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Choose the best choice from A to G to finish the conversation.

M: Mom, look at the kite. How high it is flying!

W: 1. We can buy one over there.

M: I don’t want to buy one. 2. Don’t you think DIY is a good idea?

W: You’re right. But we need some materials. 3.

M: Paper and sticks (棍子). Making a kite is a piece of cake.

W: And how is it made? 4.

M: Don’t worry. I can search for it on the Internet. I am always good at learning, right?

W: I think so. I will prepare some paper and sticks for you. 5.

M: Thank you, Mom. I’ll try my best.

A. It’s easier said than done.

B. I am sure you’ll make it.

C. I have no idea.

D. Do you know what a kite is made of?

E. What about making one myself?

F.why do you think so ?

G. Would you like to fly one?








1. you like to fly one?你想要放一个风筝吗?联系上下文可知,妈妈想要给孩子买个风筝,但是孩子却拒绝了妈妈的提议。

2. about making one myself? 自己做一个怎么样?

3.下文例举了许多关于做风筝的材料。可见妈妈是在问一个风筝的材质。Be made of 由…制成。





科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏如皋市开发区九年级上第三次质检英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空


There once was a boy who loved eating sweets. He asked for sweets from his father. His father was a man and they lived in a very old house. He could not always sweets for his son. But the little boy did not this, and demanded sweets all the time.

The boy’s father thought hard about to stop the child asking for so many sweets. There was a very holy(神圣的) man living nearby at that time. The boy’s father had a(n) .He decided to take the boy to the great man who might persuade(说服) the child to stop asking for sweets all the time. The boy and his father went along to the man. The father said to him, “Oh, great saint, could you ask my son to stop asking for sweets which I cannot afford?” The great man was in , because he liked sweets himself. How could he ask the boy to give up asking for sweets? The holy man told the father to his son back after one month.

During that month, the holy man gave up eating sweets, and when the boy and his father after a month, the holy man said to the boy “My dear child, will you stop asking for sweets which your father cannot afford to give you?” , the boy stopped asking for sweets.

The boy’s asked the saint, “Why didn’t you ask my son to give up asking for sweets we came to you a month ago?” The holy man replied, “How could I ask a boy to give up sweets when I loved sweets myself. In the last month I gave up eating sweets.”

A person’s is much more powerful than just his words.

1.A. always B. never C. hardly D. seldom

2.A. rich B. honest C. kind D. poor

3.A. make B. accept C. afford D. find

4.A. ignore B. understand C. remember D. change

5.A. what B. where C. why D. how

6.A. excuse B. surprise C. idea D. proverb

7.A. can B. was able to C. be able to D. could

8.A. young B. strong C. great D. ugly

9.A. difficulty B. peace C. danger D. tears

10.A. call B. turn C. get D. bring

11.A. returned B. asked C. left D. disappeared

12.A. Up to no B. Sooner or later C. In other words D. From then on

13.A. sister B. brother C. father D. mother

14.A. when B. because C. until D. though

15.A. success B. history C. future D. action


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年湖南华容南山乡教育联校九年级下第三学月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

第一节翻译语篇阅读下面的短文,将划线部分译成英文或中文。(共5 小题,计10 分)

Sometimes you feel busy and worried. 1.你可能有许多事情要做,时间却不够。You may wonder, “ Where does time go?” Here are some ideas to help you make use of it and find more free time to enjoy your life.

Plan ahead of time. 2.It’ s necessary for you to make a plan at the beginning of a week or a day. Think of what you really need and don’t need to do. Spare(匀出)some time to have a short rest and look back on what you’ve done. You may have a sense of success.

Say no to yourself. If you are not excited about attending(出席)a social activity, then don’t go. 3.呆在家里休息。If you plan to go to a supermarket but it is raining heavily, why not stay inside? It’s fine to change your mind and do your shopping another day.

Change your pace(节奏). If you usually go shopping on Saturday, choose a weekday night to go instead. 4.The stores are less crowded on Wednesday evening than Saturday afternoon. You can feel better if you regard your way home as taking a relaxing walk after supper.

Focus on(关注)simple pleasures. 5.When your day’s work is done, it’s time to get yourself relaxed. A pleasant bath, a cup of coffee or a gentle song can be enough. Although expensive relaxation is nice, when you focus on simple pleasures, you’ll get more.


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年湖南华容南山乡教育联校九年级下第三学月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

It’s said that more than 100 will attend this meeting in Shanghai.

A. man teachers B. woman teachers

C. men teachers D. womans teachers


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年黑龙江伊春上甘岭区中学九年级11月份考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


Once a wicked wizard(邪恶的巫师)was on a visit to a city and stole the tongues(舌头)from the sleeping people and cast a spell(施一个咒语)on them. The spell meant that these tongues could only say bad things about people. Then the wizard returned these tongues to their owners. In very little time, that city was filled with the sound of people saying bad things about each other.

On seeing all this, the good wizard decided to do something. She cast a spell on the ears of the city people. Under this spell, no matter when the ears heard people saying bad things, they would close up so that nothing could be heard. Later, the tongues started to feel completely useless. When they realized this, they began to change by saying good things to each other.

Until today, the wicked wizard goes on casting the spell on tongues all over the world. But thanks to the good wizard, now people all realize that the best way to end something bad is to pay no attention to it.

Fill in the blanks according to the passage .Only one word for each blank.

Long ago, a wicked wizard 1. a city and stole the tongues from the sleeping people and cast a spell on them. The spell meant that these tongues could only say bad things about people. Then the wizard returned these tongues to their owners. In very little time that city was 2. of the sound of people saying bad things about each other. A good wizard knew this and she cast a spell on the ears of the city people. Under this spell, 3. the ears heard people saying bad things, they would close up and nothing could be heard.

Until today, the wicked wizard 4. casting the spell on tongues throughout the world. But because of the good wizard, now 5. realizes that the best way to end something bad is to pay no attention to it.


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年黑龙江伊春上甘岭区中学九年级11月份考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

We think white looks good ________ you, but people with black skins don’t look

good ________ white.

A. on, on B. in, in

C. on, in D. in, on


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年黑龙江伊春上甘岭区中学九年级11月份考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

It’s important people learn team spirit.

A.of, of B.of, to C.for, to D.to, to


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年黑龙江伊春上甘岭区中学九年级11月份考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

I don’t think should be allowed to drive.

A.sixteen-year-old B.sixteen-years-old

C.sixteen-years-olds D.sixteen-year-olds


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年浙江富阳新登镇中学八年级1月单元问卷英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Discount 20% for students only. It is useful between May 1, 2014 and April 30, 2015 and only in China. Please come with this ticket and your student ID card.

1.How long is the ticket useful?

A. One month. B. Two months.

C. One year. D. Two years.

2.Can your parents eat a discount pizza with this ticket here?

A. Yes, they can. B. No, they can’t.

C. I don’t know D. It depends on.

3.What do you have to take for a discount pizza?

A. The ticket.

B. Your student ID card.

C. Both the ticket and student ID card.

D. Nothing.

4.Do you think it’s a good idea to send this ticket to your American pen pal?

A. I don’t think so. B. I think so.

C. I don’t know. D. Yes, I do.

5.If the price of a pizza is ¥40, how much do you need to pay?

A. ¥34. B. ¥32. C. ¥36. D. ¥38

