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. Do drink bottled water.

. Don't drink from the tap (水龙头) 一even in the most luxurious hotel.

. Do shake hands. Handshaking is customary for all men and women. On introduction and greeting,smiling is a national characteristic.

. Don't use your left hand to give or receive. It is considered illmannered.

. Don't point at anything with your foot,as this is considered very rude.

. Don't touch people's heads. This is very offensive to Hindus.

. Do get a copy of Bali Echo and the Englishlanguage daily,Jakarta Post. Both will give you an overall picture of current exhibitions,music,dances and films within Bali. Information can also be got through your hotel.

(   ) 1. We may read the above reading         .

   A. outside a park gate

   B. in a magazine about travel

   C. on the wall of a waiting room

   D. in a book about sports

(   ) 2. Which of the following may be polite according to the text?

   A. Touch people's heads sometimes.

   B. Point at something with your foot.

   C. Shake hands with others.

   D. Give things to others with your left hand.

(   ) 3. You'd better        when you're traveling in this place.

   A. pay attention to your drinking

   B. choose an expensive hotel

   C. not have smile on your face

   D. not drink water

(   ) 4. The underlined word "luxurious" in the reading means         .

   A. good   B. lonely   C. far   D. impolite

(   ) 5. From the reading we can infer that         .

   A. people there are strange

   B. you must care about your manners there

   C. it's hard to find information there

   D. the weather there is warm and suitable


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

The Young Donkey Once upon a time there was a king and a queen who were rich and had all they wanted except that they had no c 1 The queen was s 2 about this day and night,saying, "I want a baby."At last God h 3 her,but when the baby was born,it didn't look like a human child:it was a little donkey. When its mother saw this,she began to c 4 ,"I would rather have no child at all than a donkey. " She told the servants to throw it in the river. But the king said ,"No,since God has g 5 it to us,it shall be my son,and he will become the king after my d 6   .”

So the baby donkey grew up,and his ears were nice and straight. He liked jumping about and playing,and to e 7 surprise,he loved music very much. So he went to a famous m 8 and said, "Teach me your skill and make me play the lute (琉特琴) as well as you." "Oh,my dear little sir," answered the musician, "I think you would find that difficult. Your fingers are not the right shape. They are much too big,and I'm afraid they'd break the strings (弦) ."But the donkey wouldn't take "no" for an answer. He was c 9 and worked hard,and played in the end as well as his teacher.

One day the young donkey was t 10 a walk and came to a spring (泉) .Looking into the clear bright water,he saw he was a donkey. This made him sad so much that he left the palace,taking only one faithful (忠诚的) servant with him.

1. c       2. s       3. h       4. c       5. g         

6. d       7. e        8. m          9. c       10. t       


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Your eyes meet a little cute animal through the pet shop window. It is a hamster. After being brought into the United States for use as a lab animal,the hamster has quickly become one of the most popular,small animal pets.

Sweet Home

Your local shop will offer you cages in many different sizes and   designs. A fish tank (鱼缸)can also make a great home. Smooth(光滑的)sides make it impossible for a hamster to climb out.

Choosing a Hamster

Hamsters sleep during the   day and are active at night. By visiting your pet shop as it is opening or   just before it closes, you may find the hamsters up and about. Ask the worker when the   hamsters are fed.

Hamsters come in different   sizes and colors , some have long hair. Take your time and choose the hamster you like   best.

Training Your Pet

Training your hamster will   take time. Can you imagine how big and scary your hand must look to him?   Watch your hamster for his first few days. You will know he is used to his   new home when he starts running in his wheel. Find out what foods are his   favorites, and use these foods to gently get your hamster's trust.

Hamsters have teeth, and they are   not afraid to use them. A hamster bites, either because he is afraid or he has had enough.

(   ) 1. Hamsters were first brought into the United States for         .

   A. family pets   B. food testing

   C. school projects   D. scientific research

(   ) 2. You can know that your hamster gets used to his new home if         .

   A. he begins running in his wheel

   B. he starts to eat the food you give him

   C. he is active during the day

   D. he starts speaking to you

(   ) 3. Which is true about hamsters according to the passage?

   A. Hamsters require little care.

   B. Hamsters sleep during the day.

   C. Hamsters are all white.

   D. Hamsters are the smallest household (家庭的) pets.

(   ) 4. Who would most likely find this passage useful?

   A. A student giving a report on lab animals.

   B. A person trying to give out his pet.

   C. A person trying to train a hamster.

   D. A student building a cage for a pet.

(   ) 5. The most possible reason that the author wrote this passage is to         .

   A. compare different types of hamsters

   B. show the history of hamsters as pets

   C. tell readers about hamsters and the care they need

   D. explain the best way to feed and train hamsters


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Some parents can buy almost everything their children want. But if they always do so,the children won't realize that money comes from hard work. When they g 1      up,they may not want to make money by themselves.

Some parents hold birthday parties for their children. If they k 2      on giving the birthday parties,the children will think they s 3      have birthday parties every year. Year after year,maybe they will forget their p 4      birthdays and only remember their own birthdays. It is a 5      Chinese tradition. Then after they grow up,it's not strange that the children would be selfish and refuse to t 6      care of their parents.

Many parents don't let the children do c 7      They think children have only one thing to do. They should study hard and be good at their 1 8      If parents go on doing this,the children will think they only need to open their mouths to be f 9      and hold out their hands to be dressed every day. Then after they find a job,they may even not be able to clean the desk and the floor. Parents should teach the children how to do chores because it can keep them h 10      and help them be more in independent.

1. g        2. k          3. s      4. p       5. a         

6. t     7. c      8. 1    9. f          10. h       


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  Bruno was a boy of eight. His father worked in a cinema and his mother worked in a shop. He lived not far from his school. He always walked there and walked home. On his way to school,he had to pass a playground (搡场) .It was very wet when it rained. One day,when he got home,his clothes were all wet. His mother became angry (生气的) and said, "Don't play in the water on your way home from school!"

  On the next day Bruno came home with wet and dirty (脏的) clothes. His mother became even angrier. "I'll tell your father if you come back wet again," said she." He'll punish (惩罚) you,you know."

  The third day the little boy was dry when he came home.

"You're a good boy today," his mother was very happy. "You didn't play in the water." "No”, the boy wasn't happy and said. "There were so many older boys in the water when I got there this afternoon. There wasn't any room (空地方) for me at all!"

(   ) 11. Bruno went to school        every day.

   A. by bike   B. by bus   C. by car   D. on foot

(   ) 12. The playground was between (在...... 之间)         .

   A. two classrooms   B. the cinema and shop   

    C. Bruno's house and school   D. the shop and Bruno's school

(   ) 13. The little boy liked to play on the playground         .

   A. when it snowed

   B. when there was some water there

   C. when the children played football there

   D. when his father was busy with his work

(   ) 14. Bruno was afraid of        most.

   A. his father   B. his mother   C. his teacher   D. the older boys

(   ) 15. Bruno wasn't happy that afternoon because         .

   A. his mother told his father about it   B. he couldn't play in the water

   C. it didn't rain   D. his father punished him


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 Joanne Rowling was born in Bristol inEngland. Joanne always wanted to write and she wrote her first story when she was only five or six. At school her favorite subject was English and she used to make up stories with her friends. When she left school,she went to university and studied French. While there she studied in Paris for a year,and after leaving university,she had many different jobs. However,most of all,she wanted to write!One day,during a long train journey,she got the idea of writing about a boy who is a wizard (男巫) .

In 1992,she left England to go to Portugal to teach English. While she was there,she got married to a Portuguese journalist and she had a daughter,Jessica. The marriage ended in divorce (离婚) and Joanne went back to live in Edinburgh in Scotland. She had very little money and she lived in a very small house which was often cold. She could not afford the heating (;供热) .It was there that she finished her first book about Harry Potter,a young boy who is a wizard. At first,no one wanted to publish (出版) it. Then,one day,in 1997,she found a publisher. She was very excited and happy!

Much to her surprise,her book was a great success. It sold in millions!It won many prizes!It made Joanne very rich and it made her very famous. Everybody wanted to read about Harry Potter. Adults and children now read her books. Her stories have been put into many languages,and they can now be read all over the world. Her first several novels have been made into films. Joanne Rowling has written more books about Harry Potter and all of them have sold millions of copies. Some of these later books are also being made into films.

(   ) 6. Joanne studied in Paris         .

   A. after leaving university

   B. while she was at university

   C. after she got married

   D. while doing many different jobs

(   ) 7. When Joanne lived in Edinburgh,her house was small and cold because         .

   A. she couldn't pay for the heating

   B. she was poor

   C. the weather was cold there

   D. she went back toScotland

(   ) 8. When she finished her first book about Harry Potter, .

   A. it was put into many languages

   B. she didn't want to publish it

   C. nobody would publish it

   D. a publisher agreed to publish it at once

(   ) 9. It is clear from the passage that         .

   A. all of her books have been made into films

   B. only children like reading her books

   C. her books about Harry Potter are very popular

   D. A.B and C are all right


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Special Events This Weekend Captain Goodfellow Do your children enjoy interesting stories,funny games,and exciting dances? Captain Goodfellow will be ready to teach all these things to children of all ages at the City Theatre on Saturday morning at 10:00 Free.

Walking Tour of the Town Forget your worries on Saturday morning. Take a beautiful walk and learn about local history. Meet at the front entrance of City Hall at 9 :30. Wear comfortable shoes!

Films at the Museum Two European films will be shown Saturday afternoon at the Museum Theater. See Broken Window at 1:30. The Workers will be at 3:45. For their full information,call 4987898.

International Picnic Are you tired of eating the same food every day? Come to Central Park on Saturday and enjoy food from all over the world. Delicious and not expensive. Noon to 5:00 p.m.

Take Me out to the Ball Game It's October,and tonight is your last chance to see the Redbirds this year. Get your tickets at the gate. It might be cold,so don't forget sweater and jackets.

Do You Want to Hear "The Zoo"? "The Zoo" ,a popular rock group from Australia,will give their first US concert tomorrow night at 8        at Rose Hall,City College.

(   ) 1. You can probably eat Chinese,Italian,and Arab food .

   A. at the front entrance of City Hall

   B. at the ball game

   C. at 5:0 0 p.m.

   D. at Central Park on Saturday

(   ) 2. You can see movies at         .

   A. the City College   B. the Museum Theater

   C. the City Theater   D. the Central Park

(   ) 3. If you are going on the Walking Tour,don't forget

   A. your worries

   B. your beautiful walk

   C. your learning about local history

   D. your comfortable shoes

(   ) 4. The Redbirds' ball game .

   A. is in the afternoon   B. is outside

   C. is at the gate   D. might be cold

(   ) 5. "The Zoo" is         .

   A. a park with lots of animals there

   B. US concert

   C. a music group

   D. going to give the concert at 8 a.m. tomorrow


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

There was a man who had a little boy that he loved very much. Every day after work the man came home and played with the little boy. He always spent all of his extra time playing with the little boy.

One night,the man had extra work to do,and he wouldn't be able to play with his little boy. But he wanted to give the boy something to keep him busy. So he looked around his office,and saw a magazine with a large map of the world on the cover. He got an idea. He tore (街破) the map up into small pieces. Then he put all the pieces in his coat pocket.

When he got home,the little boy came to him and was ready to play. The man said that he had extra work to do and couldn't play just now. He took out all the pieces of the map,and said, "It is a map of the world. By the time you put it back together,my extra work will be finished,and then we can play together."Surely this would keep the child busy for hours,he thought.

About half an hour later the boy came to the man and said,"Okay,it's finished. Can we play now?"

The man was astonished and said, "That's impossible. Let's go and see. " But sure enough,there was the picture of the world,and every piece was in its place.

The man asked, uHow did you do that?" The boy said,"It was simple. On the back of the map was a picture of a man. When I put the man together, the whole world fell into place."

(   ) 6. How was the relationship between that man and his son?

   A. Very closed. B. Friendly.

   C. A little strange. D. Cold.

(   ) 7. What did the man want his son to do one evening?

   A. To play with him. B. To do the extra work.

   C. To read the map. D. To enjoy a puzzle.

(   ) 8. What does the underlined word "astonished" mean in the passage?

   A. Sad. B. Surprised. C. Angry. D. Annoyed.

(   ) 9. By reading what the boy said we know         

   A. the map was very simple   B. the man was foolish

   C. the world was too small   D. the boy was very smart

(   ) 10. Which of the following is NOT true?

   A. The man would like to know if his son was clever.

   B. The magazine cover was torn into pieces.

   C. The boy hoped to play with his father.

   D. That picture of a man was helpful.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Mark was walking home from school one day when he saw the boy in front of him fall down and drop all the books he was carrying,along with two sweaters,a basketball and a walkman. Mark stopped and helped the boy pick up the things. Since they were going the same way,Mark helped to carry some of the things. As they walked,Mark knew that the boy's name was Bill,and he loved computer games,basketball and history. He was having lots of troubles with his lessons,and he had just broken up with his girlfriend.

They arrived at Bill's home first and Mark was served with some coke and was invited to watch television. The afternoon passed happily with a few laughs and some small talk,then Mark went home. They often saw each other at school from then on,had lunch together once or twice ? and then they both finished middle school. They entered the same high school where they sometimes met and talked with each other over the years. At last,just three weeks before they finished high school,Bill asked Mark to have a long talk together.

Bill asked Mark if he still remembered the day years ago when they first met. "Did you ever think why I was carrying so many things home that day?" asked Bill. "You see,I emptied my locker because I didn't want to leave anything for anyone else. I had kept some of my mother's sleeping pills and I was going home to kill myself. But after we spent the time together talking and laughing,I began to understand that if I killed myself,I would have missed that wonderful time and so many others that might follow. So you see,Mark,when you picked up those books that day,you did a lot more. You saved my life."

(   ) 11. Bill carried so many things home because .

   A. Mark would like to help him

   B. he just finished high school

   C. he wanted to leave this world

   D. his girlfriend asked him to do so

(   ) 12. We know from the reading .

   A. Bill was not good enough with computer games

   B. Mark was one of Bill's classmates

   C. Bill and Mark became friends after they first met

   D. Mark was in a higher grade in the school

(   ) 13. Mark went to Bill's home that day         .

   A. before he went home himself

   B. to help him with his lessons

   C. while watching TV for some time

   D. to find out what troubles Bill had

(   ) 14. We can infer that         .

   A. Bill and his girlfriend made peace with each other

   B. Mark and Bill went to the same college

   C. Bill's mother had trouble with her sleep

   D. Mark knew he had saved Bill's life first

(   ) 15. The underlined sentence "so many others that might follow" in the reading means

   A. so many pleasant things that might happen to him

   B. so many sad students who might do what he did

   C. so many clever boys who might follow him home

   D. so many beautiful girls who might refuse him,too

