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In some science fiction movies,people in the future have their own robots. They help with the housework and do the小题1:m     unpleasant jobs.
Some scientists believe that there will be such robots,and they think that robots will be小题2:a  to talk to people in the future. But James White thinks it will be小题3:d    for a robot to do so. However,they agree it may小题4:t______ hundreds of years. They are now trying to make robots look like people,and do the same things小题5:a___us. There are already robots小题6:w______in factories. They do simple jobs over and over again. They will never get bored.
In the future,there will be more robots everywhere,and humans will have小题7:l______ work to do. New robots will have many different小题8:s____. Some will look like humans and小题9:o______ might look like snakes. They could help look for people under buildings小题10:a______ an earthquake. That may not seem possible now,but we  never know what will happen in the future!


小题2:结合语境可知此处指的是,在未来机器人能够和人们对话。短语be able to能,根据首字母可知填形容词able,有能力的,能干的。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Man has a big brain. He can think and s 小题1:   languages. Scientists once thought that man isn’t the same as animals b  小题2:   man can think and learn. They know now that dogs, monkeys and birds can learn, too.
They are beginning to u 小题3:     that men are different from animals because they can speak. Animals can’t speak. They make much n   小题4:   when they are afraid, or unhappy. Apes(猿) can learn some things more quickly than man. One or two of them have learned a few words. But they cannot join w 小题5:   to make sentences. They cannot think l  小题6:  us because they have no language. Language is a wonderful thing. Man has been a   小题7:   to build a modern world because he has language. Every child can speak his own language very w 小题8: when he is four or five, b  小题9:     no animals learn to speak.
How do children learn it? Scientists don’t really know w   小题10:    happens inside our body when we speak. They only know that man can speak because he has a brain.  


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

At last, the mid-term exams are over. You’ve done the hard work, 小题1: you can’t relax. You have to prepare for the next exams. Do you hate exams? If you do, you’re not alone. Students in 小题2: countries hate them as well.
Luckily for them, British students have 小题3:  exams than Chinese students. And they 小题4:have them once a year. Every summer they take a test in each subject. Each test lasts about an hour. These exams don’t count for much. Even if a student does really 小题5: they still progress to the next year. When the results come out they are then placed in an end-of-year report. The report is sent to the child’s 小题6: . It describes how the student studied at school.
This report is private(私密的), so only the teacher, the student and his or her parents see it. This 小题7:  that the students don’t know how other students scored in the test. Some students choose to tell each other, but others keep it 小题8: .
Parents’ meetings are held t 小题9: a year, at the end of the winter term and then at the end of the summer term. Children go to meet their teachers 小题10: their parents and discuss their performance at school.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:翻译题

At   小题1:  ( 目前 ), teenagers want to be independent ( 独立的) from their parents as   小题2:  ( 快地 ) as possible. Many parents are   小题3:  ( 焦虑的 ) about it . Most teenagers are the only child in their family. They are always  小题4:(视为)as the little kids by their parents. But I think teenagers should be allowed to be independent because they have to   小题5: ( 面对 ) the challenges and difficulties in the future by   小题6:( 他们). So learning to be independent   小题7: ( 似乎) very important. 小题8: (无论什么)they do, I think teenagers should learn to do it on their own.It’s a really exciting experience. Teenagers shouldn't be  小题9: (害怕的) of learning to be independent,   小题10: (虽然)there will be some trouble. Nothing is impossible and they will take pride in themselves in the future.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

People eat different things in different parts of the world. In some countries, people eat rice e  小题1:  day. Sometimes they eat it two or three t   小题2:   a day. For breakfast, lunch and supper, they usually eat it w 小题3: meat, fish and vegetables. Some people don’t eat some kind of m  小题4:   . Muslims(穆斯林), for example, don’t eat pork. The Japanese eat l  小题5:   of fish, and they a   小题6:    eat a lot of rice. In some western countries such as Britain, Australia and the USA, the most important f  小题7:    is bread or potatoes. And people can cook potatoes in different ways. Some people eat o  小题8:    fruit and vegetables. They don’t eat meat or fish or anything that comes from a   小题9:   . They eat only food from plant. Some people say that food from plants is b  小题10:   for us than meat.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Everyone is good at something, but some people are truly小题1:___________(talent). It’s always interesting to watch other people show小题2:__________ (they) talents. Talent shows are 小题3:___________ (get) more and more popular. All these shows try to look for the best singers, the most 小题4:_________ (excited) magicians, the funniest singers and so on. All kinds of people join these shows. But who can play the piano the best or sing the most小题5:__________ (beautiful)? That’s up to you to decide. When people watch the show, they usually paly a role in小题6:__________ (decide) the 小题7:_________ (win). However, not everybody enjoys小题8:_______ (watch) these shows. Some think that the lives of the perforners are 小题9:_______(make) up. For example, some people say they are poor farmers, but in fact they are just actors. However, if you don’t take these shows too小题10:_________ (serious), they are fun to watch. And one great thing about them is that they give people a way to make their dreams come true.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Joe and Tony were___小题1:___(都)twenty years old. They studied in a medical college. In June, after a school year was over, they decided to travel in the country. They went to some_小题2:___(城镇)and  villages, and visited some places of interest, saw and heard a lot of ____小题3:_____(有趣的)things. They enjoyed  ____小题4:___ (他们)there.
One afternoon they felt too hot to go ____小题5:_____(任何地方). How they wished they could find a river and jump in the___小题6:___(凉爽的)  water. They were driving the car__小题7:_  (慢地)when they were looking around. Suddenly Joe saw a lake not far away. They____小题8:_  (停)the car beside  the lake, looked around, and found a man who was sitting on a stone  fishing there. They took off  their clothes and _小题9:____(跳)into the water. Just  at that time, the man came up to them and shouted, "Sorry, swimming is not allowed  in the lake!"
"Why didn’t you tell us about it __小题10:____(在...之前)we took off our clothes?" Tony said angrily.
"But it isn’t forbidden(禁止) to take off clothes  beside  the lake," said the man. 


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

首字母填空 (本大题共5分,每空0.5分)
Dear Lily,
I’m happy to get your letter. I r 小题1: it after school today. Now let me tell you a小题2:    me. I like swimming. I swim every day in s小题3: . You know summer in England is very hot. I also like reading. I read different k小题4: of books. I read two o小题5:  three books a week. I like w小题6: , too. I want to be a writer(作家) in the future(将来)
I also like playing w小题7: my dog, Mickey. He is big and needs a lot of exercise. So at weekends we often go for a long w小题8: near my house. Mickey likes jumping into water. He is a good swimmer.
Well, these are my h小题9: . Please write and tell me about y小题10:  .
All the best


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

小题1:I’d like       (go) to the cinema because there is a new 3D film.
小题2:—     (be) there two pens in your pencil case?
—No, there is only one pencil in it.
小题3:Kate’s mother     (teach) English in No. 3 Middle school in Nanjing.
小题4:My classmates       (not watch) TV every day. They only watch it once a week.
小题5:—Thank you for       (show) me around your school. —It’s my pleasure.

