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Sending emails________popular these davs.

  1. A.
  2. B.
  3. C.
    is getting
  4. D.
    are getting
分析:本句的时间状语是these days,是包括说话时间在内的一段时间,要表达一个在这段时间里进行的动作(在说话时却不一定进行),应该用现在进行时。主语sending emails是动名词短语,要看成第三人称单数(尽管emails本身是复数)

科目:初中英语 来源:2013届安徽省芜湖市七校九年级上学期第一次联考英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

Helping your children to read and write at home will improve their skills and confidence—it will also make them get ready for learning in the classroom environment.
       are needed by every child in every subject in every year of their life in or outside school. Students who improve their reading and writing skills will increase their vocabulary and their ability(能力)to use the English language correctly. As parents, you can play an important role in improving your children’s literacy(读写能力). You can make a difference by listening, asking questions, giving information, and reading with your children outside school hours.
Here are 8 tips on how to help your children to read and write:
²  having everyday conversations with your children
²  trying to ask more “wh-” questions instead of easy “yes” or “no” questions
²  encouraging your children to talk about events you don’t know
²  reading to your children each night
²  listening to your children read
²  teaching your children how to use dictionaries
²  talking about your children’s writings
²  practicing filling in forms, writing letters, sending cards or emails
You can also encourage your children to join the Reading Challenge Club and discuss the books they are reading together. In the club, children must read 15 books from the Challenge book list and 5 more books chosen by themselves. There are over 1,000 books on the list. The reading must be done in one year. What’s more, it is a wonderful way to help your children to write. For example, you can encourage them to write diaries or book reviews. Remember to make positive comments as much as possible.
【小题1】This passage is mainly written for __________.

【小题2】__________ is the best for the missing part in Paragraph 2.
A.“Listening and speaking skills” B.“Reading and writing skills”
C.“Listening and writing skills”D.“Reading and listening skills”
【小题3】__________ is NOT mentioned in the 8 tips above.
A.“Listening to the radio every day ”
B.“Listening to your children read”
C.“Reading to your children each night”
D.“Talking about your children’s writings”
【小题4】In the Reading Challenge Club, children have to read __________ in one year.
A.5 booksB.10 booksC.15 booksD.20 books
【小题5】Parents can help children to write by encouraging them to__________.
A.draw pictures or take photosB.listen to pop music
C.write diaries or book reviewsD.play computer games


科目:初中英语 来源:2012-2013学年内蒙古九年级上学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解






Shenzhou V



Yang Liwei

China became the third country to succeed in sending up the manned spaceship into space.

Shenzhou VI



Fei Junlong  Nie Haisheng


Shenzhou VII



Zhai Zhigang

Liu Boming

Jing Haipeng

Three Chinese astronauts were sent into the space together. Zhai Zhigang went out of the spaceship and walked in space for the first time.

Shenzhou VIII



No astronaut

Shenzhou VIII connected itself to Tiangong I successfully.

Shenzhou IX



Jing Haipeng

Liu Wang

Liu Yang

Astronauts connected Shenzhou IX to Tiangong I successfully by controlling them by hand. Liu Yang became the first woman astronaut who came into the space in China.



1.______ country (countries) had sent their astronauts into space before China.

A.One             B.Two              C.Three            D.Four

2.______ was sent into the space twice among these astronauts.

A.Yang Liwei         B.Fei Junlong        C.Nie Haisheng       D.Jing Haipeng

3.______ walked in the space for the first time in China.

A.Yang Li Wei        B.Zhai Zhigang        C.Liu Boming        D.Liu Yang

4._______ has the same number of astronauts as Shenzhou IX.

A.Shenzhou V        B.Shenzhou VI        C.Shenzhou VII       D.Shenzhou VIII

5.Liu Yang ________ in China.

A.became the first woman astronaut who came into the space

B.is the first astronaut who came into the space

C.walked in the space for the first time

D.connected Shenzhou VIII to Tiangong I successfully



科目:初中英语 来源:2012-2013学年江苏省九年级第三次质量调研英语试卷(解析版) 题型:选词填空


reply to        take place;       not…until       success         as a result 

come out       twenty           prefer        put all one’s effort      get along well

1.---Why do you look worried? ---Because my best friend _______    _____ my e-mails yet.

2.She wants to be an excellent actress, so she ____________________ into acting.

3.Daniel is very kind. He always ____________________ with his classmates at school.

4.He_____believe his own eyes _______he saw his names on the blackboard .

5.The girl said that she ____        ____sending e-mails to writing letters.

6.As we all know, the 30th Olympic Games __________________      this year in London .

7.The teachers hope their students can be vey                        in their future life.

8.The poor girl was caught in the rain; _________________________,she had a bad cold.

9.That bright man became an engineer when he was in his ___________________.

10.His new book has just              .



科目:初中英语 来源:2012年人教版初中英语八年级下册第六单元练习卷 题型:单项填空

Thank you            me the snow globe            the monster.

        A. to send, of     B. for sending, of  C. sent, from     D. to sends, from



科目:初中英语 来源:2012-2013学年浙江省九年级第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文填空



People send letters on horses in the old days. And now people have many ways to send letters. Sending an e-mail is very    81     from sending a paper letter. An e-mail doesn’t need any paper or envelopes. We can “ write” by tapping (击打) the keyboard on the computer. Sending an e-mail is    82     very quick. It takes only a few minutes to    83     to any place in the world. You can send a letter, a picture or    84     videos by e-mail. But you can never send a paper letter or a postcard by it. People all over the world can easily make    85     with each other by e-mail.


