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情景交际。 (5分)

A: Good morning, __1.__

B: Good morning. I want to buy a football.

A: Just a moment. __2._.

B: How much is this one?.

A: It is 50 yuan.

B: Oh really, __3.___.

A: __4._.

B: How much does it cost?

A: It is 30 yuan. And what do you think of it?

B: It is OK. But do you have other colours about this kind?.

A: Yes, they are over there. How about the blue one?.

B:_ 5.___.

A. That is too expensive.

B. What about that one?

C. Can I help you?

D.OK. I will take it.

E. There are some new footballs here. Please take a look.








1. want to buy a football.“我想买一个足球”,可知此处售货员询问顾客要什么,故选C。

2. want to buy a football.可知此处售货员向顾客推荐那边的足球,让他看一看,故选E。

3. is 50 yuan.“它是50元”可知此处对足球的价格评价,故选A。

4. is 30 yuan“它是30元”,可知此处介绍另外一个足球,故选B。

5. about the blue one?.“那个蓝色的足球怎么样?”可知此处售货员向顾客推荐的蓝色足球,故顾客可以同意买。故选D。



科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江西南康六中片区八年级上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

---Have a good time.

- --_______

A.Thank you B.The same to you

C. Of course D. No problem


科目:初中英语 来源:2015届江西赣县第二中学九年级上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

He doesn’t do his homework ______________, though he has ______________.

A. carefully enough, enough time

B. enough carelessly, time enough

C. carelessly enough, enough time

D. enough carefully,enough time


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江西赣县第二中学八年级上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空


All over the world people enjoy sports. Sports are people’s health. Many people like to watch play sports games. They buy tickets turn on their TV sets to them.

Sports with the seasons. People play games in different seasons. Sometimes they play inside the room. Sometimes they play outside. We can sports here and there. Some sports are rather interesting, people everywhere like them. Football, for example, is very popular in the world. Sometimes people different countries cannot understand each other, but after a game they often become very to each other.

1.A. good for B. good at C. good about D. good of

2.A. other B. others C. the other D. the others

3.A. and B. but C. or D. so

4.A. read B. look C. look for D. watch

5.A. change B. begin C. finish D. like

6.A. same B. different C. the same D. the different

7.A. saw B. look C. play D. did

8.A. so B. but C. or D. although

9.A. from B. to C. on D. for

10.A. friend B. friendly C. friends D. more friendly


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江西赣县第二中学八年级上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

I can’t stand action movies because they are .

A. relaxing B. exciting

C. meaningless D. Fantastic


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏新沂王楼中学七年级上第三次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

People eat different things in different parts of the world.

In some countries, people eat rice every day. Sometimes they eat it two or three times a day for breakfast, lunch and supper. They eat rice with meat, fish and vegetables.

Some people do not eat some kinds of meat. Muslims (穆斯林),for example, do not eat pork.

Japanese eat lots of fish. They are near the sea. So it is easy for them to get fish.

In some western countries such as Britain, Australia and the USA, the most important food is bread and potatoes. People there can cook potatoes in many different ways.

Some people eat only fruit and vegetables. They do not eat meat or fish or anything from animals. They only eat food from plants (植物). Some people say that food from plants is better than meat. These people are called vegetarians.

1.What does the underlined word “vegetarians” mean in Chinese?

A. 肉食主义者 B. 生食主义者

C. 果食主义者 D. 素食主义者

2. do not eat pork.

A. Chinese B. Japanese

C. Muslims D. Americans

3.Why do Japanese eat lots of fish?

A. Because they like fish better than the other food.

B. Because it is easy for them to get fish.

C. Because fish can give them lots of calories.

D. Because they think eating fish can make them clever.

4.What is the most important food in Australia?

A. Fish. B. Bread.

C. Vegetables. D. Fruit.

5. Which one of the following sentences is true?

A. People in different countries eat different food.

B. If you only eat food from animals, you are a vegetarian.

C. Food from animals is better than food from plants.

D. People in some western countries can only cook potatoes in one way.


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏新沂王楼中学七年级上第三次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Mrs Green is ________ an old coat today.

A. putting on B. wearing

C. dressing D. having


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏南京金陵中学河西分校八年级上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Seven years ago, Starbucks closed a shop in Beijing’s Forbidden City after a well-known TV host talked about if the US coffee fits into the old Chinese building.

Five years later, Starbucks seemed to regain its confidence(自信). It opened a shop beside Lingyin Temple in Hangzhou with more than 1,600 years of history. People started to talk about it online. They were not sure if the coffee business would do bad to this old temple(庙).

Some people still think that the Starbucks shop should not be opened near temples. They think it is not only a coffee shop, but a cultural invasion(文化侵略). Let us take a look at the practices in other countries. In the Forbidden City of South Korea, Gyongbokkung Palace(景福宫), there are no food or drink stores, except the food-selling machine at the gate. In Japan, the place of interest may be taken away from the list of country’s treasure if it brings in modern shops.

However, many old sights in China try to look for a balance(平衡) between traditions and business. As for Nanjing, the Starbucks shop near the Confucius Temple has been there for years. Visitors are used to enjoying the sights and the coffee at the same time. The shop here plans to meet the need of growing numbers of foreign and younger Chinese visitors. There may be more win-win deals in the future like this.

1. What is the reading passage mainly about?

A.How Starbucks has grown.

B.Starbucks and temples.

C.What Starbucks makes.

D.Traditions and business.

2. According to the passage, what happened in 2012?

A.A Starbucks shop closed in Beijing’s Forbidden City.

B.Starbucks opened a shop beside Lingyin Temple in Hangzhou.

C.Starbucks opened a shop beside the Confucius Temple in Nanjing.

D.A Starbucks shop closed in Gyongbokkung Palace.

3. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?

A. Starbucks is sure to bring bad to old temples a lot and changes them.

B. People think Starbucks is only a coffee shop and it has nothing bad.

C. In South Korea, there are many coffee shops in Gyongbokkung Palace.

D. In Japan, places may be out of the list of country’s treasure for modern stores.

4. What do many old sights in China try to do?

A. They try to keep all the business shops away from the old sights.

B. They try to open business shops without doing bad to old sights.

C. They try to open more business shops to make more money.

D. They try to keep in the list of country’s treasure without opening shops.

5. What is the meaning of regain in paragraph 2 in the passage?

A. 恢复 B.得到

C. 反复磨练 D. 失去


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏江阴要塞片七年级上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

My brother likes to play __________ football after __________ supper.

A. the; the B. the; \

C. \; the D. \; \

