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     When the people in your family are fighting,you may be feeling sad,ashamed (羞愧的) ,or even angry. Whatever your feelings are,what you probably want most is for the fighting to stop.

     When Your Parents Fight 

     Remember,even people who love each other fight sometimes. Their fight doesn’t mean they’re going to stay mad for long or that they’re going to get a divorce (离婚) .

     Just think of the last time you and your brother or sister got into a fight You didn5t really mean all those things you said,did you? In the end,you probably made up. The same goes for parents.

     If you get really upset when your parents fight,you might talk to them about your feelings. Sometimes,parents don't realize that their arguing makes kids feel upset. If you tell them how you feel,they’ll probably try to stop or at least explain to you why they are disagreeing.

     What would you do if you fight with your parents?

     Always remember that your parents don5t really want to make things difficult for you. They care about you,but sometimes it's just hard for them to see your point of view easily.

     Usually,kids who fight with their parents learn to get along with them in the end. This is especially true if kids talk to their parents about how they feel and what is important to them. Keep in mind,though,that this can take time and a lot of patience. Talking to your parents about your opinions instead of arguing with them will also make them listen to you a little more closely.

() 1. If the people in your family are fighting,what you want most is to .

   A. feel sad   B. stop the fight   C. stay mad   D. get angry

() 2. When your parents fight,what should you do?

   A. Tell them your feelings. B. Go away and stay upset.

   C. Fight with them together. D. Make things difficult.

() 3. What does the underlined phrase “make up” mean in Chinese?

   A. 整理   B. 弥补   C. 讨好   D. 和解

() 4. If you fight with your parents,what should you do?

   A. Yell at them angrily. B. Have a talk with them.

   C. Make them listen to you. D. Go out from the home.

() 5. From the passage we know .

   A. talking to your parents about your opinions is very easy

   B. if you fight with your parents,they will never care about you

   C. even parents love you,you may fight with them at times

   D. children can learn to get along with parents by fighting

C 阅读提示:本文是一篇议论文,主要谈到了家庭关系的问题,包括父母之间的争吵及子女与父母的争吵,同时提出了处理的方法,即及时沟通,彼此谅解。

1. B细节理解题。根据短文第一段最后“••• what you probably want most is for the fighting to stop. ”可知,如果家庭发生矛盾, 最想做的是阻止争吵。故正确答案选   B.

2. A推理判断题。根据短文第四段首句“If you get really upset when your parents fight,you might talk to them about your feelings. ”可知,当父母发生争吵时,你要告诉他们你的感受。故 正确答案选A.

3. D词义猜测题。根据短文前面的论述可知,谁都有可能吵架,比 如和兄弟姐妹,但是最后会和解。故“make up”意为“和解”。

4. B细节理解题。根据短文最后一段最后一句“Talking to your parents about your opinions instead of arguing with them."”可知,如果和父母发生了争吵,应该找机会和他们谈谈。

5. C细节理解题。根据倒数第二段第二句“They care about you,but sometimes it*s just hard for them to see your point of view easily."可知,虽然父母爱孩子,但是孩子有时也会和父母吵架。

题目来源:2016年启东中学作业本英语阅读理解与完形填空5 > 综合测试(八)


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


      Can vegetables and fruits be grown in space? The first spaceship to Mars could be called “kitchen gardens”,scientists claim.

      Experts say the crops would not only give astronauts healthy food to eat during the long journey,but would also improve the cabin environment.

      We all know Yang Liwei is China's first astronaut. He took the spaceship to space on October 15 ,2003. Yang stayed in the spaceship for 21 hours. He took photos and recorded everything he saw in space. At that time he had to eat some chicken and fried rice.

     ① But now the astronauts can grow vegetables and fruits in space. The astronauts in the first spaceship to Mars can grow vegetables and fruits. They grow carrots,tomatoes,spring onions,strawberries,cabbages …The scientists say the vegetables and fruits must save room and can be grown easily.②它们将会给宇航员 提供健康的食物和新鲜的空气。Growing the vegetables and fruits in the spaceship can help astronauts live on Mars for a long time.


1. Why is the first spaceship to Mars called “kitchen gardens”?

2. How long did Yang Liwei stay in the spaceship?


3. 把①处画线部分改为被动句。

4. 把②处画线部分译成英语。


() 5. The vegetables and fruits grown in the spaceship must take

a little .

   A. room   B. money   C. time   D. work


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

三、 任务型阅读

      For Rachel Beckwith's 9 th birthday,she didn't ask for toys,dolls or a new pair of shoes. Instead,the girl made an interesting wish. She wanted her friends and relatives to donate money to the charity. She hoped the charity could get more water so that people in some developing countries could drink clean drinking water.

     “On June 12th,2011,I'm turning 9,” she wrote on her diary. “I find out that millions of people didn't live to see their 5th birthday. Why? Because they didn't have enough clean,safe water to drink. So I'm celebrating my birthday like never before.”

     Rachel's goal amount was $300,but she only raised $220 from her friends and relatives. That didn't bother her much,and she said she could raise more the following year. Unfortunately,Rachel met a car accident. After spending several days in a hospital,she lost her life.

     But as the news of her death spread,her story of raising money for the charity did too. Finally,the donation got over $ 1,271,713. All the money went towards building wells in developing countries.


1. What did Rachel Beckwith want for her ninth birthday?

2. When was Rachel's ninth birthday?

3. Why didn't millions of people live to see their fifth birthday?

4. How much did Rachel want to get from her friends and relatives?

5. What happened to Rachel at last?


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


     Leonardo da Vinci,the famous Italian painter,spent about 15 years completing Mona He said it was one of his favorite paintings. It was so precious (珍贵的) to him that he kept it for himself until he died in 1519.

     Leonardo da Vinci never revealed who was the model of the painting. Since his death,many people have tried to find out,and some people even suggest it is a self-portrait (自画像) of Leonardo da Vinci. One thing most Mona Lisa fans agree on is that it is her mysterious smile that makes the painting so special.

     Who is the real Mona Lisa? It's a question that has puzzled historians (历史学家) for centuries,and now historians think they may actually be a step closer to solving the mystery of one of the world's most famous paintings. A group of experts have opened a tomb in the Italian city of Florence in the hope of finding some DNA samples (样本) which they think may hold the clue they need. The tomb is thought to contain the family of a woman called Lisa Gherardini. Historians think Lisa is buried in the nearby convent of Saint Ursula,where records show she died in 1542. They have recovered (复原) the bodies of three women from the convent,but they are unable to make sure which body is Lisa's.

() 1. When did Leonardo da Vinci die?

   A. In 1514.   B. In 1519.   C. In 1520.   D. In


() 2. What makes the painting Mona Lisa so special?

   A. Its famous painter Leonardo da Vinci. B. The famous model Mona Lisa.

   C. Mona Lisa's beauty. D. Mona Lisa's mysterious smile.

() 3. Why do historians think they may actually be a step closer to solving the mystery of the painting?

   A. They have studied the question for a very long time.

   B. They have found some DNA samples from a tomb.

   C. They have recovered the body of Mona Lisa.

   D. They have opened a tomb in the Italian city of Florence in the hope of finding some DNA samples.

() 4. The underlined word “clue” means in Chinese?

   A. 真相   B. 消息   C. 线索   D. 资料

() 5. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

   A. Mona Lisa was one of Leonardo da Vinci^ favorite paintings.

   B. Leonardo da Vinci revealed the model of Mona Lisa.

   C. Mona Lisa is a self-portrait of Leonardo da Vinci.

   D. Historians have made sure which body from the convent is Mona Lisa’s.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


     Aliens and robots are common characters in science fiction (科幻小说) . Let's take a look at one of the very first stories about science fiction.

     On Jan. 1,1818,a novel by English writer Mary Shelley was published. In the story,a crazy scientist created a monster from dead body parts. The monster was 2. 4  meters tall with yellow skin,watery eyes and a black mouth. The story was called (《弗兰肯斯坦》) and is believed to be perhaps the first work of science fiction.

     Frankenstein was the name of the scientist. The.monster he created had feelings like humans. He tried to find love from others,but his scary looks made people hate him. Driven mad by this cruelty (残忍) ,he grew to hate Frankenstein for creating him. He killed the scientist's friends; Frankenstein then died. One of the themes of the story is that science can either save or kill us.

      The story has had a great influence upon literature and pop culture ever since,especially horror (恐怖) stories and films. The most classic adaptation (gfcI?) is the 1931 film Frankenstein.There are also plays,television shows,and comics based on the story. And even video games and toys use the character of the monster.


One of the First Works of Science Fiction

Written by


Date of publishing

On 2. .

The appearance of the monster

It's 3. meters tall. It has yellow skin,4. and a black mouth.

The theme of the story

Science can 5. .


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


     Global warming (全球变暖) is a serious problem and it makes the Earth sick. There are many causes of the greenhouse effect (温室效应) . So,what can we do to help the Earth? Let's think about things for our beautiful planet.

     Fortunately,there are many ways to save the Earth and keep it healthy and green. First,we should use energy more wisely. Summer is coming and as temperatures go up,many people turn on the air conditioner to keep cool. However,using the air conditioner too much is not good for our environment. We should keep indoor temperatures all the time. Turn off the air conditioner while you are sleeping at night or if you arc away during the day.

     Recycling (回收利用) can also save the Earth. Recycling paper,glass and newspapers is important.

      Try to use less hot water. Turn off the shower while you are washing hair. Ask your parents to wash your clothes with cool water.

      Planting trees is also a good way to help the Earth. So,why don5t we plant a tree? Trees help keep the air clean and fresh by giving off oxygen (氧气) .

() 1. What's the passage about?

   A. It's about ways of planting green trees. B. It's about ways of saving the Earth.

   C. It's about ways of recycling paper. D. It's about ways of saving water.

() 2. What does the underlined phrase “the air conditioner” probably mean in Chinese?

   A. 暖气   B. 暖风   C. 空调   D. 冰箱

() 3. What should you do with the air conditioner while you are sleeping according to the passage?

   A. You should turn down the air conditioner. B. You should turn up the air conditioner.

   C. You should turn on the air conditioner   D. You should turn off the air conditioner.

() 4. How many ways does the passage give us to stop global warming?

   A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five.

() 5. From the passage we know that .

   A. some parents might wash clothes with hot water

   B. people plant lots of trees every year

   C. we shouldn’t use the air conditioner in summer

   D. most people like recycling paper


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


Wonderful Tour (4-Day) of Tongren Overseas Tourist Corporation Guizhou China Price: Only ¥2,668 Including:

★A round-trip (往返旅行) plane ticket from Guiyang to Tongren

★Bus service around Tongren

★Three nights’ stay in good hotels

★The best tour guide service Places to visit:

★Ming Paradise (大明边城) 一the national AAAA level scenic spots (景点)

★ Hot Spring in Shiqian (石肝) 一enjoy spas/spring bath (泡温泉/温泉浴)

★Mount Fanjing —the most famous mountain in Guizhou Office hours:

Monday—Friday 8: 00 a. m. —8: 00 p. m. Saturday ^Sunday 9 : 00 a. nx — 7 : 00 p. m. Tel: 0851 — 8630158 Address:No. 28 Yanan Road Guiyang

() 1. From the information above,we know this is .

   A. a map   B. an air ticket

   C. a piece of news   D. an advertisement

() 2. You can't enjoy in Tongren.

   A. taking a bus around Tongren

   B. staying in good hotels

   C. getting some small presents

   D. receiving a good tour guide service

() 3. You can visit places if you take the tour.

   A. two   B. three

   C. four   D. five

() 4. How can you book the tour?

   A. By phone. B. By writing blogs.

   C. By chatting with them online. D. By sending them an e-mail.

() 5. Where can you go to book a ticket to Tongren?

   A. Ming Paradise. B. Shiqian.

   C. TV station. D. No. 28 Yanan Road Guiyang.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


      Last winter James and his family went on holiday to Egypt. The first place that they visited was the pyramid. Before they entered the pyramid,a guide told them how old the pyramid was and how many people built it. The weather in Egypt was very hot,but luckily,James’ mother packed something for them all to drink. “Can we get some food later,Dad?” asked James as they walked through the entrance. They went down step a fter step until they came to a dark room. There was nothing inside and James thought it smelt like an old book.James? mother and father were discussing how lucky they were all able to travel to Egypt when James heard someone walking down the stairs. He felt hungry,but now he felt a little frightened. The sound got louder and louder until,suddenly,it stopped. “Is everyone OK down here?” said the guide as he shone a light into the room. James laughed,he had thought it was a ghost!Even though he felt frightened,James was delighted that he had such a fun experience. That night he wrote all about it in his notebook.

() 1. Why was it lucky that James, mother packed some drinks?

   A. Because you can^ always find drinks at the pyramid.

   B. Because James’ sister was feeling thirsty.

   C. Because the weather was very hot in Egypt.

   D. Because they hadn’t had anything to drink all day.

() 2. What were James’ mother and father talking about?

   A. How lucky they were able to go to Egypt.

   B. How dark the room was.

   C. How hungry James was feeling.

   D. How much fun it was to go sightseeing.

() 3. Why was James scared?

   A. Because he saw someone walking down the stairs.

   B. Because he didn't like the dark.

   C. Because he thought he heard a ghost.

   D. Because he was so far away from home.

() 4. What did James think about his experience in the pyramid?

   A. Even though he was scared,he was delighted.

   B. He,did not want to return to the pyramid.

   C. It would be better if he was not so hungry.

   D. Even though he was okay,he felt sad.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

     Rock climbing did not become a sport until late in the 1900s. But now it has become a popular outdoor activity. While rock climbing may still be necessary for mountain climbing,most people just climb low mountains for fun.

     If you go rock climbing,you will know that it is not a very easy sport. Indoor and outdoor rock climbing both need practice. What most people don^ know is that rock climbing is one of the sports that depend on your body and mind.

     To climb successfully,one must use wonderful skills. One of the important rules is to always have three parts of your body on the rock face. Another important rule is that your arms only hold you close to the rock face while your legs are pushing you up? the closer you are to the rock face? the easier it is to climb.

     Rock climbing is a wonderful sport. Once you start to learn how to climb? you’11 find more fun. People who like games such as chess playing or problem-solving may love rock climbing , because they are nearly the same in the way of thinking. For anyone who wants to get into beautiful shape,rock climbing is a fun and good way. Anyone who enjoys a difficult game and loves the outdoors should think of taking rock climbing as a new hobby.

() 1. When did rock climbing become a sport?

   A. In 1900.

   B. Early in the 1900s.

   C. In the middle of the 1900s.

   D. Late in the 1900s.

() 2. The chess players may like rock climbing because .

   A. they’d like to get into beautiful shape

   B. it is more interesting than chess playing

   C. it is like chess playing in the way of thinking

   D. they really like to do sports

() 3. What can we learn from the passage?

   A. Rock climbing is a kind of indoor and outdoor activity.

   B. Rock climbing is a very easy sport.

   C. When you climb,your arms push you up.

   D. The closer you are to the rock face,the more difficult it is to climb.

