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  The Museum of Chinese in America (MOCA) is very popular with people.

MOCA Hours

Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday & Sunday

11:00 a. m. —6:00 p. m.


11:00 a. m.〜9:00 p. m.

  The museum is closed to the public on Monday,in addition to the special dates.

MOCA Holiday Hours 2015

New Year's Day―Thursday, 1/1 Thanksgiving-—Thursday* 11/26 Christmas Day―Friday? 12/25

Admission (入场费)

General Admission


Seniors (65+ w/ID) and Students (w/school ID)


Children under 12 in   groups less than 10


MOCA Members


First Thursday of the month (starting Jan 1, 2015)


(   ) 1. If Tom wants to visit the MOCA on Friday,he can visit it at       .     A. 6:00 in the morning   B. 9:00 in the morning

     C. 11 :00 in the morning   D. 9:00 in the evening

(   ) 2. If Mr. Green wants to visit the MOCA with his wife and an eight-year-old son,he will spend      

   A. $10   B. $15   C. $20   D. $25

(   ) 3. Thanksgiving is on          2015.

   A. January 1st   B. November 26th   C. December 25th   D. December 26th

(   ) 4. Which is NOT true according to the passage?

   A. People can't visit the museum on Monday in addition to the special dates.

   B. Christmas Day in 2015 is on Friday.

   C. David is a MOCA member,he needn't spend money visiting the museum.

   D. If Mr. Green goes to visit it on New Year's Day in 2015,he should pay ten dollars. 

(   ) 5,The passage may be       .

   A. an advertisement   B. a story   C. a novel   D. a report

1. C细节理解题。由题目中的关键词on Friday, 可回原文定位于第一个表格。根据MOCA Hours 中的"Friday 11:00 a. m.〜6:00 p. m."可知,如果汤姆想在星期五去参观MOCA.应该在早晨11点到下午6点。

2. C推理判断题。由题目中的关键词"Mr. Green .. . with his wife and an eight-year-old son"和spend ,可回原文定位于Admission部分。根据Admission中的General Admission $ 10和Children under 12 in groups less than 10 free可知,成人价格是10美元,8岁的儿童是免费的,因此,格林先生应该支付20美元。

3. B细节理解题。由题目中的关键词Thanksgiving... 2015.可回原文定位于Thanksgiving...Thursday,11/26. 2015 年的感恩节是在11月26日。

4. D细节理解题。由题目中的关键词NOT true ,可回原文定位于"New Year's Day?Thursday,1/1 "和"First Thursday of the month (starting Jan 1.2015) free" 可知,如果格林先生在2015年新年去参观,是免费的,而不是支付十美元;根据"The museum is closed to the public on Monday,in addition to the special dates."可知,人们在星期一是不可以参观MOCA 的,排除A;根据"Christmas Day?Friday,12/25"可知,2015年的圣诞节在星期五,排除B;根据"MOCA Members free"可知,戴维是会员,参观不需要花钱,排除C。

5. A推理判断题。由题目中的关键词The passage may be ,可回原文定位并理解全文。文章主要是对MOCA的开放时间及价格等方面进行了介绍,属于广告类。

题目来源:通城学典初中英语阅读组合训练九年级浙江专版(1) > 组合训练10


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  Being shy keeps many Chinese people from getting to know Westerners. You may feel nervous about making language mistakes in front of a native English speaker.

  But remember,Westerners living in Asia know how it feels when trying to communicate in a foreign language. They have made many mistakes when speaking Chinese!

  So don't worry about speaking imperfect English. The most important thing is just to communicate. Start talking,and make some foreign friends!

  Many Westerners value their privacy (隐私) .Don't be surprised if your new friend doesn't want to include you in everything he does. This may seem strange to Chinese who worry that their friends will feel lonely.

  Chinese people often expect their good friends to give advice to and take care of them in many ways. If you expect this kind of care from Westerners,you may be disappointed. Why? Because most Westerners value independence. They will feel insulted (侮辱的) if others think they can't take care of themselves. They will assume (假设) you feel in the same way.

  Of course,these tips are just rules of thumb (经验之谈) and may not apply to all Westerners. Each person you meet has his or her own ideas about friendship. When you get confused,don't be shy to ask questions. Your new Western friends may also have many questions about Chinese culture,and they may be hesitant to ask. So encourage them to ask questions,too.

  Be honest and open to your friends. Respect each other's differences. The friendships you make can be lifelong treasure both for you and your new friends.

(   ) 1. Why do many Chinese people feel worried to speak to foreigners according to this passage?

   A. Because they are shy.

   B. Because they are afraid of making a lot of language mistakes.

   C. Because they have nothing to say.

   D. Because they can't speak a foreign language.

(   ) 2. What is the most important thing for speaking perfect English?

.    A. Starting talking.  B. Meeting foreigners.

     C. Communicating.    D. Studying English.

(   ) 3. What do you think the foreigners may NOT be insulted by?

   A. Being given advice. B. Taking care of themselves.

   C. Getting care from good friends. D. Getting help.

(   ) 4. The underlined word "independence" means "         ” in Chinese.

   A. 独立   B. 依靠   C失落感   D. 伤心

(   ) 5. What may help you to make lifelong friends?

   A. Being honest.        B. Being open to your friends.

   C. Respecting each other.  D. A.B and C


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  Energy is everywhere. We use energy to move the mouse for a computer,to jump,shout,walk and run.

  Electricity is a form of energy and it is what powers the TV,hairdryer,mobile,fridge,electric toothbrush and more!Our growing need for energy is one of the problems of the world today,because producing electricity also produces pollution.

  Here are some simple ways to make a big difference when using electricity.

  On or off? Leaving televisions and computers on with the little red light showing still uses electricity,even though they might look like they're turned off. To stop this you can turn them off on the wall.

  Lights off!Turning off lights when you're not in the room can save a lot of energy.

  Fridge door closed. The fridge is an important part of the kitchen. It keeps food fresh,cool and healthy!But it takes a lot of energy to keep cool,so help it by not leaving the fridge door open or putting hot things inside.

  Use the sun's energy. An increasing number of people are fitting solar panels (太阳能板) to their houses. They create electricity from sunlight,which can then be used to power their homes. Solar heating panels make hot water,reducing the need for electricity or gas to heat water.

(   ) 1. The underlined word "powers" means "         ” in Chinese.

   A. 散发   B. 动力   C. 使……运转   D. 权利

(   ) 2. What can we do to save energy according to the passage?

   A. Turn off the lights when you're not in the room.

   B. Leave televisions and computers on with the little red light.

   C. Don't use the solar panels to create electricity.

   D. Leave the fridge door open or put the hot things inside.

(   ) 3. There are        ways to save electricity in the passage.

   A. three   B. four   C. five   D. six

(   ) 4. Which is NOT true according to the passage?

   A. We don't have any energy problems today.

   B. Electricity from sunlight can be used to power the homes.

   C. The fridge can keep food fresh,cool and healthy.

   D. When we produce electricity,it produces pollution,too.

(   ) 5. The passage mainly tells us         .

   A. how to create electricity from sunlight   

    B. how to use the fridge correctly

   C. electricity is a form of energy   

    D. the different ways to save electricity


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  Students ofEnglandlike to listen to songs in English. Do you want to know who the most popular singer is that helps people to learn English? It is Bob Marley.

  His songs help fourteen percent of students learn English. The research was made by Kaplan International Colleges and you can read the whole research.

  Bob Marley is followed by singers such as Michael Jackson,Madonna,Rihanna,Beyonce,Lady-Gaga,Justin Bieber and Eminem.

  The Jamaican singer has many famous songs,such as No Woman No Cry,Stir It Up and One Love*

  Bob Marley's daughter said that she was excited because of the research. She was happy that her father had helped so many people.

  Kaplan's research also discovered that watching television,films and playing video games can help English learning.

  The film that helped the most people learn English was Harry Potter. Friends was the most popular television program for helping people to understand the language.

  Kaplan International Colleges has over 40 schools worldwide. You can study inEngland,theUS,Canada,Ireland,AustraliaorNew Zealand.

(   ) 1. Which of the following is NOT true according to the research?

   A. Bob Marley's daughter was excited because of the research.

   B. The research was made by Bob Marley.

   C. The research discovered watching television can help to learn English.

   D. Bob Marley's songs help 14% of students to learn English.

(   ) 2. Bob Marley's daughter was very happy because         .

   A. her father was followed by other signers

   B. the research was very successful -

   C. her father helped many people to learn English

   D. her father has many famous songs

(   ) 3. The following things can help to learn English EXCEPT        according to the passage.

   A. seeing films

   B. watching TV

   C. playing video games

   D. reading Harry Potter

(   ) 4. We can learn        from the passage.

   A. all students inEnglandlike to listen to songs in English

   B. Stir It Upwas Michael Jackson's famous song

   C. Kaplan International Colleges has just 40 schools all over the world

   D. Friends was a television program that helped people understand the language

(   ) 5. The passage is mainly talking about that         .

   A. Bob Marley helps people learn English

   B. Bob Marley has many famous songs

   C. Kaplan International Colleges is great

   D. Kaplan International Colleges made a research


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  In 1955,a man named Ray Kroc entered into partnership with two brothers named McDonald. They 1       a popular restaurant in Illinois which sold food that was easy to prepare and 2        quickly. Hamburgers,French fries and cold drinks were the 3        food there. Kroc opened similar eating 4        under the same name "McDonald's", and they were an instant (立即的) success. He later took over the company,and today McDonald's is one of the most famous and successful fastfood 5        in the world.

  6       was his idea so successful? Probably,the most important reason was that his timing was right. In the 1950s,most married women stayed at home to keep house and 7        their children. In the 1960s,many women 8        to the workplace. This meant that they had 9        time and energy to do the housework and preparation for meals 10        they relied more on TV dinners (冷冻快餐) and fastfood restaurants. Single parents also had little time to 11        in the kitchen. People living alone also 12        this type of food,since cooking for one is often more trouble than it is worth.

  Fast food is one part of the diet of all Americans. Another trend(趋势,倾向) of the 1960s,13       called the back-to-nature movement,influenced many people to avoid food 14        was packaged or processed. This preference for natural food 15        to today.

  From the success of Ray Kroc's fastfood business,we can say that social economic trends influence where and what we eat.

(   ) 1. A. built   B. displayed   C. showed   D. opened

(   ) 2. A. use   B. serve   C. order   D. pick

(   ) 3. A. necessary   B. sweet   C. main   D. crispy

(   ) 4. A. places   B. areas   C. centres   D. squares

(   ) 5. A. restaurants   B. researches   C. hotels   D. houses

(   ) 6. A. What   B. Why   C. How   D. When

(   ) 7. A. take away   B. take down   C. take up   D. take care of

(   ) 8. A. went   B. turned   C. returned   D. enjoyed

(   ) 9. A. a little   B. few   C. less   D. fewer

(   ) 10. A. because   B. so   C. unless   D. though

(   ) 11. A. spend   B. cost   C. pay   D. take

(   ) 12. A. put on   B. turned on   C. depended on   D. got on

(   ) 13. A. some time   B. some times   C. sometime   D. sometimes

(   ) 14. A. whose   B. what   C. that   D. when

(   ) 15. A. continues   B. wastes   C. translates   D. produces


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  It has more than 900 million users worldwide. If it were a country,it would have a larger population in the world than a lot of countries. This is Facebook,a popular website from theUS.

  Mark Zuckerberg was born on May 14,1984. As a little kid,he loved creating little fun computer programs,especially communication tools and games. He set up the network in February of 2004. He was then a secondyear student at Harvard University. One day,he had an idea of building a website for Harvard students to get to know each other. He set up the Facebook website. Harvard students could share their photos and personal information there. Soon,the website became very famous. Zuckerberg decided to leave Harvard to run Facebook full time. It was the biggest advantage in his life and later brought him great success. Now the service is popular around the world.

  Greetings such as "Have you checked your Facebook page today?" became a part of young people's everyday language in theUS. People can exchange messages and get the latest information about their friends on Facebook. Zuckerberg's dream is to connect people through the Internet. "Facebook is to make the world more open and connected," he said.

  What's the young man's secret to success? Zuckerberg believes it's important to have an open mind and be ready to try new things. "The riskiest thing is to take no risks," he once said in an open letter. Sometimes the simplest ideas go furthest. We hope Zuckerburg can go much further,maybe even further than Bill Gates.

(   ) 1. People can do all the things on Facebook EXCEPT       .

   A. exchanging messages   B. seeing their friends' photos

   C. sharing personal information   D. setting up an online shop

(   ) 2. Which is NOT a right word to describe Zuckerburg according to the passage?

   A. Creative. B. Patient. C. Openminded. D. Successful.

(   ) 3. This passage is most likely from the section of        in a magazine.

   A. Sport   B. Advertisement   C. People   D. News

(   ) 4. Which is the right order of the following statements?

    ① Zuckerburg left Harvard University.

    ② Zuckerburg built Facebook.

    ③ Zuckerburg ran Facebook full time.

    ④ Zuckerburg became a secondyear student at Harvard University.

   A. ④②①③              B. ④②③①              

    C. ②③④①              D. ②④①③

(   ) 5. What's the best title for the article?

   A. Mark Zuckerburg's dream   B. Popular Facebook

   C. Mark Zuckerburg's story   D. Secret to success


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  After seating myself in my room and turning on my computer,I noticed a note―it was stuck to my monitor. It read, "Don't 1       your computer. You stayed up until midnight doing your homework last night. ―Mom."I 2       the note into the wastebasket. "Why do they 3       ?" I thought. "They're never here anyway."

  Right after middle school started,I almost lost contact with my parents. Because of all their business 4       ,they asked the neighbors to look after me. Of course,the neighbors didn't do such a (n) 5       job,as they had kids of their own to worry about. The only way of 6       between my parents and me was through the notes.

  After eight hours away from home,I usually came home to find the house 7        empty. It made me sad. I came home from school to be welcomed by 8       ,I had no one to talk to and was watched over by my neighbors. That was when I started 9        more clubs and staying outside after school more often,10       I didn't have to feel so lonely. Luckily,at school,my friends were there 11        me. They were all there to give me a 12       or talk with me when I wanted to talk. I felt great when I was at school. Yet,something was still 13      -my parents.

  Now I realize that nobody can 14        my parents. I hope that they will be there at home,waiting for me to come back from school. There are too many things my parents don't know about me. I hope that they will actually have a(n) 15       to understand me. I want them to understand that they're my parents and I'm their kid and I need them.

(   ) 1. A. go through   B. depend on   C. put up   D. turn on

(   ) 2. A. showed   B. threw   C. led   D. pulled

(   ) 3. A. check   B. know   C. care   D. speak

(   ) 4. A. designs   B. dreams   C. trips   D. partners

(   ) 5. A. free   B. easy   C. careless   D. good

(   ) 6. A. communication       R. behaviour   C. change   D. love

(   ) 7. A. suddenly   B. almost   C. completely   D. necessarily

(   ) 8. A. everybody   B. anybody   C. somebody   D. nobody

(   ) 9. A. creating   B. joining   C. finding   D. serving

(   ) 10. A. though   B. if   C. or   D. so

(   ) 11. A. in   B. after   C. for   D. without

(   ) 12. A. hand   B. wish   C. advice   D. reason

(   ) 13. A. disappointed   B. missing   C. hateful   D. possible

(   ) 14. A. look forward to   B. think highly of

       C. take the place of   D. look down upon

(   ) 15. A. excuse   B. chance   C. task   D. place


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


I can never talk to mom about anything!If I tell her something,she will tell her friends,my dad and everyone. How can I stop my mum from telling others?


I'm afraid of singing songs in front of lots of people. I'm OK when I act (表演) and speak in front of people,but singing makes me really nervous. Fm OK when I sing in groups. Can you help me?


I'm starting middle school this year!I'm excited,but a little nervous because I don't know anyone in my class yet. It seems that all my friends are in another class,and Fm afraid that if they spend a lot of time together,they will forget me.   Any advice?


I think I'm a smart student,but I'm not so good as a student when it comes to the test day. How can I remember all the information I study on the school days?

(   ) 6. Tina has problems with         .

   A. her lessons   B. her mother

   C. her friends   D. her exams

(   ) 7.        have problems at school.

   A. Tina and Jeff   B. Tina and Henry

   C. Jeff and Henry   D. Henry and Maria

(   ) 8. Jeff will feel nervous when he        in front of people.

   A. acts   B. sings alone

   C. speaks   D. sings in groups

(   ) 9. Henry is worried that      

   A. his old friends may forget him

   B. his classmates may dislike him

   C. he will have little time to play

   D. his friends will go to another school

(   ) 10. What do you know about Maria?

   A. She doesn't like studying.

   B. She is not a good student.

   C. She doesn't do well in tests.

   D. She wants to study everything.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

1. Lost; My new coat.

It's blue. My name is Tina. Please call 574-358.

2. Found:Is this your backpack? Please call Joe.

Phone number: 873-4758

3. Lost; My notebook. My name is Sally. Please call 817-0423.

4. Found:Is this your watch? Please call Nick. Phone number: 292-4842

(   ) 6. —Who lost a coat?

   A. Tina   B. Joe   C. Sally   D. Nick

(   ) 7. ―Is this watch Nick's?

   A. Yes,it is   B. No,it isn't

   C. Yes,it isn't   D. No,it is

(   ) 8. ―Whose backpack is this?

   A. It's Tina's   B. It,s Nick's

   C. It's Joe's   D. We don't know

(   ) 9. ―Who can you call for the watch?

   A. Tina   B. Joe   C. Sally   D. Nick

(   ) 10. ―What is Sally's telephone number?

   A. 574-358   B. 873-4758

   C. 817-0423   D. 292-4842

