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Once Mr King had a cat, and he loved it very much. He called it “Sky”, because he thought “Sky” was the strongest name in the world.
One day he had a meal at a restaurant with his cat. He met his old friend. He told him about his lovely cat and its name. His friend said, “How foolish you are! Sky is not the strongest thing in the world. My cat is called ‘Cloud’ because cloud is stronger than sky.” After hearing this, Mr King called his cat “Wind” because he thought wind was stronger than cloud.
After a few days he suddenly(突然)thought that “Wall” was stronger than wind. And “Mouse(老鼠)” was stronger than wall. So he went to his friend to ask for an idea. His friend said, “Don’t you think ‘Cat’ is stronger than mouse?” “Yes, but...”
The man thought and thought and then decided his cat’s name had better be “Cat” because a mouse was always afraid of a cat. Don’t you think Mr King is very silly(傻的)or funny?
【小题1】Mr King ________ his cat very much.

A.didn’t like B.loved
【小题2】He decided his cat’s last name was ________.
【小题3】Mr King called his cat “Cat” because he thought ________ .
A.a cat was always afraid of a mouse
B.he liked this beautiful name
C.the name had more meanings
D.a mouse was always afraid of a cat
【小题4】 Mr King gave his cat ________ names in all(总共)and at last he called it “Cat”.


【小题1】细节理解题。根据短文的开头Once Mr King had a cat, and he loved it very much可知,King先生有一只猫,他非常的喜欢它。故选B。
【小题2】细节理解题。根据文意可知,原本King先生的猫叫Sky,后来他遇到了他的一个朋友,在朋友的建议下,他给他的猫改了名字,最后The man thought and thought and then decided his cat’s name had better be “Cat”,他决定给他的猫起名Cat。故选D。
【小题3】细节理解题。根据短文的最后一段The man thought and thought and then decided his cat’s name had better be “Cat” because a mouse was always afraid of a cat.可知,King现在最终给他的猫起名叫Cat,因为老鼠怕猫。故选D。
【小题4】推理判断题。根据文意可知,King先生的猫原本叫Sky,后来他给它改名叫Wind,后来又改成Wall, 然后是Mouse,最后是Cat。所以一共是5个名字。故选B。


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:完型填空

Two days ago, I carried a few bags from my apartment to the car. Then I went back into the apartment building. I went up to the second floor very soon. I saw two boxes at the corner, but I remembered they weren’t there    . Maybe someone just put them there while I was    _ the bags.
I took out my    and tried to open the apartment door, but the key didn’t work. There were   keys on the desk when I got out of the apartment. I just took one of them and the other one was left there. Maybe I took the   key.    looked the same and that was quite possible.
When I was     again, a woman opened the door. She asked me if I needed any help. You could imagine how   _ I was. What was she doing in my apartment? Then I saw a new doorbell, and everything in the house looked different.
Then I realized that I had      into the wrong building. I said sorry to the     _  and left. Later I found that my apartment was the one in front of it.

A.now B.then C.before D.soon 
A.making B.carrying C.buying D.opening 
A.bag B.desk C.box D.key 
A.two B.three C.some D.many 
A.wrong B.right C.new D.old 
A.It B.They C.You D.We 
A.shouting B.climbing C.trying D.allowing 
A.excited B.relaxed C.interested D.surprised 
A.looked B.driven C.walked D.ran 
A.child B.woman C.man D.girl 


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:完型填空

A school trip
Today we went to Underwater World for our school trip.It took us about 30 minutes to get there by bus.Underwater World is the most famous place in our city,so it attracts a lot of tourists every year.
When we arrived there,we were excited to see all kinds of sea animals,such as sharks,dolphins,seals and sea lions.The colors of these animals blended (相称) very well with the background,especially the corals (珊瑚).
The sharks in this aquarium attracted most tourists.They swam across the aquarium freely,while smaller fishes had to watch out and fear for their lives.Besides,dolphins are a big attraction,too.We watched a wonderful dolphin show before we left Underwater World.
The school trip was very enjoyable,and we learned a lot from the amazing world of animals.
【小题1】How did the students go for their school trip?
【小题2】Where did they go?
【小题3】What did they see there?
【小题4】How long did it take them to get there?
【小题5】How did the writer like the school trip?


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:完型填空

Jim: Hello! My     is Jim. What’s your name?  Mary:      Mary.
Jim: Can you      it?   Mary: M-A-R-Y.
Jim: And what’s your      ?  Mary: Hand. Mary      .
Jim:      is your phone number?  Mary:      398-51.
Jim: Excuse me, what’s this?  Mary: It is my     .
Jim: What color is your pen?  Mary: It’s      .
Jim: Is blue your favorite(最喜欢的)    ?  Mary: Yes, it is.

A.You areB.I’mC.She’sD.He’s
A.telephone numberB.middle schoolC.last nameD.first name
A.ItB.ThisC.It’sD.This is


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

For Chinese students nowadays, no matter what kind of schools they are going to universities, high schools and even primary schools, they have to face and tackle the problem of learning English. All examinations they want to pass require them to first pass English. English has become the most popular course in tutorial classes and even in the self-study classroom.
When nearly all students' attention is focused on English, looking at the situation of our mother language, even Chinese linguists get confused about its use. Not only have many new words and phrases which are very popular on the Internet started to fill in every corner of the society, common use of Chinese is full of mistakes and misunderstandings are all around.
Chinese has the most speakers of any world language and also one of the oldest in history. Around the world, many countries have started enthusiastically learning Chinese and Chinese has become one of the most important foreign languages in some foreign countries.
Besides, there are 282 Confucius Institutions around 88 countries and regions in the world that are teaching Chinese, while more than 260 institutions from 50 countries and regions applied to establish Confucius Institutions. The number of people learning Chinese is about 50 million outside China.
For those foreigners that are so crazy about Chinese language, what kind of attitude should the Chinese have? Frankly speaking, learning English itself shouldn't have been criticized too much, and we need to learn English to communicate with the world to show our culture and society.
【小题1】In China, it is true that                           .

A.If you want go to some college of Arts, it is needn’t learn English.
B.It is easy for most Chinese to learn English.
C.English has become one of the most important courses in China.
D.Chinese student just learn English in the self study classroom
【小题2】What is the meaning of linguists?
【小题3】Chinese is/has                                   around the world.
A.the most speakersB.the oldest in history
C.the most popularD.the most important
【小题4】What we can learn form this passage?
A.It is necessary for every Chinese to learn English well
B.More and more foreigners have enthusiastically learning Chinese.
C.Confucius Institutions spread all over the world.
D.Learning English is good for Chinese to learn the culture about the English countries.
【小题5】Which is the best title for this passage?
A.English Is Very Import in China
B.Chinese Is the Most Popular in the World
C.More and More Foreigners Learn Chinese
D.It's Time to Protect Chinese Language


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Farmer John and Farmer Bob were neighbors. For more than 30 years, they had been getting along very well.
Then their good relationship broke. It began with a small thing, then bitter(尖刻的)words, and then weeks of silence(沉默). One morning Farmer John woke up to find a stream between the two farms. "It must be done by Bob," John thought.
Then one day there was a knock on John's door. He opened it to find a carpenter(木匠) standing at the doorway.
"I'm looking for a few days' work," the carpenter said.
"I do have a iob for you," John said. "Look at the stream at that farm. That's done by my neighbor, Bob. He dug a stream between the two farms. I want you to build a fence-an 8-foot fence. I don't want to see his place or his face any more. I don't have such a neighbor!"
The carpenter said, "I think I know what to do, sir, and I'll be able to do a job that will please you."
Farmer John helped the carpenter get the materials ready and then he was off for the day.
At about sunset when the farmer returned, the carpenter finished his job. The farmer's eyes opened wide. There was no fence there at all!
It was a bridge. And the neighbor, Bob, was coming across it, with his hand outstretched (伸出)."Hi, John! You're quite a fellow to build this bridge!"
Then they met in the middle, taking each other's hands. "I'm terribly sorry for what I have said and done. We should be good to each other," said Farmer Bob.
Then they turned to see the carpenter, who was ready to go. "No, wait! Stay a few days. I have a lot of other jobs for you," said Farmer John. "I'd love to stay," the carpenter said, "but I have more bridges to build. "
【小题1】Just before the carpenter came, John and Bob    each other.

A.didn't speak with
B.were friendly to
C.often fought with
D.never had bitter words with
【小题2】Farmer John asked the carpenter to build a fence because
A.he wanted to protect his farm
B.he didn't want to do it himself
C.he wouldn't like to see Bob
D.he wanted to give him something to do
【小题3】What does the underlined sentence mean?
A.John was great to build this bridge.
B.John was not good at building bridges.
C.John was foolish to build such a bridge.
D.John should build the bridge earlier.
【小题4】What do you think of the carpenter?


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Cows that are named and treated with a “more personal touch” can increase milk production by up to 500 pints a year.
The study, by the university’s School of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development, involved(包括) 516 farmers across the UK.
The study found farmers who named their cows got a 54% higher production than those that did not give their cows names. Dairy farmer Dennis Gibb said he believed treating every cow as an individual(个体) was very important.
“They aren’t just our means of making money. They’re part of the family,” he said. “We love our cows here and every one of them has a name. All of us regard them as ‘our ladies’ but we know every one of them and each one has her own personality.”
Dr Catherine Douglas said, “What our study shows is what many good, caring farmers have long since believed. Our data suggests that UK dairy farmers regard their cows as intelligent beings(智能动物). They are able to experience a range of emotions(情感的领域).”
“Placing more importance on knowing the individual animals and calling them by name can, at no extra cost to the farmer, also increase milk production.”
【小题1】How much milk can a named cow produce in a year?

A.300 pounds. B.500 pounds.
C.500 pints. D.600 pints.
【小题2】What does the farmer Gibb regard his cows as?
A.Their parents. B.Members of their family.
C.Their friends. D.Clever animals.
【小题3】Where did the experience come from?
A. The USA.  B. The UK.  C. The UN.  D. China.
【小题4】How did the farmers make their cows happy?
A.They played music in the barn.
B.They fed better food than others.
C.They named each cow themselves.
D.They let their cows free on the farm.
【小题5】Why did the farms want their cows to increase milk?
A.Because they wanted to drink more.
B.Because their cows can be happy.
C.Because the milk is more delicious.
D.Because they made by money by selling milk.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Linda has been a vegetarian for years. She stopped eating meat because of how she felt. As she told her doctor, she always felt tired. Her doctor looked her over and told her to eat less meat. She bought a vegetarian cookbook and decided to "go all the way". She still eats eggs and cheese sometimes; now, however, most of her food is vegetables, fruits, and grains (谷类). Linda became a vegetarian to improve her health.
Nancy is an animal lover. Nancy grew up on a farm where there were cows and chickens. As she grew older, she started to eat less meat One day she realized that she had stopped eating meat. She thinks it is not right to kill animals for food.
When Mark was a student, he had a careful plan of how to spend money. The little money that he had for food, he spent on rice, cheap vegetables. He learned to be a very good cook. Now Mark is a successful engineer, but he still eats simple foods, and no meat.
Roy is an environmentalist He knows that the population is increasing faster and faster, but the land for growing food is not increasing at all. He knows that it takes sixteen kilos (克) of grain to make one kilo of meat; he thinks about the fifteen kilos of grain that are wasted if he eats meat "Somewhere, " he says, "someone hasn't got enough to eat and is dying. How can I enjoy a thick steak (牛排)?" Mark's ideas about what is right and wrong make him a vegetarian
【小题1】According to the passage, a vegetarian usually will not eat _____ .

【小题2】Linda became a vegetarian because ______ .
A .her doctor asked her to do so
B. she was badly ill
C she enjoyed eating vegetables
D. she wanted to be healthier.
【小题3】Which of the following is TRUE?

A.Mark became a vegetarian when he was a student.
B.We aren't sure when Roy became a vegetarian.
C.Nancy became a vegetarian when she was old.
D.Roy doesn't like steak at all
【小题4】What is the main idea of the passage?
A.people choose to be vegetarians for different reasons
B.people become vegetarians because they don't like meat
C.meat is not good for one's health
D.we had better become vegetarians


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:写作题

假如你是李磊.你的美国笔友Tom对中国传统文化很感兴趣。请你用英语给他写一 封80词左右的电子邮件,介绍一或两个中国传统节日,如春节(Spring Festival)、中秋节(Mid-autumn Festival)等。
参考词汇:traditional传统的; decorate装饰
Dear Tom,
I'm very glad to tell you something about
Li Lei

