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  请阅读下面对话,根据对话内容补上所缺句子,使 对话通顺、合理、意思完整。


D: Hi,Carol!1

C:Oh,hi, Darren. Tm just getting ready for the Red Nose Day concert tomorrow.

D: Oh,really? Well,I'm free this afternoon.2

C: Actually,I've nearly finished. Jim and I are going to put up some ads later,though. Could you please help us with that?

D: 3

C: That's wonderful!Oh,there's one more thing. Would you mind coming early tomorrow to help sell tickets at the door?

D: Not at all. 4  

C: Around six would be great.

D: OK. 5

C: Great. Thanks,Darren.






1. What are you doing?

2. Can I help you? / What can I do for you? / Can I give you a hand? / Is there anything I can do for you? / Do you need help? / Can I do something for you?

3. Of course. /CK. /All right. /I'd love to. /Sure. / Certainly./No problem./With pleasure.

4. What time? /When? /What time shall I be there? /When shall I come? /What time shall we meet?

5. See you then./I'll be there on time./Let's meet at 6. /See you at 6 tomorrow. .

题目来源:2016年周测月考直通中考九年级英语下人教版 > 周内课时练27 专题19 补全对话


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

15. (2014 •陕西) Look!Laura is getting the first place. fast runner she is!

   A. How   B. What

   C. How a   D. What a


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

17. (2014 •湖北黄石)

-Sorry,sir. I've made so many mistakes in this paper.

—It's OK. . This paper is very difficult.

   A. So have other students

   B. So do other students

   C. Neither do other students

   D. Neither have other students


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  从下面方框中选出10个单词,并用其正确形式填 空,使短文意思完整、通顺(每词限用一次) 。

    back,bad,express,feel,it, loud,luck,simple,sweet,thank,two,warm 

   Once upon a time,a young man came across a spring (泉水) of dear water while crossing the desert. The water was very sweet,and he filled his leather container (皮革容器) so that he could bring some 1 to his teacher. After a four-day journey,he presented the water to his teacher. The old man took a good drink,smiled 2 and thanked his student very much for the sweet water. The young man returned to his village with a happy heart. After a while,the teacher let 3 student taste the water. He spat (P±) it out,saying it was terrible. It was clear that the water had become no longer fresh and sweet because of the old leather container. The student questioned his teacher, “The water tasted strange; why did you still like it?” The teacher replied, “You 4 tasted the water while I tasted the gift. The water was the container for an act of love and kindness and nothing could be 5 .”

   After reading the story,we can understand when we receive a chocolate as a gift from a child,we get more than the chocolate 6 What we should do properly is to express 7 naturally to him or her because we love the idea within the gift.

   Gratitude (感激) does not always come naturally.8 , most children and many grow-ups like only the thing given rather than the 9 shown in it. We should remind ourselves and teach our children about the beauty of feelings and 10 of gratitude. After all,gifts from the heart are really the gifts of the heart.

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.

9. 10.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  某校开展“我是课堂小主人”建议征集活动,各班 就此展开讨论,同学们纷纷发言:“我希望能有足够的 自主学习时间……”“我喜欢的课堂是每人都有一台笔 记本电脑,方便上网查询……”“课上我们能自由地讨 论,充分展示我们的学习成果……”等等。请你结合同 学们讨论的结果,以电子邮件的形式给校长写一封信, 建议什么样的课堂形式更为同学们所喜爱,也更有利 于同学们未来的发展。内容须包含以下要点:

. What is your favorite class like?

. Please tell us an unforgettable experience you’ve had in your class.

. Please give at least two suggestions.


1. 词数80左右,提示词仅供参考;

2. 邮件的格式已给出,开头、结尾不计入总词数;

3. 文中不得出现真实的人名、校名。

Dear Mr Li,


  Best wishes!

                                                Zhang Hua


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

1. She is friendly to us and we all want to make friends her.

   A. as   B. with   C. from   D. for


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(2015 •福建福州)

                            Flow like the river of change

   Little stream ran down from a high mountain through many villages and forests. Then it reached a desert. I went through so many difficulties. I should have no problem crossing the desert,” she thought. As she started,she found herself slowly disappearing into the sand.After many tries,she still failed. “Maybe I can't reach the ocean”’ she said sadly to herself.

   At this time,a deep voice said ,“If a breeze (微风) can cross the desert,so can a river. ” It was the voice of the desert. But the little stream answered,“That's because a breeze can fly,but I cannot."

   “That's because you can't give up what you are. Let yourself evaporate (蒸发) into the breeze,and it can take you across ,” said the desert. “Give up what I am now? No!No!”The little stream could not accept this idea. “The breeze can carry the vapor (蒸汽) across the desert and let it leave as rain. The rain will form a river again”,said the desert. “And whether you’re a river or vapor,your nature never changes."Hearing this,the little stream went into the open arms of the breeze. It carried her to the next stage of her life.

   The course of our life is like the experience of the little stream. If you want to go through difficulties in your life to head for success,you should also change the way you are.

6. The little stream aimed to reach .

   A. the forest   B. the ocean

   C. the desert   D. the river

7. The little stream before she got to the desert.

   A. didn't meet much difficulty   B. was worried about herself

   C. knew well about the desert   D. was confident about herself

8. At first,the little stream didn't accept the desert's advice because.

   A. she failed many times   B. she was afraid of the breeze

   C. she wasnt able to fly   D. she wouldn’t give up what she was

9. The little stream finally crossed the desert by.

   A. evaporating into the breeze   B. forming a river

   C. disappearing into the sand   D. changing her nature

10. What does the story mainly tell us?

   A. The road to success is not always easy and smooth.

   B. Whatever others say,we should always be ourselves.

   C. To succeed,we should change the way we are if necessary.

   D. We may experience difficulty in life just like the little stream.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(2015 •甘肃兰州)


1. What time do western people usually have dinner?

   A. About midday. B. At 5:00 in the afternoon.

   C. Around 7 p. m. or even later. D. Before 7:00 in the afternoon.

2. Most food in the West is eaten with .

   A. spoons   B. chopsticks   C. fingers   D. knives and forks

3. What will a host probably say to a guest at the start of a meal?

   A. “Can I help you?”   B. “Eat slowly!”

   C. “Help yourself!”   D. “Could you serve me?”

4. When might people want to say ,“I'm sorry,I can't eat this."?

   A. If they’ve been given something they don't like. B. If they are full.

   C. If the hosts keep offering a lot of food to them. D. If they are not hungry.

5. Which of the following is helpful when you’re in the West according to the poster?

   A. You can leave as soon as you’ve finished eating.

   B. If you don't know what to do,just watch the others and do as they do.

   C. You can't eat chicken legs with your fingers.

   D. The fork is held in your right hand and the knife in your left.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  Edinburgh,the capital city of Scotland,is famous for its festivals. There are twelve festivals around the year. Half of them are celebrated during the months of July and August. Thousands of people visit it. Here are some of the events (公开活动) you can enjoy in Edinburgh.

   Edinburgh International Festival 

   The first Edinburgh International Festival was planned during World War Ⅱ for artists to find hope and communicate with each other. Later,actors,musicians,dancers and singers from all over the world came over to give performances.

   Edinburgh Festival Fringe 

   This is one of the largest art festivals in the world. There are thousands of shows across the city. It was first held as a supplement (补充) to the Edinburgh International Festival. Then it developed very well. Anyone can perform in the festival and many artists take part in it. During the festival,you can go to the Royal Mile to watch performances for free. 

   Edinburgh International Book Festival 

   It began in 1983. It is the largest book festival in the world. It is held every year in Charlotte Square Gardens in the center of Edinburgh. There are over 700 events for kids and adults who love books. You can meet many writers,talk to them or ask them to sign a book. Kids also like it because they can listen to stories and watch artists draw pictures of the stories.

 根据短文内容判断正(A) 误(B) 。

1. In Edinburgh,six festivals are celebrated in July and August.

2. We can watch performances for free in the Royal Mile during the Edinburgh Festival Fringe.

3. The first Edinburgh International Festival was planned for artists to give performances.

4. The Edinburgh International Festival is a supplement to the Edinburgh Festival Fringe.

5. Kids like the Edinburgh International Book Festival because they can watch artists draw their favorite pictures.

