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2. 你们想去哪儿吃一些美食?

Where would you like to                            ?


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

8. Go downstairs,        stand in a line in the playground as soon as possible.

   A. and   B. but   C. so   D. or


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

4. ( 2013 广东,35, ★★☆) Not only my friends but also I       interested in football and Messi is our favorite star.

   A. be   B. am

   C. is   D. are


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

7.( 2015 甘肃兰州中考) The girl is going to repair the bike by        (she) .

8. ( 2015 贵州铜仁中考) Enjoy        ( read) , children!You can get more knowledge.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

1. 吃一些美味的食物      

2. 去观光      

3. 参观--些公园和动物园      

4. 到达这儿      


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

1 .She studies       in       .

2. Do you       fruit?


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

   I’m 25. My husband is 30.1 love the beach. 

I just want to have a relaxing holiday. 

We don’t like hiking or camping. 

Do you have any advice on places to stay and things to do?


   My mother and I want to be away for five to seven nights.

We’d love to go on another tour,but we know it’s hard to find a cheap one.

Does anyone have any advice on where we should go?


   I’m planning a trip in late March for 12 days. I like outdoor activities. 

I’m not the kind of person who likes parties. 

Where would be a good place for me?


   I’m planning a vacation to an island ,but I really don’t know which is the best one. 

I would like to spend some time on a nice beach. 

I would also like to go there by plane if possible.

Does anyone know about such an island?


1.Who is Linda going to go on a trip with?

   A. Her husband. B. No one.

   C. Her mother. D. Her friends.

2. Andrew maybe likes to       according to the passage.

   A. go camping   B. watch TV

   C. have parties   D. play computer games

3. Which of the following is NOT true according to the pas sage?

   A. Vince wants to find a relaxing place.

   B. Linda has been on a tour.

   C. Andrew is having a oneweek holiday.

   D. Davy wants to travel to an island.

4. The people in the passage are       .

   A. discussing what they like to do

   B. asking for holiday advice

   C. giving ideas on holidays

   D. talking about the best places to go

5. You may see this passage       .

   A. in a sports magazine

   B. in a newspaper

   C. in a storybook

   D. on a traveling website


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

3. No one is        (完美的) ,but we should try to be (完美的) .

4. Which cities are in the       (南方) of China?


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

1. ( 2015广东深圳石岩中学月考) Mr. Tiger is always cheerful,and he is always friendly to his students.The underlined part means“      ”.

   A. kind   B. happy   C. friendly   D. patient

