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6. My trip to India was quite pleasant because of the guide's good (serve) .


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  At four thirty in the afternoon four-year-old Kim gets home from the kindergarten (幼儿园) . He is a little hungry. He takes a chicken hamburger out of the fridge (冰箱) and eats it. After that he asks his grandfather to take him to the zoo to see tigers. On the way to the zoo,Kim sees a taxi. He says to his grandfather ,“Grandpa,I want to be a taxi driver. I want to drive people from place to place. Kim and his grandfather pass a small garden on Bridge Street. Kim sees a man doing Chinese kung fu in it. He says to his grandfather ,“Grandpa,I want to be a teacher. I want to teach people to do Chinese kung fu. w At five o’clock,they get to the zoo. Kim sees a girl taking photos of a koala. He says to his grandfather ,“Grandpa,I want to be a great photographer (摄影师) . I want to take photos of people and animals. ”


() 1. Kim finds a chicken hamburger in the .

   A. kindergarten   B. garden

   C. fridge   D. zoo

() 2. Kim sees a man in the garden.

   A. taking photos   B. driving a taxi

   C. doing Chinese kung fu   D. eating a hamburger

() 3. The small garden is .

   A. on Bridge Street   B. next to the kindergarten

   C. across from the zoo   D. in front of Kim's house

() 4. The underlined word “driver” means “ ” in Chinese.

   A. 公司   B. 司机   C. 驾驶   D. 师傅

() 5. Which of the following is NOT true?

   A. Kim wants to be a teacher. B. Kim sees a koala in the zoo.

   C. Kim eats a chicken hamburger today. D. Kim doesn’t like to learn Chinese kung fu.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  Sue has a cat. She likes playing with it at home. But she's seven now and she has to go to school. She has to leave it at home,so she isn’t happy. She doesn’t want to listen to her teacher. So she can't answer the questions.

   Now the students are studying math. She is looking out of the window. Mr. Green asks ,“What is two plus (加) two,Sue?”

   Sue stands up but she can't answer it.

   “If your mother gives you two pencils”’ Mr Green says ,“I give you two,how many pencils do you have?”

   “Five,Mr. Green. ”

   “You are wrong”’Mr. Green says. “You have four.”

   “I don't think so. ” The girl says. “I already have one in my pencil box!”


() 1. Sue wants to .

   A. listen to her teacher   B. answer the questions

   C. be at home with her cat   D. take her cat to school

() 2. Sue isn’t happy because .

   A. she has to leave her cat at home   B. she likes playing

   C. she doesn’t like school   D. she can't answer the questions

() 3. What's “math” in Chinese?

   A. 自然   B. 数学   C. 历史   D. 地理

() 4. Mr. Green is Sue's.

   A. teacher   B. mother   C. worker   D. father

() 5. Sue's answer to the math question is .

   A. good   B. right   C. not wrong   D. wrong


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


       How do you feel when you have to make a speech in front of class? What about when you go to a birthday party? Do you get really 1 ?

       Shyness means feeling 2 or frightened when you’re around other people. Experts have 3 that more than 80 percent of middle school students feel afraid to be the center of 4 . Some kids are born shy.

       Some become shy later 5 their fewer life experiences.

       It's OK if it takes you a while to feel yourself again when you go to a new place or meet new people. In fact,everybody gets 6 shy sometimes. It1s just a case of how much.

       Many people have red faces and talk in broken sentences when they get shy. But some become so shy that they won t go to a restaurant because they are too nervous to 7 the meal and pay the 8 . Some are afraid of meeting new people > so they 9 go outside. This kind of shyness can be bad for a person.

      If shyness doesn’t 10 you from doing something you want to do,being shy isn’t a very big problem. Some experts say shy people are quieter and 11 because they think more and talk 12 Shy people are also good at 13 with others because they think more for other people. Some great people in history were shy,too.

    You see,being shy isn’t all 14 . But remember not to let good chances pass by just because of it!Ifyou have to 15 a song at a birthday party or practice your spoken English in front of others,just do it!There's nothing to be afraid of.

() 1. A. shy   B. angry   C. frightened   D. sad

() 2. A. nervous   B. relaxed   C. interested   D. excited

() 3. A. given out   B. found out   C. put out   D. taken out

() 4. A. city   B. attention   C. happiness   D. experience

() 5. A. instead of   B. thanks to   C. because of   D. as for

() 6. A. a bit of   B. a little   C. a few   D. a lot of

() 7. A. order   B. make   C. take   D. watch

() 8. A. menu   B. bill   C. letter   D. check

() 9. A. always   B. often   C. usually   D. seldom

() 10. A. make   B. stop   C. warn   D. remind

() 11. A. sillier   B. cleverer   C. happier   D. busier

() 12. A. more   B. fewer   C. less   D. better

() 13. A. working   B. fightingn   C. joining   D. dealing

() 14. A. good   B. bad   C. nice   D. difficult

() 15. A. sing   B. write   C. read   D. listen


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


     The school bus is coming. A 16-year-old high school student,Rain Price,gets on the bus and says goodbye to his father,Dale Price. Dale Price is standing at the door of his house and is dressed like Captain Jack Sparrow of Pirates of the Caribbean.

     Are you surprised at this? If you are a classmate of Rain,you won’t be surprised You must have seen Dale Price in different strange clothes every day in the past school year.

     Dale Price is disabled and only has one leg. He lives in America with his family. To show his love to his son,he has spent a whole school year waving at his son's school bus every day while dressed in different strange clothes. He has ever been dressed like Santa,a king and a football player.

     “I just want to show my love to my soa And I want him to have a wonderful experience ,” Dale Price said 

      However,Rain couldn’t understand him and was very nonplussed in the first few days.

     “Terrible ,” Rain said when he was remembering his Hrst feelings about this thing. After a few days,he even said to his mother ,“Mom,please do not let Dad wave at the bus tomorrow. ”


1. Rain Price is years old now.

2. Rain's classmates must have seen Dale Price every day in the past school year.

3. Dale Price is a man and only has one leg.

4. Dale Price wanted to show his love to his soa And he wanted Rain to have .

5. Rain couldn’t understand his father and his first feelings were .


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

() 13. of the twins appeared at the party yesterday evening because they went to see their grandpa in hospital.

   A. None   B. Neither   C. Either   D. Both


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

1. It is a (浪费) of money to buy too many books but never read them.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

3. — How was your flight to Hong Kong?

—Gouldn’t be worse. We (keep) at the airport for ten hours.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

1. 无论她说什么,都会对我们的课题产生很大的影响。

Whatever she says,it will our project.

