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Tom邀请Li Ping参加他这周日的生日宴会,但Li Ping的父母现在在北京到下个月才回来,奶奶年纪大了,需要人照顾。再说英语考试即将来临,因此,无法前去参加生日宴会。Li Ping感到很抱歉,只好写信辞谢。请你帮Li Ping完成下面的辞谢信。要求词数60~80。

Dear Tom,


Li Ping


科目:初中英语 来源:Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake-八年级英语上册单元测试卷 题型:单选题

— I’ll have a ten-day holiday. But I don’t know _____.

— How about Paris?

A. what to do B. where to go C. when to go


科目:初中英语 来源:2018年秋人教版八年级英语上册=Unit 7 Will people have robots?单元达标卷 题型:完型填空

Let me tell you about the best day of my life! I got up early and ran to the kitchen in my pyjamas(睡衣).It was my thirteenth birthday and I was really ______. In fact, I wasn’t sleeping all night because I kept ______ all the presents I would get.

I walked into the kitchen with a big smile on my face, ______ nobody looked up. Mum and Dad were reading their newspapers while my two older brothers were eating breakfast. ______ said a word! “They have forgotten about my birthday!” I said to myself. I turned around and walked out of the ______. Suddenly, I heard a noise, so I went back to ______ what it was. I couldn’t believe my eyes! There were lots of ______ on the kitchen table. “Surprise!” I heard ______ me. When I turned around, I saw Mum, Dad and my brothers! Mum was holding a huge ______ with candles and they were singing “Happy birthday” to me. We shared the cake and opened all the presents.

They didn’t ______ my birthday after all. It really was the best day of my life!

1.A. lonely B. excited C. successful D. weak

2.A. thinking about B. picking up C. taking out D. putting away

3.A. for B. so C. or D. but

4.A. Nobody B. Anybody C. Somebody D. Everybody

5.A. garden B. kitchen C. bedroom D. study

6.A. see B. taste C. explain D. choose

7.A. newspaper B. presents C. menus D. rings

8.A. of B. above C. behind D. from

9.A. picture B. bowl C. spoon D. cake

10.A. realize B. enjoy C. forget D. celebrate


科目:初中英语 来源:2018年秋人教版八年级英语上册=Unit 7 Will people have robots?单元测试卷 题型:阅读单选

Do you know the movie I, Robot? It tells us a story about the future.

The year is 2035 and robots are just as common as mobile phones. People depend_on their robots to do lots of things, for example, babysitting, cooking, doing chores and taking their dogs for a walk. Robots have to follow humans' orders, because humans make them do so. A police officer called Spooner dislikes robots. He doesn't think humans can get on well with their robots at all! But the scientist Susan has different ideas. Susan works on robots' mind and she thinks one day robots will become stronger than humans and help humans to get better.

When Spooner and Susan work together, they find that something is wrong with the world's robots. A few robots have their own thoughts and they're trying to get out of humans' control(控制)! Of course these robots' dream doesn't come true. Humans work hard to control their robots again and they succeed at last.

1.The story will happen in ________.

A. 2010 B. 2020

C. 2035 D. 2040

2.The phrase “depend__on” in this article means “________”.

A. 依靠 B. 悬挂

C. 相信 D. 取决于

3.Spooner is a ________ and Susan is a ________.

A. scientist; professor B. bank clerk; police officer

C. policeman; doctor D. police officer; scientist

4.Susan thinks that one day ________.

A. robots can't get on well with humans

B. robots will help humans to get better

C. robots will have their own thoughts

D. robots will control the world

5.Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to this article?

A. The movie I, Robot talks about the future.

B. People use their robots to do everything.

C. A few robots want to get out of humans' control.

D. At last humans succeed in controlling the robots again.


科目:初中英语 来源:2018年秋人教版八年级英语上册=Unit 7 Will people have robots?单元测试卷 题型:单选题

The man is a famous musician. He has written ________ of songs for the singers.

A. hundred B. hundreds

C. a hundred D. two hundreds


科目:初中英语 来源:Unit 9 Can you come to my party-八年级英语上册单元测试卷 题型:阅读判断


Welcome to Jessica's 6th Birthday Party

Saturday, September 27, 2015

1:00 p.m.—4:00 p.m.

2485 Roory Lane

Miami, FL

Please reply to Susan at

345?3473 by September 20

Delicious food and drinks

Sweet candies

Fun games (small gifts for winners) and beautiful stories

Come dressed in your night clothes!

1.It's an invitation for _______.

A. an class party B. a birthday party C. New Year’s party

2.The party will start _______.

A. at 1:00 p.m B. at 3:00 p.m C. at 4:00 p.m

3.Lisa wants to go to the party, so she should reply by _______.

A. September 17 B. September 20 C. September 24

4.If you go to the party, you can't _______ there.

A. watch TV B. get drinks C. play games

5.Which of the following is TRUE?

A. It’s Susan’s birthday party.

B. The party is on Sunday September 27.

C. You should wear your night clothes if you go to the party.


科目:初中英语 来源:Unit 9 Can you come to my party-八年级英语上册单元测试卷 题型:单选题

— Nothing and nobody can live _____ air and water.

— I agree _____ you.

A. with, with B. without, with C. in, with


科目:初中英语 来源:湖北省黄石市2018届九年级5月模拟联考英语试卷 题型:完型填空

There is an old saying: “Take the time to stop and smell the flowers.” I think we should also take the time to ______ flowers.

My grandmother knew just ______ to do that. She grew flowers with earth, water and love, so her back garden was filled with beautiful flowers. She would smile when she saw the ______ shine down on them. In her front garden she planted flowers, _______. You could see red, white, and yellow flowers in it. My mom and I used to walk _____ them and enjoy their smells. Beautiful butterflies (蝴蝶) flew down on them. Grandma also cared for the wild flowers. She would send ______ and my brother out to pick flowers and would then turn them into delicious wine (酒).

Grandma not only planted flowers in the gardens _____ also planted flowers in our hearts. Her delicious dinners made with love encouraged us. Her sweet smile always made us ______. Her hugs (拥抱) and kisses were the sunshine that kept our own love ______day after day.

Take the time to plant a few flowers yourself today. Show your smiles, kindness and love. Plant your wishes, talents and pleasure. Make this ______ brighter and brighter with your sunshine.

1.A. plant B. water C. buy D. sell

2.A. who B. when C. how D. where

3.A. star B. sun C. rain D. wind

4.A. too B. either C. then D. though

5.A. at B. on C. with D. around

6.A. me B. you C. him D. her

7.A. and B. so C. but D. or

8.A. happy B. hungry C. tired D. angry

9.A. sleeping B. growing C. standing D. losing

10.A. house B. town C. city D. world


科目:初中英语 来源:2018-2019人教版八年级英语上册Unit 2 How often do you exercise?单元检测卷 题型:单选题

I think the best way ____________is taking part in(参加) outdoor activities.

A. to relax B. relaxing C. relaxed D. relaxes

