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1.Look, Amy is reading a book.

2.Sam is an English boy.He’s cute.

3.I like apples, but I don’t like bananas.

4.---What did you do last Saturday?

---I played football with my friends.

5.---How do you go to school every day?

---I go to school by bike.


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年甘肃临泽县第二中学八年级下期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

I think drinking milk every morning is good __ our health. --Yes. I agree ___ you.

A. to; to B. with ; to

C. at ; with D. for; with


科目:初中英语 来源:2015年初中毕业升学考试(浙江义乌卷)英语(解析版) 题型:书面表达


你校英语社团正在开展主题为"What should a good teacher be like?"的讨论,为此你采访了一些学生和家长。请你根据下表内容.用英语写一篇短文进行交流,并阐述你的观点。

Students’ opinions

Parents’ opinions

Your opinions

•get on well with students

•give active and lively classes

•have plenty of knowledge

•be strict with students



(3)词数:80 -100;


短文首句:Students and parents have different opinions about what a good teacher should be like.

What should a good teacher be like?


科目:初中英语 来源:2016届山东德州市九年级上暑假预习考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

It heavily when I left the cinema.

A.rains B.will rain

C.is raining D.was raining


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏金湖县塔集中学九年级上期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:句型转换

句型转换 (共7小题,每空1分;满分14分)


1.I think his suggestions are valuable for my study.

I think ________ he ________ is valuable for my study.

2.A number of well-known people took part in this year’s Shanghai Film Festival.

Many ________ people __________ this year’s Shanghai Film Festive.

3.”Remember to come here on time?” The teacher said to Tom.

The teacher told Tom _________ ________ there on time.

4.Not only his parents but also most Chinese are caring about Yao Ming’s hurt.

_________ his parents __________most Chinese are caring about Yao Ming’s hurt.

5.A lot of media reported Sadem Hosein was hanged.

It _______ _________ that Sadem Hosein was hanged.

6.The foreign teachers are discussing whether they should send exchange students to Huai’an Foreign Language School.

The foreign teachers are discussing ________ _______send exchange students to Huai’an Foreign Language School.

7.As I rushed into the assembly hall out of breath, the host announced the beginning of the presentation.

As I rushed into the assembly hall ________ ________, the host announced the beginning of the presentation.


科目:初中英语 来源:2015-2016学年山东禹城市八年级分班考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

People like to read stories about dog very much.They thought dogs were very clever.

One of my good friend , Bob , had a very big dog .Its name was Bill.Every Sunday afternoon,Bob and Bill had a walk in the park , Bill liked walking with Bob very much.

I visited Bob last Sunday.I stayed in his house for a long time.Bob and I talked with each other happily.Soon it was time for them to go for a walk in the park .We forgot that.Bill began to worry about it.He walked around the room and sat down in front of me and looked at me.But I didn’t know this.I went on talking with my friend.At last, Bill couldn’t wait.He went out of the room and came back soon.He carried my hat in his mouth.Oh, I knew what Bill meant.

1.How many people were there in this story?

A.One B.Two C.Three D.Four

2.Which one is TRUE about Bill?

A.Bill was a good friend of the writer.

B.Bill liked talking with his friend.

C.Bill had many good friends , he liked playing with them.

D.Bill liked walking in the park every Sunday afternoon.

3.Where was the writer last Sunday?

A.He was at home. B.He was in the park

C.He was in his friend’s home. D.He was in his office.

4.Bill began to worry because he __________ .

A.wanted to eat something

B.wanted to play with his friends

C.couldn’t find his food

D.wanted Bob to take him for a walk

5.Bill took the writer’s hat in his mouth because he _________.

A.wanted the writer to leave

B.liked the hat very much


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年广东广州市南沙区八年级下期末学业水平测试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

.Alice and Jason were sad, they were late for the meeting the heavy rain.

A.because of B.because C. since D.as


科目:初中英语 来源:2015年初中毕业升学考试(山东滨州卷)英语(解析版) 题型:单项填空

–Do you like Zhang Bichen’s song?

--Yes. She is the winner of The Voice of China Ⅲ. I can’t think of anyone with a ____ voice.

A. best B. better C. worse D. worst


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年湖南长沙岳麓学士中学八年级下期末模拟英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Tom ______the USA. He ________back in two months.

A. has gone to; comes B. has gone to; will be

C. has been to; comes D. has been to; will be

