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I didn’t go to the mountains ______the bad weather.

A. so B. because of C. because D. But


科目:初中英语 来源:2016届黑龙江大庆五十一中九年级下期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Excuse me, would you please tell me _________ buy a digital camera?

A. what to B. where to C. what I can D. where can I


科目:初中英语 来源:2016届江苏苏州景范中学初三下第二次中考模拟英语题 (教师版) 题型:完形填空

It was getting dark. Paul looked out of the window and signed (叹气). Dad said he could come home by 5:30, but it was almost 7:00. Even if Dad came back, it wouldn’t be much fun playing ____ in the dark. Paul walked into his room and threw his baseball into the corner. He tried to do some homework, but couldn’t.

The phone rang at about 8:00. It was Dad: “Paul, I’m ____ , but I couldn’t play baseball with you tonight. I have to finish my work at the office. Maybe we can play this weekend. Oh no. How about next weekend?....”

Paul couldn’t understand why Dad was so busy. He threw ____ into the sofa and soon fell asleep. His book was still opened to the first page.

The next day at school, Paul didn’t hand in his homework and ____ a test. Mrs. Green, his teacher, asked him to stay after school. “Paul, you didn’t do your homework. You didn’t pass the test and only got a D. This isn’t like you. What’s wrong?”

Paul just sat there ____ . “Paul, if you don’t want to talk, I will. I know that something’s worrying with you, but you have to get it out. You need to tell someone.”

As Paul walked home, he thought of what Mrs. Green said. Maybe he didn’t do his homework because he wanted to get his dad’s ____ . He knew Mrs. Green was right. He decided to take her advice.

When Paul got home, he ____ his dad. But there was no answer. Then it went to voicemail. Paul began talking: “Dad, I can’t play with you next weekend. I’ve got lots of problems with my homework. Also, I really don’t want to spend another day looking out of the window and waiting. Whenever you ____ our plans, Dad, it hurts me. It’s not too late to rebuild our relationship, but we have to start small. Maybe you can help me with my ____ sometime. Dad, I love you.”

As Paul ended the call, he felt much relaxed. He didn’t know whether his dad would be different, but it didn’t matter. He himself ___ . He expressed his feelings to the right person. He had a clear head as he was doing his homework that evening.

1.A. baseball B. cards C. chess D. toys

2.A. lucky B. sorry C. surprised D. pleased

3.A. it B. them C. him D. himself

4.A. made B. missed C. failed D. chose

5.A. cheerfully B. angrily C. hopefully D. quietly

6.A. attention B. message C. praise D. trust

7.A. saw B. thanked C. called D. greeted

8.A. make B. break C. follow D. forget

9.A. choice B. homework C. speech D. decision

10.A. regretted B. complained C. insisted D. changed


科目:初中英语 来源:2016-2017学年江西崇仁县一中八年级上第一次月考英语卷(解析版) 题型:补全对话


A: What do you do on weekends?

B: 1.

A: How often do you use the Internet?

B: Once a week. 2.

A: I read books at home. I enjoy reading books.

B: 3.

A: My mother goes shopping.

B: 4. A: My mother goes shopping every week. She likes shopping.

B: 5.

A: Yes, I do. I exercise every day.


科目:初中英语 来源:2016-2017学年江西崇仁县一中八年级上第一次月考英语卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空

Mrs. Green to work every day. She usually parks(停车) her car in the street her office. One day after work, she got into her car and started driving . Suddenly, she a black car following her. The was a big man. When she turned left, the black car turned left. When she turned right, the black car turned right. When she stopped the traffic lights, the black car stopped .

She was , so she drove quickly to the . She was to see that the black car also stopped behind her car. She jumped out of her car quickly and ran to a policeman. She asked for and told him everything.

The policeman quickly ran to the black car. Just then the driver in the black car came out and the policeman, “I want back this purse(钱包) to her. I think she it on the street.”

Mrs. Green’s face turned red. She thanked man and the policeman.

1.A. drove B. drives C. is driving D. drive

2.A. in B. on C. outside D. inside

3.A. home B. work C. to home D. to work

4.A. thought B. knew C. found D. met

5.A. driver B. policeman C. cleaner D. worker

6.A. under B. over C. on D. at

7.A. after B. before C. behind D. in front

8.A. happy B. excited C. surprised D. afraid

9.A. office B. police station C. market D. traffic lights

10.A. happy B. excited C. surprised D. afraid

11.A. her car B. money C. help D. her key

12.A. asked B. spoke C. talked D. said to

13.A. give B. to give C. giving D. gave

14.A. lost B. lose C. put D. bought

15.A. a B. / C. an D. the


科目:初中英语 来源:2016届江苏泰兴实验初中九年级下第二次模拟考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:短文填空

Learning a new language is always a challenge. There are new w 1. , new grammar, and new pronunciation. Language is an important part of c 2.. Becoming familiar with the culture as well as the language can make the learning experience much more i 3. .

When I was a university student, I s 4. Chinese for three years. Before I went to university, I had very little k 5. of China. Therefore, when I started learning to speak Chinese, it was important for me to also learn about China’s history and culture. China’s culture is very different from my o 6. and I become interested in it soon.

It will be much more fun to learn about culture w 7. you study a new language. Culture can teach you so many things about a language. It can give you background information a 8. the language and tell you the history of the language. I also found out one fact, that is, if you know about the country and the culture, you will communicate with its people more e 9. .

Whenever I try to learn a new language, I enjoy k 10. information about the culture as well. It’s a challenge to learn more information, but it is very rewarding!


科目:初中英语 来源:2016届江苏泰兴实验初中九年级下第二次模拟考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Yesterday my son, daughter and I went to the grocery store. In front of us in line was a little girl with her mother. The little girl was asking her mother for a box of Smarties. The polite way she was asking almost broke the mother’s heart, “I’m sorry, Honey, but we have no money to buy it.”

My son was watching that dialogue. By the way, he had been raking(用耙子耙)leaves our garden to raise himself some money to buy a bike. As he watched the mother and daughter leave the store, he ran to the candy counter(柜台)and bought a box of Smarties with the money .

He turned to look at me and I just nodded. He ran out after the little girl and her mother and he gave them the box. He came back and told me what he told them. “Every kid should have a pack of Smarties because they can make you smart.”

I was so excited that I bought a pack of Smarties for my son. I told him that I was proud of him, and that was for his act of generosity because he gave his own Smarties to others. Quickly, he replied, “But you do nice things for people and you never get anything for it.”I explained, “When you do something nice for someone, you shouldn’t expect to get anything. When you get something you should be very thankful.”

1.When the writer and her children went to the grocery store, they saw a little girl asking ____.

A.her mother for a nice toy

B.her mother for a box of Smarties

C.where she could find a box of Smarties

D.her mother if she could had enough money

2.From the passage we know Smarties are ____.

A.a nice electric toy

B.an interesting story book

C.a kind of candy

D.some leaves of a nice tree

3.The writer was ____ to see her son buy a pack of Smarties for the little girl.

A.sad B.excited C.angry D.proud

4.The writer still bought the pack of Smarties to ______ .

A. praise her son’s good deed.

B. give it to the little girl some day

C. have them with her husband.

D. give it to other children.

5.What can we learn from the story above?

A.Every kid should have a pack of Smarties.

B.Everyone should have a good mother.

C.Everyone should do nice things for others.

D.Every mother should often do something for her children.


科目:初中英语 来源:2016届江苏扬州江都区六校协作九年级第二次中考联考英语卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达




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要求:1. 表达清楚,语法正确,上下文连贯;

2. 必须包括所有相关信息,并作适当发挥;

3. 词数在100左右(开头已经给出,不计入总词数);

4. 不得使用真实姓名和校名等。





科目:初中英语 来源:2016届上海闵行区九年级4月质量调研考试(二模)英语卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

By the end of last year, Steve computer science in a university for two years.

A. studies B. has studied

C. had studied D. is studying

