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7. 阿姆斯特朗接到缩短航程的指令。

Armstrong .

7. received the order to cut the flight short

题目来源:2016年初中复习与能力训练英语江苏人民版 > 9B Unit 2


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

() 3. I thought difficult to finish so much homework in an hour.

   A. it's   B. it   C. it was   D. both B and C


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

2. 曼德拉是为黑人权利而战的斗士。

Mandela is a .


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

阅读理解 阅读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容,在每小题所给的四个选项中选出最

佳选项。 .


A short Chinese man seems to be the tallest in the world right now. Jack Ma  ( Ma Yun) ,50,is executive chairman of Alibaba Group,a business-to-business online platform. On Sept 19, Alibaba went public on the New York Stock Exchange (纽约证券交易所) ,raising $ 25 billion through an IPO (首次公开发行股票) ,the biggest in US history. Ma,a former English teacher,has become the richest man on the Chinese mainland.

Born in Hangzhou,Zhejiang,Ma grew up as a happy kid. At the age of 12 ,he wanted to learn English. Every morning,he awoke at 5 a. m. , cycled 40 minutes to a hotel near the West Lake where he could chat with foreign tourists. He did it for nine years,rain or shine.

The experience made him a fluent English speaker and also opened his eyes to the wider world.

In a 1995 trip to US,Ma was shown the Internet for the first time. He searched Yahoo using the word “ Beer”,and found that there was nothing in there about China. Seeing the chance, Ma returned to China and set up a website called China Pages without even knowing much about computers.

Four years later,18  people including Ma,his wife and his friends founded Alibaba in Hangzhou. He believed in the Internet business potential (潜力) when few other Chinese did. People called him “Crazy Jack Ma”. But 15  years later,Alibaba has developed into the world's largest e-commerce (电子商务) company,owning popular shopping websites like Taobao and Tmall. It makes more profit online than Amazon and e-Bay combined.

No one thinks he's mad now. Ma's favorite line has been printed on Alibaba's souvenir T-shirts. It reads ,“ Everybody should have a dream. What if that dream comes true?”

() 1. We can tell from the first paragraph that  

  A. Alibaba Group is the biggest company in China

   B. Alibaba's IPO has raised $ 25 billion

   C. Jack Ma used to be a math teacher

   D. Jack Ma is the richest man in the world

() 2. Why did Ma cycle to a hotel near the West Lake?

   A. To do morning exercises. B. To work as a guide.

   C. To chat with foreigners. D. To work part time.

() 3. When did Ma and his team found Alibaba?

   A. In 1995.   B. In 1998.

   C. In 1999.   D. In


() 4. Which is the world's largest e-commerce company?

   A. Alibaba   B. Taobao   C. Amazon   D. e-Bay

() 5. Which of the following can't have brought him success?

   A. His spirit shown when he was learning English

   B. The support from her wife and friends.

   C. His belief in Internet business potential.

   D. His hometown, Hangzhou


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


1. The library is the parking lot.

2. Is there a hospital close to the apartment?


3. There is a bank   Xinhua Street and Nanjing Road.

4. There is a park the library.

5. The bus station is the restaurant the parking lot.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

   Sometimes good manners in one place are bad manners in other places.

   If you are a visitor to Mongolia and some friends ask you to eat with them,what kind of manner do they want you to have? They want you to give a loud ^burp^ after you finish UH eating. Burping will show that you like your food. But in some other countries,if you give a loud burp,you should say ,“Excuse me,please. ”

   In many places,people like to eat together. But in some parts of Polynesia it is bad manners to be seen eating together. People show their good manners by turning their backs on others when they eat there. 

   What are good manners like in an East African town? If the people try not to see you,they are being polite. You go to see a friend;he may not see you at all. If you’re polite,you will sit down beside him. You will wait until he finishes what he is doing. Then he ' will talk to you.

   If you visit a friend in Arabia,you should walk behind the others 5 tents until you come to his tent. If you pass in front of the others 5 tents,you will be asked to eat with them. And it is bad manners if you say no. 


() 1. In Mongolia,your friends want you to .

   A. eat by yourself

   B. say sorry if you burp loudly

   C. give a loud “burp” after eating

   D. show them your good food

() 2. In   it is good manners for people to eat by turning their backs on others.

   A. Mongolia   B. Polynesia

   C. an East African town   D. Arabia

() 3. A friend who may not look at you in an East African towr is.

   A. not polite   B. dangerous

   C. sad   D. polite

() 4. If you visit a friend in Arabia,you should.

   A. walk behind the tents of others

   B. pass in front of the other tents 

   C. eat with your friend

   D. sit down beside your friend 


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

   American students learn to work after they were born. They must clean their own bedrooms when they are children. Most of them would like to work in a restaurant,a shop or other places after school or during their holidays. Before they graduate from school,all the students must finish some volunteer work,so they often go to work for school. Or they can't graduate or can't go to college.

   Lots of American students have their ideals when they are in middle school. America is a money country.Most boys want to be businessmen,farmers and officers;some girls want to be doctors,scientists and teachers. A few of them have great ideals. They want to be mayors or presidents. Mr. Sessions,an 18-year-old schoolboy now,is the youngest mayor in the world. He has to go to school in the morning and then starts to work as a mayor in the afternoon. He said ,“I will be a president one day. ”


() 1. American students must when they are children.

   A. work in a restaurant   B. work in a shop

   C. clean their own bedrooms   D. go to school

() 2. What must American students do before they graduate from school?

   A. They must clean their bedrooms.

   B. They must work in a shop.

   C. They must make a lot of money.

   D. They must finish some volunteer work.

() 3. Most American students,ideals are about .

   A. work   B. money   C. good   D. fun

() 4. Which of the following is American girls’ ideal?

   A. A teacher. B. A farmer.

   C. An officer. D. A businessman.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

7. There ( be) some modern buildings around People's Square in a few yearsaren’t there?


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

5. The radio said the plane (not take) off until the snow stopped.

