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1. Guilin is a wonderful place to take a.

2. More than three quarters of the in Singapore are Chinese.

3. Singapore is an place to try new food.

4. We should try our best to protect the.

5. The in Haikou is much higher than that in Harbin in winter.

6. Of the four seasons of the year,I like best.

7. Be quiet!The baby's .

8. of tourists from all over the world visit the Great Wall every year.

1. vacation   2. population   3. excellent

4. environment   5. temperature

6. spring   7. asleep   8. Thousands

题目来源:2016年轻巧夺冠周测月考直通中考八年级英语下册人教版 > 周内课时练18 Section B


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

6. (2015 •辽宁营口)

—Lisa,why are you still here? School is over.

—I my classroom yet. I need fifteen more minutes.

   A. don't clean   B. haven’t cleaned

   C. didn't dean   D. won’t clean


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

1. (2015 •湖北黄石) Tm told your class has 3 new comers.

Yes. One is a , the other two are.

   A. Japan; Germany   B. Japanese; German

   C. Japanese; Germans   D. Japanese; Germen


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

5. (2014 •四川绵阳)

—Could you tell me a good place to eat?

- . There's one nearby.

   A. Thanks a lot   B. Me neither

   C. Sorry,Tm new here   D. Of course


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

6. The Spring Festival is coming. I'll out my room. I don't want to live in a dirty room.

   A. look   B. clear   C. set   D. turn


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

4. 地震后他们在操场上搭起了一些帐篷。

They  some tents on the playground after the earthquake.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


   A. Let's go there together!

   B. When will we meet?

   C. Have you ever been there?

   D. We can meet at the school gate.

   E. How are we going to get there?

A:Hey,have you ever visited the amusement park?

B: Yes,I went there last year. 1  

A:No,I've never been there.

B: Well,I'd really like to go there again. 2  

A:That's a great idea!3

B:We can take the subway. The station is near the museum.

A: OK! 4

B: Shall we meet at eight in the morning this Sunday? 

A:Great!But where will we meet then?

B: 5

1. 2. 3.

4. 5.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

1. 很多时候我不懂他在谈论什么。

I don't understand what he's talking about    .


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

5. 我们把他看作21世纪的英雄。

We him a hero of the  .

