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Your shirt is rather dirty.________I wash it for you?

  1. A.
  2. B.
  3. C.
  4. D.

分析:句意是“你的衬衣很脏了,我来给你洗一洗好吗?”,很明显是主动要为对方做事情。选项中只有Shall I…?是表示主动为对方做事情的句型。(延伸)shall和will用作助动词时是后面加上动词原形构成将来时,表示“将”。但是在Will you help me with the suitcase.?句型中是表示请求对方做事情,属于情态动词的用法,此处的Shall I…?不是将来时的用法。区别属于情态动词还是助动词,可以用解释的办法来决定。

科目:初中英语 来源:2013届广西大学附属中学九年级上学期期末考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:完型填空

How is the weather in Xinjiang?
Xinjiang is  1   the west of China. The weather there is very  2  . It’s cold in the morning,  3  it turns warm at noon. You must have  4   the famous saying, “Put on your leather coat in the morning but put on your shirt in the  5 of the day. And you can eat watermelons at the fire.” It means the weather changes very  6  . It rains little so it’s also very  7 there. And the fruit there is very sweet  8  there is lots of sunshine. Xinjiang is also famous    9   its grapes (葡萄).
Mutton (牛肉) is Xinjiang’s popular food. Roast mutton is very delicious.  10   you go to Xinjiang one day, remember to try it.

A.common B.pleasant C.strangeD.usual
A.andB.but C.so D.or
A.look atB.thought aboutC.listened toD.heard of
A.beginningB.front C.middleD.end
A.wet B.dryC.cold D.hot
A.because B.soC.thoughD.but
A.asB.onC.of D.for
A.Before B.AfterC.If D.Since


科目:初中英语 来源:2012-2013学年甘肃省武威第五中学七年级上11月月考英语试卷(带解析) 题型:单选题

—It's red and blue.

A.Where's your shirt
B.What color is your shirt
C.What's color your shirt
D.How old is your shirt


科目:初中英语 来源:2012-2013学年广西大学附属中学九年级上学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空

How is the weather in Xinjiang?

Xinjiang is  1   the west of China. The weather there is very  2  . It’s cold in the morning,  3  it turns warm at noon. You must have  4   the famous saying, “Put on your leather coat in the morning but put on your shirt in the  5 of the day. And you can eat watermelons at the fire.” It means the weather changes very  6  . It rains little so it’s also very  7 there. And the fruit there is very sweet  8  there is lots of sunshine. Xinjiang is also famous    9   its grapes (葡萄).

Mutton (牛肉) is Xinjiang’s popular food. Roast mutton is very delicious.  10   you go to Xinjiang one day, remember to try it.

1.                A.in             B.on             C.at   D.to


2.                A.common        B.pleasant        C.strange   D.usual


3.                A.and            B.but            C.so   D.or


4.                A.look at         B.thought about    C.listened to D.heard of


5.                A.beginning       B.front           C.middle   D.end


6.                A.slow           B.slowly          C.quickly   D.quick


7.                A.wet            B.dry            C.cold D.hot


8.                A.because        B.so             C.though   D.but


9.                A.as             B.on             C.of   D.for


10.               A.Before         B.After          C.If    D.Since




科目:初中英语 来源:2012年外研版初中英语九年级上Module 4 练习卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Your shirt is wet! Please _____ it in the sun.                                       







科目:初中英语 来源:2012年人教版初中英语初一上How much are the socks练习卷 题型:单项填空


         —It's red and blue.

       A. Where's your shirt      

B. What color is your shirt

C. What's color your shirt      

D. How old is your shirt


