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What are teenagers nowadays crazy about popular songs? Harry Porter books? Sports or online games? For me, the answer is history.

History is a part of my free time. 1. I was 10, I've been reading history books, 2. (collect) old maps and visiting museums. I always get excited when people around me talk about history.

I have learnt a lot from history. It's 3. (help) me deal with the problems of growing up. History is precious (珍贵的) wealth.

History helps me become more mature (成熟的). I used to believe that life is simple to understand. Now I know that we shouldn't make simple judgments (判断). People aren't "good" or "bad"; things aren't "true" or "false".

History has 4. made me mentally (精神上) 5. (strong). I'm more responsible now. I have learned 6. use) things about myself from studying the rise and fall of kings and queens.

When I studied Chinese history 7. 1840 and 1949, I knew I 8. be a strong person and do my best for China.

Francis Bacon 9.write), "Histories make men wise". I agree with that. If you know history you respect the past are confident about the future. History tells you 10. you come from, where you are and where you are going. That is the charm of history. Don't you think so?


科目:初中英语 来源:2015-2016学年广西南宁八中七年级下期中段考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:选词填空



hard like hundred have Australia play be holiday get clean

1.My gloves are blue. Hers white.

2.Every day of people come to the New York City Lost and Found Office.

3.If the weather is good, we’d like to a picnic in the park.

4.Lingling is a good student. She works very , and does well at school.

5.Tony is a good boy. He often helps his mother do at home.

6.A good class monitor _______ on well with everybody and likes to help others.

7.I am going on a summer camp in Sydney, and I am going to stay with an family.

8.Do you know Kobe Bryant? He is my favourite basketball .

9.Not only the students but also their teacher this film.

10. People will have many long in the future, because machines and robots will do all the heavy and difficult jobs.


科目:初中英语 来源:2016届广东肇庆颂德学校九年级下期第一次摸底考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达


86.帮助别人可以给我们带来快乐的感受。请你以“帮助别人,快乐自己”(Helping Others Makes Ourselves Happy)为题,写一篇短文,记述你帮助别人并获得快乐的经历。










科目:初中英语 来源:2016届广东肇庆颂德学校九年级下期第一次摸底考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

— How many girls are there in your class?

—______ them _____ over twenty.

A. A number of; are B. The number of; are

C. A number of; is D. The number of; is


科目:初中英语 来源:2016届广东肇庆颂德学校九年级下期第一次摸底考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The park is far away from here indeed, it’s about _______ walk

A. three hour B. a three hour’s

C. a three-hours D. a three-hour


科目:初中英语 来源:2016届浙江杭州淳安县九年级全真模拟英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

What does success mean? Is it becoming famous, rich, coming up with an idea that changes people’s lives, or helping others and feeling happy?

For example, there are many people who have a billion dollars. Are they successful? Why don’t they stop trying to make more because there will never be enough. They will never be happy enough.

If all that you’re working for is money, you’ll do terrible things to get it. If all that you want is a successful business, you’ll cheat people to get it. If all that you want is fame(名声), you’ll give up your dignity to achieve it.

What’s the real success? For me, being rich or famous is not all to life. I might have a lot of readers now on Zen Habits, but I don't feel that’s what makes me a success. I’ve been a success even when I had no readers, because I was doing what I loved. Even when no one else would have called me a successful man, I loved writing, and I was happy. Success isn’t about achieving something in the future, but about doing something right now that you love.

So forget about success, and just find joy and love right now, in this moment. That is a success you can achieve, without any method. Just go out and do it.

1.Some people don’t stop making money because _____

A. They want to change their lives.

B. Making money can make them very happy.

C. Money will never be enough for them.

D. They want to become the richest men in the world.

2.The writer felt happy when ____________.

A. he had a lot of readers B. he made lots of money

C. he began to write D. he gave up his job

3.Which of the following is RIGHT?

A. people who have a billion dollars must be very happy.

B. Readers can read the writer’s articles on Zen Habits.

C. Success is very important to the writer.

D. The writer thinks if people want to own success, they should try many ways.

4.What does the writer advise us to do?

A. Find joy and love right now.

B. Keep success in mind and try to get it

C. Read the writer’s articles on Zen Habits.

D. Work hard to be rich or famous.

5.This passage talks about_____________.

A. being rich of famous B. starting a business

C. how to achieve success D. what real success is


科目:初中英语 来源:2016届浙江杭州第十五中学教育集团九年级第二次模拟考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

If you had billions of dollars, would you donate almost all of it to charity? Well, that’s what Mark Zuckerburg, CEO and founder of Facebook, just said he would do.

Zuckerburg and his wife Priscilla Chan promised to give 90% of their Facebook shares to society. Right now that is about $45 billion, and they plan to donate the money to things like science and education.

Many billionaires have done similar things. Bill Gates, creator of Microsoft, made The Giving Pledge, an activity in which billionaires promise donate more than half of their wealth to charities. This started in 2010, and now 139 people from 15 countries joined it.

But giving back and helping others isn’t just for big billionaires. People like Zuckerberg, and Gates may have more to give, but people with less are doing it, too.

Especially around the holidays, people want to do their part and give back to people who are less lucky than them. Schools may have food collections where people bring a few food items*, and together they can make a big donation to places like homeless people’s homes.

People also host special events like concerts of runs to be creative while raising money. Regular people donate whatever they can to US charities like the United Way and the American Red Cross.

Then these charities are able to help US communities in different ways like education, health and improving the lives of the poor. These individual* donations come together to make a big difference.

1.Mark Zuckerburg promised to donate______________________ .

A. 90% of their Facebook shares to society.

B. half of his wealth to the charities.

C. all of his money to charities

D. 45 billion yuan to society.

2.What does the underline word “share” mean?

A.分享 B.给予 C.股份 D.参与

3.According to Paragraph 3, The Giving Pledge___________

A. started just ten years ago B. is a charity to raise money

C. has attracted 139 people D. is only for US people

4.According to this passage, regular people ___________

A. get help from rich people.

B. hold special events to celebrate holidays

C. help the people who is less lucky.

D. collect food in homeless people’s home.

5.What can we learn from the story?

A. It’s rich people’s duty to give more money

B. There are more charities in the US than in China

C. The poor should work hard to make a living

D. Everyone can do their part to help others.


科目:初中英语 来源:2017届山东夏津县第四实验中学九年级上期分班考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

--- How was the dinner at Peter’s home last night?

---- I _______________ at 6:00, but I arrived at 8:00.

A. don’t supposed to arrive

B. am supposed to arrive

C. was supposed to arrive

D. was allowed to arrive


科目:初中英语 来源:2015-2016学年江苏苏州市七年级下学期期中联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

— What do you often do in your free time?

— I spend all my free time ______ English.

A. practice B. practices

C. to practice D. practicing

