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c To love even if you are already 90 years old,to still have a dream to catch the clouds in the sky. It seems impossible to imagine that these words came from a woman at her age of 101. Most of us generally believe that people at that age would do nothing every day but wait for death to come nearer and nearer. However,that's not true for Grandma Toyo Shibata.

Have you ever thought of starting a new career writing poems at an age of 92? That's just what Grandma Toyo did. More surprisingly,she even had her two collections of poems come out when she was nearly 100 years old. Her first collection,Don't lose heart,has been ranked one of the bestselling books of 2010 in Japan,which sells far more than 1. 5 million copies.

Some say her poems are very like Tagore's. Though simple and relaxed,her poems sharply point out the nature of life. Grandma Toyo writes what she loves and prizes. And her works can easily catch the hearts of millions of readers.

You may think Grandma Toyo lived an easy and comfortable life. However,life didn't treat her that well. She had to take several different jobs to support her family at a very young age. She was one of those who witnessed the Second World War. It's hard to imagine how many difficulties and hardness she has got over all her life.

But Grandma Toyo never complains what life has done to her,yet often feels thankful for the kind people that have helped her. Though she's in her 100s,she still has strong passion of life. Grandma Toyo always brings mirrors and lipsticks with her. She thinks keeping beautiful is also important. Every day is new for her!

(   ) 11. According to the passage,most of us think that people at Grandma Toyo's age

   A. can write beautiful poems

   B. will start a new career

   C. are too close to death to do anything

   D. often complain about their life

(   ) 12. The underlined word "passion" in the passage probably means "                                     ”.

   A. love   B. strength   C. pride   D. impression

(   ) 13. Which of the following is true according to the passage?

   A. Grandma Toyo had her first collection of poems come out at the age of 92.

   B. Both of Grandma Toyo and Tagore's poems point out the nature of life.

   C. Grandma Toyo lived an easy and comfortable life.

   D. Grandma Toyo took several different jobs during the Second World War.

(   ) 14. The underlined sentence u Grandma Toyo always brings mirrors and lipsticks with her" shows that         .

   A. she never complains what life does harm on her

   B. she's worried that she will lose them

   C. she's afraid that she can't find them any more

   D. she never stops her steps towards beauty and happiness

(   ) 15. Which would be the best title of the passage?

   A. An Old Lady in Her 100s.

   B. Toyo Shibata ― "Tagore" in Japan.

   C. Make Every Day Thankful and Wonderful

   D. Have Your Dream Come True


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  A friend of mine was fond of drawing horses. He drew the horses very well,but he always began the tail. Now it is the Western rule to begin at the head of the horse,that is why I was surprised. It struck me that it could not really make any difference whether the artist begins at the head or the tail or the belly (肚子) or the foot of the horse,if he really knows his business. And most great artists who really know their business do not follow other people's rule. They make their own rules. Every one of them does his work in a way peculiar (奇特的) to himself;and the peculiarity means only that he finds it more easy to work in that way. Now the very same thing is true to literature (文学) .And the question, " How shall I begin?" only means that you want to begin at the head instead of beginning at the tail or somewhere else. That is,you are not yet experienced (有经验的) enough to trust to your own powers. When you become more experienced you will never ask the question,and I think that you will often begin at the tail―that is to say,you will write the end of the story before you have even thought of the beginning.

(   ) 1. A friend of the writer's drew the horses         .

   A. very well   B. in the way of western rule

   C. in the way of his own rule   D. all of the above

(   ) 2. The writer was surprised because         .

   A. the artist began to draw at the head of the horse

   B. the artist began to draw at the tail of the horse

   C. the artist made his own rule

   D. the artist did not follow other people's rule

(   ) 3. You are not yet experienced because         .                            

   A. you don't know where to begin

   B. you want to begin at the head instead of beginning at the tail

   C. you always asked question

   D. you do not trust to your own powers

(   ) 4. When you become more experienced you         .

   A. never ask question   B. often begin at the tail

   C. should write the end of the story   D. should think of the beginning

(   ) 5. The topic of the passage is         .

   A. How to draw a horse   B. How to write a story

   C. How to make your own rules   D. Trust to your own powers


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

A Lot of Children Mama Eleanor had twenty children who always wanted her attention―Jacob,Jade,James,Jared,Janet,Jennifer,Jeremy,Jessica,Jesse,Jordan,Joy,Jodi,Justin,Jill,Jane,Julie,Joan,John,Julian and Jemima.

The oldest child,Jacob,helped Mama Eleanor as m 1       as he could,but the younger children didn't w 2      Jacob. They wanted their mama.

One day Mama Eleanor woke up,feeling very t 3      She sent all the children over to their grandma's house for the day. She had the house all to herself. She smiled and d4       her tea. When she opened the window she h 5       the birds singing at the tree tops. Mama Eleanor e 6       having a quiet time when she could read,sew (缝纫) ,or do something e 7       .

By lunch,Mama Eleanor wasn't feeling so tired. She felt better and n 8       how quiet the house really was. " Where's Jordan? Where's Julian who always wants me to hold him? Where's my baby Jemima? I m 9       my children."Mama Eleanor decided she didn't like being alone. She wanted all twenty of them to come back home.

When Grandma s 10       up at the door,all the children ran into the house. "Mama!We're home."They jumped on her,pulled her dress,climbed on her back,and made a mess of the house,but Mama Eleanor didn't mind. She was glad to have her twenty children home with her once again.

1. m       2. w       3. t       4. d        5. h         

6. e       7. e       8. n       9. m         10. s       


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Cannon has shown a great interest in collecting flags. At the young age of four,Cannon began studying flags,d 1 them in his coloring books and putting them up on his walls. Throughout school,he studied flags and tried to find out all he could about them. After university,Cannon s 2 to be a lawyer. Throughout law school,he continued to collect flags. His classmates,friends,and family started c 3 him "the flagman".

Cannon now has more than 200 flags in his collection. He shows many of them in his downtown law office. Once he d 4 country flags for an exhibition on the Olympics.

In addition to collecting flags,Cannon also w 5 about them. He has published three books about flags. He loves to h 6 from friends who see his b 7 in stores all over the world. A few years ago,Cannon's hobby r 8 a new level. He entered a flag design contest and won. The country he lives in asked him to design its f 9  Cannon explains his hobby this way, "Collecting flags is 1 10 collecting pieces of history."

1. d       2. s       3. c          4. d       5. w         

6. h       7. b       8. r        9. f          10.1       


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

At the age of 16,Einstein failed in several courses because he was with a group of naughty kids. One weekend morning,Einstein was about to fish with those kids,his father stopped him and said to him calmly, " Einstein,you're so fond of playing all day that you failed in the examination. I'm so worried about your future,so is your mother."

"What are you worrying about? Jack and Robert also failed,but don't they still go fishing as usual?"

"My boy,you can't think so," Looking at Einstein,his father said patiently, "There goes a story in our hometown. I hope you can listen to it carefully."

"There were two cats playing on the roof. Accidentally,one of them fell into the chimney pulling the other down as well. When the two cats climbed out of the chimney,one cat's face was polluted with the soo"烟灰) while the other's face was clean. Seeing the sootfaced cat,the clean one thought its face was dirty and ugly too,so it quickly ran to the riverside and washed it. At the same time,the sootfaced cat saw the cleanfaced one,thinking its face was also clean,so it wandered in the street without washing its face."

"Einstein,no one can be your mirror except yourself. Taking other people to be your mirror will give you a wrong idea of yourself and behave like a fool."

Hearing this,Einstein was ashamed and lay down his fishing rod and returned to his small room. Since then,Einstein often reflected on himself and kept reminding himself:I was special,so I needn't be as ordinary as others. This was why Einstein succeeded.

Different lifestyles and wishes will produce different attitudes towards life. You can consult other people's attitudes to decide your own,but you can never follow others to live in the world.

You must see yourself clearly and know what your aim is. Your future doesn't depend on how others do,but on how you are going to do yourself.

(   ) 6. What was the cause of Einstein's failure in his several courses?

   A. He spent too much time fishing with his friends.

   B. He found his courses too hard for him to deal with.

   C. He spent too much time playing with some naughty kids.

   D. His parents gave him too much pressure.

(   ) 7. From the story,we can know that

   A. the clean cat regarded itself as its mirror

   B. the sootfaced cat washed its face by the riverside

   C. both of the two cats made the right decision

   D. the two cats didn't know whether their own faces were clean or not

(   ) 8. Why did Einstein's father refer to the story?

   A. To tell his son to be his own mirror.

   B. To warn his son to keep away from those naughty kids.

   C. To remind his son to study hard.

   D. To ask his son not to listen to others' advice.

(   ) 9. The underlined word "consult" is the closet in meaning to         .

   A. 复制   B. 咨询   C. 商量   D. 参考

(   ) 10. The writer wants to make us realize that         .

   A. we should not make friends with bad kids

   B. we should have our own attitudes towards life

   C. we should be different from others

   D. we should study hard to have a bright future


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

A World Made Fat Han Longwei,a Junior 2 student at Jinan No. 1Middle School in Shandong,faces a challenge every day. A McDonald's restaurant has opened near his house. It's a great temptation (谤惑) because he loves hamburgers.

"I love fast food,so I always want to go into McDonald's whenever I pass it by ,"he said.

Han Longwei is 1. 57 metres tall and weighs 80 kilograms. He is just one of the many overweight students inChina.

A new Ministry of Education (教育部) report says about half of middle school students do not weigh a normal amount. The number of overweight middle school students has increased to nearly 24 percent. " Obesity (过度肥胖) may become a new student killer," said Liao Wenke,a ministry official.

Why have so many students started to become overweight?

Like many teens at his age,Han spends too little time exercising and too much time playing on his computer,watching TV and,of course,eating fast food.

Students often watch many advertisements on TV which make unhealthy food look delicious. Many students are crazy about snack food (快餐) such as fried chicken,hamburgers and coke. This type of food is very bad for you and makes you fat.

Not exercising enough and spending too much time watching TV are the other two main reasons why students are getting fatter. Students have to spend a long time studying and this makes it difficult for them to find time to exercise. The Ministry of Education report shows that middle school students spend about 10 hours a day sitting down and more than 13 hours each week watching TV.

What can happen to your health if you eat too much fatty food?

Eating too much fatty food can make your body produce a lot of cholesterol (胆固醇) . Too much cholesterol can cause serious health problems such as heart disease and some kinds of cancer (癌症) .

Han Longwei would like to lose weight but finds it difficult. His father said that Han doesn't like to do certain sports. "Because he is fat,his classmates often laugh at him,"he said. Han is going to try and stop going to McDonald's. "I want to lose weight to improve my health,"he said,"I just wish I didn't like the taste so much!"

(   ) 11. Why does Han Longwei face a challenge every day?

   A. Because a McDonald's restaurant has opened near his house.

   B. Because he loves eating fast food.

   C. Because he wants to go into McDonald's as he is hungry.

   D. Because he is overweight.

(   ) 12. What does the underlined sentence " about half of middle school students do not weigh a normal amount" mean in the passage?

   A. About half of middle school students are too thin.

   B. About half of middle school students are too fat.

   C. About half of middle school students are either too thin or too fat.

   D. About half of middle school students are neither too thin nor too fat.

(   ) 13. All the following are the reasons for students getting fatter except         .

   A. not enough exercises   B. eating fast food

   C. too much homework   D. watching too much TV

(   ) 14. Why shouldn't we eat too much fatty food?

   A. Because it can make our body produce a lot of cholesterol.

   B. Because it will lead to many serious health problems.

   C. Because others will laugh at us.

   D. Because it will prevent us from doing certain sports.

(   ) 15. What does Han mean when he says "I just wish I didn't like the taste so much!"?

   A. He likes the taste so much that he can't get away from it.

   B. He didn't like the taste but now he does.

   C. He likes the taste but he didn't like it before.

   D. He hopes that one day he will like the taste.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

I can still remember the day I met my best friend Judy. She had just moved into the neighborhood and her grandmother brought her down to meet me. I hid behind my mother and she hid behind her grandmother. Both dared not look at each other. But soon we were no longer shy,and started playing with each other.

In the 7th grade,I was no longer so friendly with her. She was going through family problems then,and I deserted her to make friends with some more interesting people. None of my new friends liked her because they thought she was not cool. However,every summer we would visit each other,watch soap operas and talk about the boys we liked.

It was not until last year that I noticed the problem. She was no longer that happy girl I had known before. But at that time,she made a new best friend and so did I. So I didn't take it seriously. Then I was told that she cut herself!

She was diagnosed (诊断) with clinical depression (抑4卩症) .At first,I was very upset,but we still kept in touch. I wanted to be there with her because her new best friend was justaway from her and people said she was crazy.

Yesterday she came to me and said ," I never knew what a best friend was until I met you. You're the only person who would stop me cutting. I appreciate your help so much that I think even my sister couldn't have done more and better than you."

We both cried. A friend is not someone who plays and laughs together with you,but the one who worries about you and cries for you. Let us be a true friend.

(   ) 6. The writer and Judy both hid behind because they felt        when they met for the first time.

   A. worried   B. shameful   C. shy   D. upset

(   ) 7. The underlined word "deserted" in Paragraph 2 is the closest in meaning to "         ”.

   A. went away from   B. advised   C. took care of   D. introduced

(   ) 8. Judy was diagnosed with clinical depression. The most probable cause is         .

   A. she was too busy in high school

   B. she was too shy to solve her family problems

   C. she couldn't learn how to make new friends

   D. she went through family problems and her friends deserted her

(   ) 9. According to Judy's words,we can learn that         .

   A. the writer never helped her

   B. the writer helped her all the time

   C. the writer always felt guilty herself

   D. the writer lost touch with her since they met

(   ) 10. This passage mainly talks about         .

   A. we should turn up whenever our friends need help

   B. how to help a friend when they are in trouble

   C. a friend in need is a friend indeed

   D. when making new friends,never forget old friends


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

My friend Henry has a most unusual hobby. He likes planting flowers in strange places. When spring comes around,you can always be told that Henry has been somewhere because the dirty sides of canals,land covered with rubbish,and railway banks suddenly become full of flowers. In Henry's spare time,with pockets full of seeds,he goes round on his bicycle. He has a long pipe with him to blow seeds into spots that are hard to reach. When his flowers fade (凋谢) ,he goes around again to collect their seeds. In this way he always has a big supply.

Many people make fun of Henry,but he never lets himself get upset. Recently I often had tea with him and he told me that once he was planting seeds in a large piece of waste land,the owner came along and sent him away. Henry returned some days later when there was no one around. You can imagine how surprised the owner was when he saw a large letter "H" in flowers which went right across this neglected        (waste) piece of land!Henry took me round his house and I was astonished to see that there was only one small bunch of flowers in a pot. When I questioned him about this,he answered, "They're not fresh. They're artificial. Fresh flowers should be out there where they belong. " And he pointed out of the window to a garden full of flowers.

(   ) 11. We can know from the reading that Henry         .

   A. likes planting flowers in winter

   B. doesn't grow flowers in good lands

   C. loves to plant flowers where people hardly reach

   D. plants flowers in dirty places

(   ) 12. Henry uses a long pipe because         .

   A. he plants seeds in strange places

   B. he wants to grow flowers more beautifully

   C. his bike is hard to run quickly

   D. it's windy around there

(   ) 13. The underlined sentence "In this way he always has a big supply" in the passage means         .

   A. he can get lots of seeds from the plants he grew

   B. other people lend too many seeds to him

   C. he will get a lot of seeds in a large piece of waste land

   D. there are lots of seeds for collecting on the way

(   ) 14. The writer thinks that         .

   A. it's all right that many people make fun of Henry

   B. Henry should get worried when he is sent away

   C. it's surprising for Henry to move about

   D. it's unusual for Henry to plant flowers like that

(   ) 15. Which of the following is true?

   A. Henry thinks there must be fresh flowers everywhere.

   B. The letter "H" in the reading means high.

   C. Henry's garden is full of flowers.

   D. The owner knows the flowers are planted only by Henry.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:













MAYDAY is a hot rock band   fromTaiwan.   Their music and the spirit expressed in the music make tens of thousands of   young people be mad at them. Some even call them "the Beatles of   China". Many of their fans believe that the terrific and crazy   atmosphere of the live




shows on their concerts is far beyond words can describe.


Now, here comes the chance to take part in their   concerts. Don't hesitate any more!

Time : October 4〜

6th, 2012.

Place : Hongkou Soccer   Stadium, Shanghai.

Tickets: ¥255 ¥355 ¥555 Stand(看台)¥755 ¥955 ¥ 1255 Infield


Those who have seen their film MAYDAY 3 DNA can have a ¥50 off with one   film

ticket. One concert ticket can accept at most ¥ 100 off. That is   to say, one person can only

use two film tickets' privilege at a time.

Methods of Purchasing : You can either come to our   company to buy the tickets or pay the

bill online. (If you want to know the address of our company or our website, click here for

detailed information.)



Both MAYDAY and their fans are proud of the " Blue Sea" they create on   the

concerts. When go

to join their concerts, remember to bring pure blue light sticks. NO


(   ) 1. The passage above is probably from         .

   A. a newspaper   B. the Internet

   C. a magazine   D. TV

(   ) 2. Most of MAYDAY'S fans are         .

   A. little children   B. old people

   C. middleaged couples   D. young people

(   ) 3. We can infer that the Beatles is a .

   A. rock band   B. famous singer

   C. movie star   D. ticket company

(   ) 4. Lisa wants to buy a ¥555 ticket,she has two film tickets,so she should pay         .

   A. ¥455   B. ¥505   C. ¥555   D. ¥355

(   ) 5. What does the writer want us to pay attention to?

   A. One can only buy the tickets online.

   B. Join the concerts on time.

   C. Wear blue clothes to the concerts.

   D. Bring blue light sticks to the concerts.

