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My name is Li Li. I’m eleven. I’m from China. My mum and dad work in a big factory. They go to work every day but rest two days. I have a sister. We look like each other very much and we like to help each other. She is a middle school student and comes home in the afternoon. Everyone in my family likes to look after me.
My sister and I are in the same school. I’m a good student in my class. There are forty-two students in our class, twenty boys and twenty-two girls. We have our lessons from eight o’clock in the morning to four o’clock in the afternoon. My teacher of English, Miss. Green is from England. She is a good teacher. We go to school from Monday to Friday .We have five English classes a week. Now we can say a hundred words, and play games in English. We like English. We like our English teacher.
小题1:Li Li’s family has      people. 
小题2:Li Li’s father and mother work       a week.
A.seven daysB.five daysC.six daysD.four days
小题3:Li Li’s English teacher is       
A.an AmericanB.a JapaneseC.an English womanD.a Chinese
小题4:Li Li’s sister is        
A.a good teacherB.a nice girlC.a bad studentD.a good worker
小题5:We have      a day.
A.one English classB.six English classes
C.no English classD.five English classes


小题2:根据文章内容“My mum and dad work in a big factory. They go to work every day but rest two days.”可知答案为B
小题3:根据文章内容“My teacher of English, Miss. Green is from England.”可知答案为C
小题4:根据文章内容“She is a middle school student and comes home in the afternoon. Everyone in my family likes to look after me.”可知答案为B
小题5:根据文章内容“We have five English classes a week.”可知答案为A

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

In the early 1990s the word “Internet” was strange to most people. But today, Internet has become a useful tool for people all over the world. Maybe Internet has been the greatest invention in the field of communication in the history of mankind. Communicating with others on the Internet is much faster. We can chat with a person who is sitting in the other part of the world. We can e-mail our friends and they can read the e-mails within a minute.
Giving all kinds of information is probably the biggest advantage of the Internet. We can use search engines to find the information we need. Just type in a keyword or keywords and the search engine will give us a list of suitable websites to look at.

We can enjoy a lot on the Internet by downloading games, visiting chat rooms or surfing(浏览)websites. There are some games for free. We can meet new and interesting people in the chat now. We can also listen to music and see films.
Now, there is a lot of service on the Internet such as online banking, job finding and ticket buying. We can also do shopping and find nearly all kinds of goods. Sometimes we can find something that is quite good but very cheap.
小题1:How many main advantages of the Internet are talked about in the last passage?
小题2:Which of the following is not right according to the passage?
A.We can find almost anything we want to know on the Internet.
B.Some games on the Internet are free.
C.We can buy most things we need on the Internet.
D.Goods on the Internet are more expensive than those in real shops.
小题3:Which title best gives the main idea of the passage?
A.Online Shopping
B.Exchanging Information on the Internet
C.The Advantages of the Internet
D.Surfing the Websites on the Internet


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

If the rose can be said to be a special flower, then the apple can be said to be a special fruit. It is very important in American culture. American stories speak of Johnny Appleseed, who went throughout America collecting apple seeds and planting apple trees. He had a great love for nature and went through fields and farms adding richness and beauty to the country.
One of the first sayings taught to school children is, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” This short saying encourages children to eat fresh fruit to keep healthy. If someone always says good words to a person, people will call him an “apple polisher”. This, however, is not a good name. If someone is very dear to us, we say that he or she is the “apple of our eye”.
Most people believe that the fruit which Eve gave to Adam was an apple, even though the Bible(圣经) never says so. The apple, therefore, is a deep part of the language and stories of America.
An apple is also delicious. Apples can be cooked in many ways, used as a dessert, and made into sweet juice.
In many parts of the country during the harvest season, a popular activity is to go into an apple garden to pick apples. Washington, D. C. and New York are both famous for their apples.
Finally, when it’s time to take a vacation to American cities, one can always visit New York, which is “the biggest apple” of all the American cities.
小题1:What does the underlined phrase “apple polisher” mean?
A.Something for cutting apples.
B.A person who likes to please others.
C.A person who is dealing with fruits.
D.A machine for cleaning apples quickly.
小题2:Which of the following is TRUE with apples?
A.Apples are medicine.
B.Apples are the most important food.
C.New York is famous for its big apples.
D.The Bible says Adam was given an apple.
小题3:The passage is mainly about                             .
A.stories about the apple
B.apples in American culture
C.some famous sayings of the apple
D.big cities that is famous for apples


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Have you ever stayed in a hotel? Most Chinese hotel often provide guests with things like disposable(一次性的)toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo and slippers. Many guests like the idea because they don’t have to bring their own.  But ,if you travel to Beijing, remember to bring your own things.  Starting from June, some hotels in Beijing will no longer provide guests with these disposables.  They want to ask people to use fewer disposable things.
Many disposable things are made of plastic.  People throw them away after only using them once.  It is a waste of natural resources(资源)and is very bad for the environment.  Do you know that one Chinese person makes as much as as 400kg of waste a year? Most of that waste comes from disposable things.  In Beijing, people throw away about 19,000 tons of plastic bags and 1,320 tons of plastic lunch bowls every year! Plastic can take between 100 and 400 years to bread down.  So wherever you travel, bring your own things and use them again and again.
Back at home and school, you can also do something to make our world a better place.  Try to do these things in your daily life: use cloth shopping bags, not plastic ones. After using a plastic bag, wash it out and let it dry.  Then you can use it over and over again.  Do not use paper cups.  At your school canteen(食堂). use your own bowl and chopsticks instead of(代替) disposable ones.
小题1:Which of the following may still be provided(被提供) in Beijing hotels after June?
A.toothbrushesB.tea cupsC.shampooD.paper slippers.
小题2:Why do many hotels provide guests with some disposable things?
A.To let their guests take fewer things while travelling.
B.To hope their guests use fewer disposable things.
C.To wish their guests to save money.
D.To want their guests to use more disposable things.
小题3:Which of the following is NOT true?
A.Many disposable things are made of plastic.
B.Throwing disposable things away is a waste of natural resources.
C.Plastic is very bad for the environment.
D.Plastic breaks down easily.
小题4:What can we do to make our world a better place at home and school?
A.Using shopping bags made of plastic.
B.Using paper cups instead of plastic ones.
C.Using disposable plates, bowls and chopsticks.
D.Using everything over and over again.
小题5:We can tell from the story that____________________________.
A.People don’t like disposable things at all.
B.We can’t use paper or plastic bowls at school.
C.We should use fewer plastic things and protect our environment.
D.Hotels won’t provide disposable things to save money.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

I love my iPhone---it’s my little connection to the larger world that can go anywhere with me. I also love my computer, as it stores all of my writing and thoughts. Though I love these devices(装置) of technology, I know that there are times when I need to move away from them and truly communicate with others.
I teach history in a high school. My goals for the class include a full discussion of historical themes(主题) and ideas. Because I want students to thoroughly study the material and share their ideas with each other in the classroom. I have a rule---no computers, iPads, phones, etc. When students were told my rule before class, some of them were not happy at all.
Most students think that my reasons for this rule include unpleasant experiences in the past with students misusing technology. There’s a bit of truth to that. Some students believe that I am anti-technology. There’s no truth in that at all. I love technology and try to keep up with it so I can relate to my students.
The real reason why I ask students to leave technology at the door is that I think there are very few places in which we can have deep conversations. Interruptions(打断) by technology often break concentration and allow for too much dependence on outside information for ideas. I want students to dig deep within themselves for ideas. I want them to push each other to think differently and to make connections between the course material and the class discussion.
I’ve been teaching my history class in this way for many years and students realize that with deep conversation, they learn at a level that helps them keep the course material beyond the classroom.
I’m not saying that I won’t ever change my mind about technology use in my history class, but until I hear a really good reason for the change. A few hours of technology-free dialogue is just too sweet to give up.
小题1:What’s the second paragraph mainly about?
A.The reasons why students should use computers or iPads in class.
B.The advantages of using cell phones and computers in the classroom.
C.What the writer is trying to do and what rule has been made in class.
D.A new learning style that the teacher enjoys using in history class.
小题2:According to the writer, the use of technology in the classroom may _____.
A.improve teaching and offer more help
B.allow students to get on well with each other
C.help students concentrate on what they learn
D.keep students from making deep conversations
小题3:What can we infer from the passage?
A.The teacher will carry on the success in the future.
B.The teacher will have to cancel the rule in class.
C.Some students will be punished according to the rule.
D.More and more students will be absent in history class.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Passage 6
According to the Center of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (疾病控制中心), if you don’t often wash your hands, you can pick up viruses (病毒)from many places and make yourself ill. You’re at risk every time you touch your eyes, nose or mouth. In fact, one of the most common ways people catch colds is by rubbing their noses or their eyes when there are cold viruses on their hands. If you don’t often wash yours hands, specially when you’re sick, you may spread the viruses directly to others. You should wash your hands in the following situations:
After using the bathroom
After blowing your nose or coughing
Before eating, serving or preparing food
After touching pets or other animals
After visiting anyone who is sick
When your hands are dirty
There is a right way to wash your hands. Follow these simple steps to keep your hands clean.
Use warm water (not cold or hot)
Wash for 15 seconds
Rinse (冲洗) well under warm water and dry them with a clean towel.
Information Card
Way to protect against the spread of illness
Correct way to wash your hands
Use running water which is 小题2:______
Situations in which you must wash your hands
After using the 小题3:____________
Before having food
After visiting 小题4:_____________
Time needed to wash your hands


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Everyone has got two personalities — the one that is shown to the world and the other that is secret and real. You don't show your secret personality when you're awake because you can control yourself, but when you're asleep, your sleeping positionshows the real you. In a normal night, of course, you often change your sleeping positions(姿势). The important position that best shows your secret personality is the one that you go to sleep.
If you go to sleep on your back, you're a very open person. You normally trust(信任) people and you are easily influenced by new ideas. You don't like to make people unhappy, so you never express your real feelings. You're quite shy and you aren't very confident.
If you sleep on your stomach, you are a person who likes to keep secrets. You worry a lot and you're always easily becoming sad. You never want to change your ideas, but you are satisfied with your life the way it is. You usually live for today not for tomorrow.
If you sleep on curled up (蜷缩), you are probably a very nervous person. You have a low opinion of yourself and often protect yourself from being hurt, so you are very defensive. You're shy and you don't usually like meeting people. You like to be on your own.
If you sleep on your side, you have usually got a well-balanced personality. You know your strength and weakness. You're usually careful. You have a confident personality. You sometimes feel worried, but you don't often get unhappy. You always say what you think, even if it makes people angry.
小题1:You may find the passage in ________.
A.a science magazine B.a guide book
C.a sports newspaper D.a story book
小题2:Tina hardly tells her secrets to her friends. She probably goes to sleep _____.
A.on curled up B.on her stomach
C.on her back D.on her side
小题3:What does the underlined word "defensive" in Paragraph 4 mean in Chinese?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

At 9 a.m. on October 15, 2003, our country launched (发射) its first manned (有人的) space-ship, Shenzhou V, into space at Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in Gansu Province. It took Yang Liwei and his spaceship about 21 hours to circle the earth 14 times. Yang Liwei is China’s first astronaut. He comes from Liaoning Province, and he has been an air force pilot(飞行员) since 1983. He was chosen from 14 pilots after many difficult tests.
The life of an astronaut is hard to imagine for many people. To put on a space suit takes 15 minutes with the help of others. Sleeping in space is not easy, either. He has to sleep in a special sleeping bag on the wall because there is no gravity. Yang can eat chicken and rice. It’s especially made to eat in space but it doesn’t taste nice.
“I’m feeling very good in space, and it looks wonderful here,” said Yang, “I have looked at our beautiful earth and I have recorded all that I have seen here.”
China has become the third country in the world to send a person into space after the former Soviet Union(前苏联) and the United States. China is now planning its next launch. Shenzhou VI will be into space within(在……之内) the next years, it may take three astronauts. We are all proud of our motherland.
小题1:Shenzhou V was launched into space _____.
A.at 9 a.m. on October 15, 2003
B.at 9 p.m. on October 15, 2003
C.at 9 a.m. on October 16, 2003
D.at 9 p.m. on October 16, 2003
小题2:Yang Liwei is a(n) ______.
小题3:Yang Liwei is from _______.
A.LiaoningB.GansuC.JiningD.Inner Mongolia
小题4:Which of the following is true?
A.It took Yang Liwei and his spaceship about 12 hours.
B.Life in space is easy for an astronaut.
C.China is planning its next launch now.
D.Yang Liwei is the first man into space.
小题5:We can know there are _____ countries in the world which can send man into space.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

People often say that the earth is like our mother. She gives life to all the living things on the earth and provides us with air, food, water and other essential things we need for living.
Once she was beautiful and rich, but now she becomes dirtier and dirtier, poorer and poorer. It is due to what we have done to her. Please have a good look at her: polluted rivers and lakes, growing deserts, the destruction of the forests and wild life, and the depletion (消耗,用尽) of the ozone layer (臭氧层)...
Can she bear to see her children putting the waste here and there? Can she bear to see her children cutting down the trees and destroying the grassland, to see the acid rain destroying everything? Can we bear to see our mother suffering (受苦) so much? Isn’t it time for us to ask ourselves whether this is the way to treat our mother?
Floods, droughts, acid rain..., these are the punishments (惩罚) from nature. Everyone should know that there is only one earth. If we go on treating her like this, it won’t be fit for us to live in any longer. It’s time for us to love her, take good care of her and cure her. We should save the earth so as to save ourselves.
小题1: What does the earth look like now?
A.It has clean rivers, lakes and green forests.
B.It is like a beautiful girl.
C.It is more beautiful and richer.
D.It is dirtier and dirtier, poorer and poorer.
小题2: What is the meaning of the underlined word?
小题3: What is the best title of the passage?
A.The earth—our mother.
B.Defenders of the Earth (地球卫士).
C.The earth is very beautiful and healthy.
D.The water on the earth is very clean.

