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----- How soon will you start your journey?

-----I’m not sure. I haven’t decided ________.

A. when shall I ask the boss for leave

B. where I will go to spend the holiday

C. if I would go by train or by plane

D. who should I travel with






科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年山东省滨州地区九年级12月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

My Chinese teacher’s jokes ______me as much as my history teacher’s.

A. aren’t interested in B. are interesting

C. isn’t interested D. don’t interest


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏新沂王楼中学九年级上第三次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空


Gloria is a famous TV hostess. When she was 15, she happened to walk into a bookstore. The man behind the counter(柜台), John Smith, asked she’d like a job. She needed to start money for college, so she said yes.

One day a woman came in and asked Gloria for books on cancer. The woman seemed . Gloria showed her everything they had and found other books they could offer. The woman the store less worried, and Gloria has always remembered how she felt for having helped her customer (顾客).

Years later, a television hostess, Gloria heard about a child who was born with problems with his fingers and hand. His family could not an operation, and the boy lived in shame, his hand in his pocket all the time.

Gloria the story after she persuaded (说服) her boss to agree to let do it. Shortly after, some doctors called, to perform the operation for free.

Gloria visited the boy in the hospital after the operation. The first thing he did was to hold up his repaired 1 and say, “Thank you.” What a sweet of satisfaction (满足) Gloria felt!

At Smith’s bookstore, Gloria realized she was working for the customers, not the store. Today it’s the same. The TV station pays her, but she feels that she should work for the people who 15 the programmes, helping them understand the world better.

1.A what B if C why D what

2.A. saving B. spending C. costing D. losing

3.A. satisfied B. worried C. stressed D. relaxed

4.A. entered B. reached C. left D. marked

5.A. proud B. nervous C. generous D. unhappy

6.A. for B. with C. as D. by

7.A. perform B. pay C. carry D. afford

8.A. holding B. hiding C. catching D. pulling

9.A. covered B. heard C. remembered D. discovered

10.A. him B. her C. me D. you

11.A. refusing B. allowing C. offering D. providing

12.A. hand B. head C. foot D. leg

13.A. habit B. meaning C. mood D. sense

14.A. never B. seldom C. always D. sometimes

15.A. host B. record C. make D. watch


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏南京钟英中学九年级上1月阶段性测试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写

根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词。 (共10题,每题1分,共10分)

As teenagers, you have many dreams. These dreams can be very big, such as becoming successful

s 1. in physics or chemistry, or they can be small. You may just want to get high marks in your tests.

Once you find a dream, what do you do with it? Do you ever try to make your dream real?

Follow Your Heart by Australian writer Andrew Matthews tells us that making our dreams real is life’s biggest c 2. .

You may think you’re not very good at some school subjects, or that it is i 3. for you to become a writer. These kinds of thoughts p 4. you from making your dream real, the book says.

In fact, everyone can make his dream come t 5. . The first thing you must do is to remember the dream in your mind.

Don’t let it l 6. your heart. Keep telling yourself what you want. Do this step by step and your dream will be realized faster b 7. a big dream is made up of many small ones. Please never give them up.

There will be many d 8. on the road to your dreams. But the biggest comes from yourself. You need to decide what is the most important. Studying instead of watching TV will l 9. to better exam results, while saving five yuan instead of buying an ice cream means you can buy a new book. As you get closer to your dream, it may change a little. This is good as you will have the c 10. to learn more skills and find new interests.


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏南京钟英中学九年级上1月阶段性测试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

The singer, Mick Jagger, sings a song that tells us we can’t always get what we want but if we try sometimes we can get what we need. In the past years my parents have told me this saying many times. But I didn’t listen to them.

This year my girlfriend flew off to college in West Palm, Florida. This has been a killer for me because I can’t see her and she is having a difficult time in school. So last month, I tried to get my dad to buy me a plane ticket to go there. My dad told me if I brought him some money he would help me pay for the ticket. I started to complain to him because I had no way of getting any money. I spent several days and nights thinking of ways to earn money. Finally I thought I could get a job and work hard to earn some money. I applied to Safeway Company and I succeeded.

I have worked at Safeway for about a month now and work hard to earn money to see my girlfriend. The other day my mom had surprised me and told me that she asked her boss if she could use their business miles(旅费) to buy me a ticket down to Florida for two weeks. I was very thankful and told her I would help pay for anything that I have to. We both smiled. I believe that you can’t always get what you want but if you try sometimes, you get what you need.

1.The author’s parents often told him the saying from the song because .

A.He liked to complain to them about his life

B.They expected him to learn from the singer

C.He always wanted to get everything he wanted

D.They tried to educate him to do things for himself

2.What does the word “killer” underlined in the second paragraph refer to?

A.Something that is quite troublesome.

B.Something that is very boring.

C.A person who kills others

D.A person who treats women very badly.

3.By writing the passage, the author tries to show .

A.we can do nothing without money

B.fathers are strict while mothers are kind

C.it’s hard for parents to raise their children

D.we should try to depend on ourselves for everything


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏南京钟英中学九年级上1月阶段性测试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

-----Jack, could you help me _______ more information about the bad effects of the hazy weather on the Internet?

-----With pleasure

A. put up B. make up

C. take up D. look up


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏南京钟英中学九年级上1月阶段性测试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

------How far is it from this hotel to ________ station?

------It is ______ eleven-kilometer walk from here.

A. the; the B. the; an

C. a; a D. a; the


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏江阴初级中学九年级上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

I’m sure he’ll ________ at tomorrow’s meeting, but I don’t know what he will ______.

A. say; speak B. speak; say

C. talk; say D. tell; speak


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年湖北黄石第十六中学九年级12月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Australia is the largest island in the world. It is a little smaller than China. It is in the south of the earth. Australia is big, but its population is small. The population of Australia is nearly as large as that of Shanghai.

Enough laws (法律) have been made to fight against pollution. The cities in Australia have got little air or water pollution. The sky is blue and the water is clean. You can clearly see fish swimming in the rivers. Plants grow very well.

Last month we visited Perth, the biggest city in Western Australia, and went to a wild flowers' exhibition (展览). There we saw a large number of wild flowers we had never seen before. We had a wonderful time. Perth is famous for its beautiful wild flowers. In spring every year Perth has the wild flowers' exhibition. After visiting Perth, we spent a day in the countryside. We sat down and had a rest near a path at the foot of a hill. It was quiet and we enjoyed ourselves. Suddenly we heard bells ringing at the top of the hill. What we saw made us pick up all our things and run back to the car as quickly as we could. There were about three hundred sheep coming towards us down the path.

Australia is famous for its sheep and kangaroos. After a short drive from any town, you will find yourself in the middle of white sheep. Sheep, sheep, everywhere are sheep.

1.Australia is .

A. the largest country in the world

B. larger than China

C. as large as Shanghai

D. not so large as China

2.Enough laws have been made to .

A. increase the population

B. grow more plants

C. fight against pollution

D. show wild flowers

3.Perth is .

A. the capital of Australia

B. in the west of Australia

C. in the east of Australia

D. the biggest city in Australia

4.In Perth you may visit a wild flowers' exhibition in .

A. October B. January

C. May D. July

5.Which of the following sentences is TRUE?

A. All the big cities in Australia are seriously polluted.

B. Australia is famous for its sheep, kangaroos and large population.

C. We ran back to the car because we were in the middle of the white sheep.

D. If you go to the countryside in Australia, you will see a large number of white sheep.

