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 - Nothing can bring him to sell the house. 

- Yeah, it is the house _____ he has spent the happiest days of his life.

A. that             B. which                C. in that           D. in which


科目:初中英语 来源:2013届浙江省杭州市下城区九年级中考二模英语试卷(带解析) 题型:完型填空

完形填空 (共15小题,计15分)
Sometimes we need to remind ourselves that thankfulness is indeed a virtue (美德).
— William Bennett
Thanksgiving Day was coming. The first grade teacher gave her class a fun assignment (作业) — to draw a picture of   1  for which they were thankful.
Most of the class might be considered poor, but still many would   2  the holiday with turkey and other traditional food of the season. These, the teacher thought, would be the subject of most of her students’ art. And they were.
But Douglas made a   3  kind of picture. Douglas was a different kind of boy. He was the teacher’s true child of weak and unhappy. As other children played at   4 , Douglas used to stand close by her side. One could only guess at the pain that Douglas felt behind those sad   5 .
Yes, his picture was different. When he was asked to draw a picture of something for which he was thankful, he drew a   6 . Nothing else. Just an empty hand.
His abstract (抽象的) picture caught the   7  of his classmates. Whose hand could it be? One child guessed it was the hand of a farmer, because farmers   8  turkeys. Another suggested a police officer, because the police protect and   9  people. Still others guessed it was the hand of God, for God feeds us. And so the discussion went on — until the teacher almost forgot the young artist   10 .
When the children had gone on to other assignments, she stopped at Douglas’ desk, bent down, and   11  him whose hand it was. The little boy looked away and murmured, “It’s yours, teacher.”
She recalled the   12  when she had taken his hand and walked with him here or there, as she had the other students. How   13  she had said, “Take my hand, Douglas, we’ll go outside.” Or, “Let me show you how to hold your pencil.” Or, “Let’s do this together.” Douglas was very   14   for his teacher’s hand. Brushing aside a tear, she went on with her work.
The story speaks of more than thankfulness. It says something about teachers teaching and parents parenting and friends showing friendship, and how much it means to the Douglases of the world. They might not always say thanks, but they’ll remember the hand that   15  out.

A.look atB.care forC.take awayD.drive off


科目:初中英语 来源:2012届山东省胜利七中九年级中考一模英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

When can I get a cell phone?” The answer is when your parents think you need one, though many kids seem to be getting them around age 12 or 13. Some younger kids may have them because their parents see it as a matter of safety and convenience. For example, a kid can call mom and dad when sports practice is over. And a cell phone can give kids almost instant access(快捷通道) to their parents if something goes wrong or they need help. It can give parents quick access to their kids so they can check on them and make sure they’re OK.
If you do get a cell phone, make some rules with your parents, such as how many minutes you’re allowed to spend on the phone, when you can use your phone, when the phone must be turned off, and what you will do if someone calls you too often, and so on.
You’ll also have to learn to take care of the phone in your life. Keep it charged(充电) and store it in the safe place so it doesn’t get lost. And whatever you do, don’t use it in the bathroom. I know someone who dropped her phone in the toilet!
【小题1】Parents buy cell phones for their kids because ___________.

A.they think it is necessary
B.they think their kids are old enough
C.they have asked the author for advice
D.they want to follow their kids wherever they are.
【小题2】The author of the passage ___________.
A.wants to describe how children use cell phones
B.knows nothing about when children can have a cell phone
C.may have done a survey on kids using cell phones
D.has been a teacher for many years
【小题3】Which of the following is true?
A.It is too young for kids of 12 or 13 to get a cell phone.
B.A cell phone is useful for kids and their parents.
C.The author is against the idea of kids to have cell phones.
D.Most kids are considering having cell phones.
【小题4】Who is the passage most probably written by?
A.Parents who have bought phones for their kids.
B.Someone who does cell phone business.
C.A teacher who cares most about school safety.
D.Someone who works for children’s education.
【小题5】Which might not be a rule for kids with a cell phone?
A.Keep it on all the time.B.Make a call if something goes wrong.
C.Don’t use it in the bathroom.D.Take care not to lose it.


科目:初中英语 来源:2013届辽宁大连甘区初三上学期期中阶段学习质量检测英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

Almost every child in big cities has the chance to go to school. Nine years’ studying helps children to prepare for their future lives. In fact, many students can study for more than nine years. Not all children are so lucky.
There is a girl called Xiao Fang. She is eight years old and lives in a small village in Guangxi. When she was younger, she wanted to go to school, but she could not because her family was too poor. The schools were too expensive, so her parents kept her at home. Instead of studying, Xiao Fang worked in the fields with her parents.
Then Project Hope heard about Xiao Fang. It agreed to help Xiao Fang to go to school. Her wish came true, and now she is studying in a school. Unluckily, there are many thousands of children who can not go to school. You can help these children.
Project Hope also helps to repair school buildings.
All this good work costs money. Project Hope needs your help. If you give Project Hope ¥300, we can pay for one child to go to school for a whole year. With more money, Project Hope can build new schools. The money buys good desks, chairs, blackboards and books. To help us is to help Xiao Fang and many other children to have a good start in life.
【小题1】_______________can go to school.

A.Almost everyone in the world
B.Almost everyone in China
C.Almost everyone in big cities
D.Almost everyone in small villages
【小题2】Xiao Fang didn’t go to school when she was younger because_______.
A.her family was too poor
B.she didn’t like school
C.there was too much work for her to do
D.she could learn nothing at school
【小题3】With¥300,  ______________.
A.one child can go to school for nine years
B.a new school can be built
C.many children can go to school
D.a child can go to school for a year
【小题4】Xiao Fang is studying in a school because _________________________.
A.Project Hope heard from her
B.Project Hope helped her
C.she knew someone working in Project Hope
D.she wrote a letter to the newspaper
【小题5】Project Hope helps__________________________.
A.children who are too poor to go to school
B.to repair school buildings
C.children to go to school
D.all the above


科目:初中英语 来源:2013届四川省眉山市九年级中考适应性考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

In the summer of 1980 a Spanish tourist, Gaspar Carner, went to Great Britain on holiday. When he was travelling in Scotland, he decided to visit Loch Ness, the famous lake where people say there is a monster. But while he was going across the lake in a boat, his bag fell into the water. In the bag were his passport, car keys, pen, and all his money. Loch Ness is 150 meters deep, so he didn’t expect to see the bag again!
Fourteen years later, in 1994, some scientists decided to explore the lake. They looked for the Loch Ness monster. Suddenly one of them saw something black in the water. They carefully went nearer. They thought the black thing was the monster. They went nearer and nearer. It was a bag. They took the bag out of the lake. They found that the photo on the passport was still clear. One of the scientists knew Gaspar Carner. So the bag was returned to him.
【小题1】Carner visited Loch Ness _____.

A.on businessB.on holidayC.for exploringD.for money
【小题2】Why is the lake famous? Because _____
A.it’s very deep.B.there’s a bag in it.
C.there may be a monsterD.it’s in Scotland
【小题3】What’s in Carner’s bag? _____.
A.A monsterB.Something blackC.PhotoD.Many useful things
【小题4】How did the explorers know the bag was Carner’s? _____.
A.One of the explorers knew Carner
B.Carner recognized (认出) the bag
C.Carner was very famous
D.They expected it was the monster
【小题5】Why didn’t Carner expect to see the bag again?
A.There was nothing important in his bag.
B.He didn’t like his bag.
C.The monster ate his bag.
D.He thought Loch Ness was so deep that his bag couldn’t be found.


科目:初中英语 来源:2011届浙江省台州市路桥区八校初三第一次模拟考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

Did you ever wonder how some of your favorite foods, products or toys came about? Believe it or not, they may have been an accident, or a failure of some other intention. Below, we found three mistakes we’re thankful for turned out to be what they are.

1. Most historians hold that the Chinese invented fireworks in the 9th century when they discovered how to make gunpowder. Story has it that a Chinese cook accidentally mixed together what were then considered common kitchen items and noticed they burnt. When put tightly in a bamboo tube and lit, it blew up.

2. In May of 1886, a law led John Pemberton, a pharmacist(药剂师), to rewrite the formula(配方) for “Pemberton’s French Wine Coca”, his popular headache treatment. Containing sugar instead of wine as a sweetener, the outcome became something for Coke, which was later mixed with carbonated(碳酸) water. His bookkeeper suggested the name Coca-Cola because he thought the two C’s would look good together, which is how what we call Coca-Cola, a world-wide drink came into being.

3. During World WarⅡ, scientists at the University of Birmingham invented the magnetron(磁控管)—an important heat-producing part of the microwave oven. While working for Raytheon Corporation after the war, the American engineer Percy Spencer was testing the magnetron when a chocolate bar in his pocket melted. He went on to test other foods including popcorn kernels(仁), and found it to be a much more efficient way to cook. In 1947 Raytheon came out with the first restaurant microwave oven, which was six feet tall and weighed 750 lbs.
【小题1】The right time order of the three inventions should be ________.

A.fireworks, the microwave and Coca-Cola
B.fireworks, Coca-Cola and the microwave
C.Coca-Cola, fireworks and the microwave
D.the microwave, Coca-Cola and fireworks
【小题2】Percy Spencer found the microwave efficient in cooking when he was ________.
A.looking for a way to melt his chocolate
B.trying to know how a magnetron could cook
C.working to know how the magnetron works
D.asked to invent a restaurant microwave oven
【小题3】The underlined phrase “ blew up” might mean _______ in Chinese.
【小题4】What can we learn from the above invention stories?
A.Experiments make great inventors of our time.
B.Nothing is impossible if one tries each day.
C.Inventors come out of hard work at any time.
D.A small incident may lead to a great invention.

