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keep,   before,   everything,   same,  bring,  it,   much,  when,  eat,  delicious,  bedroom 

   Icehotel,200 kilometers north of Arctic Circle (北极圈) ,is certainly unusual. What makes it unu-sual is that 1 is made of ice. What makes it even 2 unusual is that the hotel melts (融化) every spring!

   You will be surprised 3 you walk through the gate and look around the hotel because 4 in the hotel is made of ice. For example,there are ice glasses in the hotel. The hotel has a bar,a theater,a dining room and many 5 . In the hotel even the beds are made of ice. But donJt worry. Our special Icehotel sleeping bags will 6 you warm. For a really special vacation,why not book a room? Because a different artist designs dSif) each one,no two are ever the 7 . You can also stay in one of our beautiful double rooms or,if you 8 your family,you will love our super family rooms. Please 9 in the world-famous Icehotel restaurant. It serves traditional Lapp food,which is 10 !


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

1. it   2. more   3. when   4. everything

5. bedrooms   6. keep   7. same   8. bring   9. eat

10. delicious

题目来源:201年阅读空间英语阅读理解与完形填空九年级 > PASSAGE E阅读理解


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

    People in different countries have different ways of doing things. Something is 1 in one country,but it may be quite impolite in another. In Britain,you mustn5!lift your bowl to your 2 when you are having some liquid (液体) food. But it's 3 in China. And in Japan you even needn’t worry about making 4 while you are having it. It shows that you're enjoying it. But people in Britain think it is bad manners. If you are a visitor in Mongolia,what manners do they wish 5 to have? They wish you to have a loud “burp”(打隔) 6 you finish eating. Burping shows that you like the food.

    In Britain,you should try not to 7 your hands on the table when you’re having a meal. But in Arab (阿拉伯) countries you must be very careful with your hands. You 8 eat with your left hand. Arabs consider (认为) it is very 9 manners eating with left hands. So when you are in other countries, 10 carefully and follow them. As a saying goes, “Do as the Romans do. ”

() 1. A. bad   B. useful   C. terrible   D. polite

() 2. A. mouth   B. nose   C. ears   D. eyes

() 3. A. same   B. different   C. important   D. difficult

() 4. A. faces   B. noise   C. mistakes   D. friends

() 5. A. then   B. he   C. you   D. him

() 6. A. after   B. before   C. if   D. until

() 7. A. give   B. take   C. bring   D. put

() 8. A. needn’t   B. must not   C. shouldn’t   D. may not

() 9. A. different   B. important   C. good   D. bad

() 10. A. see   B. look   C. read   D. watch


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

     I and many other people in Britain love charity shops because we can find them on every street. The charity shops sell all kinds of things and they are very cheap.

    The first charity shop was opened by Oxfam in 1947. Now there are over 7 ,000 charity shops in the UK. My favorite charity shop in my hometown is the Red Cross Shop. There I always find children's books,all 10 to 20 pence each. They are really cheap.

     Most of the shop workers in charity shops are volunteers,though each shop has a manager and he gets some money. Every morning you see bags of things outside the shops. Some people bring and put them there without waiting for thanks. In fact,over 90% of the things in charity shops are from kind people.

    All the money the shops get goes to charity work. Charity shops raise more than 110 million pounds every year. The money is for sick and poor children,homeless and disabled people,and many others. In a charity shop you can get cheap but nice things. You might even feel special while shopping.

   If possible,let's do something for charity together.


1. The first charity shop in the world was opened by Oxfam in 1947.()

2. Most of the shop workers in charity shops are .

3. How much do charity shops raise every year? '

4. 请将画线句子翻译成汉语:

5. 请为本文总结一个题目:


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

address,   want,   place,  speak,  practise,  really,  nobody,  friendly, them, but,  usually,  help

    The verb “chat” means to talk (to someone) in a friendly,informal (非正式的) way. Today there are many 1 on the Internet where you can chat. You can chat with people all over the world,in many languages and about many subjects or topics. These places are 2 called “chat room”. Sometimes you need to register (注册 ) to enter a chat room. This means that you need to provide a username (用户名) and possibly your e-mail 3 . Your username doesn’t have to be your 4 name. It can be any name you want. When you have your username,other people in the chat room will call you by that name and 5 else can use it.

    Chatting is a good way to 6 your informal English. Messages in a chat room are usually short sentences. Sometimes 7 are not even sentences,8 just a few words that are not really gram- matically (语法的) correct. It's a typical way in which we 9 in a quick conversation with friends. To save time,people often use abbreviations like IDK (I don't know) . So don't go to a chat room to practice “perfect” English. Go to a chat room to practice informal English and find 10 .

  You can even use a chat room to help improve your typing skills if you want.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

    Whether summer or winter,holiday time can mean travel. (1) A few years ago,some people moved from California to Maryland with their birds. Traveling with birds is a very unusual experience. But everything can go well with a little planning. There are some good tips for you.

   ★ The first thing you have to decide is what cage your birds will use. (2) You should make sure that the cage is neither too small nor too big,and can be put into the car easily. If you find that you need a travel cage,get it a few weeks before the trip,so you can give your birds time to get used to it.

   ★ If your car has the airbag,do not put the cage in the front seat. The force of the airbag even in a little accident could easily damage any cage and even injure or kill the bird inside. The cage should be held in the car with seatbelts.

   ★ If your trip takes several days,you need to make some stops at pet-friendly hotels. When you stop at hotels during the trip,you must put lots of newspapers under the cage to help control the rubbish.

  ★ If your travel or moving plans bring you to areas with hot weather,remember that the car will become very hot in a short time in the sun. Never leave your birds in the car alone.

Traveling with birds can be stress-free,and a little planning can make it a pleasant experience.


1. If your car has the airbag,you can put the cage in the front seat.()

2. If you find that you need a travel cage,get it a few weeks before the trip,so you can give your birds time to .

3. What do you have to put under the cage to help control the rubbish?

4. 请将画线句子(2) 翻译成汉语:

5. 请将句子(1) 变为特殊疑问句:


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

     Once there lived a farmer called Henry. He had a brother,Mike,in town who was an excellent gardener. His skill and his beautiful trees were 1 everywhere.

    One day,Henry went to town to visit Mike. “Look,my brother,” said Mike, “Here is the best 2 tree from my garden. Take it home and 3 it so that you,and your children,and your children's children can enjoy it. 99 Henry was 4 with the apple tree and went back home. The next morning,he began to 5 where he should plant it.

    “If I plant it on the hill ,” said he to himself ,“the wind might catch it and 6 flown the fruit;If I plant it close to the road,people who pass by will pick some of them;But if I plant it ...

     7 he planted the tree in the corner behind his house,where no one else could notice it. But the tree bore (结出) no fruit the first year,nor the second. Then Henry sent for his brother and said to him 8 ,“ You have cheated me. This is the third year and it bring me 9 but leaves.

   When Mike saw where the tree was planted,he laughed and said, “You have planted the tree in such a cold corner without 10 or warmth. How,then,could you expect flowers and fruit?J,

() 1. A. simple   B. famous   C. similar   D. common

() 2. A. pear   B. grape   C. apple   D. banana

() 3. A. sell   B. wash   C. hide   D. plant

() 4. A. tired   B. patient   C. pleased   D. popular

() 5. A. learn   B. wonder   C. realize   D. understand

() 6. A. put   B. cut   C. push   D. shake

() 7. A. Finally   B. Firstly   C. Luckily   D. Certainly

() 8. A. happily   B. angrily   C. kindly   D. carelessly

() 9. A. nothing   B. something   C. everything   D. anything

() 10. A. air   B. earth   C. water   D. sunlight


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 Tears went out of my eyes when I talked to my mum on the phone.It was 7:30 in the evening,she still 1. (work) in the fields. These are my parents. They are always working hard. My father works from seven in the morning to nine in the evening. And my mum is much busier than him because all the housework 2. (leave) to her. Besides,she also 3.(look) after the vineyard (葡萄园) .

      Every day she 4. (get) up early at 4:00 in the morning,and keeps on working till evening. One day I 5. (call) her at eight in the evening. She said, “I've just got home from the vineyard and 6. (not have) supper yet. I 7. (wash) the clothes now. ”

Although they are busy and tired,they forget it as soon as I appear. For them,the happiest time is to be with me. Once my mum saw me 8. (walk) towards home,she cried happily. Whenever I go back home,she always runs into the kitchen 9. (cook) something delicious for me.

    Dear mum and dad,I am your hope. Til take more exercise to keep healthy. I 10. (study)harder to be excellent at school.

     Love,sometimes,doesn’t need many words. Love your parents as they love you. Give them a call and tell them you miss them.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Passaee C











In Britain,people often invite friends for a meal,a party or just coffee. People who know each other very well may visit each other's houses without an invitation (Mi#) ? but if we invite new friends,usually an invitation is needed. When people invite someone to their homes,they often say ,“Would you like to come for dinner on Saturday?” Answers are, “Thanks,we’d love to. What time?” or “I'm sorry. We’d love to,but we have tickets for the concert." However,it is not polite to say, “No,we wouldn’t. ”

Sometimes,the British use expressions that sound like invitations but which are not invitations. For example, “You must come over for a drink sometime. ” or “Let's go out for a meal one of these days. These are usually just polite ways of ending a talk. They are not real invitations because they don't mention an exact time or day. They just show that the person is trying to be friendly and the answers are ,“Yes,that would be nice. ” or “OK,yes,thanks. ” So next time you hear what sounds like an invitation,listen carefully. Is it a real invitation or is the person just being friendly?

() 1. It's always necessary for to visit each other's houses with an invitation.

   A. close friends   B. family members   C. neighbours   D. new friends

() 2. It is not polite to answer the real invitation by saying “”.

   A. Sorry. We?d love to,but we have tickets for the concert.

   B. Thanks. We’d love to,what time?

   C. Sure. We’d like to. Thanks a lot.

   D. No,we wouldn’t!

() 3. The British often use “ ”to answer the invitations that are not real.

   A. Yes,what time? B. No,that's not a real invitation.

   C. OK,yes,thanks. D. No,you just want to be friendly.

() 4. Which is the best title for the passage?

   A. Britain   B. Invitation

   C. A Talk with Friends   D. A Letter to Friends


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:











Do you know there are two kinds of football games? One is American football (做揽球) ,and the other is soccer (足球) . In China many young men like playing soccer. It is very popular. But the Chinese don't call it soccer. They call it football. There are eleven players in each team. And the ball is round. Only the goalkeeper (守门员) can touch the ball with his hands. The other players can't touch the ball with their hands.

In America,soccer is not very popular. They like playing American football. It is very different. The ball is not round. It is like a big egg. There are also eleven players in each team. All the players can touch the ball with both feet and hands.

() 1. There are kinds of football games.

   A. one   B. two   C. three   D. four

() 2. In China,there are 11 players in soccer. And the ball is .

   A. like a big egg   B. round   C. long   D. very small

() 3. Do the Chinese like playing soccer?

   A. Yes,they do. B. No,they don't. C. Yes,I do. D. No,I don't.

() 4. How many players are there in a soccer team?

   A. Eight. B. Twenty-two. C. Eleven. D. Twenty.

() 5. What do the American people like very much?

   A. Touching the ball with hands. B. Playing soccer.

   C. Watching TV. D. Playing American football.

