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A: Hi, Li Ming! Big Hero 6(《超能陆战队》) is on in many cinemas.

B: Really?1.

A: Yeah.Would you like to go to see it with me tonight?

B:2.Which cinema shall we go to?

A:3.It has the best service.

B: But it is too far, and it is the most expensive. Let’s go to Gold Cinema.4.

A: Sounds good.5.

B: It is only twenty yuan if we take our student ID cards with us.

A:That’s good! Let’s go there.

How about City Cinema?
B. Sorry.I am too busy.
C. How much is a ticket there?
D.I heard it is a great movie.
E. Sure, I’d love to.
F. It is near and it is the cheapest.
G.Which is the cheapest cinema?


科目:初中英语 来源:湖南永州市祁阳县2017届九年级第二次模拟考试英语试卷 题型:任务型阅读

Chinese people have been celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival and enjoying mooncakes for centuries. Mooncakes are in the shape of a full moon on the Mid-Autumn night. They carry people's wishes to the families they love and miss.

There are many traditional folk stories about this festival. However, most people think that the story of Chang'e is the most touching. Chang'e was Hou Yi's beautiful wife. After Hou Yi shot down the nine suns, a goddess gave him magic medicine to thank him. Whoever drank this could live forever, and Hou Yi planned to drink it with Chang'e. However, a bad man, Pang Meng, tried to steal the medicine when Hou Yi was not at home. Chang'e refused to give it to him and drank it all. She became very light and flew up to the moon. Hou Yi was so sad the he called out her name to the moon every night. One night, he found that the moon was so bright and round that he could see his wife there. He quickly laid out her favorite fruits and desserts in the garden. How he wished that Chang'e could come back.

After this, people started the traditional of admiring the moon and sharing mooncakes with their families.

1.What food do people usually enjoy on Mid-Autumn night?


2.Are mooncakes in the shape of a full moon on that night?


3.Which story is the most touching about Mid-Autumn Day?


4.What happened to Chang'e after she drank all the magic medicine?



科目:初中英语 来源:人教版九年级英语上册月月清检测内容:期中检测 题型:单项填空

Although he failed this time,he didn't give up and ________ studying hard.

A. stopped B. continued C. succeeded D. finished


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省盐城市2015-2016学年七年级下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:单项填空

I ______ make a home page three years ago, but now I am good at it.

A. can B. can’t

C. could D. couldn’t


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省盐城市2015-2016学年七年级下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:单项填空

I always believe that is difficult if we try our best to do it.

A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing


科目:初中英语 来源:人教八年级下第七单元测试卷 题型:完形填空


Natural resources(自然资源)are things that we use that come from Earth. Our natural resources are limited. This means that they will not_______forever. Some are renewable, like when you plant a new tree when you _______one down. Others are not renewable(可再生的), like when you dig coal out of the____Once it is used, it is gone.

People realize the _______that Earth’s natural resources are limited, and can do things to help conserve(节约)those resources. _______you try to conserve a natural resource, you try too use less of it, so it does not get used up so _______. One way that people conserve fuel, like gasoline, is by riding a bicycle or walking when the _______is short instead of driving everywhere.

Water is a very important natural resource because we all need it to stay____We can conserve water____making sure that our pipes and taps do not leak (漏). We can also make _______choices to conserve water, like only using the dishwasher or washing machine when they are full. Eevryone can make contributions to protecting natural resources.

1.A. last B. spread C. burn D. change

2.A. turn B. cut C. put D. move

3.A. station B. building C. ground D. brick

4.A. news B. plan C. decision D. fact

5.A. When B. Although C. Whatever D. Whether

6.A. slowly B. hard C. regularly D. fast

7.A. money B. space C. place D. distance

8.A. alive B. alone C. asleep D. awake

9.A. about B. for C. by D. with

10.A. generous B. funny C. wise D. surprising


科目:初中英语 来源:人教八年级下第七单元测试卷 题型:单项填空

The apples on this tree are bigger than________on that tree.

A. this

B. that

C. those

D. ones


科目:初中英语 来源:福建省2015-2016学年八年级上学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

You are what you eat

Keeping better eating habits can help you reduce (减少) disease. A healthy eating plan means choosing the right food to eat and preparing food in a healthy way.


Do you often change your toothbrush? Maybe you think it is not necessary. A study shows old toothbrushes bring disease. You should often change your toothbrush.


Swimming, running, skating, skiing, dancing, walking and some other activities can help you stay healthy. You should exercise at least three times a week and for twenty minutes or more each time. Do it.

Plan out your life

You should have breakfast before you go to school. Have a proper (合适的) meal for lunch. Follow a healthy diet.


1.What’s the passage mainly about?

A. Healthy food. B. Healthy lifestyle (生活方式). C. Junk food. D. Healthy sports.

2.What is the best title (标题) for the second paragraph?

A. Man’s disease B. Disease

C. Watch the toothbrush D. Your bathroom

3.At least how long should you exercise each time?

A. Twenty minutes. B. Fifteen minutes.

C. Ten minutes. D. Five minutes.

4.From the passage, we know _______ can help us stay healthy.

A. proper diet B. exercise

C. sleep and exercise D. A and B

5.What does a healthy eating plan mean?

A. Choosing the right foods. B. Cooking the foods in a healthy way.

C. Never eat meat or fresh vegetables. D. Both A and B.


科目:初中英语 来源:山东省淄博市桓台县2017届中考一模英语试卷 题型:翻译


Mike uses the lift to _________ _________ and _________.


________ you usually _________ to school _________ a bike?


When I got home, my mother was _________ _________ dinner.



