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You may feel worried, upset or disappointed in your life. If you feel so, you’d better do something about it. Just read the following tips (小建议) to find out some ways to fight depression (抑郁情绪) .

First, try to find out the troubles that have worked on your depression. When you know what has got you to feel blue, talk about it with a caring friend. Talking is a way to relax the mind. Ask for help if you need it. Friends and family can help let depression go instead of just watching you hurt.

Second, take a walk for 15 or 30 minutes every day—or dance, or bike if you prefer. If you need to be encouraged, make yourself do exercise anyway. Once you get into the exercise habit, it won’t take long to notice a difference in your mood.

Next, depression can affect影响 a person’s thoughts, making everything seem hopeless. If depression makes you notice only the bad things, try to notice the good things. There are both good things and bad things in life. The more good things you notice , the less depression you’ll feel.

Then, try to do something fun for yourself. For example, you can take time to play with a friend or a pet. You can do something that you are interested in, such as painting, singing and so on. You can also find something to laugh about—a funny movie, a joke… Perhaps laughing can help cheer you up.

Finally, please remember that depression takes time to heal (治愈). So most of all, don’t forget to be patient with yourself.





科目:初中英语 来源:2015-2016学年山东临沭县初一下期中考试英语英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

We need to ________ after eating to have good teeth.

A. get up B. brush our teeth

C. get dressed D. do our homework


科目:初中英语 来源:2015-2016学年甘肃张掖临泽县二中八年级3月考英语英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

---Mike, could I use your computer? ---Sorry, I’m going to _______it now.

A. work in B. work at C. work on D. work out


科目:初中英语 来源:2015-2016学年甘肃张掖临泽县二中八年级3月考英语英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

---Could you please buy _______ drinks and snacks? --- Sorry. I don’t have _______ money.

A. some, any B. any, any

C. some, some D. any, some


科目:初中英语 来源:2015-2016学年甘肃张掖临泽县二中八年级3月考英语英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

— Where is chair in front of the computer?

— It’s in the bedroom.

A. a; the B. an; / C. the; / D. the; the


科目:初中英语 来源:2015-2016学年福建厦门湖滨中学初二下期中考试英语英语卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空


Traffic rules help to keep order(秩序) on the road. They also help to keep people _________ . The pedestrian(行人) has as many rules to _________ as a driver of a car. You should walk on the sidewalk(人行道) or at the side of the road. Always look _________ before you walk across the street. If you like riding a bike, don’t ride in the middle of the road or run _________ red traffic lights. When you ride a bike with a friend, don’t look around or talk. If you drive a car, you should _________ at the traffic lights. You must always _________ a seat belt(安全带). Without belts _________ the driver and the passengers(乘客) may be badly hurt in a sudden accident.

You may not need to take a bus, but take care if you have to travel on one. _________or get off a bus only when it comes to a _________. When it is full, don’t try to get inside _________ you may fall off. Do remember these rules and we can keep safe on the road.

1.A healthy B. safe C. happy

2.A. follow B. make C. break

3.A. early B. happily C. carefully

4.A. through B. under C. in

5.A. go quickly B. come quietly C. drive slowly

6.A. dress B. wear C. bring

7.A. either B. neither C. both

8.A. Get up B. Get on C. Get to

9.A. sign B. stop C. street

10.A. and B. so C. or


科目:初中英语 来源:2015-2016学年福建厦门湖滨中学初二下期中考试英语英语卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The man was tired stay up looking after the sick.

A. too…to B. so…that C. so that


科目:初中英语 来源:2016届江苏江阴要塞片初三下期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


Is there someone you hate? Well, maybe you don’t really hate them. But you get really angry every time you think of them. If you don’t let this anger go, it can turn into bitterness (痛苦).

Bitterness appears when we can’t forgive someone who has hurt us or made us angry. Someone might say or do something that hurts us. But instead of controlling the anger, we keep it deep inside. Before long, a bitter feeling begins to grow. We may think we’re hurting that person by criticizing (指责) him or her often, but we’re really only hurting ourselves.

Bitterness can not only lead to serious health problems such as heart disease, but also hurt our relationships with friends and family members. No one enjoys being around an angry person for very long.

If you see bitterness in your life, here are some ways to deal with it.

Accept it

Instead of trying to deny your anger, make it clear to yourself and accept it. See your anger for what it is and quickly deal with it.

Stop making excuses for it

You may feel you have a right to be angry. You may think you’re right and the other person is wrong. You may even secretly enjoy making the other person look bad. But in the end, bitterness hurts you much more than the other person. The bitterness will hold you back, and the other person will go on with his or her life.

Forgive and forget it

You probably can’t completely put the anger out of your mind. But you can decide to forgive the other person. Forget it and move on. You’ll enjoy better health and peace of mind.

1.Bitterness comes from __________.

A. our health problems like heart disease

B. the anger that lives deep inside our mind

C. the person who says something that hurts us

D. our relationships with friends and family members

2.underlined word “deny” in the passage means “__________”.

A. 误解 B. 否认

C. 疏远 D. 减轻

3.What can we learn from the passage?

A. We should enjoy someone who hurts us.

B. We should pay more attention to our friends.

C. The peace of mind is more important than the hurt itself.

D. It’s better to let bitterness go along with the other person.


科目:初中英语 来源:2015-2016学年浙江新昌县回山中学初一下期中考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


Jim is an American. He is now living(居住) in China. He gets up at about half past six and has breakfast at seven o’clock. After breakfast, he says goodbye to his parents and leaves home at half past seven. He usually walks to school. He gets there at five minutes to eight. He has his first class at eight.

Morning classes are over at ten past twelve and he has lunch five minutes later,at about a quarter past twelve. After lunch he plays with his friends.

Afternoon classes begin at half past one. Usually there are two lessons in the afternoon. They finish at half past three. Usually he plays games or other things at school,and he gets home at about a quarter past five. He has supper at six and then does his homework and then watches TV. He goes to bed at about half past ten.

1.Where was Jim born(出生)?

A. In America. B. In England.

C. In China. D. In Beijing.

2.It takes Jim ________ to get to school.

A. half an hour B. twenty minutes

C. twenty-five minutes D. thirty-five minutes

3.Jim is ________.

A. an English teacher B. a doctor

C. a cleaner D. a student

4.How does he go to school?

A. By bus B. By bike.

C. On foot. D. By train.

5.He goes to bed at ________ in the evening.

A. 9:00 B. 10:00

C. 10:30 D. 11:30

