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— Susan, how do you like the dinner I cooked today?

— Wonderful. It tastes much _____ than what I have in the school canteen.

A. delicious B. better C. more healthily


科目:初中英语 来源:2015年初中毕业升学考试(广东梅州卷)英语(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Have you ever had the strange feeling that you were being watched? You turned around and, sure enough, someone was looking right at you!

Parapsychologists (灵学家) say that humans have a natural ability to sense when someone is looking at them. To research whether such a “sixth sense” really exists, Robert Baker, a psychologist (心理学家) at the University of Kentucky, did two experiments.

In the first one, Baker sat behind unknowing people in public places and stared at the backs of their heads for 5 to 15 minutes. The subjects(受试者)were eating, drinking, reading, studying, watching TV, or working at a computer. Baker made sure that the people could not tell that he was sitting behind them during those periods. Later, when he questioned the subjects, almost all of them said they had no sense that someone was staring at them.[来源:学&For the second experiment, Baker told the subjects that they would be stared at from time to time from behind in a laboratory setting. The people had to write down when they felt they were being stared at and when they weren’t. Baker found that the subjects were no better at telling when they were stared at and when they weren’t.

Baker concludes that people do not have the ability to sense when they’re being stared at. If people doubt the of his two experiments, said Baker, “I suggest they repeat the experiments and see for themselves.”

1.What’s the aim of the two experiments for?

A. Prove why humans have a sixth sense.

B. Explain when people can have a sixth sense.

C. Show how people act while being watched in the lab.

D. Study whether humans can sense when they are stared at.

2.What sense does Parapsychologists say that humans have to sense?

A. A natural ability. B. A natural staring ability.

C. A strange thinking. D. A looking feeling.

3.The underlined word “outcome” in the last paragraph most probably means ________.

A. value B. result

C. performance D. connection

4.In the second experiment, the subjects _________.

A. could tell when they were stared at and when they weren’t.

B. couldn’t tell when they were stared at or when they weren’t.

C. couldn’t tell when they were stared at but could tell when they weren’t.

D. could tell when they were stared at but couldn‟t tell when they weren’t.

5.What can we learn from the passage?

A. People are born with a sixth sense.

B. The experiments support parapsychologists‟ idea.

C. The subjects do not have a sixth sense in the experiments.

D. People have a sixth sense in all places.


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江西金溪第二中学九年级下期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Everyone has got two personalities(性格)--the one that is shown to the world and the other that is secret and real. You don’t show your secret personality when you’re awake because you can control yourself, but when you’re asleep, your sleeping position shows the real you. In a normal night, of course, you often change your sleeping positions. The important position that best shows your secret personality is the one that you go to sleep.

If you go to sleep on your back, you’re a very open person. You normally trust people and you’re easily influenced by new ideas. You don’t like to make people unhappy, so you never express you real feelings. You’re quite shy and you’re not very confident.

If you sleep on your stomach, you’re a person who likes to keep secrets. You worry a lot and you’re always easily becoming sad. You never want to change your ideas, but you are satisfied with your life the way it is. You usually live for today not for tomorrow.

If you sleep curled up(蜷缩),you’re probably a very nervous people. You have a low opinion of yourself and often protect yourself from being hurt, so you’re defensive. You’re shy and you don’t usually like meeting people. You like to be on your own.

If you sleep on your side, you have usually got a very well-balanced personality. You know your strengths and weakness. You’re usually careful. You have a confident personality. You sometime feel worried, but you don’t often get happy. You always say what you think, even if it makes people angry.

1.You may find the passage in ________________________.

A. a science magazine B. a guidebook

C. a sports newspaper D. a storybook

2.When does the sleeping position best show your secret personality ?

A. In the daytime. B. At the beginning of the sleep.

C. At night. D. During the deep sleep.

3.What does the underlined word “defensive” mean in the passage?

A. 易怒的 B. 攻击性的 C. 外向的 D.有戒心的

4.What does the passage tell us?

A. Sleeping on your side is the best way of sleeping.

B. Changing positions will cause sleeping problems.

C. Sleeping positions show people’s secret personality.

D. Enough sleep makes people look better and healthier.


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年湖南长沙市长郡教育集团九年级下期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题

情景交际 通读下面的对话,根据上下文补全对话内容。(共5小题,计10分)

A: Hi, Mike. Do you know Fast and Furious 7 has come out?

B: That’s great news. 1._______________________?

A: Weeks ago.

B: Have you watched it?

A: 2._____________.

B: 3._______________________?

A: It is worth watching. Actually, it was beyond my imagination!

B: Really! It is a pity that I haven’t watced it!

A: Why not go to the cinema tonight? And I suggest you go to Wanda for the IMAX.

B: That’s a good idea. 4._______________________?

A: No. It’s only 15 minutes’ walk from our school.

B. By the way,5.______________________?

A: I go to Wanda by bike in most cases, but sometimes in my dad’s car.

B: Thanks a lot.

A: You’re welcome. Just enjoy it!


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年湖南长沙市长郡教育集团九年级下期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Welcome to CGV

1. Fast & Furious 7

2. Starring: Vin Diesel, Paul Walker, Jason Statham

3. Directed by James Wan

4. Written by Chris Moran

5. Running time: 140 min

6. Showtime:

7. 3D screen The first show starts at 9:30 am

8. The last show starts at 10:30 pm

IMAX screen The first show starts at 11:10 am

The last show starts at 10:40 pm.

Adults RMB¥100 for 3D, RMB¥140 for IMAX

Children Half the original price on weekdays

VIP Membership 60% off Mon.-Thu. & 50% off Fri.-Sun.

VVIP Membership 60% off Any Time

Online Booking 40% off Any Time

1. What kind of ticket is the cheapest every day?

A. VIP B. VVIP C.Online Booking

2.What time might you exactly finish watching Fast & Furious 7 ?

A. At 11:30 am.

B. At 1:00 am.

C. At 12:00 pm.

3.A couple decide to see the film together with an 8-year-old daughter this Sunday. How much will they have to pay at least if booking on the Internet ?

A. 180 yuan. B. 120 yuan. C. 170 yuan.


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年湖南长沙市长郡教育集团九年级下期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Tom has many books, but _______ of them are good _____ his schoolwork.

A.few, for B. none, to C. a few, at


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年广东东莞市九年级二模考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


Best-sellers in Xinhua Bookstore

This notice will offer you some information about the best-sellers in our bookstore. You can use this guide to help you to choose.

The Thing About Thugs(暴徒)

Published on July 23rd.

Written by Tabish Khair.

Price: $25.

When a series of beheadings terrorize Victorian London, it falls on a confessed former member of a bloodthirsty Indian “Thuggee” cult and his friends to find the real killer.

The Spark of Life

Published on Sept. 17th.

Written by Frances Ashcroft.

Price: $29.

This book explains the meaning of life. Jerry is a young engineer who falls in love with a nurse. Before he can hit on her, he is hit by a lightning. He is thought dead, but recovers.


Published on Sept.24th.

Written by J.Robert Lennon.

Price: $15.

It is a series books of five novels, six collections of essays, seven volumes of poetry(诗歌), and several children’s books. The books have been translated into more than two dozen languages.

Dear Life

Published on Nov. 6th.

Written by Alice Munro.

Price: $26.

This book collects short stories. A wealthy young woman had an affair with the married lawyer. She was hired by her father and came up with a surprising way to deal with the blackmailer who finds them out.

1.The Thing About Thugs was published______.

A. on July 23rd B. on September 17th

C. on September 24th D. on November 6th

2. Lin Hua wants to buy Familiar and Dear Life for her mother on Mother’s Day. She should pay _________.

A. $44. B. $50 C. $41 D. $43

3.According to the above notice, the cheapest book is ________.

A. The Thing About Thugs B. The Spark of Life

C. Familiar D. Dear Life

4.If Lucy only has 40 dollars, whose book can she buy?

A. Tabish Khair’s and Frances Ashcroft’s.

B. Frances Ashcroft’s and Alice Munro’s

C. J. Robert Lennon’s and Alice Munro’s

D. Tabish Khair’s and J. Robert Lennon’s.

5.Which of the following is NOT true?

A. If you want to read poetry you can buy The Thing About Thugs.

B. If you want to read love stories you can buy The Spark of Life.

C. Familiar has been translated into more than two dozen languages.

D. If you want to read short stories you can buy Dear Life.


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年广东东莞市九年级二模考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

My cousin knew little about the famous Film Cinderella______ he saw it yesterday evening.

A. if B. when C. unless D. Until


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年浙江金华第四中学八年级上10月阶段作业测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The plane from Shanghai to Paris will __________ in an hour.

A. get off B. take off

C. turn off D. put off

