精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情

  Tom: May I ______ to John?

  John: Speaking. ______ is that?

  Tom: This is Tom. Listen, John. We are not going to have ______ lesson tomorrow and the day after tomorrow(后天). ______ we go to Suzhou?

  John: That's a ______ ______. Shall we go and buy the train tickets now?

  Tom: No, we ______ . We can make a phone ______ . I'll do it.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:022


  1. A: May I use your bike?

     B: ______. I'm going to use it this afternoon.

  2. A: What's the ______ ______ your watch?

        B: It's ten to ten.

  3. A: ______ ______ this table tennis bat?

        B: ______mine.

  4. A: ______ ______ he usually go there?

        B: By motorcycle.

  5. A: I'm sorry to keep you waiting for a long time.

        B: It ______ ______.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:030


   A: ______ _______ you ______ the English lesson yesterday?

   B: It was interesting. I learned many useful expressions.

   A: ______ _______ the maths lesson?

   B: I liked the English lesson ______ than the maths lessons.

    You know, I'm not good at maths. ______ ______ you?

   A: I enjoyed the PE lesson best. We played football most of the hour.

   B:I don't like playing football.

   A:Oh, yes, you like playing volleyball, _______ _______?


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:030


  1. A: Does English have the most speakers?

     B: I've ______ ______. Let's ask Miss Li.

  2. A: How did you like the football match last night?

        B: Oh, it was wonderful. I enjoyed ______ ______ of it.

  3. A: You look pale. You'd better stay at home today.

        B: Thank you. Perhaps I'll ______ your ______.

  4. A: Can I help you?

        B: No, but thank you ______ the ______.

  5. A: Have you finished your homework?

        B: ______, not ______.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:030


  A: ______ me, what does your watch say? I haven't got mine.

  B: ______ have I. Where are you going in such a hurry?

  A: To the cinema. The film will begin at three.

  B: ______ cinema are you going to?

  A: Shanghai Cinema.

  B: What a coincidence! I'm going there, ______.

  A: ______ great! ______ go together.

  B: O.K. There comes the bus. It'll take us there _______ five minutes.

  A: I hope we won't be late.

