题4:According to the passage, who do you think learnt a lesson? ______________.
A.The tortoiseB.Sonny
C.The hareD.Sonny’s father


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

You can see Pizza Hut(必胜客) every some blocks, so it must be a very big business. Indeed it is. But believe it or not, the business was started in 1958 by two college students with a loan of 600 dollars.
The Carney brothers were trying to make some money .so that they could pay their way through college. They borrowed the money from their mother and sold pizza in a small house in their neighborhood. That's how they got the name of the business. On the first day of business, they gave away pizza to draw(吸引) customers(顾客).
Year after year, their business grows and now they often give free meals and work chances to those in need.
小题1:Pizza Hut has been set up for about _______ years.
A.21B.31 C.56D.100
小题2:The word "loan" here in the story means _______.
A.money the brothers borrowed from others
B.money the brothers lent to others
C.something bought for nothing
D.something given away
小题3:What do you think of the two students from the last paragraph?
A.They are clever.B.They are hard-working.
C.They are generous.D.They are smart.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

It must have been about two in the morning when I returned home. I tried to      my wife by ringing the door-bell, but she was very deeply asleep. So I got a ladder from the shed in the garden, put it against the wall, and began climbing towards the bedroom    .I was almost there when a sarcastic voice below said, "I don't think the windows need cleaning at this time of the night.” I     and nearly fell off the ladder when I saw a policeman.  "I enjoy      at night,”I said, but I immediately felt sorry about    in the way I did.
"So do I,” answered the policeman in the same tone.  "Excuse my interrupting you. I hate to interrupt a man when he's busy working, but would you      coming with me to the station?"
"Well, I'd prefer to stay here,”I said.  "You see, I've forgotten_______.”
"Your what? ” he called.
"My key,” I shouted.
Fortunately, the shouting woke up my wife. She opened the window just as the policeman
had started to climb towards me.
小题1:A. wake up             B. hurry up                C. give up
小题2:A. door                B. wall                 C. window
小题3:A. climbed up           B. looked down          C. ran away
小题4:A. climbing ladders      B. cleaning windows      C. opening doors
小题5:A. doing               B. climbing             C. answering
小题6:A. enjoy               B. like                 C. mind
小题7:A. my key             B. the ladder            C. the door-bell


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Do you often talk with your parents? Here is some advice on how to talk with them.
Try to start your talk with something fun. This will make talking easier. For example,, ask them questions about their day. How’s the work? They love this.
Make it clear what you want to tell your parents. If they have an opinion, let them finish it and don't stop their talking. Ask them to do the same for you.
Show them respect(尊敬)by listening to them carefully. Look them in the eye.
Be honest. Honesty builds trust . Life is good when your parents trust you.
If your parents don't understand you , that's OK. It doesn't mean they don't love you. Sometimes you have to explain the things to them again.
When you finish the talk, thank them for listening. Say something like, " thanks, that helped". It will let them know this is important to you, and makethem want to do it more often.
小题1: If you want to start a talk easily ,you should say something       at the beginning.
小题2:While talking to your parents ,you should look them in the eye to show you        them.
A.dislikeB.understand C.respectD.agree with
小题3:When your parents don't understand you, you can        .
A.ask them to stop B.argue with them
C.look them in the eyeD.explain your idea to them
小题4:When you finish the talk, you should        your parents for listening.
A.say goodbye toB.thank
C.say sorry to D.ask
小题5:What's the main idea of this passage?
A.We should respect our parents.
B.It's important to trust our parents.
C.We should love our parents.
D.There are some ways to communicate with our parents.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

When you are ill, you should go to see a doctor. After the doctor looks you over, he will give you a note to take to the chemist for some medicine. Chemists are usually good at reading doctors’ notes. But sometimes doctors write too badly and even the chemist can not read them.
One day a woman wrote to a doctor to invite him to have dinner with her family . The doctor wrote an answer, but he wrote too badly and the woman could not read it. She asked her husband, “I don’t know whether he is going come or not. I don’t want to call and say that I don’t understand him. ”
Her husband thought for a few minutes and then he had a good idea. “Take it to the chemist,” he said , “He will be able to read it for us.”
“That’s a good idea.” said the woman. She went to the chemist’s shop and gave the doctor’s note to him. The chemist looked at it for a long time. “Could you wait a moment, Miss?” he said . Then he went to the back of the shop. After a few minutes he came back, carrying a large bottle. He gave the bottle to the woman.
“Take a teaspoon every day.” said the chemist to the woman.
小题1: The woman couldn’t understand the “note”. Because       .
A.the woman never went to school
B.the doctor wrote badly
C.the doctor didn’t like to go
D.the woman didn’t know much about medicine
小题2: The husband wanted his wife to         .
A.go to the chemist to get some medicine
B.call the doctor have dinner with them
C.read the note again
D.take the reply to the chemist for help
小题3: In the story, the word “chemist” means “         ” in Chinese.
小题4: The best title for this passage might be         .
A.A Piece of Good AdviceB.A Clever Chemist
C.An Invitation to the DoctorD.A Bad Doctor

