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--I cleaning my bedroom.It’s clean now.

--Wow.When you it?

A.have finished; did; finish

B.finished; have; finished

C.finish; do; finish

D.have finished; have; finished


科目:初中英语 来源:2016届江苏灌云圩丰中学九年级上学期第二次质检英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

My teacher encouraged ______ a summer course to improve my writing skills.

A. for me taking B. me taking

C. for me take care D. me to take


科目:初中英语 来源:2016届安徽芜湖九年级上学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空

Sherlock Holmes is probably the best - known detective in the world. But do you know that there is a Chinese detective who has similar ________ ?

He is Detective Dee-Di Renjie. Di Renjie appears________ the main character in a number of crime novels and films. In these novels and films, Detective Dee solved many cases. "The first ________of sleut-hing (探案)is that you need a good memory. The second is that you need to ________ watch people's speech and facial(面部) expressions," explained Detective Dee in a movie.

________ there are always made-up stores in movies and novels, detective Dee was a real person in history. This is unlike Holmes, who was 46 by the UK writer Arthur Conar Doyle. Di Renjie (AD 630- 700) was a prime minister(宰相) under the empress Wu Zetian of the Tang Dynasty (AD618-907).

While Bao Zheng of the Song Dynasty(AD420-479) is a symbol of righteousness (正直) ,Di Ren- jie is ________ for his wisdom. In some films, Dee is also a kung fu ________ who is good at fighting.

In history, however, Di was________ of a judge(法官)than a detective. It was said that ________ working as the head of the supreme court(大理寺) ,he was a great judge. During that time, he judged 17,000 ca-ses in a year and not a single person complained.

1.A. ages B. skills C. appearances D. lifestyle

2.A. for B. with C. by D. as

3.A. rule B. law C. lesson D. instruction

4.A. close B. closed C. closely D. closing

5.A. Unless B. Because C. Although D. When

6.A. written B. played C. created D. covered

7.A. known B. seen C. shown D. acted

8.A. actor B. master C. writer D.player

9.A.better B. less C. more D. farther

10.A. while B. before C.until D. After


科目:初中英语 来源:2016届陕西西安市九年级上学期10月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

What is the hottest English word these years? “Selfie" may be one of them. It was even named Word of the Year by Oxford Dictionaries in 2013. The word was first used in an Australian online forum in 2002. Now, almost everybody knows it.

Selfie is a photo that one takes of oneself. People usually take selfies with a smart phone and send them to a social media website. Nowadays, more and more people are taking selfies. From your best friend to your favorite pop star, selfies are taking over Renren and Sina Weibo.

What makes people love selfies? Selfies can help to remember what's going on in their personal life. "Almost every day, I take a photo of myself at school, and save it in my Ozone. These photos record my happy and sad moments." said Huang Xu, 16, from Hunan. Another usual reason for taking a selfie is to share online. They hope to make friends and share their feelings with others. "During summer vacation, my classmates and I shared many selfies online. Through these photos, we got to know each other's holidays and feelings," said Wang Lin, 15, from Henan. "I'm too shy to ask someone to take pictures of me, but it's easier to do it by myself."

Although taking selfies is popular among young people around the world, they should be careful at the places where they take selfies. People are warned(警告)not to take light-hearted selfies in serious places, such as in some traffic accidents. In order to protect art works, selfie is banned in some museums and galleries, too.

1. The word "selfie" has a history of about .

A.12 years B.13 years C.15 years D.20 years

2.In Paragraph 3, the writer mentioned (提到) 2 young people to .

A. talk about their school lives

B. introduce the development of selfie

C. help people take a clear and beautiful selfie

D. explain the different reasons why people love selfies

3.The underlined word "banned" means .

A. not visited B. not stopped

C. not allowed D. not watched


科目:初中英语 来源:2016届山东禹城市九年级上学期分班考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Grandpa is getting old and he has trouble what others say to him.

A.hear B.to hear C.hearing D.have heard


科目:初中英语 来源:2016届江苏盐城市盐都区西片九年级上9月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

__________ you offered him!

A. How useful advice B. What a useful advice

C. How a useful advice D. What useful advice


科目:初中英语 来源:2016届江苏无锡惠山区九年级上9月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Not only the twins but also either of my brothers ________CCTV news every day.

A. pay attention to listen to

B. pays attention to listening to

C. pay attention to hear

D. pays attention to hearing


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏扬州翠岗中学中考二次模拟英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

---Mike, do you enjoy your present job?

--- .I just do it for a living.

A.Of course B.Not really

C.Not likely D.Not a little


科目:初中英语 来源:2015-2016学年浙江乐清育英寄宿学校八年级实验班上期中试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

_______careful you are, ________mistakes you will make.

A. The more, the more B. the more, the less

C. The more, the fewer D. the less, the less

