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It is true that people with better education are usually able to get better paying jobs. In other words, they have more chances to choose a good job while people with little or no education don’t. It seems that the purpose of education is to make people get jobs. But this isn’t accepted by all people.

Some people may think that a person should spend the best years of his life to get education only for a way of living. This was probably one of the earliest reasons of education. In fact, if education is just a way of making a living, people don’t need to spend so much time in school. People can get education for a living in a short time. Subjects like history and geography need not be taught to everyone. Even language and mathematics need not be taught in detail(详细地), either. Here it is clear that education is much more than teaching a man to get a way of living.

Education is well-rounded. It is not only to teach him to speak, read and write, but also to develop his creative thinking and other abilities. And it is mainly for improving a man, it is to make him a wise man and thankfully enjoy the achievements of human. Education is to make a man lead a better life. Educated people are expected to be able to listen to good music, read good books, watch plays and take an interest in the world.

I would agree that making a good living is an important reason for education, but certainly not the most important or the main reason.

1.People with little education usually .

A. spend a long time in school

B. have a good chance to get a job

C. spend the best years to choose jobs

D. have fewer chances to get a good job

2.The earliest education was probably to .

A. make people take an interest in the world

B. teach a man to watch plays

C. make people get a way of living

D. teach people to read good books

3.The underlined word “well-rounded” in the passage means “ in Chinese.

A. 圆满的 B. 崭新的

C.公平的 D. 全面的

4.The passage tells us that .

A. education is mainly to make a man improve

B. people can get education in a short time

C. making a good living is the only reason for education

D. all subjects are so important for a way of living


科目:初中英语 来源:2016年北京市大兴区九年级上学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Sarasota, Florida teen band The Garbage-Men is performing on the stage. The band has five members. They are Jack Berry, Ollie Gray, Harrison Paparatto, Austin Siegel and Evan Tucker. The five teens are making music from waste. The Garbage-Men band’s instruments are made from recycled things. The guitars are boxes. A horn(号) is made from pipes. The keyboard is formed from old bottles.

The band started about two years ago. Jack Berry who was in eighth grade at the time decided to make a playable, home-made guitar, after some trial-and-error(反复试验), he ended up building it from a cereal box, a yardstick and toothpicks. After Jack showed his creation to his friend Ollie Gray, Ollie had the idea to form a band using other home-made instruments as a way to improve recycling. “We want to show people there is more to recycling than throwing things away in the bin.” Jack, 16, told TFK. “You can actually reuse materials.”

The Garbage-Men plays at local events around Sarasota, including festivals, farmer’s markets and community fundraisers. Typically, the teens will set up on the street and perform popular songs from the 1960s, including classic Beatles tunes and crowd favorite “Wipe Out,” by The Surfaris. In between sets, they talk about recycling and offer tips for how to help the environment. While they perform, Jack’s little brother Trent, 11, gives out flyers(宣传单) about recycling and helps sell the band’s CDs and other musical products.

The band donates(捐赠) the money from sales to charity. They have raised more than $2,500 for Heifer International. The organization gives farm animals, seeds and agricultural(农业的) training to people in poor countries to help end poverty and hunger. “It’s a good, sustainable-development (持续发展的)charity,” Jack says, “By donating one animal, you help the whole community.”

The band, all tenth graders, tries to play a show every week. They’ve also played on a Tampa, Florida radio station and auditioned(试演) for America’s Got Talent. The teens hope to eventually take their shows on the road by touring in other states. “Music is a really good way to get a good message across to people because it’s really accessible(可接近的),” Jack says. Their instruments may be rubbish, but their message isn’t.

1.Who is NOT a member of the Garbage-Men band?

A.Ollie Gray.

B.Trent Berry.

C.Austin Siegel.

D.Jack Berry.

2.The five teens formed the band in order to ________.

A.show how to make musical instruments from rubbish

B.earn more money to help support their own families

C.make their musical products known all around the world

D.ask more people to recycle daily rubbish around them

3.What did the Garbage Men Band mainly do according to the passage?

A.They told people how to protect the environment and do some charities.

B.They collected the rubbish in communities and cleaned up the markets.

C.They raised money for the old people by selling their own instruments.

D.They joined the Heifer International and made their own musical CDs.

4.What’s the best title for the passage?

A.Music and Environment

B.The Garbage-Men Band

C.Home-made Musical Instruments

D.A Pioneer of American Country Music


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年重庆梁平县虎城中学九年级上学期期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

—Mike, where’s today’s newspaper?

—Well, you don’t need to read it because there is _____in it.

A. something interesting

B. nothing special

C. important thing

D. anything new


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年浙江台州书生中学九年级上学期期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

It’s time for school! But on May 14th, 170 students at Duncanville High School in Texas, US,

were told to go back home. Why? Because they were wearing the wrong clothes to school.

Schools in the US don’t always ask students to wear uniforms. But they have dress codes (着装要求). For example, Duncanville High School tells students to wear belts, shirts without logos(标识). Schools’ most-hated clothes are different.

In 2011, the saggy(松垮的) trousers law was passed in Florida. It stops students from wearing trousers that show body parts. Now, “the favorite new target(目标) of the school dress code” is leggings(紧身裤), reported the Associated Press. Some schools don’t allow leggings. Other schools ask students to wear a shirt or a skirt over leggings.

Some students complain(抱怨) that schools are going too far. But schools say dress codes help protect students’ safety and make sure they grow up with good taste.

“We want to teach them that they must meet the expectations(期望) not only here in school, but also outside school,” said Andre Smith.

1. What happened to 170 students at Duncanville High School on May 14th?

A. They were told to go back home

B. They were wearing the uniforms to school.

C. They followed the school dress codes.

D. They didn’t know it was time for school.

2. In Duncanville High School, students are allowed to wear .

A. the wrong clothes

B. belts, shirts without logos

C. their favorite clothes

D. schools’ most-hated clothes

3. How long has the saggy trousers law been used in Florida

A. For a few weeeks. B. For several months

C. For about two years. D. For about three years.

4.We can infer(推断) from the text that Andre Smith may be .

A. the head of Duncanville High School

B. a student from Duncanville High School

C. the head of the Associated Press

D. a news reporter from the Associated Press


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年浙江台州市九年级上学期10月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.Students shouldn’t ____________________(去游泳)without adults.

2.We had better _______________________(关门窗)When we leave the classroom .

3.Students shouldn’t ____________________(被允许) use electricity in the dormitory(宿舍).

4.Don't _______________________(横穿马路)until the lights turn green.



科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年浙江宁波宁海县跃龙中学九年级上学期10月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达


学校下个月将举行以“学会感恩” (Learn to express thanks)为主题的英语演讲比赛,请你从感恩父母、感恩老师、感恩朋友三个方面出发,用英语写一篇演讲稿。


2. 短文必须包含以下要点,并谈谈自己的看法。

3. 字数:80-100,开头已给出,不计入字数。

Good morning, everyone!

The topic of my speech today is “How to express thanks”.


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年浙江宁波宁海县跃龙中学九年级上学期10月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

We have to accept the truth: sometimes, we just want to shout out loud.

For example, we all have days like this: our dog has made a mess on the floor we just cleaned, or our friend called to tell us he or she couldn't come at the last minute when we had cooked dinner for him or her.We may be really angry but we tried to bear things like those. According to ancient Chinese wisdom (智慧).We should shout in a loud voice instead of keeping silent. In fact, it's good for our health.

“Chinese people have passed on the practice from ancient times to now as a part of traditional medicine.” said Mrs.Li, a 60-­year-­old woman from Hangzhou .“My parents taught me to do this.It's a part of our folk (民间的) culture.”

Mrs.Li is a member of a group of people who love shouting. Each morning, she and some of her friends climb to top of the hill, and let out loud shouts before starting their daily exercise. They believe that shouting is good exercise for their lungs (肺) and it brings them a lot of fun.

“Sometimes I shout out and other shout back,” said Mrs.Gu, another shouting lover.“It makes you happy. You laugh and then you feel very comfortable.”

Dr. Peter Calafiura, an American doctor, agrees that shouting can have a positive influence on people's health. So , next time you start your morning run, why not try to shout out first? It will make you healthier.

1.What does the underline word “bear” in Paragraph 2 mean in Chinese?

A.纠正 B.忍受 C.铭记 D.杜绝

2.Where does Mrs.Li shout every day?

A. In a park. B. At a square.

C. In her house. D. On a hill.

3.What does Dr.Caliafiura think of shouting?

A. It's great fun.

B. It's good for people's health.

C. It's easy to learn.

D. It's good exercise especially for kids.

4.What is the passage is mainly about?

A. A shouting lover.

B. A shouting club.

C. The advantages of shouting.

D. The history of shouting.


科目:初中英语 来源:2015-2016学年山东新泰市七年级上学期期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Come ________ Xin Hua book store and see ________ yourself.

A.to, toB.for, for

C.to, forD.for, to


科目:初中英语 来源:2016届江苏建湖近湖中学九年级下学期开学考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空



Jackie Chan is one of the most popular TV and film stars, not only in China but also in the world.He was born in ________ , on April 7th, 1954.His parents left Mainland of China ________ Hong Kong a short time before he was born.His parents named him “Chan Kong-sang”, which ________ born in Hong Kong.They wanted to celebrate a ________ trip to Hong Kong.

At first, Jackie’s family ________ in the French Embassy(大使馆).His father worked as a cook, and his mother was a housekeeper.They were not very rich.Then Jackie was seven years old, his family ________ to Australia.There his father ________ a job in the American Embassy.Later, they went back to Hong Kong.Jackie’s father ________ him to the China Drama Academy.But he couldn’t give his son enough ________ .Jackie had to do some part-time________ after school.He studied and ________ for 19 hours a day.The students ________ Kungfu and learned how to do many stunts there.

When Jackie was only 17, he began to do ________ stunts for films.In the early 1980s, Jackie went to Hollywood, ________ he wasn’t very successful.He went on to act in films in Hong Kong and had great ________ .Finally in 1995, Jackie Chan became famous in the United States.Today, Jackie Chan has both Chinese and American fans, and he earns millions of dollars from his films.

1.A.Shanghai B.Beijing C.Hong Kong D.Guangzhou

2.A.to B.in C.for D.at

3.A.was B.is C.mean D.means

4.A.right B.bad C.dangerous D.safe

5.A.worked B.studied C.lived D.acted

6.A.hurried B.returned C.left D.went

7.A.gave B.got C.made D.learned

8.A.drove B.threw C.needed D.sent

9.A.time B.job C.money D.study

10.A.money B.skills C.jobs D.activities

11.A.directed B.worked C.lived D.covered

12.A.practised B.watched C.copied D.saw

13.A.safe B.dangerous C.interested D.excited

14.A.and B.but C.however D.so

15.A.success B.money C.chance D.time

