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Do you know why different animals or pests (昆虫) have their special colors? Colors in them seem to be used mainly to protect themselves.

Some birds like eating locusts (蝗虫), but birds cannot easily catch them. Why? It is because locusts change their colors together with the change of the colors of crops(庄稼). When crops are green, locusts look green. But as the harvest time comes, locusts change to the same brown color as crops have. Some other pests with different colors from plants are easily found and eaten by others. So they have to hide themselves for lives and appear only at night.

If you study the animal life, you’ll find the main use of coloring is to protect themselves. Bears, lions and other animals move quietly through forests. They cannot be easily seen by hunters (猎人). This is because they have the colors much like the trees.

Have you ever noticed an even stranger act? A kind of fish in the sea can send out a kind of very black liquid (液体)when it faces danger. While the liquid spreads over (散开), its enemies (敌人)cannot find it. And it quickly swims away. So it has lived up to now though it is not strong at all.

1.From the passage we learn that locusts________.

A. are small animals

B. are easily found by birds

C. are dangerous to their enemies

D. change their colors to protect themselves

2.Bears and lions can keep safe because _________.

A. they have the colors much like the trees

B. they move quietly

C. they like brown and gray colors

D. they live in forests

3.Why can the kind of fish live up to now?

A. Because it is very and strong.

B. Because it can change the colors.

C. Because the liquid it sends out can kill its enemies.

D. Because it swims faster than any other fish.

4.Which is the best title for this passage?

A. The Change of Colors for Animals and Pests

B. Colors of Different Animals and Pests

C. The Main Use of Colors

D. Some Animals and Pests







1.细节理解题。根据文章Some birds like eating locusts. but birds cannot easily catch them. Why? It is because locusts change their colors together with the change of the colors of crops.蝗虫能够随着农作物的颜色的变化而改变自己的颜色,这样就可以保护自己不被鸟类吃掉。故选D

2.细节理解题。根据文章This is because they have the colors much like the tree.可知,那是因为熊和狮子有着和树木很想象的颜色。故选A

3.细节理解题。根据文章A kind of fish in the sea can send out a kind of very black liquid when it faces danger.有一种鱼当它遇到危险时,就会发射出一种黑色的液体,能杀死敌人。故选C




科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年广东深圳北环中学八年级上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Nowadays many young people want to make money by making video games. Creating a good game often needs a lot of game developers. The graphic (绘画的) designers, the programmers, writing and music are all important to the final product.

With the development of the Internet, multiplayer games become more and more popular. In the past, if people wanted to play games together, they had to be in the same place. But now people in different cities, countries or even living on opposite sides of the world can play computer games together.

Some people think video games are good. Playing games makes them very happy. Others think video games are bad. Some children spend a lot of time playing games, so they have little time to do sports. Playing games may cause the overexposure to violence.

1. Nowadays, many people want to make money by _______ video games.

A.making B. playing C. selling D. advertising

2.What does the underlined word mean in Chinese?

A.复杂的 B. 在线的 C.单人的 D.多人的

3. If you want to create a good video game, what is important?

A. graphic designers B. programmers

C. writing and music D. all of the above

4.Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Multiplayer games are becoming more and more popular.

B. Now people in different places can’t play games together.

C. People have different opinions about video games.

D. Some children spend a lot of time paying games.

5. What is the best title for the passage?

A.the Internet B. Computers

C. New technology D. Video games


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年甘肃白银平川第四中学八年级上期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.We will have a new subject _________ (物理)this term .

2.There are some books here. You can c________ one of them.

3.I don’t think it is a __________ (完美)plan.

4.We can’t live w_________ air or water

5.Her mother is ________ (真) busy every day.


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年福建龙岩江山中学七年级上第三次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The backpack is 25 yuan each. I buy two for ______ yuan.

A. twenty B. thirty C. fifty D. sixty


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年浙江宁波市九年级上第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达


76. 假如你是李磊。你的美国笔友Tom对中国的传统文化很感兴趣。请你用英语给他写一 封80词左右的电子邮件,介绍一个或两个中国的传统节日,如春节(Spring Festival)、中秋节(Mid-Autumn Festival)等。

要求: l. 开头和结尾已给出,不计人总词数。

2. 语句通顺、表达准确、内容连贯。

3. 文中不能出现真实校名和姓名等相关信息。

参考词汇: decorate装饰

Dear Tom,

I'm very glad to tell you something about








Li Lei


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年内蒙古巴彦淖尔乌拉特前旗第四中学九年级上期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达


根据下表提示,以The Changes in My Hometown为题,写一篇80词左右的短文。


1.生活贫困, 房屋破旧

2.污染严重, 垃圾遍地

3.交通不便, 游客很少


1.生活: 住房宽敞、明亮;许多人有自己的汽车

2.环境: 山更绿, 水更清, 天更蓝……

3.旅游: 每年有成千上万来自世界各地的游客




科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年内蒙古巴彦淖尔乌拉特前旗第四中学九年级上期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

A few weeks ago, a friend from an unknown Smile Groups sent me $120 to do good things. Since then I have used the money in the US. It has helped families and strangers and generally raise a lot of smiles. They have warmed my heart, but none was so much as the gift I was able to give an hour ago.

I was in a charity shop, looking at the second-hand books. It happened that the bookshelves were next to the toy shelf. I noticed a group of poorly dressed women standing behind me. As they looked through the cloth shelf, a little girl about three years old came over to the shelf. Immediately her attention was caught by a toy pram(手推车). She spoke to her mother and she asked the shop assistant how much it cost. $3 was the answer.

The mum looked down at her child, perhaps thinking what she still had to buy and how much money she has left. Then she shook her head. The child did not behave (表现)as badly as some might. Being told “no” was not new for her but she could not keep the disappointment (失望的)from her face.

I had a total of $ 5 in my pocket. I touched the mother on the shoulder, put the money in her hand and said, “Buy her a doll, too”.

I did not wait to see the end. After all, it was not about being thanked. I walked out of the shop and into the sunshine.

The money the friend gave me was to help me find happiness of the world. Was there any better way, I wondered, to get so much happiness for so little money than to buy a little girl a toy and a doll to sit in it?


1.What did the Writer’s friend send him some money to do?

A.To help others who need help.

B.To buy something to eat.

C.To do bad things.

D.To buy a boy pram for a child.

2.According to the passage, the writers used the money given by his friend ______.

A.to thank his friend for his help

B.to do some shopping

C.to donate(捐助) to a charity organization

D.to make a donation in happiness

3.When her mum refused to buy her the toy, the girl did not behave badly _________.

A.because she did not want to behave badly in public

B.because she knew her mother did not have enough money

C.because she was afraid her mother would be angry

D.because she had got used to being refused

4.The reason why the writer did not wait to see the end was that ________.

A.he had no money then

B.he had already finished his task

C.he was afraid the other women might ask him for help

D.he was in a hurry

5.What does the writer think of his helping the little girl?

A.It is the cheapest gift he has given so far.

B.It is the most heart-warming experience.

C.It is the first time that he has helped others.

D.The little girl is the youngest person he had helped.


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年内蒙古巴彦淖尔乌拉特前旗第四中学九年级上期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

—Hello! May I speak to Alice?

—Sorry, she _____ Shanghai.

A.have gone to B.has been to

C.has been in D.has gone to


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏兴化乐吾三校九年级上第三次月度联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

What I wanted to express went ________ words.

A. without B. beyond C. over D. past

