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Mary didn’t understand such sentences as “She is blue today”, “You are yellow”, “He has a green thumb(拇指)”, “He has told a white lie” and so on. And she went to the teacher Mrs. James for help.
Mary: Mrs. James, there is a colour in each of the sentences. What do they mean?
Mrs. James: In everyday English, Mary, blue sometimes means sad, yellow afraid. A person with a green thumb grows plants well and a white lie is not a bad one.”
Mary: I’m afraid I don’t understand them all. Would you give me an example for “a white lie”?
Mrs. James: Certainly. Now I just give you some cakes. In fact you don’t like it, but you don’t want to let me know it. Instead you say, “No, thanks. I’m not hungry.” That’s a white lie.
Mary: It sounds very interesting. Thanks very much.
Mrs. James: You are welcome. Colours are meaningful. I think you will meet more sentences like these in the future. Please come to me if you have any questions.
【小题1】Blue sometimes means sad in _______________ English.

【小题2】I don’t have a green thumb, so all my plants ________________.
A.die offB.grow well
C.look niceD.are good
【小题3】David is yellow and he is ___________ to climb the tall tree!
【小题4】He didn’t like me to know __________ of the accident. He told me a white lie at last.
A.the reason B.the true story
C.the meaningD.the answer
【小题5】He is ___________today. He is told that his father is seriously ill.


【小题1】细节理解题。根据文中In everyday English, Mary, blue sometimes means sad, yellow afraid.可知在日常英语中蓝色有时意味着悲伤,所以该选B。
【小题2】细节理解题。根据文中A person with a green thumb grows plants well可知一个有着绿拇指的人能种好植物,所以该选B。
【小题3】细节理解题。根据文中In everyday English, Mary, blue sometimes means sad, yellow afraid.可知在日常英语中,蓝色有时意味着悲伤,黄色意味着害怕,所以该选D。
【小题4】细节理解题。根据文中a white lie is not a bad one.可知白色谎言不是一件坏事,所以该选B。
【小题5】细节理解题。根据文中blue sometimes means sad可知蓝色有时意味着悲伤,所以该选A。


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Sometimes I feel lonely,
Like I’m by myself with no one here.
When I’m that way, I call a friend.
My lonely mood(心情) soon disappears(消失).
Sometimes I feel excited,
Like I have some news I have to share!
My friends open their ears to me.
They always listen, talk, and            .
Sometimes I feel so sad,
Like my world is cold and darkest blue.
At those times my friends let me know
They’re with me, standing strong and true.
Sometimes I feel mixed-up,
Like I just don’t know how I should feel.
My friends then help me figure out
What’s right and wrong, what’s false and real!
【小题1】What happens when the poet(诗人) has something to talk about?

A.His friends feel mixed-up.
B.His friends listen to what he says.
C.His friends don’t want to hear about it.
D.His friends are in a bad mood.
【小题2】Please think of a word to complete the sentence “They always listen, talk, and            ”.
A.care B.read C.dance D.sing
【小题3】In this poem, the color blue is _________________.
A.a beautiful color
B.a color of sadness
C.the color of someone’s eyes
D.a color that makes the writer happy again
【小题4】What does “figure out” mean?
A.Look out. B.Feel better.
C.Say something true. D.Find out.
【小题5】Which feeling is NOT mentioned(提及) in the poem?
A.Excitement. B.Anger.
C.Sadness. D.Loneliness.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Let me tell you about my penfriend Ivan. He is 12 years old. He likes playing football. He usually plays football with his friends at weekends.
Ivan lives with his father and mother in a city in France. They have a dream home with five rooms, a swimming pool and a garden. They often have a party in the garden at weekends. They like to help their neighbours. His home is not near his school, so Ivan takes a bus for an hour and then walks for 10 minutes to school. There is a Basketball Club near his school. He likes playing basketball in the club.
Ivan’s father is a worker. He is busy. Ivan’s mother is a doctor. She is nice to the patients(病人). Ivan wants to be a teacher when he grows up. I want to be a teacher, too. Every month Ivan writes two letters to me. He’ll come to China next year. We’ll meet happily then.
【小题1】Who does Ivan usually play football with?

A.His penfriends. B.His father.
C.His mother. D.His friends.
【小题2】What sports does Ivan like playing?
A.Basketball and swimming.
B.Football and basketball.
C.Football and swimming.
D.Reading and swimming.
【小题3】 How often does Ivan write to me?
A.Twice a month. B.Twice a week.
C.Every day. D.Every week.
【小题4】Where does Ivan live with his parents?
A.America B.China
C.France D.Japan
【小题5】What does Ivan want to be when he grows up?
A.A teacher B.A doctor
C.A worker D.A football player


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Tom is a young man. He has a very big dog and he has a very small car, too. He likes playing tennis. Today he plays tennis for two hours at the club and then he wants to go home by car. His dog comes after him, but it does not jump into the same car. It jumps into the next car. "Come here, foolish(愚蠢的) dog!" Tom shouts at it, but the dog still stays in the next car. Tom puts his key into the lock(锁)of the car, but the key does not turn(转动). Then he looks at the car again. It is not his car! He is in the wrong car! And the dog is in the right car!
【小题1】Today Tom plays ________ for two hours.

A.soccer B.tennis
C.volleyball D.football
【小题2】When Tom puts his key into the lock of the car, the key ________.
A.doesn't turn B.turns
C.is lost D.isn’t lost
【小题3】In fact (事实上),________ is in the right car.
A.Tom B.Tom's bag
C.Tom's dog D.Tom’s lock


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

A story tells about an elder villager who led other villagers carrying salt day and night to a town in order to buy food for the winter. One night they camped in an open air with a starry sky above. The elder villager, following the tradition passed down from ancestors, took out three blocks(块) of salt and threw them into the campfire to tell the change of weather in the mountains.
All people waited for the old man's "weather report": if the salt in the fire produced crackling sound(爆裂声), they would have good weather; if no sound was produced, it then meant the good weather would soon end and a storm would come at any moment.
The elder villager looked serious. The salt in the campfire made no sound at all. He urged the whole team to set out immediately. A young man in the group thought it absurdly(荒谬地)superstitious(迷信的) to "forecast the weather by using salt".
It was not until the next afternoon, the weather suddenly changed, with cold winds blowing and a snowstorm coming. In fact, the method used by the elder man could be well explained by modern science: whether or not salt produces sound in campfire depends on air humidity(湿度).That is to say, when a snowstorm approaches, lead to high humidity, the salt blocks will not produce any sound in fire.
Young people often don’t mind the philosophy(哲学) of the old, regarding their ideas as out date and useless. To be honest, however, some beliefs in life are just like salt blocks that are distilled(蒸馏) from the sea: old as they are, they remain crystals(结晶), and carry with them deep memories of the sea.
【小题1】Why did the villagers go to the town?

A.They wanted to buy some salt and food
B.They wanted to sell the salt and buy some food.
C.They wanted to check the old belief.
D.They wanted to forecast the weather by using salt
【小题2】What will happen if it rains recently?
A.The salt in the fire will produce crackling sound.
B.The salt in the fire will produce no sound.
C.The salt will remain crystals.
D.The elder people will give us the weather report.
【小题3】Why didn’t the young man think the “weather report” absurdly superstitious?
A.The villagers were always superstitious, especially the old man.
B.He didn’t believe the god and only believe the modern science.
C.He didn’t believe the traditional way could forecast the weather by using salt.
D.He thought the salt could tell us the weather.
【小题4】 What’s the meaning of the word “approach”?
A.到达 B.远离 C.追逐 D.消失
【小题5】What’s the meaning of the last paragraph?
A.Young people shouldn’t believe the philosophy of the old. They are superstitious.
B.Salt blocks can carry the memories of the deep sea, so it can forest the weather.
C.All the belief in life are useful and can give us suggestions in our lives.
D.Young people should learn from the old because they are knowledgeable and have much experience.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Life in the year 3044 is very different from life in the 21st century(世纪). We still do many of the things you did, but we do them differently. For example, we now have e-friends to help us and keep us company. An e-friend is a machine that looks just like a human being. It can walk and talk like humans and can do almost the same things as we human beings do. My e-friend is a lot like me and we have much fun together. She helps me with my homework and we often go swimming. She is computerized to take care of me in case (万一) anything happens, so I always feel safe when we are together. She can also send me messages, just like old-fashioned e-mail, and I can download (下载)information from her memory chip. It’s so great to have an e-friend – I feel never lonely and I always have someone to talk to.
Actually, I would plan to tell you more about life in the year 3044, I have to send my e-friend to clean up my room, though. Maybe one day I will be able to fly back in time rocket and visit you and old friends. Looking forward to!
【小题1】 An e-friend can do the following EXCEPT________.

A.It can walk and talk.
B.It can help me with my homework.
C.It can send me message.
D.It can travel back in time.
【小题2】 What does the underlined word “company” probably mean?
【小题3】What can we learn from the passage?
A.In 3044, people won’t do many of the things we do now.
B.E-friends make life more convenient in 3044.
C.People are able to travel back in time rocket in 3044.
D.Life in 3044 is the same as life in the 21 century.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

  When you are feeling unhappy or forget how great you are ,there are six ways to make you feel confident(有信心的) about yourself ,
1.Look in the mirror and say to yourself,“I am a special person and there’s no one in the world like me. I can do anything!”It may not sound so good ,bur it really works!
2.Do something nice for someone. Helping others always makes you feel so good.
3.Smile! Be friendly to the people you meet. Look for the good things of your friends and family.
4.Learn something new! Do you want to decorate your own room or learn how to swim? Go for it !New challenges(挑战) are fun and give you a sense of accomplishment(成就感) when you finish them,
5.Keep a diary. Turn off the TV and let your imagination fly! Write down your thoughts, dreams or anything you want! Writing always helps to express your feelings.
6.Stay with your family. We all need our family time .Talk with your mum or dad or maybe even your cousin
【小题1】This passage may be taken from_______.

A.a science book B.a story book
C.a magazine D.school rules
【小题2】According to the passage, when you are helping others, you will________.
A.feel nice B.be sure
C.be special D.be remembered
【小题3】According to the passage, which can't you do when you are feeling unhappy?
A.Try to be kind to others.
B.Learn something new and challenge yourself.
C.Stay out alone.
D.Try to write down anything you want.
【小题4】Which is the best title for the passage?
A.Do Your Best
B.Six Ways to Feel Good about Yourself
C.It's Never Too Late to Learn
D.Always Smile to Your Life


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

A crow(乌鸦) is about twenty inches(英寸) long and black all over. Crows are dirty birds because they live on bad food. Crows eat a lot of waste food. In this way they are more useful to us than any birds. They clean up the dirty things in our streets. Crows are always hungry. They look for food all day, and in the evening you can see them in large numbers flying back to their nests(巢) in the trees. They sleep there at night.
Crows are much noisier than other birds. Very often a large number of crows will get together on one house and talk. Sometimes they talk together, and sometimes they do it by turns(轮流) like human beings(人类). It is easy to tell(判断) from crow’s sound if they are pleased or angry. Perhaps crows talk a lot because they are friendly birds. A pair of crows will live together all their lives, and if one of them dies, the other one becomes very sad and quiet for the rest of its life and some time later it dies too.
【小题1】 Crows “live on bad food” means “ _________ ”.

A.Crows eat old bad food.
B.Old bad food is crows’ nests.
C.Crows make their nests on old bad food.
D.Crows sleep on old bad food.
【小题2】 Crows are more useful to us because they ________________.
A.are clean birds
B.can move away waste food
C.can make our streets clean
D.aren’t dirty
【小题3】Crows always look for food _________.
A.in the evening B.all day
C.in the morning D.at night
【小题4】 I don’t think crow often talk __________.
A.together B.by turns
C.noisily D.quietly
【小题5】If a pair of crows loves each other, ________
A.they will not live together.
B.one of them cannot live alone happily.
C.they will die
D.one of them will die


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Plants are very important living things. Life could not go on if there were no plants. This is because plants can make food from air, water and sunlight.
Animals and man cannot make food from air, water and sunlight. They get their food by eating plants and other animals. If you look carefully at plants around you, you will find there are two kinds of plants: flowering plants and non-flowering plants.
Flowering plants can make seeds(种子). The seeds are guarded by the fruits. Some fruits have one seed, some have two, three or four, and some have many. But a few fruits have no seeds at all. An example of a fruit without seeds is the banana fruit. Most non-flowering plants do not grow from seeds. They grow from spores(胚芽). Spores are very small. Some spores are so small and light that they can float(漂浮) in the air. We may say that spores are quite the same as seeds. When these spores are all on wet and sandy places, they usually grow into plants.

【小题1】The main idea of the first paragraph is that _____________.

A.plants are important for life 
B.plants cannot grow without air 
C.there are many plants in the world. 
D.we can not live without water. 
【小题2】 From Paragraph 2, we know there is(are) _______ kind(s) of plants around us.
A.four B.three C.two D.one 
【小题3】In paragraph 3, the underlined word “guarded” most probably means ____________.
A.offered B.protected 
C.produced D.saved 
【小题4】 According to the underlined sentence“Most non-flowering plants do not grow from seeds”, the following statements are wrong EXCEPT ___________.
A.All the plants grow from seeds. 
B.No flowering plants grow from seeds. 
C.Only non-flowering plants grow from seeds. 
D.A few of non-flowering plants grow from seeds. 

